Sflwew" --- * DIME-POWER • • > , * ; 451 Is+ * ip * i m. f ipy? V 'Jilr'iitt i muh Smiling H*nrv Bat<s>> s;t - «f New Orleans. Louisiana, ex hibits the p<tu'i«r of dim? s Stricken by polio at eighteen month - , of !?», Henry ha. ; learned to walk with tor tu#> of mechanical ■rid'!. Continued treatment mav eventually en able him to div-ard brace and crutches' National foundation for Infantile Para D-i. 1 haptar; pay bill*, for infantile por.i!vw«- > ►•pardlev. of age, race, -ree.-f or , roior. Funds of *he National >' fonndation ace raised in ’■ • March of Dimes. lo.nuar. i ' ',{ n HAPPENED IN i CAROLINA Wanted i*» S! r c ) AKOdh u i ... »: . 11 ante I t*. **!ceti and iw. ■ . , d<’id I rri( •,! ! ,nc lit Bevecjy to u jUi m? m.; tllil' faring dor growing nr.f nf }■' ty dftni.se. t* came to pi- . t;i ,1 Itl .'< > . (f, t*hen Lane found He. iiy sleep on a couch in »h« i an* rtsideal J une iw'ikr the mm who immediately put «|> * how! and rushed <* <t to the hacVi sr t to get • i“!T Os sis..-- ■ .<? to fiy-ilt i -l> Sh t Latft tons Ontvn !>K trustv shotgun and »*dd f’e-eclv not ti> rfiOM' to the house «»r erlv falifr! to hoert the •« jru ing unit »var. shot M< died a sheet time later. Lane now 1a..-? tnit’d*r charges Named T xtHtiinfr HIGH POINT -Dr C Thomas t.Vhittcn. prominent local physic tan «as recentlnamed medic->l' examiner for th< fri)per::i' l ife tn surance Company here. D 1 ’."iijff-'ti I- <' [■•ra.-t •>: t merit cine here for some 20 years and; served internships at many of the nation’s leading Negro hospitals He is a e’vadoate of AS-T Col I*-Se and M'’harry Med leaf College l Potent*tc } frard CHAP.LOTT F.—T>t « *emend T !i r kson. 11. *p. ris( put. iiptf. Shriners, tva • principal ,pr.ii< cr at the 50th anniversary cel i ehrafion of the VfAO I niqite Lodge No 85 hrre recently. The anniversary services were held at St Paul's Bap fist Church. Or, Jackson was presented to the group by Oeptlty Imperial Potentate Alxeand-er of this city. Negroes In N. C. May Forget These FORGET IT, SON—The above reprotlueed poster# are aUrae* j live, it’s (rue, but Negroe# In 1 North Carolina who would be desirous of Joining- National Guard «nUs merely pass ?hem SHEPHARD MEMORIAL SET TWIN CITY PONDERS A.B.C.CONTROL VOTE CITY MAY VOTE FOB ALCOHOLIC DRINK CONTROL s 6 >:' piHis.sloi). lo Hold I Jh -widr f'jcrhoi! M;iv Etc Sout’lif ‘‘ 1 ' ■ * JFP; -" ' Ti- .KToy ■ sALLM - - 3mu - SaN'ii. a leading stv- iar fiord fm ‘dry ' far. P * -.vifh'n the grate, u Again seriously ffmai le-tog a '■ r f -ui AT /'unii* (-,> . i itrol. '! ii - pr , |i.i’.-.ii. 11l ingjr.r I{l. - * the . itV under ti>*v nw povm i-.‘ Ki ivs*»rr i>st n poowei ; by toed! fesi‘len f s hr* m- in : i>- previous Aldemia.!'.i;' pomfei ».a.s >hc . ill for an ele-crton ” >s -t ■■ f 'fittet! by a aroail margin. hoard nearly SHUT T XICI A U* t* manic P-far!.v ;4pU» ;*n thf i i ••t * J tor a i’ify voff\ faur t“' Yavoi of * v • >i*> m m oth? too 1 rho NLivmi .ha". Th • Mayor's rof- in m-u>v ‘ • MVfM !OB 1 OtM’f’Vnlp. t rhb hi* oern h« mv* übm ri>.- r 4 .ty»nr on / K E"v W !! Ll Am- '• f'HO Th- Rrv Krnn*-th 'Vr«ti m. ; . N :> . N* of Ihr Ru n I n f &n*l r> ..fuiH) f[jj,h'jcf ,»n e» •nti-* •; )mt -. |f >tj i )\iir m!' -t > •■ n tj>> : ,!i • v »>v M*‘ WTfH&fD* HriiT '' V! ij t- ; MrntK- j? »! 1.0 m'.-. ■ o;- * t r»m. - .'f rrujj'si- «v? h. ihj'ior hn? I think f h *' people shouk! h ?vo < ebanrp •. ■ • f R .* n <n d f t-M'B! •/. I rfofl’t rr-o hou ’VO . '‘■•nl'f "HiU >?>(g pi <i •■" h: rom • ) -M .i 'U a : * -'HI to V»> h'v V TAS'K I- ’ c*n i| ?!jp r>- »ll hf»c?ff! h»'* icfthat th?»re r.h aH ho m\ a\e.- t ion., if. v, iH hn nr» e.asr t ;t ~k f• n f Ji.•••' ' ’ tvpf forc es tft y \ ?n i u t;V' ballot Eng I in in- oppOvS*- 1 i••• n y -t group, Th- CV>uimi v ?£*p °T Ofjrtf' Tboty-s ind. a hoirtovr'r frotu th' 1 forces All^t drt- tityd fho < ourdv infp fr.r ABC .Toros in lb Cy Thi l.rrront> is deferminf'd that -hr -’ih v. hr all not have control, \ i d ;ti int of Honor <*oi\trt>l here is rh ; Women’s Chris? inn (Coatintfpfi on page 1, this c« iimi) RCPPERTS TABS TWIN CITY MAN I V. INSTON-SALKM a !:>< d! - I reside!!t 'i t- b' r n aps v .uu t ‘-d 3 :i-tt *et*o* v s rr* sc itanv- h*, the. Jacob IRupuei'f Hif-vr-rs ('■■> be-t'tning th.- : second Negro n.-uru-d t.i> uiyh h po.d | Receiving the m<ot appoint ment ii. rhbt'cls !I plr.-.ve: ,] y , •! givduate <>i Not l it 1 aroliim Col- 1 1 lege .-it Du ham and a former TS Ai niv Air Con e flight eomnuindei. entail rails on retailers of hit 'entail rails on reiaiHrs of his t 'company’s products and aiding in t [ maintaining goodwill between the t 1 retailers and tin- company * by wonderingly. No Negro has i ever been accepted in a Nation l at Gsmn.l unit in (he state and despite the tenseness of the Ko rean situation, it is doubtful that | w»i,t uP.lt wMI admit Negroes to ' (Plf( A SINGLE COPY CAKOLI 1 ' '■- M tm t Batiche Honor-Event 0/ The Year ft): \t Vi g rECEf'VCTf. A'OBE'L rKI / S f. n?tn f f T «hi*« *H4 I r. M!»n <>j eh.- * ntntniii??* ft* f’sf-in.ifJ !hf COVCb'd nbf IPi i.?e Twin City Drivc-In Theatre Sets Opening WINSTON NAI l-rU A r.i drive-in theatre, possibly f h<> fin est. in the Smith and certainly t’r tine a in the date a.-. v-'dl as tlu> first wiil into operation Old North State, the slogan of membership ai present, In (br ute National Guard nas fltppa.Pt 1 1> been said to he: "1C you're white you’re right - if you're black get hack." , .... C* n? Kniuhc ««»‘fr tbs of r* h*;jH i»i <T ’ 0 Gt* n fly 4 > »» rnr - i\'f rj * ppr *> \ • *r»;» ?f-] v hO 0(>o in *•. it fr*»m Ihr Nobel (.«?**> miHfit- ‘'PraccioaJiCi' n f th? here dtiTing this month. The theatre, failed the Park Vue. is located mi Vargrnv.. sfrit-t here, being constructed in a recess of a natmal hiU, The site has heeti constructed to icomniodato ' ,fil .automobile;-, and t nmposes ire for 150 persons Man *Just JiVi ng m' N N *- H l lS f f- > H’ -• $n * Hr, j n ~ nyfVi n 'nut )i vtn ; ,;' , • 111: io< Ipn lit r arc -til] holding him fn M-• • hrath r»f the 4d-'‘,car r, )d woman h whs jusl jiving’* ■' I f h li'v.fpt ia ' v'vir-nld Major iMu f fM*) Mynl. His victim *■< - Ju lia \/iao i ■ •. pvvcl vv.'i;-. H n •'St.f’d f< >1 lOwi »i g the , t'ata.i M»ot yam '-Hoot inr of t.hc • Ad-iiV;. in tbr (jftoyv/:*y of. her homo last Wednesday The aa &n! 1a n t ■*"»?. ’i p ]i?h r »d • d 1 n F»y Teen-Ager T ries, KINSTON A teen-aged girl told Hiifhet it.fes here that she did: everything she could” to keep front shooting a 26-veai old tenant ' farmer who was molesting her Her efforts proved futile, however. : and she must. f«r<. charged of niur ! der. | t.. h. < Fats i Jones war killed i Sunday when Beulah Mae Dixon, If*• .fired a shotgun blast at Uiioi. Vi’H, c ‘lpb. P :-{ ‘ the oy*- **'•?' ample <»♦ ?ht ‘ «vh>ch ' k jii.-tdr by th* e? *> u}i* >* hr is given ill? chani:*€- j The theatre, whi' h h to bo man p.ed entirely by Nor roes. C. ‘'orn plete with the exception of addi .Ilona! landscaping and ground! work yc-, promotion o pi*t\i• /and other facilities bev* already 1 been installed piteviitr oti a tip given policemen j m (hat. ( itv by !o> i| ruler' c meat : Officer fuv i .ligation rerr ik-d that Byrd j and the Adams woman had mtgag. cri in a conpie of -u gus a•> t-■ <>u the dav fin -.hooting t<> nrr<-.| It following these -luarvri . Thai Hr I'd d'-.-'dod to do mine 1 jiving" H<. nierl n shot s;mii from some place and v,eu* to th> Adams wom an's home, allegedly railing her to tt nnidnued on nig- s, this sc v f *o TI i utter attempting to get away trosn hi- reported repeated attacks upon her with his fiat.s and a knife The .-'-bool Ing oecured in the Wooten's Crossroads swUmi where ; the two resided. ;Th" victim was « i-< of 3 years' service in the Army Trial | date tor Mies Dixon has uot been, j bet.. . , WHISKEY RAIDS IN File COUNT v AfIFA NETS MANY Fctlcj ;;t j, A. 1, 5 Loc,i] Oihrcis Work; fop Distriluitoi f flight c fARTHAOE Tv. -'iv" persons ; v p ?■ p it*'' 1 t--'i the week nd niof** - ' ■ i'tfcan <JO last week as iocs!, state; ' .•!.))•; ; • • • • 1 • •• «■ • ; erf.ieii! ot -1 ficefs ■ }o.->«d tbe siet they have > been weaving around f ke Illicit liquor trade in this aiea for.-» ■period of than a mouth With the local oh; >■=, of ?h-- 1 i Moore founty sheriff serving a-, : be.C'iqnai'ter::, raidin'!; otic ore; i--, i • vadcd nearby Moke. Lee, Harne*f |tn»l Montgomery counties, making arve d.y. in oath locale Os t h*>• 50-odd rnr.t cc?. dii c Mrnated 32-uir<varrH were S>- a r : *f ; s. Os she 14 •-■•cl This oast w*pLpivi. 1'; w?>if, colored. Arrested during the many raids : was Marcel luit 1 ‘ha.lnters, ?M of i Htornelt County, who is ~ ltd s o be eh-tef supplier of: illicit whiskey re- ; ! *aU«rg in the four-county area Oh altn er s. ru vren 11 v o n Fe-ie r»1 , i probation* has lons been sought by 1 Moor-' Con nt\ officials Me was ° i r osed under sK>'*o T*a! 1 pendinr. lar*pea r•>o o e for 1 1 1 al. 112 *rre st ed diiv 1r s f. h * ■•*• c eken r ! f Three women *"re anioni, tbs | Officer-, repoM M\M I h - number of i ivepi fn in in- it * ?■*isV 5 c [rrfailbtiv is showuv. 1 Mighr *‘l e • ! crease. LOTTERY RAID NETS THREE; SLIPS, CASH | tVINSTO.V-SALEM A . aid ou ! ; 'ottery racket pick-up •.- -j **, -.,, jly this week netted a large quan tity it cl ip-; t.i.s jn ~ic, h ind i}, r-. • persons desert bed ha lot tew rack |et "workers." j The raid *t llj.'l Vorth Trade St i was staged at a time when work- I*rs are obstensihly turning In. : /their datl.v 'take" and preparing jtvi the Issuance of the lucky mini I hr; While only three wen ■ • ■- led. ft L believed that inane • >tb■ ■ 1 1 -• i cons noasibly workers <■< I iio.! i it),.-, site at, the time a tb> I raid - Tho-.-e arrested were Hherinan i'le ivy 1507 K 14 t ’ ,o i o I !-• -i,. Mae- Umlth and Kally Our. , iijam of the --ddress radied. March of Dimes Scholarship Winners s *- v i i .... .. l,,cft«fo right Viltnt livaits. New York cjly; Harold E. Potts. Newark, N,T ; Walter Girons, Buffalo. N.Y.; Ellen Marshall, East l,vnt» At ass . RHir McOew. New York City :«nd /V Tela rdmonds, Cambridge Mass., won National Foundation for Infantile. Paralysis scholarships !?s physical Ther apy March of Dimes funds provide scholarships in many fields Join the March of Dimes, Jan- I , uary 13-31, . _ a ,j| ■Pledges "fright On Reds j ALL OUT fICHT AGAINST COMMUNISM"~~w« the selena pjsilge «n»de bv newH »!<•- .*<>a ti.'itHn President, Colonel Paul Maglolre. t D a„ c ,i« r>t M-.ii, j ««•-* era of indeoendene "'d ftnoortssee in «,.,m yffair* under the b'id»r*h‘«p *»♦ r>»e voung astute Matloir*. M-th the threat nf ,var. Haiti is dad.' attracting more and more »*• •dents to its shore*, Search For Boy j Is Still Underway KT I / \Br TH rITS \f < A i kh! >;'» a:•: i- • .-f i* • H*’s m--’-. Ur.ir,;. wßi httiuri coy?i:iu*i(i here itdi .n i!-yt**r ■•hi .• >n’ h v;. ho Ici'i i |vp« y fp igSi ng pityc 1 v,t L> r?.U Ts diy • a i t p ru noti. Object, of th« search in 5 w birh ‘ - «vrf hriab; i-i w - • ; Wif.h . p/'hrrty.f'P •**?*f -oi»n?y Shaw Uriiv. Head j In Durham Talk DI’PHAM Tht > cling piSoi tjpni o yh.tw r>m -• • -'v, H;> b otras--w<t.s pi int’lpal .-poaker .-M LC fuatit ipatloa ir WiHot-k Haptiyf Ctu*rch h*** : Monday v Th ■ f-y' i tisi',; oon* va «uior a ?.h.s ;• liH f| 4 • {j) iflf) o li.lt fit it! bfottp \\ijJ Ei'ft-f St tiuc; Fund Croup I mids -\rtinn DI'RItA.M North Carolina's x 'a <<! •-tC c D. 1 1. OOP to l used in i hs v-ruction of a sfatue trr th ( - memory of the late Dr Jas f' oiM-pard. It oa.s announced this ! week • Making the annouiicen.i ent was ,D> t.k'Otge D. f of vVilming jjton, who the late e<l u- Motor c •- Grand Mooter of the state’* ■ j Mason.' Dr (.’ame-s revealed that bthe it M‘ to!a! g;ro?tp will work ip ! . elo&f- < ftOfu-lOlt!oTI T' if h fV» c- Jame* : £• c*he lea id Me 1 '*'???! W »i n rf \vhf.( h 1 • is cm * v-Htty p!aoo’‘ng suitable tog- 1 , moria! *. V), cm rut*. -‘ho was elevated; from v.-i nk -, t ' 0j and Ma.v re? ; >•* f. i ■ '■] of t lw. e; C - M * oo ?rpon Dr k j- Md’a (Jcith :*oine foyr-M «g;<. a.o.d '.»■ ho 1 v>a .been re elected h.r r. h-» ooef >o. roe •erjiif-i ♦ election* told fame T T.e\• >r <i ) the ?b -ooilal F’uod igO OU p ot the V| -f • •"( u,;; ?U/*? nt tOTIi* | v<‘o! vcairs, D» .’henot'd, founder I f nht I DInP <| f*»i plgf: S | oft; ~.. I; i*)••!;!-• l>elanc> Wialej o-ho ie/f his k une at about 4:3 ?»■.' go h’-s back • '!•) e chii'ki-n housi Vi.- )s..i i) heard from no ■ 'n in - t •;h v-,uth r-nnriedh was weai i!!g Mue !)vcrail.-' and a checkere cii'C when be disappeared. i; ..-•I, .-'.. >; th,. Emancipation Pul , i ip. pi "gideut Al*vah&?| Id?!:. ■t? ?•! ,’ i d a *.:t \i ar v 1. If ?* a til e;• »> pi? licsp&ted i.u by i hit tv ]>■ ( . } ,U ~, , in. * x , I Th- (/b -ervatie*-- was held iimitl ; (C;. .pi,-.... (sfthe loc.’t Interdi 'n, ininatiot.-i.) Ministers AUtanc 'h.c events. ; Ailbn, thA H,c "Villi iin R Fuller, presided ov« EDITOR HEARD f,ou ! - Au-Un. uditor-puhlisher t s ' " ■ " ! Ttmes. a ice v! week l ivf>-. wa.- principal speaks '\c'- * -:•-n--ip.ition Dav service i■.?>:! in \Vineton-Sa!<?m Monday. MIlilON OOLLAf ymiro nnn itot nuiVlto rnUltbl IS LAUNCHED KI '•'. TON Work got nnde> '•v-iv here this week on a nee' 17.< mil! housing project for Negro a< < ir.t'ctlon. Cost of the "omptete job will he 51.235,000. The new bousing units, whic f f oniitnied en page R, thts s^riiot HOSPITAL COST HP IN WINSTON WINSTON SAt-KM • ft wi ■ 1 re .■•lents oi the Twin City f Je,! f one dollar (> 1 ) uxorr per dsi t " receive hospitiiliation after th ci-k Hi,3(i |i i...»s heretofore, a cording to an innouncemeiit en antli!?', from f,h° City Hospits ( ■ immin ion 1 <C:tinl.intie«l on page R. thi-* •• l l-r»*

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