Minister Has All-White Flock $| r ; I Sm PASTOi SEDUCED WIFE m HEARTB LM - SUIT “Miss Maryland State” *.. tp> < "** > '' ■_ ■ ' * Negro Star Sparks ! Win Vs. All-Stars CHAR LOTI! A Negro pi ,■ lonal football player provided the •spark that led his team to a eir tory over a hand-picked group of Southern Conference aI! stars her* last Sunday r>'o viriinr. the i uniting j«n> fr that sent the H.iebnimid Rrh eis on \ drive, resulted in their first imnii down against the Southern Conference Alt SU>'s at City Stall mm was Fred (Cannonballi Cooper, 215-poun i full hack for the \ irginia team. Cooper, former .if! C£AA back field performer for the Vir Rima Union University football squad, Hero Cop Given Durham Reward DURHAM A Nccrci member of the local poller DCj-'n’tineril. who L- warded here this week. Patrolman Oliver Claiborne .InlmHon, veteran member of thf Department, received a re ward in JUKI Tuesday for the rapture of two bandits. The reward, paid by the Asso ciation of North Carolina Sendee Stations, was given Johnson in B'd off to a 3Syard run on the’ fU belopenin;' drive I’ln. sensa- ■ lionai run through the line of the j .Southern Confei oner team set up. another lengthy run by Lynn j Chewing, ,i t*.ultimate and a sub s('!pl'.'Ht :ru I Dot only did Coupe* s''t oi> tlv t'iist iii.irki r for the Rebels, imt also provided much <>f thr 11 ieliinoluiei .s' smashing potwr throughout the afternoon tie serihv a\ ,t ''lightweight Mar lon Motley", the young play er continually tore through the All-Stars line sot gains. Tin line till iiu:;ii which I 'ooper; ('onlinued on page y, this se< tion vie." nf hi:. apprehension of JamtU j and John Fulton. md 25 yearsi of age. respectively. who com.-1 milled a service station rubbery: : lasi. May | The fvt'o brother-; were convict-j ed of jobbing and shooting Jamts j U. Stephenson, while, and euy 1 ployee of Hillsboro Road serv-1 ice station here During the rob-1 bury, the men are said to have ] taken about. SlOn and to have shot • .Continued mi page ft, this section) mmmmmmmmammm S rMBK -y 1 'JSfimwfM v ; Hf ’*!>< WHITE R,CK K—Ex t S \rw> Chaplain Rev. jio i;Ulf I I H- «. <>, k. u’hn was r?»- ( ridlv -m »rl* p:i J/yv ryf t|jr |$ v. hi >• t;iffp*»H . < fptii 4 fpri^rf’- £•*( hiirij ( h«ii h sJO* '* 1 hyv *lii!i f . hi a r; r;»J1 1 ??-annrr fin n • -.1 ! y (.far pit Mi. »fy m*rr iii-> :?nj>i , M*itrm , *'i \i If ft. h«> is shown ii I*;;»»m At.if.Jt h’»s rhitn?i«ljl U'lfP. ;V'i vi'. he rs *n*,ste»> his fiork i‘n*nt fhf pulpit. At right, he »■•* shown visiting 1 his Sunday School (las K«y Mr Hear oiks fam ily was the sole Negro one in the small rural community ■..Jure hr- was appointed pastor. J.b.B o tvs e r, NAA (JF LeeralAdvis o r Dies ATT'Y SUCCUMBS TO HEMORRHAGE, RITES ARE HELD (JiarloMr Lawyet Was \ofr> ii the North CSio.t.i>>a <.'*»»>. ! fi>i. nee of Ml- NillIona) A;, "n.,. : Mon fin sh" Advancement *»f Col- • i,j• i i ;■■'n ;< •' AAC F> ■ • • h“l.u iOtn the lies'. At I’M ill Bo't'bd iit'ir Wednesday aitr, ikioh Mr HO‘-« -ci -u» •Ml lit.’'ll : .".•") ,y •o it. u!t '>l .. « *• 11 pi > * i»? in on li j;;<’ < ,'fl c iting a* Hi'- l cun a! .;•! v >.■■■.: in« ; fit v Juno [■ VV-rt:- :> r.l i:; <.l tin I .'. i cil lit I> I ICCII t I< d :OWt ' .t V k Mcmoimi I’.uh. vii| i m ! i;,\i>i i; Mi t,\v>ri one of the it'".! I" lot lit! t ivlc Ifsril’l i 'll til 1 ’ ifaM , had Iwen engaged in •■ g,i, (?■ rfttu’i’ Inr i for I A year:* A Ki t' uati- of bhaw rniveruU and MoH'.’ird *>’lve! .if v be O'C- vi.dfr in of WotM tA'u I. tlirl tiff ' o t'.ll 5 n .1 .1 of r>»vl . tttn h of tlt r .I:t I<■ t tF|i a i t.mfttt! of (Ilf Alft f. i r tit liein it ; if v.i l r . nr';, H.uo f ll Mr fVnv •erS i»i ilifi*':- i:. an ai'bitraior *li;-f 11 ir Negro Hi' i ion of ! !io | ,<■;;!on was givcii official recognition from flic State Dcfiai-Miien* during hi. tenure as chairman of the steering committee during H)4ii 17 ADVISRI) LEGALLY A chief ICt’o] aclvisor to trie N. ("‘ fonforenet. of thr NAAt.'l'. (finrjtlriued «r> page S| DAVIDSON SITE OF STUDENT WAR ON BAD HOUSING i Shiflmts Will I niiiiui I»lll Home Folk DAVIDSON—A tight against the deplornhle conditions in slum areas' of Che Town of David'on is ! b»*iiig Wdr’eri by studoiits of ||,c Davidson Collcg'* whitei with aid to residents in the predominately Negro occupied areas being pi •!• f) used. Workinjr jj, connection with the Davidson Community plan. Davidson College students have proposed to raise a Gift Rond of $5,000 to he used in help ing rehabilitate those person* living its Use stun-, areas, espec ially in Brady’s Alley, where the shacks; are makeshift and i sometime as many as 10 people live In the tsvn-aiuf-three room frame leantos. Under the unique Davidson ‘ Plan, funds are raised and placed | | in a local bank to be used as .■'.«• • | curity for local resident seeking Ito leave the slum areas and re> | habilitate themselves in modern, j | new bungalow-type homes. Based ! on the principle of allowing the ■ citizens to heltp themselves, the fContinued on jingo sis iibßP^ Awarded Purple Heart Kit I UTS IM KIM I 111 AT I - I'i* .lostqd; links .lr.. voung eeniD'i v«.(ei,m of the roeient Tore in iv.ii i‘- lure n receiving the Purple Heart Mom Ist II I ranklin ■! < lair for wounds (rccived in h.illh in t.iekon on | ¥ ¥ i'i T“^ r uncra! Held i‘or Ex-Church i ieacl KIN.' i ■ >!■! -Funeral yervii; sot the Rev Ransom Reetbin. retired oci *1 rnodcralnt of tlio United Free will Baptist C'oiif(i'> nia wc!’’ held Wednesdiiv dflctnoon front 1 if. Holly Branch free Will Bap- ■ ti:.i Ciiurcli here w'ltli Gctseiid Modci'itoi m jiiH Moderator 1 B < ‘ Bev,-mi and the Rev W Is. Garduei of f. ri a 11e (rt'niu.eid will: be in a family cemetery. It Happened In Carolina j to i ;tc (of pe fuvilli; - 5 local -aio and hit;. hand seemed be- p.ta.vinf' I it: luc -tin- with warrant drawers i-Cro this week a-, they filed war-1 t sins against each other •tutins Wilson, 33. told the “! : fiser- who -u r: ted him oil a war j ran I taken out by hi:; wife elv.irg ! ing turn with m ml! with u dead |y weapon -a knife, that hi too wanted -i warrant. Wiirui; then pnii m-ilc-d to draw i> warrant charging Ins wife, t.iilio Belle, with assault with a deadly weapon a knife 1 he Way It Was ORIENTAL ’'The V-av it **acs: Wegftir .gfljEgy |]|sjofl» sr^St* JaC ;-; tp-'V *&- . « «ykfcrf£h; tihffiit wraP** tfTfjft ffigrlFpffi Vw®™ |M«K | Itomc-State (Cditiun ___^ SINGLE COPY N . , . xxX RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA WEEK END! G VFUEI DECEMBER 16 1 ! ■ ' 1 1 fnl> ’ll links, a former member of liie lamed Hill Infautty R’ gj. lien! j. l , a native of Savannah, t.a He is presently assigned to l>< l.tehruen! .» i:f the liJ.tOth AS* tnander —(i S Army Photo by Berry. If er Hr Bee tom about 70, died at hi. iiurne in done;. County lata Monday cvenma, ’i he Rev Mi Ce cit'ii served as ."' :|e, ~tih ~! the Ihiitid I'lmfc.l ■(m e im period of years, rn tli'in:: from the po. i in 1044 lie has pustoled Tier Will fta;ti,i Churches u* A.vden, Snow lull and Kinston for i< onlinued on page S, this section! «'•£». Otfkeii, itA tlevdind Langley, « liiti , here last vi-tk end "kef* Rials lj>r red overt feUflvv, anil Thnodorn Harper, «bite rented .. host from \V’ <*> dn some hunting »hey hail j) puttie <•) whiskey v.ith them when they went out. "Well I ...rt, the color,-it ti l low, till iiilu (!><■ river, Mil Them),,re jmllril hit., l,U< -U’.fl lent him Lis hunting coat. A I’ter they got hock. a Itt.aS* storied a hunt the root. It ums then that Theodor* shot l,en in the. f.ltifi'h. Leo stalled to ivalk away, and Theodore slit vis'd to shoot again. That's when hen shut Theodore in the head-" The*, iOj v Langley wai bur REV. I M. PSTTS FACES CHARGES !N TWIN CITY Johnnie Lladden Says Shiloh Miuisfer !!as Seduced His WdY* W!T;'VrO f ; ALF'T A i ; t riMM-n \V J n s*o .► I-S3-U 1 ! V P? !’“ ?'♦ l’€ | mg sued (or -3 total of Sth.OOO \ hv a T”'iii City hut-band who ! ; - I dm;., that Hu* tntnp.ter h;i, been | "vedncnsg ' his wife «i"l rrehit 1 | l ton 014 h f! r ■* c-diii:-* f Din* fffrpitig s'jfd m fh* action is Ihr *T<-V f? M Pi Tj. of Sh* Irlft ♦ H-tfHM ('h<"»rh whom Jobtmto * til *■ dfo f ijjiris has bpfii * ftoiriaf Dig tltp altoctiojrv, of hi ■; wife*, Sallta, asaimF hiity. In r * .Rif filed in |; on-viji County i Snpciiot r r i i t this Glad-i i dei. ask:> the $l;>.000 lie art DaLm | I and fchr- Pen Mr Pil of ha-Rny earned on a two '-‘far ca\a : !'<-u;’i' (01 (h»e affections es r>.i? | CJacidfn Nt«,|J ! Ml I lIS’ f • A]» * s:?flriei} /h3»gr* the pastor of |j>c iafftf- Sliiloh eoi»r re g.i t ion h.«s been viijti marilv irr* filing: rhmrl| iT^rh »lifts for fui) years so as (o Via vr Mrs. Glad >n udh him (Con tinned on page 1, this serf ion* j« STILL IN I AT HOSPITAL Driving aijd Drinking, Joy-Kiilp Ends With .» Dead; 7 Injured R ALETC.! f An automobile is : " .hamblcs at a local garage, three | r'-uj'l,. aj c lead, four remain m i jeriou:; condition at Saint Agne • Hospital where three others arc - I recovering, and a half-gallon but | Mo, half full of white whiskey is being field at the local courthouse I ; for u*;e as evidence - That i, the • story Wednesday, four days after • ’; an automobile carrying !i people ! left, the road near here spreading 1 - i chaos ip it,; wake Os art in a wreck Sundry night on the .Rock Quarry (toad a mile and a half from here are John Henry Hunter of < lay ton, It ■•• die t, Mary West «f Smithfielrt, sort Not a flln tOmtinaed on page 8, this section| led following funtta! seme's Saturday. Leo Gibbs will soon know .Mb fate.. Yoimgeater Charged HIGH POINT -- A 17-yesn old i youtli Monday wag charged with! the capital crime of rape follow mg his confessed attack upon a tv year old girl, child of a mother who had befriended him Facing charges is dames Roofs ! veil O'Neil of Gibson, who was staying irithe home of Mrs. Mary | Graham while "Joking 1 for work." When Mrs. Graham left O’Neil! and her at. home with the smaller children, the attack occurred. The child is in a local hospital with condition listed as ‘‘fairly serious,” o Choice Os The Alphas THI tU'II.Vs CHOICE -iVHss Thelma Cobh, ■< '.it Augustine’s College oivhnmet-e from t horn* vllle. <»a , i> pictured shortly after hex coronation as queen Clyde Brown Plea Bel ore MC Court fIALKKtII Tlir ripe ,”i. f .1 ••iiilsi < ■ •••• Hi ■> - i. >,i Wtristoh.- .Sale,c i, i;, bfin:'. a re, tied before the Nori.ii f'.ii'otnia Siiijirrmr Court here this v■ ek by Hosea V Price and Harold T Fpps itlorneys re pre.’.enlm tin- defemiant. it will be remCmtii im l tilth stlrue ■ ted nation wide .attention during tie months of .tune, July and All an.d when the young Negro was olvirgr I with the brutal, beating mm SOLDIER DIES IN CRASH OF CAR, TRUCK j ffiRT PJIAGG A not i’C’i Fort Bi a:: " .•.oldi.’i lv i mac .a Ilurnr i from ■a ■ ‘i■ 1 1 ' ■ in e.’f. k alien a i 2S ■ a .1 'lid (.., | M/a . killed in a till'd aid- -i a in nearly Fay. ep. ••!!}• Kitted ivbe ii fla a(,I ~,11 flb.lte in i.vtneli he was riding ,-ollld- • r .! with i dump truck S with situl was Pvt Ctinitey | P.iirke-, .it t nnipany ft, sflGh J Airborne liifanfi'v Regiment. j His nest et' kip is iiNt.rif ,i% Min ATauiir Burkes fit Malvern, oh le But key dr'd «Her the ear ir, j which he -a , idinc with HOrruit! Jaane '■ (I'n'd' i collide-l viUi the i CtlllT.i;’ ini' ' i” lie: driven by Ran- I dolfib 'a re i-;, of t 1 ;yi if - vide, ; Route Reef ai! I Fo .let v, ■! . 01 • I jumt iii the in idnit and was tak- j r*n to a 1 1 -as.] ut a 1 -iii file Foil Bragg reset vdi-m The drivei of the truck wan ' placed under bond pending in- | qite t Foster will likely be iplaceci ! undei bond when he ts able to leave the hospital, . investigating' jfficers aver if of the Gamma Psi chapter of the. Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity a*. th< College. The impressive eer fuicm s were held last we* ll <" Saint Augustine's Taylor H*U- of • f.imc while Fill atid rap" i'li at beating n* **; Jane Chlto’ Tiu- defendant was aeeu;;ed o into inserisibi I tty and then >.,-,ir hr r The victim lay unconicioo In (b! emoria! Hospital for a p-uH icti 'J more than four week.. aoB the i r.ttioi suffered mnneaia I the extent tiiat 'die wi;. not Obtß to' r.iv. coherent testimony d till rial of Clyde Brown, which bB VO) '-ii SepembPr I and las'e.B for aI eeU a week Tie. defendant is alleged t-' havß ; iiiyfle a confesoon i.n which iii ; admitted bn)tally Seating the ''l ; Min nv the head v.-Ph the br.B of a ’ fs'r'ihjs i ill" until “>i:H i ' as nnenti-SCIuM A' -'0! do. F '■ ; the f o(l f- s l s M , which the poliefl lof Uin ton Salem '.dicth-d b u.l . the defendant., tie also s 5..•.0 --H | P.-'fty Jane Chiton sod mped ticl lie went 0.0 trial under a < ;of indictment cborgiOp imn vi*H * fjri.l dC;s,n ■ is l f j;niiu,i'l for 1.1,H ’ left nds:io rif 111 1 d il t.i e find llnfl S 'hi ionic .ion wu ■•'oh iid a; b v anl ii-eei.v made, an-J u urgudb.'. fa li>l j('ent|M|i, f| ii,, p.igp g tidy si’rtiouM tVILL-lA f-IBTON - A ner','boJ| Ivi «ir»h }- t *vppii, }•: ii l »*- •-( h» p.g( SB ; unrjf >/» ■{ frer-k H’fl eui'/’M H Hr:# ti of iu jjti tu , i ? «*• *■•• ‘'--iJ V l.itf-mHy ; doivi*’ 1 H (»v ;i i: ir driven \ V bs9 is 7Yv<’a.r hM Jim Uosns, .fl JM''OfYiiiiCnt firs viif*!' <*f »><■ ;ic ■ Arous'd in iho M'- 1 eUio n( whb'ii ?t» (l»f» I d.r»at his Atthur (Bud) Nivhol-- 1 foi>fim?eri m i y&ge H. this 1