I HE ( AliOUMAN—Week Ending' Sat.. Nov. is. 1950 A Home Boy Makes Good In Big Town A c 4' u • '• tg-p %*‘% k ?:% ■ - < F??hion Ft' -ks of C.-i molds a soft “f rayon covert <:) >fh, good for year round wear The 6a mafic jacket fops a slender skirt IVas-cut for ea«v watkinjr. A'.: i rh- United TranL'port m Empkyot:s (CTO* and be. hi ion he became vice • yi'C.nt-- cl tc the interna '-.find tn i * o l thr UTSE.. Ai l l r ■:GIt Vic; to' served with ,G - ctor rf' the’ ClO's art; diwim .•• r enmmilt . and on too cxe- U.\ ■ it. ;.!-r; of i u UTSE. Inking - Uai’ee of Its Washington office. So.eo 1846 h-- bos boon > oGuuV to :'••‘•cretary-treasuroT <■: tilt CIO. Weaver, who is married and .. os in Washington, attended Co h.tr.uia University md Hot.ard HOME Vi STI DENTS OBSERVE YVnOME EDI ( mO.v WEEK -to-'. ■ . -e tic:..oy of the N' •• til t oo -'i.’v; Pore nt and Teachers A.-. ■ was via -:i tpotki-r in Duke Auditorium last week •t, -i'uycf tilt ho!Tot economics seniors' ..orvaiice t.f National Education ode ,Tarn.u:in. v.'tio qmkv on foe ■ . ,;oct. "ijenu- Sthoo; C 'inmtinity 7: am work " wan ntrodlieed by Miss ■ •ere Grady, senor home t eon a ics major. Gins'- bowls or vasts need wash in heavy Suds every time >--u ; t ing- cet flowers or grci : *• :horwi«\ a hithwalcr ring may o tn«'ir chryytal clearness. ATTENTION A & M BEAUTY COLLEGE f G CKO ROE ST. DIAL, ICbl New Bern. North Carolina Enrollment at any Time to Graduate ft; The 5951 Senior Class Phase Enroll By Novetnhi - 5 1950. MBS MARY K. HARRIS, Instr. THFi THIRD INSTALLMENT O! THIS STRIPS Will At*. I‘t Ml NEXT tVI KK Mi !JiIRAHI V.\ HEADS NTATK ASSN. DURHAM teo:e A. .w McAdt - As; o-e atio: I j:• \ 'p'.-’o' ' - , N. C C. Y-N.s s ’ • .; .1 , f j y .-,f • -- ’ - . ... Tiie ; y-octaYo-i • \ , ■ -T.y. t its : :. ... ;., V. t. TIMEIA TOPKS Next tim< I visit m; nephew in a VA hosjpi/it I vtoolri like to give him several hospital canteen coupon books Where can T get them? I'h. coupon book s . ; denorrtinn to;':s of SI 00. ; :y be rurchr: Ed •troctiv at i.'a h.vy'y.i canteen Palumis U > P toe coup;.y i; in 5i uof money, niai-tinu ; Or. rm * am a. retires! officer draw ing disability retirement pay from the Army urt'.er the Ca reer Compensation A ‘t tt»*- loss e■ a h g incurred in line of uty. tA ii! YA provioc mv with am prr.'ithetic appliance E happen - t * Attention Mrs. Santa Claus! • wmm ■ ■ ' ■ ■ , W - ft '"9 MM! ... f •' s sS®taSfct»ijK»S ß :- ■ . e, « V-:. % A- G : : i-G, . Gy ; ■ y u'lG fi < 1 , ~ “ e * ■** * ‘ y With nimble fingers, a bit of imagination and a cardboard car ton begged from the grocer, you can make tiro delightful ar.d in expensive doll horse to put under the Christmas tree. Begin by assembling bits of old paper, chintz, ’ace and gift wrap pings. Old magazines are a rich source of color material. Ho* You Do Is Strips of iedy jar labels make French windows that look real enough to open; lacy paper doilies fashion elegant curtains. For linoleum, color-penal a pattern on geometric embossed gift paper. Gift wrappings in small floral pattern, are folded accordion-wise to resemble drapes, and there are hung in place with Scotch tape. Jelly jar labels, singly, serve as picture frames, with flowers cut ♦* ... ? pasM-ngcr cars for 1951 offer retinenH-nls in appearance as well as in mechanical oper *'. ' 11 ‘ ! ’fL ll!! T <: l>y ‘ ordoinatic Drive automatic transmission. Above is pictured the 1951 For* 1 usicrn rudor Sedan. - to need? So long as you draw retirement j pa> only, you are entitled only tr> artificial leg or brae* s as need t-.i iut to no other prosthetic ay piib.nvC'--. Henvcvcr. if you can qtial :;• f«-r VA’s dis>b-]:ty compcn--i --tic-it -by waving as much of y * r ' ' • "• :u pay ;. yi>u receive in VA eoinpcnsatoSnl. you mav be eligible for any appliance for the cu.-akiiity for which you are .re -i\ :ng VA cor. ensation- And ■ .;’d cc-ntiSrurio he » :; .;•:!. for the i.ttificiai ley. ar.d bracr-s. Stainless steel yot s ,-r.d pairs generally require only soap and ■ .uer cleaning: scour hea*» tinted st;-is it nec-esary from old Christmas cards for the pictures themselvcs. If your budget doesn't stretch to miniature furniture, you. can cut out pictured furniture, in scale, from an old home furnish ings magazine. Mechanic* of Assembling Setting up the skeleton of the ! doll house is easy. Especially suit able is a Tide carton which pack ages the all-purpose detergent, be cause the box is large enough to partition into four rooms, and yet shallow enough for practical play. Cut away one of the big sides of the carton with a razor blade or very sharp paring knife. The flooring and wails are made from the cut off front. Several small metal angle supports out of Dad's tool box, cars be brass stapled to box walls to effect firm support for flooring. Paste walls into position. I)II‘HAM INSURANCE HEN ATTEND MEET CHICAGO tUNP) —• W. A. ■ Ctemcnis and. D. B Martin, agency officers of the North Carolina Mu-' tun! Life Insurance Company of Durham. North Carolina have been •-iceted by their Boa rd of Directors • to attend the annual meet of the • Lilt li. ura;i-. e Agency Manage-. tnent Asswcialion to be held at thej Erif,cwater Py-ach Hotel here Tues day tin :i F -day. November 14 17. 1 Their firm is tile only Negro mem- j I ter firm of this association with 1 headquarters in Hartford, Conn. Seii'l A our NViv- To IV. IT'S SMART TO LOOK YOUR BEST WITH HAIR ATTACMENTS mm*. - ’ -i! 1811 ) AWIm a mwSM« '■ ' I ‘Ml f % 'M- 4 ‘ -V p** GLAMOUR AiL I’AGE BOY’ •HAJF Cl ' -iioi'P . C LUSTER , hJi ~' l • As you see, 50 -1 la.'tc; ' at the crown of the head v ’ ? n< \ !;a; p- naturally down the This back of the head cluster can* back. You can wear it as an un- be worn in eight other style? as a sweep r>■ any style you like. (It is cluster.or plain. *ls to 'JO inches long). SIO.OO . wmmm -• ( Better Qualify page BOV CHIGNON —Fits like your I shoukkl i«ngth..,s3.oo ftat ur ß i 23 h "g •- • SS.QoI fort* e»f Curk .-laj©! V-RoU, . , Si.SO j H A f NP NO IMQ6T/- SAHS-ACnON *" HlB -pay postman on delivery. - j 9 n||k. */| , . . ~,,.,,1 PAGE ELEVEN SPRING HOPE YOUTH SECRETARY OF CLUB Hampton. v a wiiiiam . Toney, of Spring Hope. X. C., senior enrolled in the Division - : Business at Hampton Instii-ut lias been elected secretary of tl Fidi Amici Social Club for ? ! . school year 1950-51. He is the son of .f. D. Toni , of Spring Hope. Green wreaths of artificial hoi leaves and artificial poinsett - need a going-over with a sud .- sponge. If they've become dri ;• and ’critic during storage, the ba y v-’lil soften and rejuvenate theim.