BRiGG-MEN WIN _ _ >iorv oil P-Jtgv ■ The Carolinian f: KCAIUHINUN V, ,-ek I/vd:'!, . .\->v. 11, im:„) iiALEKUI, NORTH TAi‘OLiNA SPECIAL SERVICES LIS TEVENTS Shakeup Hits 95th TC - Ji erte4t NKW OFFICER STAFF: A Complete Changeover in officer personnel took plaice in the ysth TiAftsportitiort Corps Car Com paisy at Fort lira** last week- Members of the new staff, left to right, standing are Ist I As. Julius H. Jefferson, Frank, Bor sien. Morris A, Foe, l)Hw>oi«l Brad Joy ansi Jites«e» 3HL Morris. Captain Lonnie MrKcithen, C«» winding Officer of the Unit, is sitting at. desk