Confiscated Records Reveal KLAN IS ON RAMPAGE IN N.C. Home-State Edition _ SINGLE COPY VOLI’ME~XxIX KALEK4H, NORTH (‘ARODNA SAT! UDAY. -SEPTKMBEK », 195*; NO. 40 | Three Die in Cavern S.C. KLANS HIT; TOP MEN JAILED '' J I i ■ ' ** - % HOLY COMMUNION: American soldiers receiving Holy Conimuitlou during Catholic Service*, one* isaif mile behind Ui«- froitl lines somewhere in Korea. These soldiers are 1,4 picul of the mum Cl’* who attend religious services in the combat stone. Mon Army chaplains have lost their lives during the re- Wfut fighting. More Than 59 of Hooded Men Are Placed In Jail I „ | BY T. V, JEKVAY ieditor. WILMINGTON JOURNAL •Hid Stars Writer CAROLINIAN NEWSPAPERS) MYRTLE BEACH S. C Mon day, Labor Day A fighting law enforcement officer of Horry Conn t yhas given tiro Ku Ktux Klan one of the worst blows ever in the ioug and rlotious rein of this infamous band of hoodlums who covered their acts of violence with their white bedsheets and steepleshaped poods, Sheriff f,' E. Sasser has real ly got (he truly un-Arne; scan boys on the run - and on double quick time at that. As we write this story which is beind done a few minutes alter talking with one of Sheriff Sasser's chief deputies at Atlantic Beach, famous Negro resort situated 11 miles to the North of here ap proximately 50 kluckers, including Grand Dragon Thomas L. Hamilton of Leesville, S. C\, have been ar rested and jailed in connection with the acts of violence carried out here last Saturday night. The de puty, who had several rifles in the fMtr seat of his car, told this writer |W hf'had not si apt for two nights. He .fid huntedKlansmen as con P scynMy as the would-be upholders of W and order had tracked down innocent Negroes. And the job would not be completed, he said, until all of the gang had been rounded up and jailed. we have covered several lynch logs and many acts of violence, but HC&utiau#d m page g, inis section} IT ! HAPPENED ; IN CAROLINA ' _ __ IL _ XUM _ . i Cutting Out , WAYNESVILLE Bloodhounds bayed un the trial of four men who meant it when they decided to "cut ' out" from a block at the Haywood ; County prison Camp near here on i Labor Day ; i The four men used a saw for : their cutting activities, sawing then- • way out of a cell-block and then • scampering over a 7-foot wall. ■ Seventy-two other prisoners in the . block could also have used the exit had they known or cared to do so, i officicals of the camp report.. | 9 Plus 1 Is Ten ■; ELIZABETH CITY —'Nine and | one equal ten. and that’s just the • I number of persons who were on - trial here Wednesday forth pos session of non tax-paid whiskey, ' J TRAIN SEVERES ARM OF MSN NEAR HENDERSON HENDERSON A 39-year-old railway workman lost an arm here early last Sunday morning when an engine hitched to freight cars ran ovt the limbs, severing it below the elbow. Admitted to Jubilee Hospital here at about 2:30 A M. Sunday was Coley Williams, who had been working with a crew on the Sea board Air Line Railroad when the accident occurred, Hospital attaches say that Williams left arm was severed. A native of between Norlina and Wise, Williams was reported in "fair condition” this week having lost considerable blood when first admitted to the local hospital. The victim was discovered by fellow workmen lying on the tracks near where an engine drawing freight ea.s had passed and was rushed to the hospital. He was a member of one of the work units which have been active in the vic inity ior the past two week. IS! Be lotte Klavern I Records listed lis Violent Intents j - Record* se-i rM \ \ Y ’* r.r\ fV>P Ku j jvir- lqi. of j |'• if\'• . | Kifn,,dfi Tipn/ i j 'I >.*' -i M-r:i«. w■' «■>>, ** n | I :> •n r- "A *,A h. * r frA>YJ | ! r-t - tfu- o'Y'^rtv i j **••>« VI or. Hnt >ccr. V lt *h\nd 'it | , '.-ss-.r-f r,t' iYTt f ' rrn ' vc “ an- - ' ' Ire 4H<a <♦»»*/> r*'r?r>«' .HniKirv T ’ /Vrrt ~,,r > *i •;< »►.«• V|»n nn«« { •', ?i - ( rr p.«tp even un- ! i f. J' ♦ f »•» *» rn**** ) * | xr IV‘v *V l- t>* : * >' lat|l prij-f | *"< e*; jft***- t» r *Y'n J f-sArjl. v f»4 '•At. r *o* iiv> «>*■ *L sfs *t" Is vi t<yss». rt,rif *‘v •’ ITSr,,,nw„ hfipc V H mHpV i’* if»c*»nr'i*f»dl **w> j i h >Oph ftffK rmrl i* Hf*n f|p't' ; ju r> f o o»- e, c ~,*»*,,•» Vnpiina m»r»ie Ihe j { *‘ n c.i f*np«u as tu n fami i ,l «c; ♦h'*+ r* moved into | **«tnlnsi**i**v u T HNf> thrm rrV » thp of , Vlovr-I'n «*“ fnilon tn incjjjoot#! tjorrif 4 |H ic hftlipuorT fHit |hn Kl^n | unit rack o' ire hiwniw’ n? a jp *hc- \-4rrl of a Orsundiiirn I wavo who had beer intimidated h<* | f.-.»lnw emnlrivees at i textile mill ; Short- fnSlrx.’inc- a up-rating for the j Negro worker OTHER DATA Other data in the records seized j ihere riurind the nasi week end ; jshowej that, the Kian eharaed an ; initiation fee of SIO.OO per person |wi*h a monthly dues tax of 50 cent 1 . The refords, containing tfse ; crime of at> estimate^ l ‘>o# per ! K ominued on page », this section) j ME Bill Efforts Bv Workmen Fail As Ton Os Dirt ! Falls Into French CHARLOTTE - Three*- Negro ■ laboriM'H were suffocated to death ■ here tast week whoa the ditch in which they were working caved in. burying them alive. Found dead under nearly a. ton of dirt were Charles Ivey, 21, Early Barber 150. and Sam Blackman. 30. all employees of a City Sanitation 1 Department and Water Department ; work, crew laying sewer pipes, i The nieu were working in a nar. ] ■ row shaft ditch about twelve feet - deep last Thursday when the dirl - above them suddenly shifted and - began pouring into the hole. Efforts by fellow workmen to stay ihe sliding mass of earth proved futile and the men died | gasping for breath. Immediate rescue efforts were launched, with volunteer workers going to the aid of the workmen , who labored valiantly to unearth the victims. ’ Superintendent OJe n u Kft riser. ! who was overseeing the job of lav ing sewer pipe, said he could dc. 1 tern r*o cause for the “Hide. Individual funeral service? were held during; the weekend and on Monday. . Where Klansmen Wreaked Havoc At Beach j ' : *' '' " ' ■• f' '’" " " " V *' '"' ’' ' s?** .:,;%■ * %•'.• ■‘-'•iti-'J ■ '; *:■•»-.* , fj&L'JisSfps: ' .; F: \FU'SIVE FHOTOS OF SCENE OF S. (’ TROL'BI.E TOf* HOV, l.ett ■ Front >f Gl u'lie s f'hic*- at My: f I Beacii. S i\ Its cwner. Charlie Fitzgeraid defied the Kluu. and this resulted in the violt-r.!.-** which rocked Horry County, S (’. TOP ROW; Right Case and bar owned bv Fitzgerald. Although the sign say-; “Inning Room,” actually this is the immediate establishment which was in volved in the .Saturday night melee Note the windows which have since been hoarded to keep out curioasity seekers. The place, lop left, was used ns a dining room. An expensive music machine was damaged in the building at night. MIDDLE. Left -Close-Up of damaged front. .MIDDLE Right—Charlie Fitzgerald's Dance Pavidiom where Race Radio Station Set HEADS BUREAU—J. H. Sykes, popular churchman and veteran newsman of Norfolk, Va., and Elizabeth City, N. C. has recent ly teen appointed chief, of the Winston-Salem edition bureau of the CAROLINIAN. Mr. Sykes heads the advertising and cir culation departments, a*Mi man ages other activities of the bur eau. (See Story Next Week). Holiday Death Toll Is Low; 4 Road Deaths Reported LAD’ RBAD RALEIGH - A 14-year-old hoy has been charged here with being the person who cotmnftrct! a aeries of thieveries and for being an all around one-person’i crime wave. Ed Junius Austin of near Gar. | nc-r has been aceused of thefts in i the Township In which he lives ' i Continued sm page & this section) WINSTO.V.SALE.M Tin- fust; all. Negro radio .-dation in North ■ Carolina—long a dream- is daily | becoming a reality as a pruad-.asL I ing company which will use the ; call letters \VAAA lakes shape. Scheduled to go under construe, lion within Ihe month is a tower some 23r>_fi*rt jn height This tow. er, which will he located in Kernes, viile, will house the facilities of ' tlio 1000. wait station is schedul'd ito cover the Winston-Salem-j Grcensboro.Htgh Point area. Genera! manager of the new company is Ted Deeper, well-known jiarlio man, who has announced the | acquisition of some of the most i : able Negro talent in the field of j ! radio. j I OFFICES' SET Offices for the new fadlitv are | j located at the corner of Church j ; and Third Streets, where construe, j Lion and equipment is already un. I l derway. Gene Sink, commercial j | manager of the station, has at. ' I ready moved into the business of. ! | fires j ALL NEGRO- PERIOD I The new station will he person.! ; tided completely by Negroes, Mr. j Leen-r has announced, with talent. | i ed Negro engineers having already j 1 been employed through cooperation RALEIGH Despite an expect ed high in road fatalities during the long Laor Day Holiday week end, Death failed to claim a record number of Negro lives in North ..Carolina, with only four persons | reported victims of road mishaps at i iCAROLINIAN presstime. | The most serious of the boil j day accident report?)! to the ! network of staftsmen for this newspaper was the one that 1 occurred in Lee County Sun | day morning when three pei- hig.time bands pi ayed for colored dancers an t white women and meit spectators. Such interracial mixing was frowned upon b> Klaus men. Police say there is no law against whites goiuif there. BOTTOM. Lest —$60,000 Motor Court owned by Fitzceraici. Myrtle Beach’s mayor denied that white women were kept there by owner for immoral purposes. Girl in photo is bruising message to network staff writer i that Mrs. Fitzgerald will not be Interviewed. BOTTOM. Rich! -(’tose-un home the Fitzgeralds. Mrs Fitz- K*.; aid was secluded here after questioning b.v officers The attraettvo j cottage sets in the middle of the spacious and beautiful Motor Court ALL PHOTOS AUR EXCLUSIVE AND WERE MaDR BY T. C. ! JERVAY for the ft 11.. MING TON JOURNAL and the CAROLINIAN. with the Midway Technical School of Atlanta. \ Applications may he made to the , company for posts as disc jockeys, jicwanmn .secretaries, salesmen uud . engineers, it has been announced. Flans are being made to have the station serve as a full eommun. It y f<u i illy, with time being allot ed < hurdles, the local Teacher# Col lege, schools and other such insti tutions. i The management of the station ha*, announced itself interested in I gaining the most able of personnel j and has secured the services of ; Tommy Williams, former amumn. *er ad Raleigh’s Radio Station j WPTF as a trainer of personnel. I Was It Richard? RALEIGH Maybe H was Richard who opened the door but Alex Rogers of 318 Maple Street wishes Richard has stay ed at home at the time, A door Hew open on Rogers’ truck <m W. Peace Street here this week, causing a woman in a car behind to have a motor mishap, Damage of more than SIOO sons were killed and four in jured when two cars collided. ,; Killed when a crash wrecked the I automobile in which they were i riclicn just south of Sanford on i Highway 87 were Alfred Norris, 23, | (white) of Sanford. Route 7: Theo ;dore Persons, 16 of Broadway, .Route 1 and Mary McGould, 24 of Route ti Sanford. BABY KILLED In F'ayetteville, Erskin Peterson, hi 2-and-a-haif year old baby, was 1 (Continued ou page 8. this section) I T s< 4 ; . ~.J& | GETS APPOINTMENT Mr*, i Sfcrtic Harris Baiey of Dayton, j Ohio, was appointed last week ' executive directress of Tuttle j Community Center, Raleigh, the | fourth since the origination of the center. She received her eiiuM | tiori from the Dayton Public | School and is a graduate of Wii j berforce Slate College, Wilber i force, Ohio,, with a Batchelor's | Degree in Social Administration. BUS JIM CROW iRAR FACES MAN i Ttv ,t Warren , | rocky MO T, vu n. c. i special l ■j John f>. vuniwmg of Sprint Lltnne M ''' and Norfolk. Va., wa; - orrostpboro early Mondav morn, i,.. d'-ira'crl with violating G’< «•••>*•• Dm Grow'seating law in con - , tiny with h!s ‘ aliened r*ftl«*»i U ’; mnvn from the fourth seat; feon ! (Continued an page S, this section

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