18 Students Narrowly Escape Death In Crash PKI'/.F I’OK pi: U'K- \ »<•« honor was act .tried Or. Ralph Bunche l-*st 'a eek when it « announced that the lamed me din tor of differences between claimants to Israel mid been named wianor or the No* 1 IVoi Prize. Dr. Buiuhe thus become' the first Negro ho: In addition to valued medal. t.h> award also curries a cash sti pend of some s|>r. Pm nr he won the prize out of , of IS tiorainces including Presi dent Jruniin, H in 1 : ton Churchill. General George (. Moi'liali ai.d Several Other rijtiellv os promt pent persons IT | HAPPENED | . * a in CAROLINA 1-ls Hans Made RALEIGH . ■ > -. romfntmi‘y -i.Md av*vi ~ion agents m»’t M t’«‘ C r. .t f -. . Onter ncv<- Mo?-! --- f ; tivivs f<>. : an ,j J. A.- * men? Pa v th.- Jff > .c, a- t {?i ; of f, . Daneehall Doings THOV -- Thyrsi ' >*.> • i?o* tiro** \*'t iY\t% Mo cf?»nnr f~ec»j j LttdcT. H'isAt. Worn \jr.»nr*M . ‘HV*>. • 2? - ■ '' his U\ ToXV , .l^ i 'i\ r l •V \ ;A-lr turSjv .» ff> ! r\ r- ht *: ■ v J •»/• pin •• *(- :? i. »v ho i has been h#?M in j«ul without bone, f av'«?Jti>:i§ h?r.i in the rase*. Tba ::I*»•»'.»I in-: *•: v<i in a tnc ‘*at“*o ‘ rjiff and daiu’C haH* -t.*iishmen? in jUr, llv* >»■<.•• ;o?\ I of CatKk s ?. Never 100 Old tII ! \STOS T« .l *,lf II fi nPt! Hits h erU Ui.it ope is never tun old to gn Tr. 3 tie Place. These two men, whose ages <!fe. said to be in the Isle fill's were arrested here early litis week ami charged with theft of tolmrcn from ;t local ware house, The men, Gaston Halsey and Burl T-ivinr were perus ed of taking ::10 pouP :< of the colrim, leaf from the local Star \Y a rehouse » KOREAN WAR' Private* First Class Harry Plyrner of AtiaoU, <l*. and Charles Taylor of Los Angeles, California, stack ammunition for the 23th Infantry Division somewhere in Korea. These men are typical of (he irtanv Negro soldiers who »r« working to supply the infantry doughboys with much needed supplies foe (he front-lines. college mmcA I 'ome-State Edition _ /%)^v I? | p ( (V^ i i : INGLE COPY ... , 77". 7 di- v\*T\ ii.vU'iKni, 7SWTII (: A K 01.1 Nv- A T!.' R D.\ V, SEPTEMBER :’>o, 1950 NO. 15 : Alleged 'Roots' Victim Injures 3 in Durham mm fill i UliPj ll liiLL cpunni one m dUiOjOL Uud til dn f n Miifisp fulfil; iiiildil/if iluue 1 rurk hni LH t Ciintro! Ifi Wret k Vfith Selioiil Veli!< le < •;TA!*K: HIM. Kiehteen f • f:; ’ f{>? i ' / i T(' •'M.’UtOVtSf.y Sneed fisirn inisrv when a ebain ;eildins is-::; on ~ t.'i .k ' iuch , c t *> ~.s i; u . bus on wi'.tch they f | held Pis n ear ->-i t*l ace tele nt in wn*ch f! | .led Me 't jo-, led Uh bass . rt, .v., -1 to. a C-’i-bm-o himb-vf . -ill erre,-t.e.; ,fj ;3,. T,• of the j sc-m.rn! vohicie' before overturning. . tfi.»k plane it< or ihi spot where ..1 rt .year-'kd • ,■ 1 1• •. truth lost ' his life on Aucu.-.t !l when the tt'uek tie was cirivitis nrysteriotr,- i iy i r isbcd into the roadside \ecniding to sDciiw.iv pati'*l mui I G Parnell, a truek load ed witlt heavy pine logs and 1 ring driven by Henry Walker re-* .cut of Corhoro, went out of control and side-swiped the Ot ange County School Bus V>eing driven by 111-year old Roy OUT ham Oldham, whose home ts at Route (Continued on p-ige 8, this section) .7 ENEMY BEWARE: A rifileman of * 5 * the itlh Infant.'. Krpment searches , ' v *' ' ~... h Korean straw hot for enemy troop*. A .# . <i - Many enemy soldiers bare bent - changing civilian cloth“« when I N wifiVk;'.' dj, | WARREN COUNTY’S ht Sgt. Brewer Killed j In Korean Battle I WAR RENTON A sergeant, member of Use famed all-Negro :24th Infantry Division, has r>e j come the first warren county man to lose his lift 1 in the Korean Wm ! announcement made here, this; week reveals. The Rev. Cullen Brewer, well-known local Baptist min ister, was advised Inst week Wanted At Once--Nurses HAUdGH The Raleigh local office <>l the Fro ploy .Security Commission has very urgent openings for register ed nurses of all races who arc nee. led for the Army Hospital at foil Bragg, approximately JO miles from Fayetteville, Housing is available. They will perform general nursing duties In the rare and treat ment of Korean casualties Working hours are 40 per i | Liquor Raids Net 46 FAYETTEVILLE The wave 1 of heavy arrests being made to break up file lucrative illicit liquor | racket in the state halted here this • week to arid another 46 persons I —all Negroens-—to the sever grow i ing lists. The local arrest, climaxing undercover investigations by I | stale Alcoholic Beverage Con trol ofUcerg, were made !\y local ABO attaches, assisted by members of the Ciimerland- Sheriff’s Department and the. that his son, .Master Sergeant Nit-odeums Brewer, .'.B, had lost his life in the fighting in Korea, The notification came front the War Department Sgt. Brewer, a member of the) H-adquartcrs Company. First Ba pillion of the 24th Infantry Div ision, died while ftt'httng in South ■ Continued on page k, this section! week, plus overtime Duration, of work is permanent; Sex, j female; Color, open All in terest,erl applicants arc asked j to contact nearest local State Employment Service Office. Wake. Franklin and John son County applicants should I contact the Raleigh office at I :;j:i !«;; Fayettovile Street <i i- I rectly across from the First i Office Building -* * " ~ | : Fayetteville Folier Opparf ment. All the arrest..', were made this ! past weekend within a period of 48 hours. The persons arrested i will be charged with violation of I prohibition laws by (possession of l whiskey for tin* purpose of sale. • A large percentage of the cases, , according !o Col. H. C. Larsen of the ABC office, involve the sale of “white” and other non tax paid whiskies. LOUIS LOSES NEW YORK - "Fin}* <va- | •t'i it!?.;■» *■;. tli® greatest sports leg I of the p iit cjfii->de a t S’anker- ■ Radium here last Wednesday i #,:gnt vi'hen Joe Lou is, 36. and j eekhia to retain the Heavyweight j ; oxing championship of the world j was defeated by unanimous de-; •• c.'sion by Ezxard Charles. 26-year nid Citicinattianr and pre*fight \ holder of the National Box mu A»- 1 :;ociatj«n heavyweight title (Continued on ia?o S, this section > ! COP ASSAILANT m SHOTkin BVEH iJO SSG , Durham Officers Are Victims Os Saturday Night fviin-Slinger n r DURHAM -- The condition of | V< <> Nee.fi police officers v/ho ; ! were shot hei e Saturday night iby i mar! who allegedly believed ; : hex" had been put upon him, ; was reported as fair by Lin I ! coin Hospital just prior to CARO LINIAN press time Wednesday, ; Under-going treatment tor serious shotgun wounds ad mittedly inflicted upon them by the supposed ‘toots" vie- 1 tim are Officers Otis Parker and Frank lifetime two of Durham’s ten Negro police- j men. j (Continued on page 8, this section! | ONE "BOARD FOB TEACHER jUMIASKFD ! Recommendation Asks State To I iiifv Three Teachers’* Colleges | RALEIGH The advisability of ! consolidating North Carolina's j three Teachers Colleges under one ! hoard of trustees was . ven great, j consideration by the State Advis. j ory lid get Commission in session here this week. The feasibility of converting the teachers colleges al Vt inston-sal. em, Fayetteville and Elizabeth i City Into a single unit was taken | under consideration when it was I pointed out that, each of the three colleges was lacking in a report, ment. for vocational training. ■ I The Commission also heard ar gument that the teaching field in 11the state is already heavily crowd, i ed both in the elementary and •; high school levels. | (Continued on page 8. thl« section) tTION ASKED i Flltsr -sT GHENT. GHTGOKT H Swanson, iefg Marjtin ivlllo, Va. j attomev, 1.-c-eOßtes the first Negro JUDGE TAKING TWO WEEKS DNC Decision Du 1 DURHAM - It c: . '•r.n'nf 1 ■'ere this week that the cleci'; ion • ,in ti ip case involving suit by N« students for admission into the Law School at the Univotvt'y . of North Carolina will be forth i coming within two w-eeks RUMORS PROVE TO RE FALSE St. Augustine’s Will Not i Protest Loss To N C College HALEIOIf Rumors that St. | Augustine's College will protest its , | foot La 11 defeat 'ey North Carolina ; College may be discounted for the 1 lips they arc, the CAROLINIAN i learned Wednesday. ' Rumors that the Raleigh Inati ! tuuon would lodge (protests with; ; the CIAA Commissioner of Offiv i - ----- N. C, MAN WAS THE VICTIM I Officers Await Sentence ! For Torturing Prisoner RANT A FE, New Mexico a • i North Carolina Negro was lUv vie. ! tan in the case in which sentences 1 i are to be drawn this week for three former peace officers arcus- : ed of torturing » prisoner. A. L. < Happy) Apodaca, former 1 Dona Ana, County sheriff, and Roy Sandman, former deputy, along with Suite Police Chief Hilbert I MERCHANTS EXTEND INVITE Patrons Urged To Enter F ashions W eek Competition RALEIGH Member-stores of the Raleigh Retail Furniture As sociation are urging their Negro customers to take advantage of j the many offerings of their see. i j ond annua! Home Fashions 'lime | event and to deposit cupons for val ! uable prizes being offered during i the week-long observance in their , respective establishments. tr, entfr ibe t'uivi*tstt> of tp - fcitiia Law School fail ' f,ir •Nackols. Law Revb « K- **' Middle Di-Mu'* *.■' Com"- -JiKig“ -iotur-on H Haye- 'cbo : heard the -mt brought by four North Carolina College Tvrv .School students ) >c admission inio what they tcrincci 1 better law ,s; hooj- at the University, reveal ink; against officiating in last Sat urday's game in which the Saints were handed a questionable 12 to ! fi defeat by tim NCC Eagles a' Durham having been making thfj. rounds in Durham and in Raier-i. and first came to light wh-m there . were continue,! impartial blasts at the officials who handled h" game I Tile CARON!XIAN learned. Beasley, arc awaiting t.the passage i of .sentence upon, them after hav. i jnx ht.en convicted September 21 !on charges of torturing Wesley Eugene Byrd. ?S, of Altapass, N. jC in an attempt to make him ■ confess. Charges against the men, oil which the former sheriff was con- I vieb’d of two counts and thedep. it has been pointed out that ■ the many beautiful and valuable ■ tokens which will be presented customers by the local furniture | | dealers during Hie event are avail- j i able (o ALL customers and that j the majority of the 17 member-' j stores ore staying open beyond regular afternoon dosing times in i order to accommodate patrons who cu'-ses ii'ith ;Uv*T!!nm, his coal fit graduate study during regtsa tkm. I ~-1 'hat would give his dec mater week alter ne 'j']..- \i j, ’ rii ad e the JiiHOU n * ri Aat v.-hen he received the . c „ n ; . -,f the recent trial h« Monday. (Continued on page 8, this sects® however, that coaches li S! Augustine's have no Infenliei of asking official investigatloi of the game. Coach Koy (tie Dee) Moore, head foofbal mentor at the local chool sal; that he and his colleagues were unaware the rumor were being circulated and tha (Continued on page A. this secUt t n > >• <nd State Ftiirs Chisf n. t j-nfi i.-ieU of 1 one such ate consp ; Jicy to violate and actual violati of the civil rights of Byrd, who ft their prisoner. _ The men were indicted by Federal yrund jury several wee ago ,«ft'M it was revealed that th t,rir| taken part in the torture (Continued on page ft. this seefi* ■ tire delayed by their work a Through other circumstances fri ! visiting the stores during regu i hours. prizes with a total cash va! exceeding 32100 are being offei during this second annual Hot Fashions Time observance, w the grand prize being a nit I (Continued on pate 8, fbisi Scctit

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