N.C.'S INIANS MUST PROVE RACE A “Living Madonna” , •*■ “'■ *—r—~ Policemen Are Angels Os Mercy For Injured Girl,9 LOTTEiIf 'TAKE' 54,508 DAILY GREyNo BO T-5 O i’b-d p«vH'* in this vicinity piu» -;>• ke< for lot m i ■ rackets was 1 'at Thursday when two men were arrested fl.'jfiV in loltei y tick f t-, .in ttieii (Hv- •' •.!'•>• Tor m; "nil held bv tin men re; ■ < d «>m; a portion of on averr-.e day':- tan * here police o'fti»r. opine > '('he inetl, whose i>p( i nitons " in, confined to the So-dn hide d. i| for the main part uith V'grn pta>ris at the "butter and eggs" to! terj hrrr the prilic: feel. The IVCI ■-I- ■' incline front the Jr*H- >• m the C.l been <on ei". ntively niiytsn $4,000. Contents; Good Cheer i |T’S THE READING MATTER THAT MATTERS— Members to 8.-iliimore. Md.. colled reading Material for patients in the ' C’rownsviito Slate Mental Hospital for Negroes, near tonnpolo, ' ol• nnleera tit lied fns< Motor Service deliver it l<» the tto«pitiil. Here y. n Philip Valentine and Mr. 1- Bradford tomes, Co-Chairman «*f the ' Baltimore Ctomtoi-s Provident MotV Service cheek no >? loud going (mi, MERRY CHRISTMAS KLt/.ABKTH CITY dr-mbm * * * 1 '*•- Ol • '*’• 'A» • L- »i >V ? pl * '• 9 •! ~f- , . ■ S-- j;; I'm t" I ;n ~n Hd "S'T.I nAr here :“ t '.ve>-k \uiUt i .**«>ii « an/I \ a s;**!' / C-.tr Hitfnvav r.4mim' n and member., of th*' Norfolk, \ • I'njiiT |»«>}».-.rtm» i nt joined !h#. real iile drama Ihftt ! r - iill/ i! in Ui.' transfer of i-ir. l\ pr of blond from Norfolk to Uir \ihi rniaiJc Hospital li*~r r ill (J'l'lilll 11 fl'.f' Ini DSP io U tf II• A' KJCJIt ol !> V"' (lid still if . M■ s {'op. ! a in!, Hu >Olilti Ini victim of Iflp lilfllr Dlls Imp Siavlov iVT a y va, critically in *'ii ;] an:! pjiii-r'.l m 'if mi j at inood tiauisfu.-ion when art . a lift miiilas In pjiQiuihi ri Hu t.hf ii.iici; 1 j,■ a father's :.iaH*.d car, which ; ..he "as <I; m 11: push off the toad • ,/ iiiitinued on a, this .i-cUumi 3 RESCUED Home-State r | SINC.LI COPY VOLF ME XXX KA I KH ill, N'OR'I H VAK ! >!JN,'\ AA i ! Kl>A V. HL f L\fßV K 1 *>;•'» About 2 Millie'i Needed to House Feeble-Minded FiALLIGH • One if the li * mailt r, ' hi../ >';<i !i‘: if'U:o upon i,v the c SfiU* 1, eg Nature when it >■■'et next, year mil be a Allot. ; !■' n.f otal-' Hospital;. Board ■ i Control lor use in the building of a trailing whool for feeble minded Negi or . 1 i?e (*rep f »se<! liainitie, v bn'-l w ill he .-.iiallar in turn tion to the c«o* «ttl r raining school t* Kinston, timt institution where in fi • hit -jiundcd while citi/.cn'. tit jjt. ittp *t< ztrrn rnrifi live trr ■ 1 o'* r *d Tlie school is being 1 t qun.,te-d by i the HooribU:, ( ontr >i Board. : which iiaa asked the Advisory! Buds't Cornu utter to include in its : {--on' ,< anoHu tot ne *•. > $2 mil ijt.iit In !.( u. p (! ten- emv-tnirtlon of :i ellnti) tl (.flici .t'nro to aeronWlO dat* lino .tyrsons (ill IN f \IM> Tim Hospital gMtiip nnd Gom inn Scot only thi. week acktiow iedeeb tin' grn.it. ttefid for addition ,)1 ft hic ■•t i vp institutions, for men ((Outiimed nn page », mis section) FEARS ‘WHITE FOLKS’, FLEES I —~— TABOR ClT'v BCr-f.e in? ar- I • '-afraid the white folks would kill j him.'' Civ do Dante’-, '.in, left the j , ;,eciv- ’I-..i if- liif- true!. he | | driving struck a fi,wear-old white j , [ai-rni-r in so i,Cre ,Sunday Daniels ••*. a ■ apprehended in j i Chadhoiirtv* by a State Highway J patrolman to o hum he told his j fear Killed -> i>< 11 the truck driven by j Daniels -.truck him on Highway | J 701 j ji- id - the local city limits was I y, w Williams a prominent resi ! , dent, of tile area, i Daniels has been confined to the ; j Columbus County j iii without ! I privilege of bond poudina official J j filling of charges. ;NEW SCHOOL TO: COST S2ISJQO LiUJVTBERTON Contracts have | been let here for construction of the new Marietta School, it was announced this wreck. The. eon-' tract, call for expenditure of $215.- j 000 I The new school will contain 1 eight, class rooms, a library, office I and combination lunchroom and | auditorium. * Charlotte. Woodsboro and Lum berton contractors have been awarded tjje contracts, RALEIGH- bun- ■ d . s eryiccc for h Kuiitia Bond Check weiL iui-icvn Wake County eduator wh*c ; it Duke J-Joapital in Durham! liU» . o.!\ , Deeciub* ; It, were i »i -, <- r e (| s.unde ■ ijec'uriber 17 Emm: C;i, v : : Babtief Gnuxc'ii. .... prinefnat eulogy ' as given i ■- O' u vi- Bullock nas -1.,r t,,, n / 1 !r -t 'Lie late toil , I.mi cfi<n-rh leade* a>. a ,r . /i»i t* hi> i ..a a ,).,<<ve. 'I I f i.e ,i in lit* an l ! as one who had made a di.vmct con*»iih lien in cultivating the < hn. tun spilil in ihr lihlnC, <h|lM h ,HHI eIaSSTOOIh ; other tributes to her life .vm e : } paid through expre Nous tnmi tin 1 County VVi'iC I') A of Wa.nmi: : ,flliii -/ inacif by James C aider* ■ Joiie.-, [itevident of the Warren ! County Sunday cenool Conv.-n ; tion; the Washington High *)ooi : ) p’lA by C H McLendon, princi-j Ii- *!; Jeffrey's School and PTA by i | Mr 3 Ophelia Leathers; N- C Con. j gses;. of Colored parents and I j teachers by Mr;- Ada M Jarni I gan, executive secretary; and tin ; (Continued on hark page.) BENNETT GIVEN SIS,B* GRANT GRLBNLBORO - With the - I nouncement of . Cto.bhO conch tion ! a! gilt last week from the Krr-sge. | 1 Pouridation of DclroO ( -Vfieh tbs j Renncti Collcgo Quarto- Centin v ! i‘pum.l now Tin , .K-liicv’d n total of; { si:Ki.."m:) I" i,iifs aim suti./Ci i-jitions i | according to N. S CaHiou'i. ?en 1 i era! cloiruwii ■ '{li ■ splendid contribution Is a real tribute <> B'*»uicV College and brings us slightly beyond the halfway point to ward the $2i;0.000 goal,” said M<, Calhoun. It is now all th* more imitortaul Unit tlrecns bo!-, achieve its S7o.ori« home j t«nvn quota. The 75.000 con [ i triiiutoin from the Kiesgr | .: Foundation is a con*lftional gift- , which will he granted to the \ . j collage only if the ba lance of | the $260,000 objective is mis j ij ed by the. end of 19SJ, accm d j 2 j ing to Mr. Calhoun. {I with over $50,000 in Greensboro: j subscriptions now oTfinaHy report- : - jed and audited, it is hoped that i: delayed and postponed gifts from (Continued *w page R. this seetion i Nobel Prize W .„. has Son’s Ati Work JEmi&iMam .me BI&fclST PUIZf OF AU-VeW .4 liM&l I'r.n #i Pfi/p Winner. Dr Helph _ T *<• Riinrh#, ;vitli f:■»f|?#»rtV ftf'l'tf %t t’i’sp trifit?! # ff'Vpn film hv K*h*h 1 »r , while Rum'hr rr?*!* »• 1001. * jr o» I(,i-ij*r.l<r« pr •!-... (ovi irdu iK'f . ; f*!T?**U # * i>r Umirhf tfrgrd • " ’ ; ' • •«•■**' ||if* U’holft WAr IjJ li> pfw’v <r.r ppp< , > y-•'< '■ i • It Happened In Carolina Started You its THOMASVII.-i ,t—The report on thr ia.,r of ♦!•,«> death of James! Ht>r• i•• ;i-• i• hei Mbs week gives in- | dicatin nthal, 'Buchanan must haopj ! started !<••< t on* aspect of tiv | mg early in life | The import on the death a.-- issued • ! by Dovfd.oii County Coroner Dr ; ! Lru-id I:’, plumnvr revealed that ' Buchanan, whose body war. found | at his homo Monday, died of acute; ■ itieoliolisiv: The man. n furniture. | worker, whs 23 years of age-, Blues Beat Slunk KOXBORO —North Carolina's I most eolortut htgh school l> < hr*ball coach, 'diking Btroyn ins; of R« •, h«r«> Tiabilo;; School heir. tvalr.H-d *b : - )t”t tut varsity and varstiv < ; *£•’• squads c<» down n* dffeii host Friday oicM Xh,* ijltlir Blocs (rot!* Wt .f ingtmi High School i.. K-sleigh i trams -if* .tit *” | the varsity clash *»•«! 34 to SO in the kniior tilt / j Bad, Bax! Wlrnkry MF.BANE if ba.ndl'ni n r Amo?. Milburn had been on ttk 'w • here Sunday morning, he probably J would have rendered hi; fop-so.ll . mg tune, “Bad, Bad Whisk-v” with j i f*l i STO • f r A *}f Os srfiMi >■ < '■'* j this i Mir of sin | 5 I \*| : \ \ rrjtf < -.mi »n <Wf *» * | (•« fiif.rni tt?> \ '»! rltf j \ Jti# yit-v * ltihr-r , *»f '>{*.’■ • e»t; tr u ts» ti H h• f ; Ifcr or » f tHf /« h•- »V; A IUI H All sh Hill ‘I faith!/ ! l|». ! fil 1,1 1 HiH aa . | iir r a •fin * *. P* ti I*-! tNT ii-S' s | II ■ ; iiu in of presenting to n -a ail. . th, * hrisl mas : siorv in .i-ppwt '*l the <'*H I .i-.il h 'n't that i <1 . i of 1f,,. 111 1 ' •> of prr .I'nfafjan. Iln N'.iiKifv is indeed I hr j I i ,1, i -a.ii-, I’i-ia v IhM ) cverencc. .Bad, bad whiskey i?‘ said by In i-;jj nf'ricials to It the rcs-on that Nobel ; ■ 11' i•' i■. 4;’ )■; de * , and his ..■if, f; 1 ;i,h :<?. 1 waiting 1, i.?l ( jifir, ,f , H i-A t innPn re- Mimed to ids home her' early i Hilda v if’’ "in.: uncln the influ n.rp (.1 i'mif BBW and ordered hn wife- to ou' and get some more In m ensuing fight, the wo , rw „ tdienedH r-hot the husband y-jiij y; rniil-e* .'iftr---Bad, bad hiskev! Happens Again ntIRWAM—Th« “no **•«'•*»« (Continued on page 8 this sect tom Matron a ft , ;> lots pT-pKA’L a v/ovpptn "'’.'A risked hf- e i n remevirrg three chtlr ,on f.-ani a burntna house is be - ihpiy hailed here this week - , the heroine she is i nr ;s -plaudit rnSB near <%ad | far is YTrs; Alms Morris of 121 S : Dawkins Street here who braved j fh P | ur y of raging flames to re j move from the hour* in which sue ti % three --hildren ol her landlady, Air-- Bessie Shepard Virs Morris was alone with the I'hildren in the one-storv rmw house at about 11 a-m Monday morning when the fir broke OH* The flames ate their wav from the back-porch imie* oi ff e house and began to spread into the kitchen The cbillren. ill highly excited carefully oleyeil Mr*. a|nore*s instruc tinny io attempt to prote<» themselves from the rancid smoke, crawled into her arm and were taken outside A*; - : M f, orc- v.as overponi*’ ! '- r | ?he .tt:ok* .?nd f lamPS 9nd was ! i•.j- r • to I-ir-riilri H '"".■■’jital hem i io e/gcV.cy I,f C itmfM't vas i fdrmm.'tei cd. After i a- -vei-ian had rem"v v t I the childion the fire, lire lighting I ■••ficjprasubdued the flame--. ; i- , t \ the hoii ii' rt maeri in the ! extent of $1,700, l Fin';-.:, were profile in their Liaise of the woman’s bravery WiHcamaws Hut Br-ni ,\pcoif|(”fi I Given in Negroes WAC CAM AW. N c <ANP> - rhi;> .dory might wd! be caption if you’re Not White You Must, p.o Nor: o ' f Ol that' what 70 Unit :i, rpinuont. ol f'o- Waceamaw into of Indian. are up against, The VVaceamaws, <* tt{hr •vhich has been by passed forgetfen by ihr ‘jutside world ffiv two * ••iitnnes, M«t prove (■>< y -fr Indians in order to L 11 ,. fill. i 0 fb«|( i . reiH'g .l n. ■. 1... 1 1 . -y, f.. d ‘ -'W;. M., f h »•, granted other t»lbes i, v a... federal govenenent it.,,*. *>,. iribf f; s finding it dtf ii/.iiif t» prove its racial ides.- i if y The tribe lives almost entirely in the impeneliable green swamp t f Vjr- £‘tjgn of Lake Wa c earn ft w --*■ <i om which it take? it? name- A7 mil" ■, from Wilmington Ac , 01 dmg u. legend, the tribe settled fii. rs- nfter a failing meteor ■-■’ ve.d a lake out of what wm then a .r o! When the waters fooled and flowed over the snot. 9 'alee »«<* I urvoundiug swamp were created. | The name Waccamaw means -lake ! of the thll 'ii star i '('!■,,> main problem, fa mg trie uirvivors of the tribe Is the color ! 'jneindiec of white, residents in the ■; eg ion. According to the local | v/tiil'.'S. there are only two sides to I the color line, and since the In dians are obviously not white., they must be Negroes. A;. « result, ol this, the tribe has been the victims of ants Negro abuse perpetrated not only 5 y the white resudefcta but also by local | officials In ode instance, a deputy I sheriff and two white men paid a i visit to an elderly tribal member it his home and beat him so bad* (Continued uts {sage 8)

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