.. K■> -n ■. i■ • W .- N We. ( ; . \.< . ; iw ;• 95th Trans, Car Unit Is A * f'X | * I t? «, >, u .ctmi «» ft l i hc* cr&ii VJ f f T. ? ? IV Ci Ut IW Ct 1 V...” II i ■'• J i ii > vv 1£ 7 ■ ‘ ■ J v b:ra A rmy TabV Tepins. rh--- ’. ;• "Mw A .t< *• *: - t;:.•. >:• «-; from the* fit n-drnam^m : old* rs of ih»- rov- :*c A uinl Am.y • V;amplonf hip ‘i rophy. r V)\i? train, by ? r»» (.■otitiindiiJS iiiisy oj MM. •<« G. OJ n d u-«Ki»;,'.t< - %r.!hou> I- * v :-e, //n .•; Mtil and ‘*> t r :. ;. •r 1 i i: < t: i liil'i'i'il n *eaaj«'. they proved a- arch i<>. (i ni !i »Jk» aiiij nf i":i/I ctotbk-: : j A. iKLf REj> TAf E? The k* aup of draftees next mo»m on to It* army personnel building win re dotrn* • lor -s>- nr« fitted out. The soldier answers rtgerdirg Ir.fnilj- allotments, government insuretse.- ; ; v bond:., pay record:', etc. Alter this the av erage soldier fee’s be could nffiothi rin; 1! the f - ■ «.»*■ h- . ; L:re. Ir.tt s*.;Ji is proud of the lt« 7 that s.-jcll fa l.jr fiftiHt the I •*>. A liny would l.! * • * a i * t*. i t Inm. ■:« c X --v/i Wt « • . :: A *-i jhf (:; ,!<•- n...„ -0,, .;-t :u: ( fi u■m;»M pt >v, - ( ■ !■■■: ' V' - t ’A - i he■ .-•.•■ a i,o Ci ;< j 1 ■ - - - i(OD JHm Mi i; t rena-: a a-i <•• - -- i • * * * -m; ' i ■■l !i *V. riii: .i ! - in Ti.. V.,. .-a • -I -., i; .-.j- <>ornoa ai; t>.< The iior ■ a-; u ) '! ifMa.-.'* i j; 'iUUa. i.. - , i-i - i a :ii; A- in < Jim** - •I i. - Mot i"i - in Korea . «■; Mr . !.i i;> V.. (•! il} 1- -M i ,- ,'rs(J'.-TH <* I !• it r-hiilii. ; r ' ■■■ in alt- - Hu! yV. ! ~ ? , f ■ lit (Mil CiJiTip. ii> I . ,-i'iliiii - Hi-- t iici -tii ihi Mi | lay im I). -- y 'C i.l ,ii vv,,- ■ rr-Ci-f \ii ,i ! 1 M-, ■ Ini:-. >1 i .i. Biljiiiiii iiild I V.i t Mr- | I. Mu i I-<) 'any. inn if-.- ami ■i ~ t-v* nt IMaii Siiii-l.it and i ••'nr. !<;• .-r. both < f Gi.r.iot) .. I in uB i -■ ■'liny duel foi the Mingl'-- - . -.iit.• bio with . r. (•rg ts«. tkior. Thr-i two tiihh <-utji.- si)!-- iiiii.**!.-- later paired t-> t;!.i thru out 02 four i|. . ! oin tin Fort Al.'i'herHou WA< ti i it. iio.il!. ..ropioi MC. Ti * - v• i i ill ti M1 -1 <>, -M and -!'i •! " At tla rfiiuilission nf the ntatoh- I'riitadH-; H. G .Mali fnx. a.,j|in.an:>-nt> >.! tin Tnird A-.iiy ti> (ii;!:- to the W jll:!. iijj; it;:;!' . - \\i ;i .. ; i(i i- ‘: I ii-;..! -■i’i ia ' . : i AND THE CHOW IS GOOD: ' iilK beaming smihs. «f these V\act, dis l ‘ ' the rumor that, ai .tiy chon i« nos no hot. This Wac detachment r' ■ ' hMI is hiitiply visited l»> members of n Swedish hospital ualt, one • ii lot ri‘ ones; which has loisseit through r ort I>ix on their way to t! 1., a .- r front. Special Services List Events Designed To Keep Bragg-men Happy BY SOT. 808 HHIM.IPS FORT WiAGC-Tii! athletic 7 :o --1.. ::• i-Hid for tin entertain .l ' ii.-u pat tieipatina of Fort i.; e r jo.nnti cm rig the nn mh ■ t Novoi , ■ was announced by S; ' , St i ViC*'; OiI!CM Is thi 1 : w‘£ K . !■ 4 t_. ■ .a.::, pop'Jinr and CiOvvb . u< boxir.p and :.n a;oe:'c)ii };:fuviist> to exciting and thrill .VHtioiiyi: the November : ports ralrntiur lists only three planned (’Vrnh coive . nj. riu> I* different dates, the pi- t ' (healers and service c’tll a:— always available for t ■ witert linmo ut of those de ■iiiiij ti.it type 0.. jccreiitutn i itln r on tia dates the above (\ s n;s as 4 st lied tilt (I or an «!>< n dates A i):. i’ I Oct-. V 1 ' i pigr-hm !VS m. ;v. fir- me 32 r >f n A IF. Falcons ; ; . I-.,.- lie 30dUi AIR F. . '.VI. !:.£• ’. Vmil Field on • J ■ i .t! H i in..nth • 7Vi 1 '*•! Atl.cncin 1 ill o' Tie . ... . i* Uio.ibit' l yet e-ff to a N- .• . . i 7 P.nd on Wednesday i.■ A, coaches one oifictrs i : ;. > ... j. .. i boxing ' ear ..- : . ■ , ’ . Fit-ici Hut..'.- for '.he l ,:.: t..» r.j laying our plans for the in .- - .'l.o ; [it-y .sOJU’uuietl to l: *. y . 7:2.': pm.. M- '.o r ‘:• :' 9 st > is * Ii- ‘d Hi- - r.js'.AC !• ••• I < 4 ..i bi !.: ited O' t:;i. -.M t . Army P .s' Ac 6:30 } S <■*• ir , sd. * nij 1 tnt Fbid H ,0r \ '., t. M. The lit. ( I Ti ! . . .. A I.; 1.. Pm 1 :. e . . jA,e Bow ': touniau e: :. E 1 : ' I A .. ' WIU -■ is I. Hi, :,!!| \ j !• *■ 1 - 1.. v.n-, i.ov. Arty. Ct.nno.;- t.i - ; ’ tin r.l .1 4 ; AIK }' • trni to fcittf r Ai igtic Day acid coi'.tcst nd the 325th Fowl,. :isd ~ a' h AIR Devcisr - jcs yjid on syprem icv }be foliti " C. Bo' 'i LSSiTiC; - >il •_.* ; lavtrt on t::< :la n post Field and Klckofl j .c ' 't iv at 2:30 j-.m. i u ven !3 I‘ost 1 !( V: ! i., tis where ' . V *•* o. Cl eto a e it" •> !ru:n { r «' rCn>. • ricFhvrfC.i and Iwi * -o.\ e. (or charupir £ -hip ; * the Third ..'Aiuapios,*.' . n.inton >.t. PAGE THREE Cis o -p i activity in >f>c s.iiv 1 ed-c..cl. will again dominate fi.ii iliegg’s sports events on the nigh:.. <.-; November i-5 and 17 etc: ting i\ 7*30 pm. With one nigh! tv-, if '.i, nsinent already history, curing these tw< night ;• s pcct ed to be keen anr ! I •- } y ■ l l h 5, ' rls-iovc-i's interest will be to e. foot .p’i on November l! . r: .-.a;,: tl.e Special Troop: iiKhr.es ramie the Canoneers frorr D'. .. it . Artillery and the 325tt «!f, F. .n.iii lake on the power r.-i j- /.rj.cis from the 505th AIR li.' .re . ■ nc Flam post F ields res These gt.*i :4: v. iil be played at th« ::.c i..... stcrilnp 2 pm. On N vember 21 activity will a :. i.: i -.he Post Field v,m.e tin- toeing tournament wil, icsti.-.er with a star-studde£ iarning lo tire turf again on November 23. the sports cal units tbs 5(41h AIK arid Bivisitu, Artillery tor a Turkey Pay grid cngascmcnj at tile ■i. in f'o; Ficid, at 2 pm. 7 i i.-t Field House will be |hi ..-wife ti ib-. s< mi-finals and finall the Bt-xtrig ToutTiament on tiiJ f , - i : 2-: 25. With a gres i i.f ’.he > ...isilists havinj : b >... ti :.: d. these two night w2f 5 •■j.. t ' product ifit* cresi'i *; ol } . ‘ F. . :flgllt Ci CO. Survf ; •. .. . ril nis of the mitt-slinginj i ..... . i 4 . t.i slug their wa; i; c. ■ u.m ship honors, thereb; t . lit to represent For F; .igg t’.H-j rcspecv.ve weight :. '] , ; n.y Championship E . .:. nt scheduled h .■ ■ « 4. * Camp Gordon - Q,... D' vf.-nbir 5 tlrrough 8. ! ... >- i the gridiron will u..nd f-n; the months sporte acii'-itits at the Main Past] Fit id vs :he ib when th< S|t*- tie! Ttoofs Indians clash with The most important preventivj ;:st giasshoppert: a the dosiA.clcm of their eggs dun ■ gthc • u. or early spring M t ft', .'.utehg mi.e-y place. Toe f.vt leading breeds of d9ir| me the Ay "shire, Bioivl S . C. ■ ;, Bo! 1 -f.jin-Fi'it*iaj