>q ' *W-'/lfS ' ; ■ ’JI ■ ’- : ”<«* s«,S fRaE raSS rsTltffLr livM SI u. mBMWH» «n sB«B»gMB« aHntf .. -v Jas ' * ijjSßit* >g E|| |& Mpp djfjfffi jSepc* NATIONAL » FaDFRS WHO , <-A»fF TO CHICAGO TO AT TK.NI> NATIONAL DAWSON ! DAY il.-'t to right; Senator 0-eirneai a. Davis, dynamic tcs;is- Sator is shown handling prelimin ary arrangement for the Dawson Day Committee of which he was Genera! fhii-rnun; Illinois ( ..m --m-rce Commissioner Kenneth I-', Campbell who ably handled the ceremonies throdghout the day: Recorder of Of-eds. !)r. Marshall i- Shepherd Philadelphia; Con* g r esiuan Dawson, the honoree. tearfully t iis his ainienee how eratejnl he is: f>f*. Harry T. P»vn, Roanoke, Va . Councilman, .lean Asurrelf f'tt vehtiul. Per cy Green, Jackson. Miss.; Hobart T. Taylor Heston, Texas; John [3l. McCray. ( olnmhia. South far !®liua: Congr -s- man Dawson and former Congressman Oscar Dr jPriest an . A T Walden lead The C.4ROUNIAN’ t Pavs 10 Advertise! ! ! Hert s Savon Bed Stew and l.conoi.iv foo A iCV.’ left-over: can Be trisrhspiicU riiD >;. wev’dl f ivory Beef See a*, to orAe a combine tefi-over Neei' * it% s * l-ivorfitj Bro* n grjvy arj serve on flaky i Mn r:uv 'j'Sin J{r«*| -3 ta]des|K>i: :a ’.litre ? ; , < .:* ; ..oked p-as >» tablesfxM.iV , ... ' •;- > s* *, x _ , i ( : * (-f(J 1 ti'SsptHyft* mt-Rt paM*' 2 ; .£ cups, hot ve§:*taL»?e »'o d ♦ <; • t» ' ■ . i \*atei ' •- ** e i fcUceo cooked t i.io;** • ' c • ( s«i Cl?;* COOllfu S:MS*B ’• te <»: 'or » _■ f >o r O!v katf: 1 it- sauce ■«. AtO ft*..- a- *;, ■ t -■ f *st (•:<;•!!» ir Lot i**.•!»».> I;<. ; .<,.. Alix.jifst miti! all riff i» ;iw>;« tsr.ert. K-j: cut-, A s ; K »' ( ft. o o?/ 4**#- „io»- V- -aL National Cong. Dawson Day Attracts Huge Chi. Crowds liy Senator Corneal A Davis NATION A?. DAWSON DAY. nn n -hat by : , naracle. five mikv long t'U winded ii.r way tlmiU; h lla entire Ist Congregational Distrie ni th.- greatest wibut-- ever paid a leader Gailv deco. - ii'd Boats. bond-- play ins;, lov.T iadii in convertible-, ill shoutin' praisi's- tor Willtmn !. D-ivson. ; great ! -nd.-i and on. of thos biiyli! stmny day-, and more th.n a million pel-son.: v-itched Mu *> mil.- lone : .trade. lii ■ ni-raci anav.d r the audi torn in n|-.-*ut S;t)d ;•-. •• ;>nr:0:.l • | re .- x n in south Carolina coo l -; von in tie j.-i District of Chicago, th-- ’•. ouiri vote for Wiiliv.m L ( IN. .V i ’ Du e: ip ’>:*s hia/eP tlw- I*' ii. (.'liii’ia , pVt J, ,-.j s. I .. ■■Pa : a- aal hua as our Ant bassadSi i)«. JOi r. A;. Robin |,ilt!e hack. Ark its -i, amora; oth< r fh'i; .- iI, • The : i.-.n of M . D , M-r; . oaid ia i-aipn. ta :bp P.A •11*1*1 sos sh, ftfnith. A in-, man hi , Coiiprcs.- u'otilp i.'pub ■ war, ( u rime !• hlii iii.- "av into the ; .mi Pe. .1 die W dh.' lious We as : '' i i■i* d* ■ ■ be So" Ip: nd. ne at a | rai l e.d . n.i .a pm (>:;el.;e ip.p: ‘ :o im- ii' e-e or (.'one >,y, , 1 i>"t iii.cty to •.!.'! -n i*ion om ' sue. ion I• ' t ,|: itli ,-t lor. • ’*i*‘l! T an e'l *f. .. bn-,' a I• dv of • i etoi'S here i : lUinoi',. t. s and >o i.s m ii.ir hoar- ,i n, ,-d I y i '-'l dill m In thl Hobs o: (a >! : ciepenU: t • i ’.-:m •’! Willi I'M I, : D;v - L-iiaylo i p.i.:. a,i a, Ti-vjf,, . r< ne.rr.td tt tt. ‘Tr my i of P-y • rountvy. thtre i;- >,mt orv Negro in V.’-.racn ei-.d hf is rt*r poor! j : oil nd. tYitJi&m 1.. DmAs iii. f.h,- i ’ dor;.: fe-'sr 1(. Jonta-. oi I(ous ton *!n gas, s ivs that Wiilium Duw "o is the iKiilUat ephai iiP'gut vn": ' 1 ■■ ’ ‘h l le. r ; bIS t>( eu no diplomat,, in the hales of eon- i .. o cl ' ;i :> • r.oerior. r ■•’ ■ < I'a 1 op •,• way, h i is tbs Sip it '■? (tfi'Wipry. ha is thU • .•!•* Vi- ■ *o> v»- hi | I tpowh he *1- dead. et shall he live. I pay that he can walk *ith !: ops am; o,a ids c«*mr •■•••» j • •chi. f -.in * i*ll !< ad. ir !* n io -r-at r h . Pda: and urpcla ■- r hoii-■■■;•- ■. o , ~o .- dderei. 'b* * vc-"c ' sp mot iiojitical : dh' T ! i: -r • •■>,!«*»• •• S IIP. e • ootfi , <- T la.ey s. Tiuthun. r )*iy tninur . if.irij.?, V*. d'i - i... i is,, pa bod pmev <’: f cr:u-. Jar ksrn. sp'-s., n -- ■ a rog'i ir r r|i|ie aij.tri.fi, rr-UE C AittXJMAN VV.yc*!; Ending Sat., it. Iv*dO t *Tite iNegr.s, .. or Mir-sls-p-ii were ii-soiie.i lo go to ti':* J polls i V C'on gr< as nre.ii Dawson, a1 at they are : to She ;io!!s e oap thotieli they wade through blood. Tile Repubi ■ e .in is dob tin. t with i.ii\ieci. its io die Sou * h a.M ! aew b"»-n d'-Piling 1 itii fliem since :,>'IP. 'i he Republi i aiis. neve, yaw i.o i ehaticc tu vote, only -eogin/Cfi the hi -1 .l it'- oj id.,. South,” Harry I’Ciiii, Hii'iuUK", Va . thus ■oi-i “Da", son the in.-pration . •!' : *’i ai! of us or Virgiiii.j. Wawsoii eUpn- t i vd.a iuia .* s|>t‘ak a TP ; ■. orA ii * ■ iy, v, :Uni :i yric-a nr a •/, *1 oanii Cop far i)ars.iii. i,, r,y ( * Virgtnss. A'-.e • maji .leap !>t*irre!i . a ot 1 iPbp, (.ae * rment ed t: ( o-bpa •. m Dawsui! c ..■ cto < :■ ■ .oi : c M'Ki'r a.l i,a\* me. ! ip Me ii'-.'t N ip ...ibiiii ever to a. .a.-.: ! a he (it... Co PAd I of i. h - i ■P, * cans., of • ha: • at: I , -on lias d- tie tor d |, ,ai v.onic.i. ’iha! is why i am i.m '.*!.: o om-’O'S Ol'gpUa.r.a tior ■ frol’i ■. i i-in Ol io, ask-d me to i -a • i ■ .say and taa nl\ Daw son Cos '-.pi h. has ion,, for the ■ , ■ oi i< a of Dh>o.'- Di Marsh lit I. Sh. oi: rd. Ite . 1 • . of fib a's !’h’l.ideioVa.i, p :.. ‘a. ' i the iIOU e r 'i P hi -aid lie :’a..a ! ic: ; - Pa A:‘g■ - • t. > oi. ; ■■- infills (U Itaiirna > Con,,. 1 si nan Daw -■■■ . it.* ■c* .'lo adr Houor.'ible T. WaUlen A.tlan ;! a tea. i... -*. mar; ,cl j;r •• -n in,. th< ' i♦-rll Award, ”i bring you -t! i - -ili 'lO'j.iHid Negej id »vi OC .1.- (,f c; Li*. i.i, a-ki.p', yog U, . ■ t O' by 'i-tnnii'.r. 1): \ -UP * va : a. .tori Dav s'-n lias done o j nil ‘h vor u.s in Ceeipia. He the! ips na! f-n , : . | •vy Negro !oy .nd * i : P 1 l 'lt !-' - So 1 )•(« i.- ■ ;pr t if .-a :: . to the White House Wo ‘ j coir-if.;er. V h't our ('t-ngre.-sv-an " uu rP.uii of. r(A.s ci.?i ovt r tl _ <■' U - i-: <1 SXUt <>■; ~ i cm, !»« * ‘ • Li>' T. il*v:T * ( 'i ( > r >\\ i* av In.idf 3 to 1 ■ r ■ii ! w eat t, yh , p At •i’. " r5 ‘ ‘ • q. I.i Fiadia Hall sopho 1' a! Nr" Ym !; Cits % .gs 1 n’ie Go: ion i PI • Va was Ht'h-n*.. voice. Marietta H.ir-i --| of Kansas City. \|o. d«*piei«>d Mar- Mel,•sod Butin.n Dorison was sisted 5> v •. • Con-i ; nr Johnson, director of jra a!* s :P U.-nn.Pt; Charles Score ' Washingtoi. ;h ist. did the choree ; >hy assisted by Miss Bilmir Te I '-, a ,-, Herm. it phy.-icin! edu e Han a, tractor C i.gimiis m. | irapertie- vser. designed by S-s ’tree and Mr-. Matilda Ziegler mt instructor, and executed umh i hi' dir-'Cion ot’ Mss Lome F* '\*'i Pal etothin - instruct'ir STARS IN IIA.VCF 0801*1* i'lilcy Bc.tiy wII he starred with i’ropiearin, u dance giamp. in an :i|>|c.-.trunre at the Fries Audior (Htn el Dm- Winston-. Salem Teach ers College at S:f!ll p. ui Kri iay. Noveml er M. '{his attraction will he tin first in a seri,-s ot four events in the ITVe.H ( oncert >• r;e- inanased hy the Alumni Association oi the College. Other events in the series are; VSnre! Kuhn sni January 17. Vvan VWav • r an.l Kermit M.nire on Fehru ai v !t, and Marian tn-lerson .>,< 'f treh ‘ll. i i.iiv To HOMEMAKERS HY !.! HI ( j JKKi N f state Hem Demonstration t,eot BIANKi: CAitl I'i'-.P wool r Junkets with Ha* ■ ode riib tii.pt pceeiou- posses •ow P- . ivi U-xtile sei,*!i .-is saviog r»» th. iity lionugmakci's, with Pa r* be ar that the production of ■ eo! b - > cur i om o: the lap is* oti rt cord. ii P- a'Di - * ; hhuikpis in use only uir.fl pnitary practice • lli heio lowp i, f ioiigt-:' 'oitl hold ! . pp!ay .n itli and convh.rt V.'p p • i... iiiiet is thrown back ('■ ■• 'o lb- il -1 .sir i- aebes.; koT.-i st'.b. fie wool has a chnne e- get biv, •( p.P‘uP.‘ -pnngiiiesF which mtilv: for vor .-nth Lie cars ■o l id • e p ken nut to throw’ 1 ■ pm n , ...I- v.hr g :--i.arp -aieh • Is<- •> whicti # r* f V’« ‘ i ii. yj V *>r» iiliythi?!;.-* h b,. . , --t pu it s,-.- t. at th.- bed -■ .j: i. • ta! fj<*jtl» ; - Or *;♦ v* • r- iUL*h*?lV;d du J **“E«C - ' '• Ctc; i tr*’! r v>: • r v:*‘» • »>* t») 1 5 i. ».:i (knit !’ ■!’ la bt ■ CIA it:. old couifoD, 1 ibiiks-ta p.'fuio P. ■ iar ge enough to ■ > '.f bp '.veil over ll'aUld. i's >nci stdltuc.: iir; Jy in tin- hottom of tho ore Short blank*'* often out e. fly hi cause they take -so much !-• and .-train. -A blanket stays clean lohge; *; tin her: is medo So that he sheet turns back over the top of the Watiket 8 to 13 inches. Ir the sheet -s oo i rt. a ‘ trip ot eToVp bhg.: «ti over t.;'n top or the full biprtfcpt. or even a third sheet U;-ejl on t np, fflvet* added warmth liwaus* if holds .still air in she fluffy