numbers crackdown by officers, jurists begun SURGERY SROL? ACCEPTS FIRST MEDIC IN N, C, f IK [CHAM Dr. Cl;.)i o- n Wc.;; Surgeon attached to ;li t . I i it Swire- ;.t Ni.-ih Ltdle.;. . lit-r tv. • I-. !»••«•-,: ~ ;:Y N r'■ 0 m* t.x rum iAY;'! Olhia lo be • "iiifiod im ~ m < fin Hoard of S'!"s ■■ v. flout'd uifiulH hj p Y !::■■. : c-,( Ihe most eminent surgeons in ri- I . s. Around ;:o s*-urn ;ire member--. in addition *.*. w vrr . lory oi Ai‘ «ii''a! :-'!>• • !'r .). . wai i !*«.«> . o» i pi; ui s- ■' • ‘ai> [ I' ■ ■ * I;mar./. notified Dr \V:UL -, a that hi ha«i «»»• • ;t:i - ■ i.; i 7: s . t • .1 it,- t s } • i * 4> '• UJ . i li'-rsdip ill Mu ti.C P>im .oi: 111. V, . i itc,iit.) ■: - - ' jit.r'iM . . ; u!it I'iii.- ;••• • • ■ h. A i.iitivr ■•! *>!lult:.' ( i I ul l : i .t f tc-ndeil t!r pool). in .. A ;.!!■( .'.lorchoum • ’*:;t* simp on-scientist, Dr. Cl: i r> : . w. i rb-i/h .f . ■■ "sh i,my i:m - liit'litjlf \ 1 !<:\! !'. ’ j. };■’ £* llltl /. f 1 it'til rf'ir \ ■'ohir ■ ' Op ii iti’>n I.'■, ii -I v V X.T.- I'll /ill i; vi t 0/1 s <1 n r-,)u s ahh' part Os (hotr n ril I f-dn/'ut ion of n'hifr ‘lt, /«»••?/ colic f/CS J). Watts, nil t> ;V --ccii'fft his rulirc mC'li-of if?- struct 100 i /•' surff* •)/ theft ;<*. •7 tiMC iS sh f first \l>S )h • if' ~ inCOn it ho i red f* ft fa i list if ut ' >'■ ' Or Wat l ..** rr*c»‘tv»*n Ins’ MO. pii;i!. in Wasliiiu- «on. in ini:: In l’.nlll* H'ontmurd on pntrr 8. this section» euih NEGRO WOMEN'S COUNCiL HONORS HORACE HESDT-^s. V, v san Carter Mason, vlee-prcs. of the Nat l Council of Negro Women and head of the Norfolk chapter, present* Horace Heidt with a citation fin behrtJf of the Nat't Council honoring his efforts to open the doors of opportunity for talented youth without regard to race, creed or color Ileidt, director of the “Youth Opportunity Program" is the at !£■}■ vat- old Negro fa*ritojiiOv .. .1. firm ~i.A .at :I c mM.t *;> m ♦ . . • i:. Midal. Di li Fi. . t ; i > • i e ' 0 1 • . j V T. ■ A" t . h Ot; I." Y RlYn <>’ !'•<• Oit ape l Hilt nuronts thut ' ■ :.-:i itaiion ■ . U ■ y ' - Chaptsi iiiil school :->Ycm ft; t. v v. '.tu -I .-v lluol faciii ,iMm Dollar School Plant Dedicated Religous Pioneer Dead .in Ttvin City At Age Os 81 WON:TG v SALEM FaMcF.! ii 1..; ,/{, h h«.»ut *n • vy'-TF..t C'iivi: v :/l. si . Lott • -t r «?> r« •n.-'i* u ;.l --• * •« f\ - . *t r i ’ ‘ ' ix ' !,J lK>’ • . • C.-’ \\’ 1 ii i nib A Ccileno P !ft cm !N MOVE CLOSE!! Tp (joNTRni '.VINSTON SAI.TM - \Vin.-t u m rwvs-ii it* a vote on Al i .■. n. v . <.'•>! • ■! , w< * Lh.- ilc u operations on the • i l U'T'Vt .. < V ill ...!! t..! 1 v l'r .■• .ui d ana t!i« .■kilt" .Super'inY. > oi» r.t of f-' L lie Kuticafioii. L>. Civ.a Era ir Tilt' ;iui ertts a ' .YiiPg *!t*» -At, f oatinurd on page 8. this >e-elii>«i of hi* d*til, and o, -;.mi?.i'd (In chuicil -'ll .-La’l’iSsfuliy ; ,1- tiJi ooi for iK.rly liaif a century- It i.dtliiion, til,: .*i : 11 i Sti ■■ v r n foi'.mrit ;• an rgc, no long"'.' ex:-tent, -t Stuart. Va., au : tb. i'.icai Tvvti; Oi.- ial Slit),.. Ui: the Bibb t T i-.-g. ui,..* .even r! lurches. ! (:, ll ,1. :a V- i l I Tu . • si; .v Rev. pitei.-. ii.iCi b -eti it. i.iil it. . " itltli ior years. A nutive oi \ irr’inta, 1: • \ lu te: e. a.- i d ic.iUe. p-tblit Schools l ." st tc and Washin Ton. D. He taught a 1 Virginia public 1 -<•!.. 11,.: ... !.t >• rra followin . If. llM!C. i! 1 v Ml fY t"i s x'itllie* In War.-!" m and c, a ,ini.'i-T :i'!.e- r "Y ..." Ii! C::!ii'ch Olid .!. ns,;>t:j> .'' I :pi a.rheaOttd th«- • "'ii/ tl ion f oUiv", cHci"e :ii'-‘ oi j'han..;;. . Iriin i woikshe; ati.'l Bibie college. A. U-..t:c: in the Chreyti.e'. c!»uroh, be vie -1 ‘('eai-leii! ot Legion Contests <. fIOI.HxIIOKO —\t the mret iag of ftYyanl Best l*o»t No. 315 Anicriean Legion hero last Tuesday night. George li. tt 11- *iiii. Stu*e fdiariman of U)t for Uivl sion -i\, aimouncrd that the. subject tor the l(i31 Oratorical Contest is to lx- "The Consti tution In \ < hanging World " Cvery Post in Division six i-. asked to hoi 1 local contests on Sunday .March 4, aful Ulv trie! contests March 18. All high school students ac -1 Continued on page 8! ,i It Happened In Carolina Baby Scalded ROCKY MOUNT The 2-year old duughtei tis Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Given o! this city was scalded to dentil last week The child, Lena Pearl, tell into a tub of ho! water her mother had just placed upon the floor af ter removing it from a stov< The child was rushed to a local hospital and later developed pneu monia and died. Churchman Sick RALEIGH, N. U. Tlu R'v. A B. Moseley, presiding elder, Wilson District AMS Zion Church I has been confined to St Agnes Hospital here for a number, of days. His condition was not con sidered serious and it is believed that ; e will ; oon be back at his 1 post. Re\ Moseley has bt'en a fixtur in church circles in the cast irn part of the state for a number of year.- He has rOpre > i ted tin- church in several oc casions at national meetings and on rial commisisoos 2 Dead, 12 Hurt ROANOKE RAPIDS —Two men ; were, killed and 12 other persons were injured in aiv automobile ac- : I cident here lute last week. One of the dead men is Ross Webb, 60, a Negro. The other fatally injured person wa- William Bryant Mat-I thews, a 49-year-old white farmer. | Decoration Complete GREENSBORO —, Re-decoration j of the Came uc. Library on East , Home-State Edition • /"gAr) SINGLE COPY N ' VOS {'MK XXX CONGRESSMAN SPEAKER IN TWIN CUT EVENT L nii\ Is Stressed L i ar\er Is Pul Into Ser\iee *A INSTON’-.SAI.KM a jm-.i : ■ *vas " uni -r: *n Y ; ■ s [ii'.i ker ut be'! r ; . * - ■!'excrcis".-' i- * lit, n.w mill ion lioliai Carver t'oii"d Setiiui! In re Monilay. In t/u tit!,- i D thy . ,j f ■ ..... , ~■ f, ; ,11 I|. u.'i'.v.s im,in Ihm.tioii t'/otf/nt/e It If. -1:1,1 fntly,l thill Hit it ft .ni oi ■■ ,il’ ■hi, "- , 'i f, ,i! '-■ 11- ‘ I nilt'l \,lti,tll\ On Hnil'i Io if f ih- .t ,t frit'iio flint f.ll t.t Hitt/.-, ih. nut ion iti jti't (Jin'!bit'. (’one rcsiuiiu n ('halhain stated ibut ill.- ( arvi-r t?chnoi. which was o. • cujiieil ill- fils: s j jut' upon rei.puli ia of local schools I,is! week and which was recoin M I'ouipleted i .wciing )i6 rt*. 11, II bun: till It >- - .')! II it!, for '-, ■: f.iuoliii/ of i il o fiit io n ini 1 1 o/,)iorhinil u if :• * ii.v :n fi’.>noii> fra not ion." //. nott'd that •Jlib 'titil tin Iron I'urtnin llifi'i' in no rquality r,i opiiorrunitij" Also in a speaker's role a! . io* ik'dicafiort of the new school facilit * constr(inted here to rt-eiify the nec.i for more Negro public .school 1111;!" was Dr. K. 1.. Atkins, president 1 Winston-Salem Teachers Col lev Dr. Atkins injected into his iliss* r tution a plea for consistency else ft ontinued on page 8) Washington Street here has been completed, it was anounced this week by Mrs. w. M. Grimes, li brarian. Kotrii 306 additional books for adults and children have been added. Doing “The Bump” SEMORA Folk,, here are still talkie;, about the trouble a local resident got into in Virginia last w-ek when the folks up there ac cused hin, of Irvin,.- 1 In uv.'l ‘'re tinte-y" .James Wilbert Dov.-ney was in Danville and was given a 10-day jail sentence for “bumping" into a while pedestrian on a fhdo walk Downey was also accus'd AWARDED ,MARCH OF DIMES FELLOWSHIPS pi 'Sjr } Wi mBBB&m K < ' March of Dimes funds provided fellowships for graduate studies in medicine by (left to right) Dr. Roland B. Scott. Wash ington, D.<\; Dr Lula B. Stewart, Jackson, Miss,: Dr. Kathryn Rainbow. Wheeling, W. V;t.; and Dr. Vermelle Kelly, George town, SC. Support fhr March of Dimes, January 15-31, . UAI.EK.; ti. NOKTU CAROLINA WEEK I.NiMXO SATCRPAV. J ANVAR Y !;1, IHSI NO. V N. C. Members Attend Sigma Conclave' ■ WBbSKBBBbSBm ' I - ■•*; if|Hßr' ‘ : '; : 91 V r %gr ;#%;;4^JS;: jKMMMA ” »*MpH^illff3c« ■ •■'- ''■ ~ • . HitOTIITK I.AWRMVf II 111) US' Hlin i Phi Beta Sigma frater nity Brother B IY I.awreiiee Kahigh, v. as among the first to grit-t leli\ j. Crown «t Ku-li mond, newly elected |>resident of the fraternity at its .kith annual conclave held in New York City lecentty. .Mr, Lawrence, ;i mt'in ci i t lialcigh's Lta t ilapter oi Phi Beta Sigma, is pictured with (tie newly named preshTcni and H. A Bingham, also a member ot the Haleigli ehaptei w tin also attended tin- conclave. >! having made “an tmgraoioui re mark " to Ur man ho bumped- Starts Visits RALEIGH, N. C. Rev. C F. Mndkins, who was recently ap pointed presiding elder oi the Raleigh District of the Genual Conference, AME Zion Church, he fan his quarterly visits to the -everal i nrenes in Deci-ml et His most recent conference v. as Acid , at Grtic.- Church, Mrs '.Via bo I Clary ’ pastor ’flu- Rev. Matikins on me to the district from the Laurinbu: g Dis trict wilrie it is Understood that tie made n:i enviable record He report., that the work on the dis trict is doing nicely and that he (Continued on page 8> Protests Against Digit - ! t Game Sweep Across State RALEIGH The much-h- tld ed craci do u ~i: ft: ‘ r.uniuors iut t. rv racis t v hich i. weekly Uc-c --iuc No: ih Carolinians oi hundreds of thousands of dollars shifted into li:ii pear last va ck a record nuin ber ot per .-on Were arre.t wii rcr;i|u - d a climax l<>c;dly ••>. ln-it a VVakt Coun ty Surei'ioi' C tuit judge ordered a Grand Jm,: to clean up tile rac ket in tin vicinity' More than Ho person:- were rounded w;> in Wilmington last: niid-w.-ek as law enforcement of ficers stagsu a 2‘! -hour long .aid me party. It •.>•,«» also in Wilmuuf t toil that ; rotest again. !, laxity in the handling ot lottery cus -s as sounded. 1 EM I NC i' CHARDI l> Jud v H Wind ed Smith, sitting in Recorder's Court at Wilming ton last Tuesday declared that su perior court judges are being too lenient with lottery law violators. , "Th. whole business stink.- U> hi', li itnivtii/’ Judge Smith de clared 'For years 1 have b- r< . crackine down in this court ev- : chance ! got on numbers racket people. But when they take tin; ca.'.. s to Superior Court, they give; them a tine or let them oil. ’ s 10,000 BONDS SET Judge Smiiiias observation v ere believed based on the plea by a Wilmington attorney (hat the ! bond:, of at least four of the tli .ty ! defendants rounded up last week I be lowered. Bonds of ir wa ■’ to I SIO,OOO had been requested of the men charged with conspiracy to ! operate i lottery and violation of lottery laws. WAKE ICRY CHARGED Superior Co'url Judge W C. Hun is. pjesidine •,» a one-week j criminal trim here toid the Wake i County Grand Jury Monday in ! effect that gambling is the b. --is !of many more serious crimes as : hi. charged them to put a .hop to i the numbers game in and around | Raleigh. “Gambling works from one j thing to another.’ Judge Harris i noted, and stating that while he j was aware that a total stop could ! not be put to crime it can be held to a minimum. ST ATI ACTION INDICATED While no definite mode oi pr« ; ■rntauou has 10-ti r-\ rated. it is i t'i:ru.!> i: us .: .J i t Os) Capital ttitl tCiintimiid on page s. litis section; "DUKE SUBBING FOR NAACP"-'-'rs. Ruth Brvnn Rhodes JP lug, left), former .American .Minister to Denmark, anil chairman ,q sUfiS committee sponsoring the Duke Ellington concert in ||;e worM.-t'antetH AJriropOlitaii Opera House on Jnimarr M to hcin-flt the N’. \CI* j idSg introduced to prospective committee mrinn-rs, . ! , * (i> .j.', ,-HS parts. Introduction* are being mude t>,v Walter VAT IK *««f> WAIT, and Mr». Ruth LUingtou Janies, * Plans Practice _ /n Raleigh • ->>k/ &s*!s ■ ■ ■' fv C* s 1... <4 m 1 s** >< x Wm Mgh * ». jy ■ .JHH .*#!^SS!|M U\x PR.\1 i Htffririat-’i. i» r«?M{h 4 nt phvsL ' *<«»> L. ih'u-,!}’s Saint A&rMs Hrspstal ?s non- < <>mph*lin« plans *'■ I ‘ l • *'' r I- 5 ’ { •■.:■!.- meib/al practci** «!' c\ ■ i * \ t. | p:»|,.*-h S».»> story Ktlovv •. rCUNSWOMAN TOM LISTS PRACTICE PLANS ' 1 ■’•lt.!! Til:. • .!•• •••!• „f n,- ' ;jth ‘ ! ■'• !'*. Middleton, brilliant ■ ' " ‘ l an A < " -'ii m.l obsttM ! ' : '" - ■ 1 'i it '-■ ■ idem i>hv< i - : ';'i •■• 'll !•'< .‘I r A-,,.- Ho, ' ■ ;; 1": ! ■ ■ ’ ' ii;: I].- ;•, <■”••'!• ;n I ■ '■' I :|; :,. lit, :„||)11 ;[■■,. )'■' ■•;■ :- -■ li-'lr "f R;,. ■:.r,< '!>.n r < ‘t! f'i <>Jii ' ' 1 •■ ■' ' ' : : : ■■ Sri..', r. :,. ~ J ; :,: ■ ■■■ ■-' II- i'l 1 ! '■ - r'."'!)r I},. ■ • : ' : '■• •:• ’•; •-« or Iyy'i-so. s‘u ; 'll'''" n" ■■ i i !'•'.. a r.'i ! niv,- •>.;', v ' ,;> ‘ : ■’ " r f i v ‘ ■'■" -i ;i f} with ;.i ' ■■' • - -\- ..iv-- in ; I XA J ai ih» j • ■•-. ' :s . >' i u: !•’ if!’ LsifCau in !‘<‘ls. ;■- . :, :i|: LhPn ' ■:- : , S Hi! i a!’ ;::: )■•. 1 ',! ! • :, :' ■: r- '■■,!■ p-Tj,„i l>f. * 1 "' 1’ - >l' a ’ ■■■. • Tl l >0 * it i H ■ " s i*s'i.v° ,■ •■ 11 \ IS '• ;i! ■ ! • ■, n '•'."!l a:\ir I A n.Mi..- r; '.!■■! ifi !• .J ,[,•;. f.-,. f J-OTs i. ■ ■ r : ' i 1 , - n ■»■ »'• -I! !>,. .«• s ilii‘, >.’•>>•: Apprc ,ii 1 .it "I; ;i, ; ' r .'‘l i t Otal Cst I.; ' ' - ;>: • ..!.;. r\ ■ rllSl- ■ of $2, vli'.rh. ,u, ts Ih.-.i-hJ bii'itniun Till- •'..’ '.is i hit is:s at ■. n'opose by Use Atlvi o, v B".ti:!>'t Commit non ;. rl.oirs SSSOO.INU i'S'.- tha Use school ;* .(!!•'."(eti. TF is '•; ddiis. i rcoinmondfi' the Coaii.fiion could to etianf . d is tin !.■■ ...islaturi; howcvei T .s iir:ii: 'i, j i> over an bovi receipt Crom tts ition and otai .• sources. Rou-.-M;, 7n pt'r .-flit of r.h l ( ontimu'd on page 8, ibis section