Raleigh Man Kills Wife; Slays Self - . ! Homecoming Queen j . — — - j |l||k ' J aßKaß^wa'ywi^timr^r^iWil i !tilfflißßTO^' > r : *'' : - ’ -• : c<<fw%£tsß3S&ci .' :^g/^ ■• \ "TslsiSf _yg?.- : ~ '' '% - Yfl«fc&> ■/ J&-* -.., .. ■■>•. W^:i^j^SSS^!^n^'^&sSßSmt ;'S- •■, ; : -'^laSafS' ~ 'N2§RIHSg£ ■itaßß ■•■ HOMECOMING Qf.'LEN —Miv- Esthcr Clay, rn'.tly ?i> year-old, five ii-*-1. iour senior from Hus w boro. N c „ was elected to "rp over North Carolina Col lege's Homecoming festivities Saturday, the Eagles ot North Carolina college w ill meet the Shaw l aiv.-rsitv Beais in the football game, VSC-, Clay, daugh ter o* Ml'- and Ml \ Ceo»ge Clay [Father Os Three RAurders Wife, Seif h\ residence Os Relatives In Another City THIRD MAN RUMOR TERMED BASELESS IN PULLEY CASE / . (STAFF CORRESPONDENT) f SPRING UGPK C’;::i:i imy.G.s struck here SuihUiv alteration •when a Ralt-vh nian, lathi-r c 4 t'u't-t.- children and digged vie tint in v vicious ‘•tnam(ie' - shut BABIES DIE AS FIRE DESTROY TENANT’S SHACK Mother Working hi t_ ’ Father \wa\ (Ihihlrrn Perish ........ ■ : mun«:ii(( a.-- ti-.- u»*»!«• SffiHrmineii » ;i: i m In. ltd th.-a tr..:u dw ellim;. Dead ,nv Tin’ll;.hi J all l - ’i:i!u Htn;'.., thivc aii»i hall >e,n. old. (l UltlillUl’ll Oil lIUKr- Si Dr. Daniel Officially Becomes V.S.C. President PETERSBURG. Va. AN Pi the nation made the campus of Vir- Leading educators Ironi all uver ginia State Colle.ee the educational II ft DANIEL ... iii4UfttUit'fd of Ro.xboro, N. C.. is a commerce major and a member of the Pyramid Club, of Delta Signut CUT. ami the VMC.-V. The 111 Theta sorority, the Commerce pa and co-ed w ill be attend** 1 by MWs. Laura Ann Pena, Win ston Salem, .V C. sophomore, a-M Mary HeuiU’vsee., Mor gunton, V C jtilmii- and killed his semi-estranged wife and idea turned u gun upon him sc!:. snuffing out his own life a;> a group ut children looked on. Dead in the linai chapter in a real-life drama ot tutrique and frustrated emotions ait- Kobert l.intvood Pulley, about 10, of No. i A sin- 'terrace, Ka li igh, and bis wife, Bronnie, tit Use saint- Raleigh address and originally and recently a resident ot this town. Accord dig to r. ports of investi gating officers, Pulley shot and killed his wife Sunday afternoon iu the Lucky a i’d ot the victim’s a rents Lome, killing her ifi-luxit iy Hr t.’ion tinned tlte weapon, a ,i 2 calibre automatic coll pistol upon himself inflicting a wound •which proved fatal ,)\ hour later at a Rocky Mount hospital. bite of the tragedy was the. resilience of Mr and Mrs. Thomas Richardson he, e, parents of the victim, both of whom were in the house when the shooting* took place in the yard before the startl ecl eye:-, osf neighbodiiood children playing fvottaH. Witnesses report that Pulley had been around tht house for about two hours bc-fotv tliff shooting i Contiiiucd tm page Si capital of the nation as Dr- K. P.! Dante! was officially inaugurated: as president of the school, Satur-, day, October 14. Dr. Daniel is the 1 fomi'T president es Shaw Univer ] -ity. Raleigh. N t.’., and left the j lie,i institution during the past; fear Students and visitors jammed the uiiititariuin of % irginia Hall at ttti’io a in for the official i-i r.*monie». Leonard ,1. Muse I ot the Virginia Stale Hoard of Fducution presided. Blake T. Newton, presi ient of the State Htuird. otfieialty inducted Dr. Daniel into office- Heading tht- list of ypciukerß was Gov. Jolin S Hattie of Virginia. He brought official salutations from! the commonwealth. Other speak-1 ers included- Dr. John W Gore president of. Florida A arid M. Co) it-ttie' : Rev. I'.iUl A thsiiop, president of | the Cent ra) bnpn -i State t.’onven-1 tion of North Carolina; Dr W- T. Sanger, president of the Medical ColU ;■'■ of Virginia, Dr. Rufus 13. - Atwood, president of Kentucky! Slate College; and Dr. Dowell J. i Hovard, Superintendent of Public | (Coutinued an back page) THREE TOTS DEAD IN FIRE US Supreme Court Ruling On Parks May Effect Facilities In NIL Cities Home-State Edition &J ... SINGLE COPY I VOt l* ME XXIX RAU3CH, NORTH CAROLINA WEEK ENDING. aATt RDAY. OCTOBER 21, 1950 NO. -Hi Father Slays Son, 22, Bent On Destroying The Family LAD WHO SWORE Queen Os Music Hall Passes Thru VENGEANCE ON ! FAMILY KILLED Father Pumps Bullets Into Sim Poised Io Strike lith Fluor OXFORD A 22-year-oM farm \ band who for seveu years had plot-, 'ted -i way in which to kill his! his entire family was shut and Killed by his father here last- week a:- he. attempted to crush (Lie old i r man'.' head with a chair while he slept- Dead of bullet wounds in flicted by *1 lather intent on m.-„< ti/ty his family is flunk Rv.jster, and absolved of oil blame in his killing m Jesse Hoyster, 55, tilt rather. TRIED COLSON The younger Royster, who left home seven years ago at the a,-* of 15 vowing tu return and “hill every d— iniu body" in his fam ily, returned to his farm home in Oak Hill Township near here re cently and set anout carrying t>ut his vow. The 22-year-old youth poured huge cuant(ties of lye in food des tined for the family table ,it is (Continued on page 8) US COURT INFERS CITIES, STATES MUST OPEN PARK Ruling in Florida Case Wav Effect Ail Pub lie Facilities Special to CAROUXIAN-JOUKXAL | * WASHING TOM The Supreme ! Court inferred this week that cities i and states may have to open up i such publicly-owned enterprises as I.golf ~ courses to Negroes without I limitations According to tin AR disiniteh, the hinh tribunal did not sad Negroes should he given such j rights. Hut it (lid set aside a j ruling of the Florida .shite j courts barring a Negro from unrestricted use of the Mount j Springs Court try Club Golf \ Course in .if in mi. The Court’s attitude might eas | ily be viewed ns aecetfing adtniss ! Vti of Negroes to other publicly 1 owned facilities such as swimming | pools, outdoor theatres, ball parks, playgrounds and the like, here in ! North Carolina. Raleigh and Wilmington are ! among the few Southern cities i which have nor virnesseA court fights over equal rights in ■park, recreational and educa tional facilities. Current !g, <> campaign in on in Wilmington to get equal rear rational Jo eilities. in Wilmington’s Green field Lake, Negroes rati not vine the animals in the small zoo j there though if is tax-sup ported. "V, HIYA FOLKS- Josephine linker and her French husband Jo Bouillon its they posed for the ship photog raphers on their arrival on board the luxury French liner Libert*. The toast of France immediately left lor Mexico to appear in several night clubs’ productions. Woman Faces Snatch Rap | After Baby Is Found Dead STATEVILLE -- An abduction I charge has been filed against a i worn a nhere who took a 2-weeki old | baby - later found dead from its home here last week. Brought lure from High | Point Moubi.y night to answer | charges of taking the tiny baby of her land-lady away j from home on pretex of going j to see a doctor and later e«d --! ing up in a Juiihouse on a i drurskent-ss charge is Betty tViiliamsoi), :;o. It Happened In NC Killed By Train j RALEIGH -- A 31. year? old resi- j dent of Wendell was killed in- • stantly when he was struck by a| train near here Saturday, Dead is William King, Jr., who was mowed down by a Norfolk-] Southern locomotive os he walked i i alorip near his lionte. Funeral services were slated j from a local funeral establishment i early this week. < The woman is charged with leav ing the home of Airs. Francis Swift in tlu> Newlonville Cotn -1 munity Saturday morning with Mis. Swift’s baby, saying she was ; takinp the child to a local physi cian for treatment. Nothing vt us heard of, the I baby nor ihc woman untii late Saturday night when she was arrested in High Point on a. charge of ’Jrunkeiiess. The baby was later found dead. I Young Girl Injured 'DURHAM -- A young girl was receiving treatment in Lin coln Hospital here this week I after having been Injured when j site ran in front of an autotno mile and was struck ] Confined to the* local hospital and said lo be in a “fair” con j dition is 7-year-old Bessie Mae Hope, who was struck Sun day night by a car .iriven by ! a Fort Bragg soidicr SPIRITED BID IS BEING MADE TO !SUPPORT GAVIN I l I DtJUTI \M—That a spirited hid for the Negro vote in the coming November elections is being made jby the Republican Party was evt i denced here this week at a meet j lng; of the Durham County Republi can Club. In a meeting Monday night, the Iduestion of how to get the Ne j ki'ocs who voted for interim in - ! cunt bet it Senator Frank P. Gra i ham to cast their votes ofr E. L, ] Gavin in the coming voting was deemed the major question . The small group heard Dr. ,1 V Mills, local physician and a leading North Carolina Re publican, declare that the rent problem farina fV GOP in the November balloting is that of educating the caters, Dr. Milis pointed out that maim* of the (Continued on page 8, this section) Studies In Gay Pa ree . ; ,'t/'' '• ffi'-yC-ifaJ ' r *v; ~\ '. t' ? : - -y .• ’. "% y j^^^H|H|Hn^H«^P : ; : f| / j ii*p -j . -.v* • »-iy •:> ' . ... i -•; I ggg|r ■;!•. '£,•; .;., ' .. ; , . '• ■■• #»*<■*!«•** t " .■.■•.'■ TO STUDY IN rams Rene ] Starks, noted designer who is ts secoiut vF ,* pregideJU mil | eastern organixer of the Nation i ai Association oi Fashion and • Accesory Designers, sailed on I the He De t rance for Paris where Three Killed In Weekend Auto-Truck Collision RALEIGH—Three men, all resi ; dents of the Knightdale section near here were killed last Satur day when the automobile in which thet were riding v, us totally de - I xnolished in a collision witli a j iruck near their homes. Identified by Wake County Coroner *.s the victim are Dot Hai ris, Thomas Robertson and James Kay. whose deaths were ] listed w the huh, 30th and j 31st in Wake County during the current year. The men were killed when the I automobile in which they were 1 S2OOO Sought Wit h Which To Continue Litigation DURHAM, N. C The unpre cedented equal-jostle* victory ut a Federal habeas corpus hearing, won this sumpter in the North Carolina Daniels cousins' case, mav be lost by default, the North Carolina Daniels Defense Commit tee is now warning in an emergen | ey appeal for $2,000 which must be I raised in 15 days or less. Tins is tin- amount which defense attorneys, including Plans Listed For Fminder’s Day Observance At NCC DURHAM. N. C. Three North Carolina Colit ge alumni, a dentist a nationally known tusiness exe cutive, and a college professor, will be the featured speakers at Founder's Day ceremonies here on Novembt i 3 in 13. N. Duke Auditor ium. The dentist is Dr J M. Hubbard, - secretary of the North Carolina I College trustee board. The business I executive is Asa T. Spaulding, vice | president and actuary ot the North j Carolina Mutual Life Insurance j Company. The college professor »s | James T. Tyalor, director of the ! James E Shepard Memorial Foun ] dation and professor of psychology at the College- In a full morning’s program, the alumni speakers will as semble in the aujitorlum for brief eulogies of Dr. James i Edward Shepard, founder and j first president of North Caro lina College. After the audi torium services, the audience will move to Beech wood Ceme tery where Carolyn Smith, NCC senior, granddaughter of the late educator, will plate u wreath on his tomb in traM- d-« will spend is mouths tni*ly ing advance '.adoring, designing, laiihiiery, and pvixoiKitcxed dresv making m the Academic Loupe Miss Starks was, among the few students accepted for such study at the Academic. riding crashed nead-on with a 7-Up Bottling Company truck being ■iriven by Earl Bennett, who suf E-red should*? injuries Bennett reported, that he was beaded eastward along Shotweil road when the auto tjtediile, seemingly out of con trol, apioacheU ins truck neat a curve His eiolrts to swerve out oi Its path proved futile. Ttu- car involved was owned by Harris, but officials have 1 -on unable to determine who was driving at the time of the accident. Herman L. Taylor, of Raleigh, and O. John Rogge, of New York, have reported must be available in advance to make possible their defense of tb*> two young Negro cousins of Greenville, N.' in Federal District Court, just postponed from October 31 to the middie of November at Wilson, N- C. Winning ot the Federal hearing (Continued on page 8, this sectionl tional ceremony. Music for the observance will be tarnished b> the 75-voice North i Continue i ou page 7) 1)1? SHEPARD . , to be mentoriitUseA

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