PAGE EIGHT Continued From Page i STRONG >1 \N info a local extai li-htnent stealing tli-’ ‘-at'.' therein, roll Ing it down the street, hoisting !( Ult(( .( !,IV .111(1 thfll ing a getaway, had esc apod front * pe-lUi camp where h* was serving * 7 |« hi • >r st-ntencr. ycooniing to airosting' ofM cor.’-. Jeter - 1 ■ - n-.p>, d fa bolt from a window ,ss officers wf'-’ making their check Mo '•»■•* • wv->-* *r i«• ■ to is »■ mu red j taxicab at saHsliurv and i.-ane M. » >■ V i.l MAIN* 16 rictds. nii’o. *nl - ... to 4 hot pi al but f dDd to ;>-. • <1 the nißtrc of «-r ;.Unef • until Sun day. pop- v -is ,1 h- ! ' as be rn-H'Ci «(I.ltlkorii;. ~! .11. • ,1 hiiy.v. y shortly nfterw *.rii {j.jfr for *hr 1 n;i 2 ' ■ ! D: ■ h‘ w il ing ha not bven ot (;OU)EN Hi u jt» f'n, offices in 1 tin c 3 r'- ( John Simmons, sijperitUi-nibso, When tiic letter w,-> opened U ■ ; '1 -fl. Hind ■o'. . I : «•! piece of paper, three MOO bills one $5 bill and three .M bill- tr, ■anii' "ienorninations a« the niniicy lost four years . u-.>. Mr Dobson tc'iCii - R n - be an aj -plication of th<- G (, k!e.n Rule finding As way buck home Some 15 years -go, Dobson loann n Lillfold it: the 'i mt 'outuiiun./. h m» of money H< ‘ru’ned it i . to the offices and refused a >■■■ ward. Mr. Simmons sums it up this way. lit- -ays The man i\n took tl’e monev has probably Joined the church since •» incident and hi. finiirii tc' fold him So ectarn the money SEN. GRAHAM .1-v it e ifcil Senator f.l ,b;i- . v, oil id be legal- T"v- tumic that 'rjll appear in ?)i» ScimHr In’ category on the November bnlkv are loose ’ f Mi Sr rh •■7f vfiCtory in the r-rimstry n,t ‘, - mount to fleet ion .mi v t.. 1. . v in. Sanford attorne; uni G<~>p standard-lis. >;e, OXFORD WOMW aftor bring •'••(iviiifrf? th« value of a found" pocket book. The woman promt*. I'd to -hue the contents °r the poc- It.-thopk ii Mrs. Raglan-! ivniilil put up i 100 4 . 4 .how Os goo faith. Tl.e p : hCC ■' i i-c tv.rned. nitre \it: coi irr lowing Moudny'- r hua ■ - Lu m 1 lair ■> program th mih which th* ease ui.h : bo -civ me*- . 1 , \VI - i niton. IMAGINE •© s genuine V\festin£house LAUNDROMAT AUTOMATIC WASHES! dte Im/face of # ’2 IP i \ \ ~ // \ ACT TODAY ’\ / \ \. » Small Down Payment ; I 24 Months to Pay j, ' •••v v ** ,- »>" ' I P*"” ’ SirArsssl "" ft issss U J FEATURES * Fully automatic • Fills itself with water • Wauhof < lotlujs for t he -elened time » Drain- away the wash water » Spra V rinses » Anri spina away the wash water • Fills d-seli and deep rinses (bn clothes * Drains, (ills and deep rinse.' the second time • Drains, spins lie* clothes practically dry » ((leans and drains itself • Shuts off. you gah ss SURE ..if rrs'Wkstinghousc Hayes-Jackson Electric Co. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 133 East Hargett Street . Dial 3-SO3l L01.1.1L1 CONFAB ! di; Ilv .'ib-i-i ! freedom I,be \ii:- -•1-m V. ' Oiscir,sions fnllowma t l '*' I. . .hi .1 rr •. c, are t n ii lead i- v t >r s“•e ph Mini'-,. l. pvnl- .so* iif ncinlog: : 1. \ 1 i allege .»!>;! 11 r 111 t i i cit Tomer oi li 1 e snrth { -ir rljwa t.‘l>llog#- I 111 school l> .in Mmliw ho-i n ii.‘led A uuit'niiu: .p 'onn ; a i'oUi.ucd to get ,1-1 rgti 1•/ nt to cl .in. nil •; rr ii. n-ith on i.fici riM-Mi .ou .-nr) beduled .tor J Hi El HEME N i,- UrtiPd vvhen hired to bp Outf w-farre the popuiatiou is predomi -1 rdm ro tbc resolution. a, study will he made in other „. > firemen iiro currently employm 1!l • fori to facilitate their inte gration into the local Depart mm ? Tl.<; Rev Kenneth Williams lone ,'b ~:n iccttiber "f ‘.be thmrd •>; \ • ■.. olid “lie -I tpi' f* =ll* .■ i . ;,• vrit 1 ;jg in f.lvur o£ Ihe 1 e:i)i. .‘.ion tiiankcd the groirp ivl:»utly for it.-, action, saying Wi.ilt I tin n-it understand ;H! tup sections of 'he ordinance. I f.-e! that the program will be Tt e ai'ti'Hi takttU I > the H>- cal Aldermen is to have an efieet in other larger North t irolir-.i cities, it is believed here. Already the City of Dur ham has undertaken .« stu > of tin- plausibility ol employ ing Negro firemen and Char lotte. Asmvillf and others of Ihe larger cities are expected to follow the local precedent. .-•tting action ) ill M, SOI.DH.i; Funeral ;i i-uk. are ! < ! ‘'d th is ••X »•. KCitCl. MOTHIiK If \ NT;S 'hU In ar-eomi' case of elf-th .iniL'inm. Mrs Margaret Lipscomb.- "a. I ''d the mother of. nine children. nißp* 'iiy bung her -.••if v ith a msA tie from a door jam. H‘T ir-tK "is discovered i. ii l f rot t -a doorway. Dr i-b A II '- Durban! Coim -1 y .01 'o,(. 1 *.O dive - 1 u -ted r.nt» ■ i mi, p-jo.-nd that Mrs. Lms -i, li.if.i taken her life because -if ' (.0 rv i.-r a |ing l ring dine, Fu.'i'.-r.i! a rrafigeni-'iit- mid not I ii-ci: . .cepin.-'i ,i ( A BOLIN IAN 01 iit-NT ( n iZFA i -CO -ii I 'll l ears Os age nl t here. 1 1" 00l Mrs j horopson r 4 m. lined hale and heart'.. *ht IK; h nearly t iirid. She iv a s osp ciafly noted for her ing ing. possessing a strong i nice despite h<r years. Nri’*-.iiiU d to Ho in atte«daiKN funcra, services schwbvlf'ci on fc " •' V - ; 50 GIVF Mil SHOW AT MOD VitO (Veil triwumiu. art advisor to the Nigerian govern ment will open a onc-uian art show it Howard t'niver-ety Oct. IS. A Nigerian by birth, Km «inis 11 u- considered one of the most oatsamtiiig sculptors of lh« Ditching With Dynamite Saves Farmer Many sss’s Opening .1 ••li'.mi-'ige ditch m O;. i,:.-inilf - ns! 0,1(1 .•{ 1 v ii.-i lof r-- -uit.ed in an estimated m.u ing 01 -.17., lor Madeor- tJotmiy i. o ur ; i.ome-a i- - . umn ■'! the An-iorh By 1 'Vii.miiillii; the ditei; I'd'; - UUSph v-e : e abi( to drain all objec tiomible swamp, remove the .>o'.trco •»t to“i mt in lection 111 hi; chUIo am. .ravage i.rur.c*; kind lor [r: t tor soi; e nine F-'icuson had been treating foot rot in bis eat ; P tut hv sue. j.-d in ; Jsl- c; ■ e n * hi . : V' Holloway, county -mrnt tor the jsiple tualege Lxtc 0.-'i oo Service, for advico on ijow I" romro! b Ois'.'ase. Hollow-ll v :i;og Ihe in i 'em lo -"H< w*f I'T'i ..;* on ■ ■in under control, the coUh •= •>;.'! <J jock up more from the , ■ i ayp. i-,'igi:.',il d-cirJea m Ofai.i Mu; A;;,'!)!* li -vm-e iy for .. divli bbr ’ dcouui.4-v.Don To drain Hu e <•:. w ui" It Was fii'li'd that, dd*'h -iiotimi iifiO ft'<d lend aou :t I •' (eel (if . 1 '.VI -ujd !>*■ 1 erp.l I v i-.'i -.- s r.t j.,) hi tv hi n. T'ourc iay it A 1; m ,! it-- -.- v Bu t list C.’-:,;n*'h two :,urvr. m.; -rtn, 12 gr-'iud-cHUdron -><! t ;i ;> udciiiklren. one l !'.’ pc- c • TWF: WILMTNGTOT-T JOtTRNAT day. H-- holds a fine arts diploma from London University and is now .-a fellow til the Royal An thropological Institute. His cri tics a-grec he has acquitu.l a mastery of western technique in both his painting and sculpture work. lANPj d.v;;.ii;uti were :.:<er along with n . ( ij. to ‘ oft the c-i>um-. D,irv.- n\i.te sv-K v vvvi.'F 15 tuch s - tilt* -'Jh; (,‘f liir {>ro ); D.->t d CU csi. Then the electric cp;> was piactd in the. Rost Dick n oudbl-.- wire cxiiii it-ri, to u b.'ifc distance. A- the 1 ciivi'gi; went off. i>a cubic yards Oi mud. s umps, water. and ■gi-.Vv'ci n• w 3d! tc- t 'sto I.:'.*' oir. Wiii-it th L - snioki.- cU-n.i vU aw V". ~()•.■ tutors .-av a perfect clraiiUyg . Mitch 2t>2 sci-i ioiic. 3 1-2 f ; C ■ n..i 3 loot v.-td* at the top. Th ! ntii' ‘-'pOitltDlJi t.'DSv t<buU* ; c.uh'h of why I it weald had i! been done by band, and teciuiiN-o ’ t}'H' M'.’v ICol Ol»iy ‘out pVM v*)ib: j NCC Eagles Win 13 l o 0 fit' f 'I. A 1 S! a vnns-i nnvi;u. rv-l, Th? Forth. Caro.. 1 in.s Cell* :re Fag'e purtcbe'd out t vii foul tk cjutitcr I.,‘ic'o i'iv ns V e-aiu ■„ -uird'-vicried t.'t-O victory . •• .• S' It,l College ciV'd'-T'-- 1 Re tv 1.0 t Saturday. The victory wy the third -mi t nr : ,-i,. on so. One h Hcnru-n it Rid, ! duck'; :lc- Tlv Hornet;: have suffered two consecutive set. back.. Tii- fubhoiuiy .i.-ti.'-; rv|a-i -- -it-, .-ice, ol put. Mp .- stiff i. title m Mil ..''orris'- fii’-t iudi - u,.e/ 10-i.-i :>i*- K-gic. fur four ri’•••'•' - ■a ;e,,, 7 ■ 1 r two ' orb line !.o tl.-g fir 4 quarter au-i p< n- f rated C- ti'o- N'ort!) <oi ii,a ("-'He -.- ye an ' (I'-rutl drive sfku-kecl by the aectu'- c !■■■■■; II : 1 ft' ,: ■ If ‘!' 1.-<" ' fill-'-; Clout m- Brown. Finally isserting their superior itv. the i-.nglr: ni.u rhrd 60 .yard;; ; for their £jrt tcly -•«:»»! struck 1 through tile air '■33 yards out p - 1 tod. NC.'C"- triple li-ivat halfback and c.'-titam. ftiillei Pdui'" Tayl-'-r. a •*. >.’*■■' v product, cihnaxrd ih<- 6ii yard sxe.lwarH march with a (•* o - ,ird plunge into uaydirt on the first play of the fourth quarter and tossed to end - F inest Warlick. 220 pounder from Hickory. S for the other NCC tally iv the waning minutes of the tilt The Eagles unleashed a bit of razzle-dazzle as their first touch down drive w sparked r.y a dou ble lateral which was halfback Arthur McGuire. RaV'igh. N. C junior, take a backward pass from sophmotv quarter back Jo,- Battle, Rocky Mount, N. C.. and scoot trom die enemy 41 to the 23 where be late,.ilec! to Warlick. who wa.-. pulled down on the 2l A couple of five yard jaunts by Cl<?tis Mor ion, Chiirlottc. N. C. sophomore, sn iidwiched in between quarter back -an aks b.v Battle and a five yard offside penalty against’ the Hornets put the oval on the seven- Biitt bulled to the two. and Taylor scored nri the next play. Lin wood Johnson's boot for the extra point * wont wide. A recovery of George Brown's /mole ot MuCRTInn Matthew's punt on tile Delaware Hi by Joe i Battle in the final minutes of the ii ty ;isct up the game clinchiiif* score. The Ragles were thrown back to th, 23 in two plays by hot fast charging Delaware t on ward wall, but scored on the. next o!«v as Ti.-./ior uncorked his pass winch hit XV a ruck squarely on the ' iru 13011 as ho stood alone id the Delaware end zone. .7.ones ni'bfason, Charloti e, N. C sojihomot'e. tossed to McGuii* 7or the point-atter-tounohdown. Two pas interceptions, one by NCC guard Francis McGhr of AR'x .uu'lria, V-i . and another by Ed Darden of Newport News, Va.. , Lrokc lip lust ditch aerial drives :)y the Delawareans. Wounded In Action liFRHAM —Tnformation hs» tcceivnl l»v Mrs. Meneva VX viiii here this week that her hus band, Lt. Ellison <7, Wynn has I ceil wounded in fighting in Korea. The officer ua\ wounded <>** Sept. 18 while fighting wit* tr,. Second Inlaiury Division in South Korea. Lt. Wynn is a veteran of nine year sol Army service and saw action in the South I'-ir.H'iii during World W‘m 0. Raleigh Gi Overseas M.MEWHERK I. v JAPAN Soi'Kr :<! it KiCur;.,; f 7■ t> ‘• i e Sanrler husband 1 Mr-. (ijit." Sander:;, and -on of M■ at id Mr, ,\‘ Willy Sander-, of Kalei. "it itn iv. (I '•••ei -ei.i .. and ha., Ii rained in the third Infant) v J.)l- V}:iun on cilty in ■ Wir 11. h-u i:i- ;or-. a •••jUj ttK Air Fop,:.- 10-reiv na. lived ni the ftU'en.. f>.ll I if p,n:l. ejuilt , t*a I' ? Prior t-< d. on tu,: e, hr .< im v- ■ i f-,- !,; .tin U'O’ I n >ik ;•t tr) inn. fim.iU, l ook Collection HENDERSON'- OffiC’i , Katiiiu' diettirbauecs at * i! 1 ■ ‘ ~ held jo i’" Sal■ irdar i’iP :1 ! vraH ’ took ••• yr collection In the nice. pile they made near the doot of << < v > tern ii Guard Armory where the dance was held -.ver« ai least halt a dozen "switc!i-ble.';i" knivc 1 liirr- the M>e. I'm ■, 1 1 U •’ two victims of knife wounds and it !ey.,i tore, persons bond for the ' local .1 lilhov ■ whore die were charred with 7;»«w.>,<‘on of iHcl;'*l non taM yaKi whiskey Victim, of the knife wounds who i • Hv-: y §WWm # ; isis $ "fl/jii/wC v» y '_■s!/ X .* y ♦ J%***\ e-i.Sj X !ff t! ; {«% fi 5* t l'" ’ "t«tS£r A- I ,v- 1 a/ W.#. I fe-ter--,-,, X'" ' X i ■ ■'iy, “y " '--d | \ wltS l\ 11 U .-i ":\ v - I / ♦ •.X&lSgi CX iA flf jT>T lev pur< ha,t. )| e e-ulnad of Muttrr in (»o ( <|k !,,■;, lG,i of Its T.tfli A\ N1 VKRs AII V With UG , Sovimt-- in ’* f his liupc i'ui'i Inse v*’<> un- p»s-ing on to you, out Cun illntei ->, T| rou.i'ii llio years, a I*'Ki.OIC M \ I IKi'SA, wiiji :l ’ jiurrh;• so ni' a IVrlroom Suit-o as a token of Api'i'oeintioi of your ]’at ronajre. i | Friday and Saturday Only — SERVING THE SOtm^S INCE 1875 7*^ ♦ TERMS FURNITURE FE I R WILMINGTON STREET AT MARTIN 1 llm U . nilei:*Ml-. teiini “-tt.h ('• ar“ j jii) ei e i’rm'Jon. V atr! Octree foie.2l’. both of Oxford. I y* s I" y'\, OTv <**S' < jUlcr school snacks s'lOuN y *' be refreshing qndl no«ri|hl*lf 7F /j\ Pi N E STATE 1 \ j'H ICE | \ \X>AG ~T y CTTfGXj „ I i\ - ; ' /V '' /?■ Xj— y*. A&f'?r#eTs?7th/ j v -" j —A. ENDING SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1350 M-ut.v of ths most •■•aluabli? farm cm;);. .Did Tiof.l of U;<= domestic aiimaJr; erovya in the !ai' fit,, te were borught to North A;, ■■■,■! .'i> m.' ;-m -is a-,- ;• 1 -•■ ulie , 1 ,,mat;.'!..-•,, tm cx-'iTipj; . ' p, I, .f •~• i.n , n r’“ - and tndi<>, ,!,.| it? f -om Viamof "I ., ■ Sfjif* Vocr Nfw.n To Us! if. Pays To Advertise! ! 1 )01 SWi i i TilK UXKOIiMAiN

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