THE CAROLINIAN—Week Ending Sat.. Nov. 18, 1050 MARSHALL ASKS CHEST SUPPORT Sft 1 ■ g ''•% *■ liptx ~ **'} | Jf j /■ General George (;. Marshall WASHINGTON, 1) C.— Support <>f tne nation's Red Feather ram- P-ugns was urged by General CY ,rge C. Marsha!!, Sv-TC-tary of IVfe:v?e and President of the /* tr.e-nean Red Cross, at a Com™ rmir'.ty Chest meeting here. "1 have a particular reason as Score!'try of Defense to ask .sup port for the Chest campaigns,” he r, ;• ! “The community services by the Red Feather agencies are valuable in them reivther.;use they benefit every body. But, as an ever greater m.;ul'er of young men are called into military service, a greater prop. .t t»n of our population will be f..mi!ics and dependents of m. i'. Yemen. What you do to im* f acre the welfare and security of these homes Isas a strong effect on rruiiturv morale, and I know what morale means to a military organ ization. “Wo need :n our present lives *> regeneration of the spirit of Ticiphborliness that characterized the p. seer days of our expand ing i n. “It is the privilege of Commu nity Chests and their affiliated !•£<. u ,es to minister to the needs of the individual. Giving volun- , t;; by to such a cause is a measure of our fitness as citizens of a great democracy.” Gen#* I *.) Marshall t ;a: d. For chan reflection.., spong mir i.'.-.s with warm soapsuds Hold a i.t ftter just inside the frame to jutvi nt the moisture from seeping ;.di r the. glass. Add a few drops r ionia to the rinse water. Polish with a soft, lintless cloth. It % '•> |P? ;• ; > Sj&jgffiWk * >3S <; ' yC-’^' KOREA VETERANS: f^ p? tveuiwitil > »le!*r,ii « uht» j.» rt *<■»(*» t f'tl in the *v»r rustlse their first appearance «•- aj'.ei - at the Ne« \ ~rk Vntl nf Kinharkclioit, w here toe* told their fellow-soldier*. of (heir experience* >r, the I .anti of the Morning < aim, Left to riiiht: Major Albert .Senton, Deputy Chief of Troop Movement: t-fc. ,r . *, ir. <»;iksp>, Brooklyn. X. V.; Sgt, Oliver IVe% „f rhilaoelphta cm' !,t. Walter Zarnow>US, Aforri* I rr.n*-, \. *C Ail ju r patients at IM, Albtittti Nj*x; J Hospital, E'-ng Ivia-IMi. SARAH VAUGHAN opens:*-* hr pu\ AT (LI It BIRD I \M) NEW Vi.:; k r- n v. :i .;. ~v the :> . • vohOfj syhi make third I . . a y. a nee of lr. . veiling a three-; on T: :. - A t , ■ • t.»‘r 36 Tie. puiubi, : mvme :: r : just •'< gently e on. <-f hu truly ■ll tj h ; ...- «>f her bril liant caret; in i ngagenient on stage le.i. par.itinaunt Theater and . . r!.. r ini' - !v. . i t an all-1e :.K nd;;. . t record a; now <:< fin , i O: v Th, .... .'rh Un a.mi voice, v.'ht !'• ...a.-, t'iy riding away from tie. fa !u 1 K disc d. :by with in , ..-a •.: > - cor.,. the oi. .. st rum, - tior. yet booiied into BUY net. tin Broadway jazz ernponiiU' That wu founded by famt-t. ..c-ekey Symphony Sid rorm end in. ...m becom.- known far and v«u- a- the “Jazz Corner Oi Tht World” a! Broadway and 52nd St rr, t. Si.-: ■?. w ill ;a. h.r fourth ap pearar.Ci g. guest stai on Ed Sul livan's "'roast Os The Town” t-le-; vision s; tv. vi i CBS TV on Sun day night. No\i mber 19, at 8 p. m. 1 fame to his side, in electing him their Chief Executive. Harlem went all She wav to support him. It Pays To Advertise!!! Martinsville Plea Heads For Supreme Court NEW YORK - In a eoMinuina /ero-h*mr i ifort to save Inn live.- of tin ;■( vi n Martinsville. Va , youths w hoa sentence was twice af firmed by the Supreme Court of V fi •_ir,ia. c.toiTn-ys for the Nation,*! Association lor tile Advancement of Colored I’crviie are preparing th >se t ,! it: .icon;: pr, -cniation to tii,' United Si;ui - S' iremc Court. FiCpai.,tion under way this • v.v.-k oi •■ j.tition for writ of cer tiorari, a.*kit ■« tuc Supreme Court •o 11 vie-' ;h, jy (usni of the Vir ginia S.tprv) ,e Court to grant a vrit of i-.ttn a.-c corpus in the case, ivt ctro it <•:>• for tile seven have bu n •• h< duied for November 17 : nd Xiivt :..hcr 20. A stay of exf uitoin «.-i t\i< nu n ho , leeri grant .d by Oovci nor Balk- of Virginia, I hi im Jr filing of the petition lor certiOj ari. ui i-tin A. Martin and. Samuel Tucker cl Richmond and NAACP Paul Robeson Announces Plan To Sue State Dept. WASHINGTON < AND; - Paul Robeson, noted American singe:, has revealed hi-: plans to 1:0 stul arainst the 1). artnu ut of St;P for declaring his passport "null and void" after h* vcfu.-ed to .vtr.m -t at the department's «•• quert ■> few months aru. if it.- is successful in ha. mg it validated he claims that he will b, able to tulfill his worldwide -me in u i ngagemrnts which have been orang*-.;! to include performances in Lodon, I-rat-1. West Indie.- and Brazil. In the meantime, .he said, as an American, lie hopes that the world will have attained peace. While waiting the outcome of his suit against the State Department.. Robeson will stick chiefly re cord making. Not only will his re cordings include the usual types of music bus he vv;l lalso do a series of popular numbers lor juke boxes. PAGE SEVEN Special Counsel Tliurgood Marshall atorne.ys handling the case, tour as-ailed the Civil Rights Congr,.-.- - for itr proposed march on Rrc mood, scheduled for November ;.'■■ to demand a full pardon for U --. tntn "Wf- want to make it clear ' the general public, and particular ly to those v nose primary interest is equal justice for the Martinsville Seven and i- . all Amcwans rt pnrdless t-f color,” the NAACP at torneys stated, "that neither tin NAACP nor the lawyers represent ing the defendants in the Martins villc cues know anything about this move." Decrying 1 the demonstration as the work of loose ’wooes inter < ,-.t lit > only in espousing then political philosophy, the atorney announied that they "do not ap prove of the appearance of sued i delegation at this time, while legal rs-cc. dings arc . ; tiding.” t ’Robeson’s passport was revoked• according* to State Department of tends, because his travel.-, abroad were not to the best interest - t ih ; United States- Such n discreditable policy - ■..:<■ part of the United States i» - •'little unfair,” stated the noted baritone, because it tends to depi :v a citizen of the opportunity u> - arn a livelihood. ! Even tarnished tinsel will spar ; kle again alter a soapemd water i bath- Swish it in a basin of lively warm sud-, rinse and spread on a ) towel to dry. > Avoid rubbiug when you w.i.-K washable wallpaper. If you com upon au especially soiled spot. • touch it up gently with a sudsy r sponge-. L* t the paper dry com* : pletely and repeat the washing , with fresh suds and a lighttouch.