>- tIF. : AftOLIN! AN —Week Ending Sat., Nov. 18, 1950 Capt. Lester McCants Plays Big Role As Morale Builder s w ■ f \ ~, ( APT. McCANTS iOx - BRACK.; froi,ably no iUn r individual at Fort Bragg is ivior<_- s’-vari- of the vitai role play ed t o('C! entei tuinment in the up > maintenance of a high at 11’atci of morale among troops than Captain Lester McCants, post athk-ti-. officer. Since taking over this .a-'spmwit some three months ■'.'.•i, !)< has found it interesting, vxviting and at times "tough." Yet, despite all would-be obstacles, i apfeiif: .JcCants has given an out stundin; service in planning' and making available a variety of ports activities and entertainment tor Fort Bragg'., military personnel. Athletic programs planned by <’ u tan; .McCants and his staff have t een b:oad and well designed to in dud. ~i) personc!. These programs aiciudi baseball, softball .boxing, tootb I! horseshoe-pitching, rifle matches. badminton and scores ot other sports activities of interest tt> militar personnel. A devout sports enthusiast. Cap tain McCants is well qualified for 505th Nips 325th To Keep Unblemished Card FORT BRAGG The undefejt-, cd :Vj3th Airborne Infantry panth ers ro.-. <-d bardi trom a 7 to 0 d« j licit at hidttiin, to hang a 3!) to 14 detent on the Falcons from the' 32:>tja Aii borne Infantry. The' P-'ii !ht s-enied to gain their sec-1 ond wind in the third period and, duin. r,othi(i!> wrong. started roll- - ing • ! the score- At th< beginning of th«- game it art dthat the Falcons were .t.oin to be the winners, and pull I the ti freest upset of the season. Two' drives end a tumble put them ;n sipht or the Panther goal line but t.tr* *■ times the- staunch 505t!i tin.- held them tor downs inside the twenty yard line. The panthcis drew first blood.: Taking- the but lon their own lti, j alter holding the Falcons fori downs, they started lot a t *tch down. In five plays they were in : pay dirt. Bill Carter made six: >a:vb: on the first play. Walter; Vaiiney hit Julian Hunter, big Panther left end, with a pass that was good to the 3d yard line Then Carter took another pass from j, VaniH.-y on the 50 arid raced to the . Falcon 32 before he was hauled; down. On the next play Vannt'y j raced toward right end on a fake •pass play ad junftp-JMMfed to Hun ter who was standing" sell alone, in 1 the end zone. Vanney-'-s attempted j. luck ior the extra point , was block- j < *d- ■ ■ On the next . exchange of plays •. tae Frflouns . scored their first ' assignment ts•- holds . keen Interst in all port, and a wealth: of knowledge and experience in many. His favorites however, are coxing track, football be obeli -in:: basketball. When not engaged ir: the perfor mnnee of his duties or conducting or witnessing some sports event,' Captain McCants turns his atten lion to one of hi,-, favorite hobbies, living photography or radio. A native of Melroes Park. 111., Capt lie. McCants entered lee Army, on January 6. 1941 at Fort Cugter,; Mich, fie was commissioned a Sec :id I.jeuton.int on July !. 194! l.nirin World War II lie served in; Italy .vhere lie participated in the Rom. Arno, Po River Valley and North Appeninnes campaigns. Upon tin- cessation of hostilities in Eur ope. lit- served in. Germany with t’ne occur ation forces from 040 to 1949. H" is the son ot Mr. and Mrs. ft MeCatit . of 820 South IJth .Avenue, Miy wood. Illinois i touchdown. Failing to gain the Fal con quarterback, Billy Easley, I kicked to the Panther 2u yard line where Fred Bell fumbled. It was ; lecovered by the Falcons on the ’l9 The Falcons drove to the six j ; yard line but were unable to make I it to the end-zone and the ball went I •ver on downs- On the lirst play | i Bill Wallace, Falcon lialtcack. in. j !> : copied Vanney's pass on the 12 yard line. Wallace then drove oil! right tackle oil the way to the one ■ toot line before he was hauled C down. Two plays later Easley went:' over for the Touchdown. Donald j < Toth kicked the extra point The remainder of the half was j mainly a kicking duel between j • F.asl. y and Vanney. Neither team * could ] cnetrate to midfield as the ; kicks kept booming out around | the coffin corner. The Panthers scored quickly in j t' e second half Bill Hoffman kick- : ed over th. goal line to open the j u-iiod and it was the Falcons ball i on thier own -J9 yard line. Three [ plays later the Fa Icon had lost: seven y ards. Garnett Arnold Pa nth-! er lelt tackle broke- through to | block Easley's kick and recovered j it in the end zone. Huffman con-! verted and the Panthers went! ahead 13 to 7. The Falcons were unable to gainj ou th« next ..erics and w<*v fpre- 5 - ed to kick Etsley j wan taken Hy BeM ca kia o»vri l.y ■and returned to th-t 31 >tawi> tVTthout lo in* th.*'bull the Panth-! BOWLING BEGINS AT POST BOWLING ALLEY FORT BRAGG Tv* 1950 .'U • Bowling reason scheduled to i tin for twenty consecutive f.veeks got underway at the IV., t BrWMing Al ley las; week. Schedules luce been released b> Special S rvc.-cs oif i tints and distributed throughout tiiv post. '! w twenty, week c. iopaign* i i divided into two pro ups Tie have beers ay.'.ropnau.lv tiesigiiated as the A ? coican and .Natiouai 1.v,-.- IJnifS com pc.- it;-• the Amei ican 1. ■ me e < teg 14th Q" L rn'u.sl,-; Bataiiotn. 29til Ordnance Battalion, Ifi'-adq'.i.i! tuiand serve o Compan ie <>f tne JOftth Engineer Battalion fdi-iih i'-.i difsi y lot: lligerwe Service Company, Physical Trainen - Sr!mol L • Mqua !>'. ■ C• a . m. . An Force. 9ith Traissportaion Car (’,,’nyany. the Furl Sc.road and Triird Battalion.- of the "Htn Air i.'i'ne I’lfdilirj He ai: ■. ■ e.t. Second Battalion, s«F>lh Airborne Infant; v Regime!, IJTid.h Field .-VuHery Battalion, !4th ha'-. Battalion. S2mi Division MP ( a .-any 503rd IMP JBaußon. fan Mp t. jr.pany ani tin 54mh Fa-id .ArtiiL'-ry t. t alion The National League u compos ed of *;ie 285th Ord; nice H A. M. O’mpam, 332nd Sipr.al Batalion, ! > -' S' ; A ~:H C of tile tO'H’t Hugest-. p,;; itruon. .i ; afith Fa-Id He -a ttal, lieiidtjuan. -; - ami Head quarters Company V Corps 112th Artillery Group Station Hospital, 32T1: AIR, Second Battalion. 504th AIR. the First an 1 Thii 2 Battalions . or' the 5 0.5 to AIR. 3’9-u Field Artil lery Battalmn, hi:'it FTld hrtilierv Battalion, Special Troops, 82nd Airborne Division 142nd Field Ar tillery Group and the 756th raid Artillery Competition ir, • .4eh league is open to all officers and enlisted irsoune! stationed at Fort Bragg, ' Team., an- composed of eight play, ors. including three alternate.''. Al! matches are- rehed uR d to, start at ti p. m. arid will lie ulayed 1 on Tuesday ,md Tout .-day nights of ; each week .•rs drove to another touchdown. Running play, gained all the vafd j age in this 69 yard drive, featuring ; ..ns 01 J 5 vard;; by Vai | y. Belt, and May- Melvin Boykin went ovr 1 rom Inc one toot line, Hoffman, was wide with the kick -3 ilis was lollowed quickly by ■■ 111 - : other score v hile the Falcons were till off balance. To.: Pantt’rs h«‘l.i Hie 325th for no gain on ti;,: 20 yard line in Falcon territory Fa ley's kick was partially blocked ind went only to the 40 yard line. , there it was picked up by Bell and: returned to the 32. Lester Powell took a hand off through left tackle; lor 17 7yards. On the next piay, a' pitch-out, Boykin went ova-r lor; the score, Hoffman's kick was good, j Tin- Falcons regained their bar-j m;c" and in a sustained drive word ; ‘II hte way to tin- Fathers four' yard lie before the 505th line stif-j Wiled and held lor downs. The! <• il< mi- had the Panthers inside: ‘hen 20 and forced Vanney t<; f kick. The kick was downed on, the j Falcon- 30. Here they started the • drive that scored their second I touchdown. The score came on a r. iss Easley to Charles Baker Toth converted again The last two touchdowns came. > direct result of some beauti u! broken field running by Beil a:M Carter, Bell took the next kick-j 'if ,>ii ms own 10 and returned to a 1 Falcon 10 before being stopped, iwo plays later he was over. The I . Imai TO ("erne when Carter took a iiandoir. glio-rj off right tackle, cut baci:. and raced across A run of 38 yards. Buy I Saving I; j STAMPS " .' ■- :£x f 1 and i }; BONDS s 1 505th Combat Team To Stage Airborne Assault Demonstration FORT BRAGG On Tuesday. November 23, tin? 3rd battalion C'o::;.:ut It .a : or tile will stag r b .tt.-iioii airborne assault rten 1. lustration on drop : Sicilv for ire of the A. .nod 1- 1 k-t iff v'- >! Sr : ae Th" > impose of ■ ri mstr.a. tiori le g'-e.v tin- Armor Forces ■ *it CoHcge Students tin capa biiity of Airborne Ai-sault Op". , tion , nd the problem 5 irret'd by t! ; iidiviri ;ai airborne . :-i w.- rr. ttrop a,'M r.sssuit will b. made by an a roximatr-d 700 men, consisi iiit: i*i t;n> Tiiird Battalion of inf-, try, pi", bate try A oi ti.e 45KU' Ann FA Bn.’-dioß arc! a platoon o; 1 'ipir.ce-. - from the 307 m Airborn; ij in. . : B ittali«n. iIII;- , '. • ,'lmji cl;-, ig! :■. I |,.e of he.-.s , ’.'Capons firms* V- op ‘gye place in the Latham impact urea ■ idjoining th-c 11. Z. Sicii--' ‘So *: Tie- we.ipi'as Suusgs and -.-eciio . will l:i c>> vii a bumige of w a "tU vtivCmw. of the v -,wv. ;vv t!- -jlior 82nd Airborne Division Boxers Rack Up Wins FORT BRAGG YH "-.mi. r boxing to. son opened ThursUa night. 9 November, at Fort Bra. when 14 wot v.-ev.; Mu.sjht :n t; ; Toiirnar.i-ant of Champions at Re port Field Re;:,- in the n b>.u>..- there «nv t . KO.s an i Ur.. -' TKC p the fir-t knockout came in t-w | lightweight class wit -i! White Hui. • ter of t!’.-- 505th Airborii fnfa. tt'j scored in 2:15 of the fir-t round over Albert Skiff in of the Fi.-ici Artillery- In tile next light Robert prock of the 504th . Airborne Infant!y kra..eked out He - iiv.m Conn of the 505th in 28 sec onds of the third round. The thiid KG ca.ne in ihi final boot of the t-Vening when William Cormorto.i o the ;;i:4U* Joseph Djvi. nr t in 1 In- L itiij’e v. eltvrv, l ight bout of Li - cvi niiig. Davis put Cor.nm tor. on th. can'. . in 240 of the a ' iround The TKOs were scored by .11 Burlison 504th over Lytious Pierce. Toyland At Theater 7 Attracts Huge Crowds FORT BRAGG Since it opon : iag on October 18, ''i’oyaiu-r' Jo j cated in the spacious rudiiorium of ; theater No 7 opposite the Main l Ost Exchange, replete with a v.’i variety of toys, lias been th. busy scent- of jt.'iuantic crowds of early Christmas shoppers. Bribht-eytd youngsters, beaming with the spirit of the rapidly approaching yule tide s. a son are on hand too, in size uck' numbers Its a daily routine, for oid and young alike. ! ' Tliis yi.-ar marks the first time Toyiand has operated separately from the Main Post Exchange. Ac cording to post exchange officials, the activity was moved to its new location m order to secure more spat. . Hiereby making it possible to have on hand a greater supply and variety of toys. Toyiand is presently opened from 4 until ' * r.i. on Monday, Tuesday, Pfc. Conner Gets 825 FORT BRAGG pfc. Jessie Conner. ;i member of Headquarters Detachment No. 2 of the 3420th ASU credited himself with a toiaj of 825 .joints in successfully eom ;ii tm.g the prescribed course of: study at the Cooks and Bakers school here last week. The course coveted i period of eight weeks., rour of which were given over the : theory and four to practical instru tious on the preparation of foods' and the use find nomenclature of j iieiu 'inges. Alt iv! Pfc. ( c.ier lias held j , k n inn- M *ook # ; since j or',, child'., od. mil;-, twenty-on * > w: -ntbs of his nine ;•■■■■>>• love been alloted to this v. ork i •I’ve been cooking >*>»• s>.(•>■-’ furu*,'* although this; is the in ' time I've had ar.y torunl traiainjti PAGE THREE Air support for the battalion ■ .1 b ■ furnished by a group of j.-t lighter;: from Ait aw Air Force B. -. South Carolina, and they will !>*; controlled by tin battalion or - wander. Lt. Col. Joseph R. Ru-s Tre jets will drop tombs, launch t ockeLs, and starff targets in the hr.,act area to illustrate to the .s! detents the part pis.yed by jets in an airborne ass:;.;) ’i ",Vct; his, ‘ 1 a tor Harvey Harris stepped in Ui; nag, to ; mu the fight in the i:r-1 ru -tid, of his tussle wit: Ros coa El hath File other bouts th.ii were on di vision arc: Ernie Yasquez 504th over Ciatke Boxte, 505th iraritam weigiit, Leon Ufushur 505th over John Doieman 504th welterweight, Arnold Coy Sgeciai Troops over Robert Cu .npbei i 325th middle v. eight, Antonio Necro Special Troops over Robert Campbell 325th , middleweight, Antonio Necro Spec* • ial Troops over James Thompson s 325th middleweight, Ralph Durcn : 505th over Thomas Giilam Special Troops Middleweight, Neck Vas ■ quez 504th over John aHtcher Di va; ty heavy v.’.'ig!it. and Manuel Bura;-,'i 325th over Arnondo Mon tevredi* 504th lightweight. Thursday and Friday and from 1 until 9 p m. on Wednesday and Saturday After the 24th of this month it will be opened Sundays from I until 9 p, m. New assortments of all types of toys designed for children of all ages are on display. The complete ness of the stock of merchandise found in the new store is reveal ed m the tricycle department. Here, they range from little "trikes" for beginners to the fancy cowboy and lire engine tricycles for older children- Also available is the new ••training tike" for children be tween the bicycle and tricycle age All departments are similarly stocked with an attractive array of toys, which makes this year's toyiand display one of the most Complete ever witnessed by Fort Bragg shoppers. in ii ’’ he said- "I feel that this trainm, will not only increase my tlfkittuy tut will better prepare me for the various tests tor pro motions in this work," the contin ued. Prior to entering the Army ptc. Conner worked as a dining room waiter