PAGE TWO Pc % I* 4* 1% r I .•» Jl 1* 0V £**■s& H IS AI'FC> ,1 ‘ :: £f*& &'*, v t& &. M%- c * & wgo icl vil vli HU Vtiiifys £?Un t • si:i v t ii:i4i rw ■■• at I r_ :, j | ft . ■ . - ■ bv . V/ : v.i'M .o.t stUibl. ■■ .-J,i-’:.■' I - . U' 37. 2!. 24 tii»d 2? r“ e. :7, •• .'.jsl'.lT- rounds <: ,jrh. i \ I • .; t .rTi , -j 1 i ; -i . I »'. i■ ~ : ‘ :i! • !' ,- •••.:: : ; is,;. <■;' to bo • . >i,ir- f ••' nt Fort AR Kb- . I- romhar 2S-.ah .'• <■'- nib)!>!.;' f o f i'e* metis. Ihfr Fort Brave (•'nnuimunt wiit >■ conducted on a single -Dsnßial ion basis and will bo unv; , ri:' i ij bv the Vto oiricinl AAC Box in t-' Rui-s. 7- i-es-osne eligible for < or-ii^tili tenh suits mast submit a pro vi-ri.- rectified Ortifieut.. ~f Am.i- I curiam. AVefebt* for the various livis-j.«i- • v.F; not exceed in lbs. iiyu.iA ' j:> lbs. a-tnM'r.'Vniyhf : t o fa ,- Ux-rweisrh!: i:tr, Vos. lightweight • J4T tbs. 'veitonveicbt: 100 !bs. tnid dlcßv? ieht: and 175 lbs. ’iahr !>>• •. Yv.veue > The hen ’ ywdebt *li v I - - .'.it in. lailv ali . oi••! -• !■>••.•;• K7. pounds * Obamrdottshiii ml runner tin jf.-arv-s will he derided b\ the frd liiv. Oi" s.-ortiU! • v-teoir- - !t.divid ual rhanrrben. r. noitds: Rumsnr-i ■> v final bout . points; and ruu r.*- . =n .’.for fired bout. i iie.s»>‘ T' im tronbi' s n-lli in' award'd ! the ohaTnpionship and vmuwr Army Announces Tournles In Four Ma jor Sports pugs, Hoops, Pins, Cage FORT BRAGG - Schedules of the All-Army tournament? In four major sports were announced iust week bv the Department •>i the Army. «- The Army hexing championship will be derided at Fort George G. Meade. M«i.. w ith matches held Dc - cerolter 28, 29 and 30. The basket ha II toorn.‘»ns«-ut is 1© in held within the Sixth Arsr.v area from April 2 to 9. 1951. tvitli regimental teams ■ ontpetiiiß ior (the championship Softball tear:- will compete within the Fifth Ar my area from -September 3 to I'. 193*1. Competition will be between company level teams who have won championships within their various commands. * The bowling tournament will be conducted within the various Ar my colnm.mds from April 23 t<> May T, 1951 and will he conducted concurrently with the major com mands' bowline championship. Detachment 2, Os 3426th Excellent Again For 'SO FORT UR AGO Detachment No. 2 of the 2420th ASX’ received its second 1950 overall rating of excellent as results of the annnnl General inspection conducted dur ing the period 25-29 September. Tiie inspection was mad- by Col onel Henry It. Greison, assist sub Inspector General. V Corps. Individual sections: of the unit Including ratines received were/ building? and grounds, excellent; ! Day Room, excellept; barracks ,px» > client; Mess Hall sanitation, ex cellent and administration, excel lent. The inspection of the -admin istrative functions of the unit in cluded the Morning Report, Sick Bf-csk Duty Roster, Company Pun ishment Rook, Correspondence j FTles. Company Orders. Unit Fund, j Mess Fund unit Mai! System and j- Supply, all of which were rated ' excel lent. • ! Tfch Dctaohatont 1* responsible’ • peri,, lists, moss' i-f 'Vh'Oi’.i llob! e iiave h, Id a.'t’iii-iir ehattiitionKhist i •- in their rofstivtive weights Thes..' iiichnie th< lav* Golden ' OioV: rii.ini: hois <•! the ( ar-dina : Knife Vst.'fjttc:'.. fl w.a iuln ■ tiu 1 -" Rub tifd. f' sdhcr.vfdfibt and Hid Connoi r- n. w- Iferv'eight: Rill iboek furrier DiviDon c!( til'p, 'i li It*; Ji. ■ herweiehi. tf* t*> Third Araiy i" mu: N'ick Viisfju z. herivy v ifiit Ooii’i u (llovo chanmioß. i ■ ■ 1 or.ft and Wi'son Tan ihkft. liuluv.’cielit Otiirr fa’nsiiai' fi/iisri fu F<’T!raster fierhf fans ;a -en'l>' su'tmftlF shetttse'.ves for r>i:u)." i ill the i-nniin If I'lU-rtaoM -il o n,tv V;, ik Tros-ky" K..'!.i-er •. 1P • 1 1 : aii v i .i ; i .s s ,•.■ <■ > .S' .i ■ 1 ■ f'anv ,, dl !Si; ri>'v'.-f ono i' are iiin'i v HoSss iron Vh' Isolds OSS i'll n.ddei. s'iirsv'* i s-eoni and Bobby i; svbal. Pliiiis cjil? for Pk select ion ot ••ight individuals from tiie All- Army boxing entries to repre.-a-n; the Army in the National Imita ; iottnl Boxing Tournament. -a hieh will determine the United States leant for the 1951 Fait American Games. Rnt.ranfs in boxing and bowline ch;unpif.n?hips will bv selected on an individual basis from tea'.— within the major comma h*la Regimental or comparable unit basketball teem?, representing an organization or combine i inn of or ganizntic.ns not exceeding 3.00 P jiti-ti that, have won command cham pionships. are eligible for the AU- Antty basketball finals. Company t r comparable unit softball teams ’.-’presenting an orgoniztioti cmiib'intieis of organizations not exce ding 250 men that have won command championships, arc eli gible to compete in the All-Army softball event. lor the upkeep .aid maiiiiemiliee 1 of 15 buildings, ten of which are in actual use by the unit. The ex tra buildings are kept in readiness : to---house casuals, ERG personnel and additional troops coming ni. The day room, one of the most popular activities of the unit was found to he well furnished, neat, ami clean. Th. overall appearance and condition of the barracks, in cluding the di.spiy of clothing and equipment revealed a great deal of persona! effort and interest on the part of the men of the Detachment. The Detachment, is commanded by lat lA. FTanklin J. St. Glair. Other key personnel of the unit whose outstanding performance of their respective assignment? figur ed prominently in the rating re ceived arc M-Srt. Charles Sadler, I first sergeant: Sgt. Robert £>ims, j unit clerk, Sgt. icl. .Tames Carter, moss, -steward. M-Sgt. Clarence ]}y. ■ t ■ •.. ' ... . . ......... ‘ - ■ rCv-. .. 'g F K '~ • •••' .aaig«. ■ W ?m.. m-:® m: , ■ • t 4 *::'*f*-*sk > ■ ppVvK/.: ' d . A ;■ t '■> . v ■ » • .y. . jr ■ 'r > .“-.d- ... F" ' : • - : *.... • f’j ■ ... m , '' »V I : A . 7-' -A o€t.or;,: . : mxm ■ C6PS&^: •P& i ' -..a . Ft ■■ % 1 <;v iA I, i i-r i J I V (, '■< ■ l .it ; V! .. ~ ... u: i so- c-f ria is No. :i of the vrrm Field i'orar-ii I»hy‘i«al ’Frntihna' Sfii'.ol, Fort Brags’, pose Tor piftiire after grathi.sttJHs oxer Lt. Col. Russ Is New C.O. For 3rd Battalion, 505 Air i- 1 )KT. BRACK Th-.s r. ■ fsu Ca ttalion or Cio TOi':’ .\T ■ t ree. i red a new command Hr. ofi'i'/'r 'Vh-!. M. Co! ,f,■,,-.cj-h U its! -•: \v:.: ; assigned !s> tbar from hi- .u ... status of Uojrinn-ntul K . .ai c smi, er co j« s ,.. = ~... ; , o>i-<u,ti\; offtem of the WTc.h !■■:• As-, Is- !, in. V, • ;■= i.M-. .Tesy, i his . r- Tl’s MOV eosMB-snd 1 . - o - oM-ctr iri'-sfo je >ll rite rhiorfei ! 1 of (",'i d U'.SS, -\..e, , " ••••■■' from v» era Viiyit .C ira ii 'A'a-dsiiiirton. It. C . Sio ■rr, d t!i»* 1 site t ia.-ates AJii-tary Asadonty at \vf>t I’oint X At ••: d*, nit" Colon,el Hus-. Was sse-P'bai •:■! soviiTiniiny. tomm -and was ooiftnti.s --.-ion«-t! soc-.-nd llisiitf ;iu:u anon gmdisation in lute, it,- tin wr.r . s-iaMPil to th« :;:!>•»! Infon'iy (;>>;•■ itiiin' ~f thi 2nd Division In < ’i.c’ Ks,-t l.i Ru.-s com [s t <■>.,,■ > ~ ,or ■i 1 tip Infant: y School ,snd i hon was sssitsmid to thi 24,it Ir-Htry ttoelnii nt lin i ina the host iiif.ii. • . Worlii War 11. Colon, ! Russ i v itb tin tth Infnntry Uo.alnionf .and she Alaskan Depart mens in the Ali'iil !an Campaiim and m '.bo Br s (■■■ ,n Thctifor of 0< rut,® vith 'lii I'iv;«io‘i. Also in lie 17 :0. i .*oj( Kii-s Was Amm Cia.snd Ollsi-i VI'C VV I' ’, 11 ibills Divls?’ ■! fit. rlu laiiditif. it SaU*r>’ - in iipr IHIM For his o-jtstandins ser vice. Colonel Russ holds the Silver Star, til- Bronze Star with two Oak f.Clusters and the com bat Infantryman's IViilpf A s'-oy the war. CoioHoi Russ . < I'Vi-d with the CiC, Res ii.e-ot ,1 . in!, it T' am at s•• itennims nd ..f \V> sf PohiT iH-for vol’ur •s is for Airborhe Duty. Colonel Uu.-- rotnniolcd jump school » itlt , Ist s 'Lewsi .duty sergeant : Sgt, Melvin 'Smith, supply sergeant, Ops. lias old Ragland, assistant clerk; Cpi. Oliver Hamilton, mail clerk; Ufc. j Cleveland Pinckney, day room or derly Cpl. Curtis Council, duty i soldier. The “exceiieGt rating” was the second received by the unit this year. * FOLLOW SAFETY Bill FS nN ROAD | FORT BRAGG Th- 92nd Air borne Division is launching a safe ty drive toward the prevention of highway traffic accidents during , jttns forthcoming holiday period of j Thanksgiving, Christmas and New ; Year’s. In a recent memorandum i to troops of the 82nd Airborne ]>i (Continued or. Page :'f.i - - i J - ' - 4 - -i’)i. : '!AN - vv t . ?n(I ] j }.f. «• i\ .I, l : S r-xi N«;‘orti;v> morning. Tl,» ebis'S J'ioi.xi’ed >■ >”i are- o( the •• = . 'ii' ; rc-ar ■ tec ir ; ~ f Rio school. SesUce I- i t {« right, s e Donah! i \ Ted Serose) Fdvisird Siiidia.s, f;«*or?c (lev' f Lt. t oi. lost ph ii. Rush is tie ’ -r-ti of Maj. .lose ;ti Russ who ‘"rv.-il .v the Re'oilas Army in ihe ! ’hHlppino !«.- :r: e, t ice aft* , i’h.; 11 W :id VC, ,■ i C,i Claude Hopkins and Show Set For NCO Club No. 2 FORT BRACK Clattde ibn >■: ills, hi- and y.ariaiba :• jteviov.’ will |il,} y an ongagroniont. ! as Jti* St'O Cln;> of Ifctat'inm’t; f Xo. 2. al-’oth AS! star< iay at :■ o'clock Sunday nlgiit .Vovenjher Makmt. 1 his initial appeal sine, j,, s! is - ivory-t!,«in pin: maestro vviil he the first in a series of nann-d l Scholarship Service Aids 776 During Current Year NR W VOKK 1 A NI * < The X ! t ton a I Scholarship Service ,n.i Fund for X* ‘to students gave se, 'ic to 7t;+ students for the •' rent school year, the organization aied this week in its sen/ annual report dated ()< t. lltr.ii. This program was- organized ‘ ■ aid Negro high school graduates "ftin wholarship aid for entr-aiic-- into northern interracial colleges ' ' nd nnivcrsiiies, Os the 794 .students -oie kind of service, 219 received inei - • ih-nißi advice or answers speci - i si*' problem? and the other 510 re ceived a full conns. Ring servie included referral to one or mors specific and eligible sis 'he f. 46 students aided. -><m appeared .to is. qualified and eligi ble. This total of 52 pen ent of stu ; dents aid is the greatest response i given the organization. its tliis grout. 21> mud>- p s plications to nearly 20.; interracial j cell! -res. Os the applicant.'. 197 re ' j reived 242 acceptances :>1 till dis • j ferent colleges. A total of io:t scho ; hirships wnr< awarded to 82 of "j these students at 77 colleges Others accepted in college will ; get by without scholarship aid Im ’ | cause they atf- rid low-cost muni.-i --pai or state colle'.-'-s or live at | home or with relatives or earn enough to no. In the scholarship phase os' this progrnm, three funds aided the N i jtiona! fund activities the Seven j /College fund, the Fid win R. Km-! hree Memorial Scholarships, and ! the Jean Tennyson awards. / These funds help the foundation ! ; in its supplementary scholarship ’j program, in which it helps stu ’ j dents whose- scholarships from '»schools do ttot cover all the ex ’. ponses they need to attend college. | The National Scholarship Ser vice and Fund foe Negro student? 1 wap organized in 1947 by sever x > ml .terse )t- a.t.-i > -m ; ,, -X r ='h« “ LcU in riaht. t;.io,r ’■■■■ AX is Item v set Joskox . * tries D‘.u,:i .r .iin. .lames Hoare, Oii'i:,, Strange. Andre Owens use: Good;on ; - \rmv e'ud M )'B. li.itss. the fnrmov fie Frs! !•.—.•••• K. S! an ton. of Ulsint.t 'Me s-isdie ,D tie , rs ■ . 7 1 F„,-t. iM’-a t.i th- s; i hre-. ; iiiidv.’ui do "Pi»h Ti. Ji .. William W. and T.yu.t bands :«tui entertainers iiednleii ' . Siiipesir at the ciuh within the to u throe inom.h.x. if, • V. anirtimr Rev i, c. ~ ,Ma \>. ■•i first-rttte onuwialners >vfll open' Runday niejiffg affair >ith a sixty tninuto floor show which will tr loilowed a dance. college gresidi i>t-for the broad purpose of increasing opportunities lor .t aa Ii 1 i.-d Negroes :■> obtain high-d>-ucation >n interracial eol h‘.g‘Podgy. 158 college presidents. •'TV" ill the advisory board. Fnderlving reason for the fonna ! Gill of This . l oti), was the fact that, ot the Tot.-’l students attending in terracial non-segregated .-.lieges than one perecur ■,re Negro a!; hi'iigh 'lie Negro i- to -rts-nt of- *:. naiion’s population. i:t boosting it> program th* N.i ■ fiottai tuml seeks out th ■ thousands of Negro high school rgaduates throughout tiie nation. It let. ih.iri know of their scholar .-hi j. tttnities ¥II,(HiO,(MUt i r.-ar at interracial colleges ,ml -Hl* them how to seek then (ATHOLICSOPIA Cli BS FOR Gls SAN FRANCISCO The Na fionai Catholic Comunity Service, a member .agency of the Associated Services far the Armed Forces, has been asked to ope nin El Paso, Texas, recreational centers for Negro troop:- ..ialoinecl at Fort Blis and Biggs Air Force Base. Thomas D. Hinton, executive di rector who made this announce ment. said also that additional staff is being assigned to existing clubs where the military impact has greatly increased as a result of th« expanson of the defense forces. Tests are under way to improve the -quality of presen t apples by increasing' their vitamin C con t*»s, adding the spice-like flavor of tltc better English varieties, end imparting the smooth, after cooking flesh texture of certain of the Gern;V and New Zealand apple;-:.

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