< UTTR. u twmi * <.l T> ([TVS ION . ; ■ 1 ■ ■■ A. nd T ( ... H'>..:e- the D".iishi-ci Ri-r •• >.-ii several ether eiUUian.s m the Unite,;! St.it* A .ray. Ruy i non.-j A Montgorr la at PMS&T ;,t A. and ■ <■* ■. ’, V *'• f j 'Dak I.*. as Cluster for hi-> Bronx* St. r Medal. end :J citation from' tn. in. ..r, ,;*n'< *' :n.ent fur his p* . in the 1 and World Wu' i'; >• car ' iin f ; . th • Purple H -.at ,\ud Y ~i >; *_ :. hi';- -id-.I ’.last only Oil the ~..*r' - n tears;-. varieties. _ L\/n I \ T f ./7m tu.Juksh.-h I \ 9 j wf £& My 1 (fx: 'jt'i tel T * i- X -- A \ I <( | X ->-c;^' ;^ r f 4igf ' h 3 « |* j '-A kjLzsL-, ®»' —«—**£*2P' jCOKAV/NAIURB —w />- / OY VVAIC H ME BOP ) a® v "A if* A . Sa " ' .. . i 4 •#&. Njg' Barbara Answers Sacks of Fan Ml.,* V " .. M' My- , Fffp#' I?.'.?'’-''' -■<#&£-* A A 'VI k, y ■ . « AV-W - ? ®. : Ti , V n|V ‘ r ■ ... ■: , ‘. A t ;V ; 'W<- AA | ;.-• ’ >.', ' 'V ' ’ ".''V-.- A . »?*:s? * ~..'i sKff.aP'S '•'■ • y. ’■ .- A’’ ■ -'V . v I p*h. - A|;h -< ~, '"3 liohss one movie si at’ who knows now that her fans think of her, even when site > out of the country. Barbura Stanwyck, jus* back f’r*»m a trip to Europe where -she visited her husband, Robert Taylor, found Barks of mail overfiuu mg witli fan letters waiting for her. All <>; t.nem ha-l ai i i vi-.i «luilng her a';>s<-.;*.*-. To <*>;**• -0, t .. i0:;;Un|l hi;-- ;> tal.air. sidvantage of she l*"n :-.«:d in makii'U her most iv <* ■•* * ? ioovii in Please A 1.0dy." t In this movie, Miss Stanwyck jii.ii , the role of a hard-hitting liew:.(>aiier columnist,” explains A. Dpnald Brice, director of adver tising for Dictaphone Corporation. “To compile hei daily newspapet • .ikiiiin He i:s s a Dictaphone Tin.i -Master. She dictates rapid fire i,. i rules against her male co star, Clark Gahle, who portray:, a nationally famous race car driver. / ER^-PARDON MEANT 'PUOP VhOOR OUT ANPA \ f/J . , — ( FANCY 'JM v - I - .js=.*«M» *«».»» ri~.*, i--y , -- A: • |kf||; p; HA' 7 —A,- ;-: 7 V 'hum J feur.e&ZH /- vouj - ——/AS#rlfcW 7 \ CAN'T CALL T«r5T ; ' " • A:;-' WS||f#M A ,C_. . JliMlEi™ _ - %»&»—>- "•*■ "" __ J ; jL .. 1... 1 1 tinat *.i y, in. becomes Kr.o xri i as a ‘killer,’ ami she condui ts a campaign in her columns to bur ham from all race tracks. “New that the movie is com pleted and is he;jig shown.around the country, she is using electronic dictation to handle hei correspon dence in real life. By using her portable dictating machine she is able to answer 1 . r fan lettci s much tn ire conveniently and quickly. She uns • ers aw many as a hundred letters a day.” ASST. REGISTRtR Is iPPOINTED aiv. : r . 1 : ! L.tiit ci ,by the itj- Vk-> !*«<> sic ( urr\ i liostMi Sweetheart Os Omega U UK I C* I. Vof Sanford. X. C v.a.. chos •l: iy i: : ?.i i>. : '.'l'.HfjT* r C.f t ’*> ! ; .*■_■ ( Ph P. . irat . : uly at A and T. ColU-.v. ».«• b the sweet ii • ui * *• x Liu. chu o' or. School of A: t.- and Sciences at A aul T < ol’vgc Sh- v- a. crowned at -us •■• lido.l* ■.-*ii'i;nt: a * crunor:/ recently. achievement week IN FIHKHIFs OB N. (. 1-H‘KKS ihi? ion F. • Vi ;.. '■ r 4-12. and North Cui4|ijaN -■ ■ - .i-Ts than j 23,000 4 -H ( '‘ ’ > :• y. -i; i d 'An I: v Li,, 1 *J! Ft U> Thu S: -• U.UT’L Uik»£l 2,Ov"J ; ..I opuia; t-Vt’l ta diixing tilC Wuck. . >;uv* v i jpu ill ‘i ii \ 'ork whi ii.riili .:a;d 1 at Tar 4-H • . •. !' -{.. t • -uiitipri, 700.000 caiTti :i on special health activ]*ir?s, and 235,000 conducted recreational lead- Tn.vtl'.'ping an understanding of , some of :hi- importarit soda! and : eeunoinic i'oi ces at work m tn« world and taKing steps to ri. veiv>p tin- good-?■•.'ghbor spirit at hcrrttjs ane* alroad also were features >1 the yeai's program, Harrili said \iiu*ric t ui Education Week At ISi Nov, s*ll liu'.'S iON Vtxas -- I'iie Divi sion of fcau.cauon and Psychology ■-•! ’i\ >:a. .Slate University win ci>- ei vc ‘A;.1 1;- 'in Wee Novcnw. * r i 960. Tile geuarxl ; liit'me will be Govci rimt-nt Or. Bv 11 it* r"r Th*. Pco.-.e. A ...x ..1 educational exiuoit \ ill be on .... play in room 214 AB hum November ti through Novem ber il. Th. display will be on the subject Chil.mood Educ \ n. Among the topics whicn will b * discussed , ; re: "Responsibilities ot the Citizen," "Meaning of the Bal lot." "Urgent School Needs, ’ -Op •portunities tor All,” and 'Horn;, School C* ivuriunity Team Wor!| , A jjj.. 'ipralc niOVie will shown daily. The Deparonent of Audio-Visual -’rid and the Depart -1 ment of Bo - me:-.. Administration are eo-optH atm.; witii the prograir*.. 1 A motorcade will be conduct-- ect Isowraher 10. 1950. It will in.- elude :i one-room school, a large *• lenientai y school and fmaliy a visit to Win alley Hielv School. » MINISTERS TAKE TSU EXTENSION EOI’RSE HOUSTON Texas .... For tne second year a group of Houston Ministers v.ill tak*- att extension course from Texas State Univer sity. Beginttn?; November 9. 1950, 6:00 p m. ti 9:00 p. m , a class in ■ Ethics" will tc held at the Edu cational Building, Shiloh Baptist Church, (Rcvc .nd B. H. Roberts, pastor! • The class sell Ibe taught by Dr. Thomas F Freeman and Dr. Ira A Bolton An enrollment of between 15 and 30 is expected. According to R W. Hilliard, Di rector of Extension and Corres ponacm -*, i lie University is an xious to serve the citizens with other courses of from two clock hours to a full semester’s work “ Buy Saving BONDS and STAMPS