PAGE TEN - : ®wt ffllßH /’ f j 111 Immimlit Iff If ?• . villa} Mhiii fU II I V T. "^•^l |l ■ • | ; | - *'' ; * ilolskll^dv* OUTGOING AND INCOMING: New and outgoing Chairmen of the >an. ng Committee Working with Minority Group* of the Planned ■ a*>V- Federation of America greet each other. Left: 11. F. Mr ■ ? F>eld Organizer, Brotherhood of Sleeping Car ■' ’•• it* nis succeeded this week as chairman by John !,. Procope, : ■ sperintendfij*!, Provident iferpstaf and Free Dispensary, Aa;• Bennett Theater Guild Presents Three Plays GREENSBORO Three one act j £•• Ton.tier-roe Williams’ "Lord . J ~ on - Love Letors." Roceit John-; , s The Dreamiest," and Jack: Jacobs -Brideship” were .presented l;- the Bener.t College Freshman; Theater Guild in the College Little ! Theater, last November 10 and 11. Cast for “Lord Byron's Love Let-’ hr.” which depicted a love affair < ‘ the famous English poet, inelud ed Bertha Brown, Asheville, as the j Spinster, Aiic-e King, Baltimore, as the Odd Woman. Peggy Jeffries, Ejrlir.gton, g- the Matron, and Henry Frye of A. j.vd T. College as the Husband- App:- 1 ring in The Dreamiest," the story of a writer’s lost love, were Judith Riley. Philadelphia, as Airs. Irving 1 Joyce. Miss Jeffries as Ann. Annie Williams. Independece, Vrgiia, as Mamie, Clarece Coles' Dennis Best Grocery Store & Filling Station OLD SAULSTON ROAD GOLDSBORO. N. C. PHONE 2tieS-J-I DENNIS BEST. Prop. f" ~ BELL-STUART Furniture Company (Quality Furniture, Reasonable Prices 227-28 N. John Street | Goldsboro. N. C„ Phone 1780-J ' ‘ _ j”COM PLET E LINE OF LADIES APPAREL The Glamor Shop 101 S, Center St, GOLDSBORO. N. C. !i ' > | | Yo-ar Credit I* Good At j j | [ FURNITURE 355-117 Esut W*!mst St. | GOLDSBORO ! of A. and T. College as Pretice. 'Bridiestiip.” concerned v, itn prob : Jems M homecoming brides, had : the following cast- Doris Sewed. Boston, as Celia; Owe. Jones of ; Cincinnati, as Peggy; Helen Corn ! bo. Greesbore, as Dorothy; Dorothy Dixon of Burlington, as Edna; and Laemma Davis, Oswego. South I Carolina. Rosa Farga>. Ettorey, Puerto Rico, Miss Jeffries, and Marian Bass of Nashville, Tennes : see as other brides. The plays were directed by Miss Constance Johnson of the Bennett drama iacuity, assisted by Eliza beth Walls, junior of Charlotte, and Virginia Anderson, junior of Stony Point- Matrons pads like all bedding, must be kept clean It stained, soak the pad briefly in coo! water. Wash it by hand or machine in hat soapsuds; rinse, and extract excess water. It possible, dry the pud out of doors on a bright breezy day. For speedy drying, hang it over paral I lei lines set a foot or two apart. ' and reverse its position when about half dry. Or hang about one third i of :ts length over a single lino., • Either way. square the corners and . smooth wrinkles MattreA- pads should not be. - jre-ned because pressing flatten- the padding and cuts down on its ab sorber, cy. For Fun and Recreation Visit THORNTON’S TEEN-AGE CASINO And SHAVING PARLOR 50? Alvin Street Goldsboro, N. C. E. A Thornton. Prop. Phone 387 M 1 FOR GAS, OIL, TIRFS AND ! ! ACCESSORIES STOP A ‘- [ Mobile Service Center \ S- Queex. et. —wmmmm mmmmmm ■ rrurminr-tw GARRIS DRY CLEANERS AND HATTERS DAY SERVICE’* 2n#S rs. Center Goldsboro 1 > GOLDSBORO I ■4 •- __ _ _■ v ! -sSKs&i*^a»iss^ajsa®su»i^'4iKiss* end there He was the sort of i'-.diov folks never though- i.nii i doing- t: e sort of work they tool: In b nr,ti of— until one dgv th no’: e young Joe Williams in brig!— uniform walking down 11 • street that had never known a polic man other than Old. Bill. "Where's Bill?" they a-k- b J.v •‘Retired,” sadi Joe That was ail he know about it and inquiries to the Mayor brought cut only the sstnp information* The folks who bothered enough *hou‘ it to go that far were puz r.h-d. Where had Old Bill McDowell got ihe money to retire? Especially when just a week or so ago hi wif. had broken her leg fti a nasty fall oft the McDowell back porch. FXABT.K TO WORK Tlier. was one person who could hav. tohi them all about R. Sara Willis, case worker in the county department of public welfare over fit the county, who couldn't talk jrbout ;i because all her records were confidential, had talked io Old Bill one flay when he came to her office and then had made a visit over to his home the next dav to sec Bill ami his wife. What had aetuallv happened, hr found, was that Bill was no longer able to '\.-s!k to and from town, about a half-mile from his house, and stay on his feet most of the day. winter and summer, seven days a week, what with his bad leg and his f> years. In addition to this difficulty, since his wife's fall he had the work of the bouse and the care of his wife on life hands. And it was doubtful if Mrs. McDo well, herself 7 years of ag“, would ever again he spry enough to do the housework. It was obvious io Pas.- Worker Vt illis that Old Bill eoudl work no longer, not even at his police man's job. which had kepi him self-supporting for most of his life ft was also obvious to her from long discussion with Bill and his wile that they had no resources or money Income to keep them go ing il Bill did not work. So Bill and his wife made out applications for Old Are Assistance. COULD TEND BARDEN Bill stated that his house and . Jot was worth about $2,080 and that his household furnishings t->- talled about ?2f>o in value, includ ing the new oil stove he and lm wife had saved two years to buy. He said he also had about $2lO ; in the bank which represented his life’s savings and which he was counting on for sickness and fun eral bill. In addition to this, he thought he could raise a Jit tic truck behind the house to help out with food expense. Miss Willis, Bill, and his wile then saf down and figured what FOR THE BEST VALUES Cash or Credit SOUTHERLAND FURNITURE CO. 207 N. John Street Phone 1055 ... The CAROLINIAN—-Week Ending S2ft., Nov. 1 s. 1950 the 'd oupk would m-.-d to *i along. There were th< tuxes eti Bill’s house, the food and fuel ■ pense. a small clothing allowance, and the cost, of the mineral < :! Mrs. McDowell felt. Mi- had ?.i have every ntoiul?. Figurine in the few oher necessities, liilj and Mi Willis thought that experts' r won l -! r month Bill -aid that sounded about right, con r idc-rlng' that tie v had, pi-t-n get ting along on the ?T5 a month the ♦own had been paying him for bis services. In a few days Miss Willis (o,d -be McDowells that the county wo! fare board had approved gra.uf of S3O a month apiice ikum Old Age Assistaru. funds appropriat' d by the county. Norih (’arolina. and the F- d era I government . Tills would give them a total income of •D>o a month, almost enough to cover their minimum needs, al though sls a month less than Bill had l-een making. She exphiim.-il to them that this was ha.-, i - n the amount of their needs and or, the total amount of money avail able for all the elderly people in the county in need of aid. ) Navy Skyshark Attack Bornbt r ~ —N» , _ % A new addition to the air arm of the Navy is the tail' -i rot. driven aA2D Skyshark attack bomber built by the Douglas Aircraft C Inc , of Santa Monica, Calif. It is the first. • ar tact t\.; airplane to use turbine driven propellers. Sides of tnr- trekr 1 g.azea with Pittsburgh Flexseal. The. forward area -f tie ce.- • • -• g.azea with PPG Multi plate, the bullet resistant laminated glass. I: l> sajo that the new plane combines the speed of modern .: i ip v. itn the payload and economy of conventionally power* <• ; rcrc it „t nru..qjp tr-,-n carriers as well as from advanced :- I■;-: ; - # v - *■» i r wßL \ t Throw Out The Back-Seat Driver RESPECT AP! vl <- 11 ,\ ■I M >on. Hints now Or.- I ?, !I r--'i: : H* wont' he ny rriy- t* Hit nouselK iri raise a liUle tru-. ;-; a h> )y. ou*. }>ortiny; milll ~ .L-nt. um\ ■;! tan-- -, h: = Id *!i ye. a ~ . ,-i --: seediii?;,-': t ■ t., lji . in 15 we.::- Dr. ()li \ (?) H. f • 11;• - gift r ‘’ i Lli. ut. \\ of -iS J; • - f i (it 1 ’ k : ! f t Cr v-. - ar.r IV- : - Craven C'.-eeiyV wo.-t dairy men are C’ha.- d • Wt-ndeli TVu a 1 oui** giarixdit'*: • •. n'ret a j>lcak