2 Raleigh Teams To Play For Slate-wide Grid Honors In Keynoter Role At Show i • - .‘t * " , T r«r\Wßs mv yrr akfr —7. h« sc,fit annlvt'f' a ry es sha-u- I niv»>rMt> « ili b,- observed .it \nntlii! t nijndrrs Day oxerrift"-. *ii bp held Friday morning. S'» 'tmtv i: >t 11:00 o’rlofk *** I. Diversity Church, The address Mill he delivered hj Or M. 1,, Perry, »bot. prominent plays i elan nf Fayetteville. !>r. Per* y its a graduate nf l.i-ona nl Medi cal School of sh;*w I'nivfrsily in 1 DOS. New fork Post G*V ■*< ate School and the New York Polyclinic i*i Connection with the New V»rk Academy of Med. Ipine'g Lecture course. Rocky Mount Hospital Bans Negro Patients AMEZS SET 3 fJNFABS New Solon Opposes FEPC Plans f§ I.E'IGH M■ Smith going to Washington to help fight FEPC. That tael was made clear hero this efc by North Carolina’s jun ior If- S. Senator, Willis Smith, who ' j i *• J that be-, efforts in tho Nation': Capital will be in keeping ruth hi-, campaign vhich advocat Woman ’s Charge Is Heard t , Assailant Draws Sentence DUNN A 32-year-old white Harnel tC'nuuty farmer *• as sen tenced to a term of a yen's im prisonment for H.v-aiiii ori a Negro woman hi Uarnetf Superior Court this week. Dreeing tin wren '■■■■< ■ Bur key O’Brient. y.ho is charged with as sautt upon the p* : n: of h’fi •*> £li«abcth Smith with intent to Quanity of Marijuana Is Discovered During Raid INSPECTS FIND: Raleigh De tectlve Captain Hob flooduin wjbQv ft, inspects marijuana in and loose form dlscov »|*d by city and county officers a raid oil Katrina’s Place, a RALEIGH—A daylight raid on. a local business establishment un covered a cache of. marijuana and paraphaneliu for preparing the drug in addition to whiskey for the purpose of sale, the local po lice Department revealed this week. RA ID INC OF FI CERS F! ND DOPE CACHE in RALEIGH Home-Slate Edition SINGLE COPY vOU. Ati. KAU’IGH, / ORTH CAROLINA VEKK ENDINC, Vl* TiPAV. r.OVEMBEE li. 19.01 NO B/i C 1 C •jl I * • T* A jT* Den . hmith s uoing I oiJ, C. To Fight AgainstF. E. P. C. ci-j offense to FEPC. the Bramjan pi.3n. and socialized medicine. Senator Smith, in last week'.-., general, elections, deieated Repub [icon tan-riai'd-b.-nrer Gavin for !h. i,->-1 of ji.n or- Senator from the cate and wt!) replace interin* iC'nnlinurd i»n page 1, this section* rape. M. • Sinitn told !,••-. {.'at and the jury nearing the case that the farmer had come to her home in a drunkened condition on the. night of the assault, and broke- into the house, despite her protests find attempt ea to assault her. The roan -end he had no recol- K ontinurd *>** page t. *his section) Raleigh establishment, last Sa turday afternoon. Also pictured is a machine which officers re veal is used in the manufacture of ‘‘reefers’’, Photo Courtesy NEWS AM) OBSERVER. In a Saturday afternoon raid tov plulnclothesmen on an es tablishment known as Katrina's Place at 211 N. State Street, officers resportedly found a bout 3ft “refers” in addition to a handful of loose marijuana. (Continued on page 4, this section) ANNUAL CHURCH CONFERENSES NOW IN SESSION Meetings Being Held in Whiteville, Salisbury And Suuburv „ i rH'HH'M •■Three annual eon-' i fcrcncrs of the AMF. Zion Church: i'-•o’ojii i-.ir.o churches in North Car- i Ain . arc holdim* s■: sions within i ; the 'late this week. I Tin- Virginia Cioufen-nces, pro-1 ! -died over by Bishop H. T. Med-, lord. W i hington. D. C.' , conven . rd a! Su ninny. November !;>. The j : Cape Fear Conference, headed by ; • Bishop J. w. Martin. Chicago, 111.. | | and the 'We.-torn North Carolina,: i with Bishop B- G. Shaw Birm- j inpoHi t, Alabama, presiding, is; ' meeting in Salisbury, All of the! .meeting : opened on Wednesday, The Virginia Conference is i composed of churches covering the central and eastern see i lion of Virginia, ami the- ex j treme eastern pari of the state. (Continued on page 4, this section) ! FAYETTEVILLE IN I ORGANIZATION OF PREPAREDNESS j FAYETTEVILLE—In connection j with its program of general \e- ! pareduess. the Fayetteville Civil j Defense Committee has reconi- | mended to the city that the use ; 01 sirens in case of fire be dis- | continued- Until further notice the sounding of a siren here will be , for an air raid sigma! only. The sirens are to be tested on ! Friday. November 24 at 6:45 pm | The sirens v ill be sounded for » (Continued on page f, this section) It Happened In Carolina Dentist Named DURHAM. -- Dr. James M Huo bard, Jr-, son of Dr, ,T M Hubbard, | local dentist and recent graduate i of a dental school, has been nan- j ed to head the dental program ' in Durham city and county schools. The younger Dr. Hubbard, who | i has joined his father in practice j j here, will give three days weekly j j of his services to the; local Board : [of Health. Hi is scheduled to *ise j i portable equipment in making j calls at schools arid will conduct , an extensive health program. Nearly Made It j WINSTON SALEM A 54-year ! old honor grade prisoner who | would have been released on Nov j 28, was killed here this week when i he was run over by a. State High St. Agnes ’ Contribution *F ;■ Aw4BaßaißaiJifgpgßk :.., ■ Hf u-y: TfijzxDC'iy".. (Tiib'Tly rr* I*' 1 *' ~• liPP'IIIWIIIMPWWI'.'ini “MISS ST. AGNES" Miss Vandel James of Apex, who bears the title "Miss St- Agues Hospital' was one of the guests of honor fit the St. Yugustne’s College Homecoming observance Finis Written To Case Os Cabbie and Schoolmarm By f. H HARKEN i ROCKY MOUNT Sandy Faulk former local taxi driver, was sen tenced to two years on the roads in. Edgecombe Superior Court last week follow me his conviction of assault on a female. The criminal charge had been rape and crime | against nature, but R-f icitor Geotgo. * Fountain accepted the guilty p'.cn I on the lessor charge and did not way Conori ;aion truck freon which | he vas working. Dead k Lesley Che: imp, who i died at *5 1 o local K ' Bitting Rey- S nolds Memorial H > ulat shortly j after being admit--M Tuesday The man had been serving a 1 road term for assault w.th a dead |ly weapon. Solon Is Speaker j LUMBERTON ■. -rU v ivc j 'F. ErtaJ Carlyle told Robeson j I County Negro farmers to stay j 1 abreast of the times m modern i | farming 1 het'e last week as he made j the keynote address at the krill ( 4-H Achievement Day exorcises, ; | Twenty one neighborhood lead ! ers were given recognition during | the session and 17 member;- of the club who have becoirv cnampioos , with various projects were, lauded 1 lasi week end. Highlight of the observance was a football game in which the St. Augustine's Col leg,, team defeated the team from Bhu’tiel : State Teachers College j in west Virginia —A fiAILLARD j I’HOIO press the rape “barge The prosecutrix was Mrs Mode line Daniels of this city, v Ijo formerly laugh* in the Nash County schools. .Mrs, Dan, i ,- ls is said to he the mother es jj, five-months-old infant and the wife ”f a solider now In Korea, Tiie ollcyed attacks are said to J (Continued on page 1, this section.) 1 —~ I j Field Day Held i OXFORD The farm if Junius j Braswell. Route* 1. Northslde was j the site of i Negro farmer.-*' field day event staged Wecinesoay thru the cooperation of the Veteran Farmer Training Class of Mary Rotter School and the Soil Con- j salvation Service. Bellhops Cleared RALEIGH •- Four bellhops were | cleared Inst week of charges of j robbing a. Richmond, Va. truck j driver here June li). | The men, former bellhops at ; Hotel Raleigh here who were ab solved of all charges are Vassie Wluktren, Ljouis Dav#;. William Carter and Jacob Allen. They had | been accused of robbing J. O. Min 1 atra of $lB3 The Sweetheart Os Gamma Omicorn w ™, lll 1 'mamk fflSBL' ''4mBMM ■ •* Jr mmzc $1 aM 9& ’ Jk^Kma£»; gWBHHt. dsnE iS S' : '■ s H| Wm ■ 1 m ; . •^>»KSP , WTS3S^*S^ST' S ?-> .-LA, 'tiuvi -xs. .no i - -w*a»3fTv nMWBiSg- -aM TORS \YSTt( FRATERNITY %Sis'» Flea nor If FlorC, h-H is f<11» ; \i ith ihr n)-' !e. t l , of the flarunv* Omtcron chapter of ti»,- IGtR a Alpha S’-1 fraternity .t NCr II GETS 810 TO BO WL FLORIDA BOWL BID VIEWED WITH UNCERTAINTY Kajrlrs Luncf'iiJrale On \. & T. Clash \\ liilc Fla. Avail's KcpK DURHAM The ;>:•• l-Ht f a;-;. iin.j College E: yt->n football *■ rn ■■ c* ive.;- .1 ijjd :•> •- • ■ H- •■ lda A 119! ,V] Cnlb'g - in 'h ■ O'aii.’c Blos'-em *"!»- -it- ■:i:nr p, be played a! Miami, Fie op. ; ,-•- com be i :j. Whether til- North t •<*!•„., team v.-tl lacccpt tiic bid could not. be leal U-'d * !, i ' L'-' team prepare , (• ■!■ jl> ci- , n- 1>. ■ ■: rii;: determining e!--e-h agn.nst A ftrd T f'eihge on Tlni>'k-g : ving Day. Tm Orange Rl'ir.-oin fla- ar game, one of dip nation's clcies*. and foi » Negro :.a„ , rco'le* l 'i'-iic “Bowl" .-■(t,- i-ti'»n... nf- being played ariiiii.-ill.i- in 'he O,•';*’>»; • Bowl Stadiun:, in cro:. t town v|i am i Til- North Carolina te-m -vas act-ordod * >• bid *.o participate in the ;,mit*ii| clai aic hy • irtiio <>f it.- current ea-.oo' rfenre' Till- d *:; tv.nu loa-fing ■) ’.ec on; of ' ■ l ':i ->n ~nd one (0.-s 'a if,ii a clear record in Colored li'* r -; eolleg--.it. Athletic Assotii tion competition The Eagle:; have ,on over At (Continued on page 1, t)il% section* Fight Continues Above 38th Parallel KOR£A REPORT. The war in Korea goes on a* a, Republic of Korea soldier aids Private First Joseph KelseV, right of Mill edge ville, ir»„ oo » defense, position ok the front *oi»eivh«r» in Korea. * “.** St. Vugustine's College having reigned a.< that chapter’s “queen" during the r-eent Homecoming exCreisey ;* ( tu-. college. M.- , f • Ftore i> a. n.ati'.r of .YJohiie, Race Patients, Indigents Barred From Sanita riutri ROCKY MOUNT—-Formal.' pub ;■ announcement u 3. made here - v a., the jtafr of the Rocky M" - lit, i.ltavn ;a. /11l- of *be cil/'. 1 --* pi *<,: *p:,! ■ i-a.;pt.a!., -vhi-. a treat N>. ■■>•■ patient . thoi. after Novem i -'*- 15 fll e institution would no Ion: ?r tdmr. Negroes ,nd mdifiont flit I, tO*J fs ii , S •nif.-iriun ••.vpiaipcr) it ;•■: r! :;. * . XI yMr dice i-'i.'S >' Oliaht *.O : at all patient'- -thi'sc able to -i- e unable to pay l,«.••> - aria e.-! jeon' tiic latter group 1/ mg in part be- u made up bv t a:*;. Welfare cun*ribu*.ions ond Ml" -•> siv-w:'«i bv (*u> l. Washington High, Chavis Heights 1 Is In Playoffs RALEIGH - Two Raleigh Go* >1 ball ••> d* compete this " *ir ; for ta;■•wide rfwznition ajid title!, h*'iioi's. Tbp trans .tlio W.<: hington High j c-iio"! ’ i.illc Blues" of toe North *< Carolina Negro High Srh.ooi Ath- j l tetir A -cciation. and t'le Chavis j 1 flf' •:•■'■ ■ oug.-ry" of the two-city ! * ..'.]*,■ local recreation department -ponsored 1-., y.e. face action, this! Tl'e w.o hington High School '.-,-jin "err*’niel hold n r of th p * : >(n lith-, is to clash with the price Ala Pictured with here are Mi»* s -cs AutoneUc Williams *>f Rat t.-rvon. V J. and Eloise Mitchell •*f Thom-isv(He, Ga., her atfen ' ~ CAROLINIAN PHOTO BV Fit! Veal* tv, Komegay family, owners of the io.;pita!. U ’< contended that the deficit which is steadily increas ing can no longer be 3 bis or bed The mov? came not as a. ■••■urprist* to the übite and oo!-* ered leaders here since touch council has been taken on the matter through the Community t Interracial) and other groups for t year, or more. IdkewLe, several abortive at tempts over a period of many years have been made toward an all colored hospital, all ••v»th negative results. .Vtpynwt.n® six Negro physicians (Continued on page 4, this section) Hi-h School team from Salisbury Vi “RaleighA Chavis Park on Fri da;- afternoon in ipiay for the state scholastic title. The Chavis Heghts team, ryinner of the city Junior League title, is to -'lash with the winner of the city title at Fayetteville on Saturday at Fayetteville for the staate rec reational diadem COP EASTERN TITLE The local high school team won the Hate high school conference K * .tern Division championship by (Continued on page 4, ibis section*