[GR 11)1 RON INJURY KILLS BOY Tops With His Majesty ij Dawlat Solinnin, sitting on the bar' ;Ps of the new 1 v opened Negro case in Wj&. | Berlin, gives the photographer a 'BN j poae i omimmiy known as “cheese-nGy ->llll j cake" art. Miss Selim&n, a famous - *> ggrflfffimfr ► -European dancer is at favorite afj||e3{y&jgrap Judge Hayes’ Decision Is App - 1 It dTo District Com e By HCC Students GREENSBi''tO—Ti --ei-Un -G <J 4 a f eaerat llcU-ct Court juugc who ruled that facilities at tae North Carolina College- Law School in Durham and the University ui North Carolina Law Senool stt Chapel Hill were equal had been appealed here. Notice of appeal was entered by counsel in behalf of tour N. t . College law Students w hos«- efforts to gain admis sion to the t'NC law school were- stymied by the decision handed down by Judge Jolui son J. Hayes. * In his October 8 decision, run reded tol!u\vin, J a week-long hear ing in Durham and after a nonthV deliberation by the jurist. Judge Hayes ruled that tiie facilities at the Durham school were equal to, and in some ways surpassed those at the Chapel Hill institution He deemed the prestige of the Chapel Hill institution negligible because Negro attortiies would draw cli ent ; troni members of their own race " The jurist further felt that the NC ( ollt-ge school hud an “excel lent 1 ’ faculty, an adequate library and more space par capita than the Chapel Hill institution. It was this decision that the four students, S’loyd McKlsskk, , (Continued on page four) GO TO THE POLLS, VOTE! North Carolina’s Negro citizens are urged from all Quarters to demonstrate their desire for first class jpitizen ship by going to the polls in next Tuesday’s general elec tion balloting. * Despite convictions as to candidates, issues, and other ■+ matters, the states Quarter million Negro voters are re quested to show at the polling places in record numbers. Voters are asked to realize that they did only a por tion of their duties as citizens when they participated in /the primary voting. Tuesday's general ejection balloting is to determine with a degree of finality who is to repre sent the state’s citizens and in what capacities. 1 he CAROLINIAN takes this means of urging ©very? eligible voter to go to the polls Tuesday. It is only through exercise of the right of franchise that mute testimony of aspiration for citizenship en toto is to he given. VOTE ■TUESDAY. It Happened In Carolina Hi-Ho, Roll Fast REJDSVILLE —• Azzie Harris of the Race Track section of this city has a bicycle that -people hereabout refer to as "Roil Fast." Azzie was riding Roll Fast rather fast the other day when a state highway patrolman pulled up beside him sfu3 said “puli over." Azzie pulled over after a bit of T effort andn the patrolman gave him, a ticket no! for speeding, but for drunken driving. It. was determined by the age old “sniff test” that Azzie had had om too; many. He was lined SIOO and costs of court by the local Recorders Court judge j NEW ALDERMAN HOLDS KEY TO ■ TIN CITY ISSUE Resolution To Employ 1 i f emeu Could Be Defeated lu V*w Vote WINSTON-SALEM A new 1 vote by local City Aldermen may ; be needed to determine whether or not Winston-Salem is to become I the first North Carolina City cm- j ploy in.6* Negro firemen it was not- i ed here this tvtn-k as the Board! of Aldermen deliberated on the ; selection of a ncu incmber to re- i Place the Late O H Peddyeord,! whose recent death created a va- j caney on tlie grouo It) a recent session, with Mr. | Peddyeord voting in favor, the: Board passed u resolution calling j for the employment ol race fire- j (('ontlnucd uu page four) Lovely Love Letter GREENVILLE Roy Ter rell. 31, reclved a love letter from a Kiri friend of Ms who Is now "up north” recently, and Instead of reading the letter and tearing’ it up, decided to keep it in his pockets. His wife as women will was cleaning tip one day and found the- letter. She waited until both were in bed, an,,! turned to Hoy and asked him about it. That’s when Roy got good and mad and tee-ed off on his spouse. The wife, Bea trice, preferred charges and Hoy was fined sls. The judge tore up the letter, U.M.C, DECISION APPEALED Home-State Edition "A |[|jg TMLsa@) SINGLE COPY VOU/Mh X\f'{ R A LEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA WEEK ENDING SAl'i RDA\ , NO\Li. iEL tv C K> •>0 Nu. i S Resolution Assuring State s hirst hireinen Is Placed In Jeopardy NAN ,53, DIES IN WELL SONS FAIL IN ATTEMPT TO RESCUE FATHER Mount Airy Man Dies When Poison Gases Seep info Deep Well MOUNT AIRY tSpecial)—A 53- j year old man is dead here b# the] result of aspluxication by poison- \ ous gases in a well in which he j was working some 60 feet below j ground-ley .1. The elderly man was ! overcome as his two sons made valiant attempts to rescue him. j Victim of the Friday sub terranean fatality was frank Sawyers, a weil-digger who lived in the White Sulphur Springs sector. Sawyers had gone into the well ' to remove hud and water After i spending some- time in the hole, he suddenly begun to yell to be ■ raised to the surface. Efforts by! the son to raise the man proved ; futile, and Laymon went into the ; pit to attempt rescut He too be gan to yell f u r help, rid Itaymon went below. All three were finally brought out of the hole by res cue workers who used an air compressor to force the pois onous fumes out. The youths were revived. All attempts to reseiturate the father, who was breathing when he was taken out of the well, proved futile. Dr. A. M Gates of Ararat, Va. pronounced the man dead. (Continued on page four) COLLEGE HOST TO DISTRICT PTfti ELIZABETH. CITY - The Dis | trict Out: Association of Negro par i ants and Teachers was scheduled | to hold a one-day session at Eliza beth City Teachers College here i Thursday. The session was to get | under way at 9:30 a. ra il. S. Cooper, principal of the jT. S. Cooper high school at Sun \ burv and president of the associa tion was delegated ((-esiding dut ies. Mrs- M. L, Woodson, state suo erintendent of Negro eicmvntary school was scheduled in the key noter rote at the sessions General theme of the meeting hay been listed as “Using C'on. munity Resources .fur the Develop ment of Youth" The association includes mern- j hers from the nine counties in the I Albermarle area. A Long Time PJTTSBORO O C. Currie of ! the Gulf section of Chatham Coun- j t.v will be a guest of the state of; North Carolina Tor a long time —j j about 25 or 20 years. This; supposition be dame fact j here last week when the man was I handed a sentence of that duration j after entering a plea of guilty to j | the second degree killing of Narije! ! Clay. " I | John Currie, also involved in the ; j killing, was given a sentence of j | two years on the roads for assault; l with u deadly weapon. The killing j grow out of an argument the men; j had while loading a truck at the j ! Gulf brick .yard i Raleigh Unit's Mess Is Best At Camp . .• n-plfilgM A’ ■ ■/ :-- ■ • KALEIGH UNIT HONORED— ] Lt. Colonel, William Troy, Post Guarternia.ster Officer, presents j an Honor Plaque tor the best j Charges Preferred Against Two In Schoolgirl ? $ Death By FREDERICK L. BURNS FAYETTE VILE - 'two high school students were placed un der bond pending grand jury ac tion Thursday night at an inquest in the death of Bernice Smith, 14- year-old student at Armstrong High School- A coroner’s jury recommended that Clifton Godwin, lh. be held for the grand jury and that James Hearing Before NC Bar Council Looms For Att’y RALEIGH Herman L Taylor, well known local atornoy, report edl.v is .scheduled for a hearing before the Council of the State Bar A ociation on charges grow ing out of client’s contention that the lawyer failed to perfect an appeal. At CAROLINIAN press time, however, the barrister had not been summoned oy the Bar IT’S Mftfr IT’S roue WVI la your DUTY NOV. 7 DUTY | Mess Hall in the 327th Quarter master Battalion to Captain L. 1. Jackson, commanding offi cer of the 465th Quartermaster Edward Williams, 19 be placed under bond as a material witness. The Smith girl was killed near Godwin last Monday when site jilnped or was pushed from a school bus. County officer L. L. Guy said his investigation revealed that Miss Smith, Godwin and Williams were th- only persons on the school bus when she met her group. Accordiug to announcement made by the State Bar secretary, Edward Cannon, Taylor is to ap pear before Bar group, possibly in Favetetville, to answer charges charges that he had received S3OO Fayetteville client seek nig to car of a requested $l,lOO asked of a (Continued on page four) service company, (a unit of the Raleigh Organized Reserve Corps) that was recently called to active duty. death. lie said that undvr ques tioning Godwin finally stated that he had approached the fc'irl in the bus to ask for a pencil she had borrowed and that he then placed his hands on her, whereupon she jumped up, ran to the front ol tiu- bus and jumped from the ve hicle. Williams testified he was driv j ing the bus and did not see the ! ~irl until she was going out the I | side of the bus | Godwin admitted on the witness I i stand that he approached the girl in the bus and had placed his hands on her. Witnesses included J. H. Lewis, principal of Armstrong school; W. A. HcGill, a. school bus mechanic; and Miss Margaret Stricter, a stu ! dent, Cumberland County coroner Joe Pinkston set SSOO bond for God ! win and ordered a $250 bond for ! Williams- Both were released unr I der bond. Victim Os Grid Injury GRID GAME VICTIM- tv it iarn Barbee, J>., a native of Chapel Hill and member of th- Morristown ilenn,) College foot ball team, w ar, fatal! s injured in a game played between tie. Tennessee team and the Etna Chapel Hill Youth Dies Following Injury In Tilt At Elizabeth City, N. C. CHAPEL HlLL—lmpressive fun eral services were held here Wed nesday from the Rock Hill Bap i tist Church for William Barbee, Jr., who died Sunday morning of injuries received in a eoilepiate football game being played iu i Elizabeth City Saturday. Barbee, ill-year-old son of Mr. am I Mrs. William Barbee, j Sr-, here, sustained neck in j juries in the game being play- I between Elizabeth City Teach ers College and the team from Morristown (Tenn.) College, of which he was a member Tile youthful athlete was Injur ed when he dived into the Eliza beth City line ki an attempt to break up a play. He was taken out of the game and rushed to Elizabeth City's Albermarle Hos pital. He died at 6:30 A. M Sun day- His death has been ruled ae i The War Is Not Ended __ - •• * ~^**** | y?tf^ <• %IXaXSiKZ?A - >■«# 1J -V * -' '*, rm, WAR !S STILL OH: Some people breve forgotten about- the ws* ; in Korea, but on the war front the bombs are still bursting in air. Looking over » terrain cusp to schedule tomorrow’s next move sure (left to right). Li. O. W Diilau, .M-uu'tpieet, Oklahoma; Lt. E. F. Hobs ; m*m mi U- Water &. &&d* .»wh> e ** —--.UJ’i'ltff , beth City Teachers College team at Elizabeth city Saturday. Ba* - - i»*i was an outstanding athlete at Cimpel Hill’s Lincoln (Orange County Training School Fun eral services were held Wed *»*•*.ay. (SEE STORE) cidenta! TOP ATHLETE Barbe- had been an outstanding athlete at Chapel Hill’s Lincoln High School, participating in four major sports-- football, baseball, basketball and track. According to Lincoln High School’s Coach Carnegie, he was '‘one of the most outstand ing play. rs" who every took part in athletics at the Chapel ilill School. He took part in scholastic athletics for your years. It was Barbee's athletic prow ess that won him a scholarship to the Tennessee school. At Wednesday s funeral service, arranged by Chapel Hill Funeral Directors, Bargee's former team mates fmm both the Lincoln High School and Morristown College (Continued on page four)

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