kDMSIOM ill DURMM SCHOOL SUIT AWAITED I A Combination Os Beauty AND Talent MNRNHRDVBNHNKCRHRNNNLIEiNiL' ~. \M) I U.ENTKD TOO A cross-si-etion nf America is con- Uinrd in the Scuta S.vn-em tics, u mu and sensational entertain ment aggregation. Vi Wilson, | Durham Verdict Km A' '4-2 m !l tnng* Ufaiw :A |?ll% CTlFtFlt § i %tr f! t* & n I fa m ®J 1$ H# %JP S H gkugyu IT i mrmm IK CAROLINA Uncle Tom Dead DURHAM - - "Ur.cF Ti.ua” Char- HvLUI, V.'i Jl-l'.nov ■ : >Oiml Waist‘"lll t dea • here- '• ('. . a;.,, of 98 Mr, Choi! a;ci): f iony-time conch- ] man for (■': 'icr.il .Lilian S. Carr, one of Diimam - : iOtfndft'T. died Sunday fOiloo in:, p'*i jnR of dO dine Funeral o n in*, wi re held ear- . 1> this • from White Rock ti.st JKh v. ,ta the pa:;tor, thi ll vv Mil Marl, Fisher, olficisting. ion , fc .'i.'rc.i in Bcocliwood C* a o ry ivlr Chrnl sh n one of the city's oldest continual re-iClcnts, was in tin area during tne Civil War and recalled itavin.i;' ;cmi Union troop 1 pu.*s{ tiuough eli' ii a ooy. 5> More About BBW SA NS' OKI) "ll’BW" is the aerepted initiated nam,) for "Bad, Bad Whiskey, ’* A iocla resident who’ll wit ness a«L testimony that whis key is indeed "bud, had,” w John Quick. who was arrest ed in a rapid on a distillery near here last week. Two stills were in operation svla'll the rarl was made anti (funk arn-sted. Five hundred gallons of mash uni over three gallons of whiskey wero de stroyed on tin- site by the raiders. Didn't Take Lon? WAHRENTON it didn’t take very lung for two men charged witli larceny here to find out what their fates were to be. In exactly 12 minutes, a Warren County Superior Court found Chur- Jit* and Jes r Alston guilty of the theft oi l.JKiti pounds of tobacco Judge R. Hunt Parker, (he pre siding jo il, ,sentenced them to 2 to 3 years each in prison. A few second later the defend ant,, noted appeal to the State Su perior Court. HL-Rurt Probed WHITF.VII.hK local of ficers are probing the hit-run accident in which Willie Hines, i 4n. suffered serious injuries near here Sunday night. Hines was injured on the Tlupree l anding Road when a, lilt-run driver sniesuiped & parked atiiniuoblle which he was entering. Hinds suffered a broken right leg when the hit-run driv , «-r struck the iloor of the vehi cle be had started into. bas-i-t, is a native o{ l.es Angeles ( alii. Reddy Smith, dru -is calls D.l.'eil Af'ih, "home; Lula 1‘oi). rts. saxophonist, is a resi <ielH of Key West, Fla., and IK : ; AM Mot us V. .• s in *n ■ i'k F:. • i 14; a .'-.ill c - w.-i 1, n in p :l:c cicho-i] •••u'u'it. is. file, he.v will lx foi thi oiiiiii;. dnrin; tins w, ek .lildge .("i'Hstm ,t. Hayes. wh>> hear<r the iQ-dav-long trial last siiamtiei in u tile h parents of e era ihlrcti <decreed local state „ omits officials with prsietie.mif discrimination a gainst the children because Os race, revealed shat ,1 disposi <>oi ’ e case is tu be made this week. h. i- Skit the tflieal (parents eh rgeu ~l lee faciiitus at Negr< ; school:; ir the city are infes’ior tu iContin d on page 8. this section! I TEACHERS LAUD I NEW SERVICE OF I THE CAROLINIAN RAI.KKiF' - The North Caro lina Ttuvht" Ruud, official pub lieation of e North Carolina Teachers A .uciaiioti. in it,- eur .•■nt issue foal tires a full page enniim nlary on the CAROLIN IAN'S new exclusive high school • ask,• Fall scores service The record spokesman fur the state teacher group carries a re print of u letter di' pntched by the CAIiOLtNIAN : or 1 department •.."ad to priiiciu. , throughout tic •-late. Also rep ip ted in the 1 > 1 11 - ; let in is the. copy of u commentary made cotieeininß the service. The tew CAROLINIAN service • which has thus been lauded by the ((’untinned on page 8, this section) He Was Sick, Fans Dis pp i'.t d WAS SICK MAN More than 2,00 P Tar He'd dance fans guth -1 rep at Raleigh an i Durham to attend dan.ee attractions at which Roy Brown, popular young band leader singer was to have ap peared, were disappointed to learn that the musician had re cent', suffered a carciae illness necessitating his absence, .Toe Thomas, formerly of the .Tinnnle lumorionl orchestra, substituted for Brown in the Durham ap pc&t'iuioe was, postponed Sarah McJ.aw Jer, is front Chica go. 11l addition to their obvious talents, tin- young ladies are ail .1! !< musicians. ■ ASSIGNMENT OF RACE FIREMEN WEARS IN W,-S. \V i N;;TO' ,-S a 1,K.\l t’rclimi'j .iy activities are heiug 1 upidly I Oluplt'f ell here Win,-lop. S.'le’il u.ikt- read' - to become tlu* first j <it' in .North Carolina u> oaiploy ; ©es|B2i) firunieii <m a i'dli-timo, aou- I J voltintui y basis. o ~ i"ir, a the past week cppiF anR ; 1" com whom the first six men ever ; to du:i fire-fighters uniforms in iu> | Old North Stan 1 city will tr chos • 11 havo been undergoing prtdianht aty interview.* and physical exam ; i lltlt iOi: • Tl, six meii who are final!' 1 hos r fur the posts wil) he fita t tuned at the projected DunleUl 1 Avenue station for a 'several week:' long daytime training; period. Fol Mowing the training period, th- ! nn n will he placed 011 a locally 1 • ndorri'd probau'nmiry period. :i The Dunleith Avenue Station i: '■ currently under consmmtion, be ’’ mg financed by a s4.Odd Hoard of • Aldermen's grant for tin- purpose J 1 of training of Negro fire depart . moot personnel. YOUTH, 15, TO BE TRIED ON : HEAVY CHARGES it WI.VSTON-SAI.KM A 15 vea old youth is scheduled to face trial i here mi . barges of kidnapping, bur- i ‘alary and utterupted asaanit, For :'.-.yi h County ofthdal.* revealed thi: | wee-k. Faeinr the multiple ehargea fc j Talmadpe .Simmons of the Below j ’•' reek section who i ; aei-usi ii of i rontlpK an eight year old girl us ; j ahe same sector from her home last j Saturday and attempt.iilg to assault j ; her. .- /iivi//"•■ D' lini'tnimt offu ialx i report t/mr simmnns /tax' the j • ■hild sire hiii</ inside her home, j entered the edifiee and tiled | (Continued on page 8, this section) ! MEMORIAL BOOK | FUND APPROVED i BY SHAWUNIV. R.'.l.Flcn The admlniatra -1 ion of Shaw Cnivi rsify has given : pprnval to (he establishment of fi. "Shaw Fniversdfv Library Me -1 uiorliu Book Fund." The initial contribution to this ‘ perpetual fund bar been made bv Ihe familv nnd friends of the late Mr Fnnnn Bond Clicek, wife of the Reverend <!. R. Cheek, public * relations director and nhimnl soi jetarv of the university. Annrnximately jl.'lOO has been w- I II ived to date. Tentative plans rail for a me- | 1 : morial book to be dßnlayed In 0 | .speel'll ease in tho library e.i.-r-- j (Continued on page 8, this section) HMDS RIDE AGAIN Home-State Edition CliY/1* SINGLE COPY v ~ vou ml: xxx i;.\i,Ku;ii, xoirrjt cahouna wekk ending satuhday, janearv 27, 19. 1 xo. 7 Doctor Faces Rap In Mystery Death Gl’s Know War Is Grim Proposition IT'S A GRIM BUSINESS™ Fighting with the 2nd Infantry Div., northeast of the Ohongehon River, Rfe. Major L, (levehind of Fort Valley, (la., weapons sipout leader, points out Communist-led North Korean position to his machine gun crew. Members of the crew are Cpl. Freddie 1.. Howard of los Angeles, Calif., gunner; Ffc. Oeorge VV. Marsh of Covington, h>.. assistant gunner, and JPfo. Herbert If. Blount of Marianna, 1 la., (crouching belbnd) ar.tniun lion hearer. The tenseness and purpose of their young faces tefis the story #f *«"*• batt l* *' Supporting March of Dimes s ■>; .< y < ■ , . i -V %: | % :/ , 1 O. BI T 1 AM WEI l NOW —• And he dose not mind telling you that he is h ippy to be out of the hospital, and back in the fresh air and sunshine, playing j with his play-mates. Although i only 1 year old when this picture | was made, little three year old Robert Leon Sapp, who was af flicted In one leg by polio Is now able to walk He was confined to ■Saint Agnes Hospital last June. From there, he was sent to the North Carolina Convalescent Hospital )n Greensboro, where lie was discharged a week before Christmas. Residing at. SitlS 1-3 Alston Street, little Robert is the son of Mr, an i Mi s. Frank Sapp, and the grandson of Mrs- Jose phine Terrill, DR, C, HEJMT HONORED BY MEDICAL GROUP tIALHIUH Dr. Chris Hunt, was honored hy ilu- H. A. Scruggs' Med-; h .<1 Kncii ty Thursday. January 18 ar th ■ ivsiiiritfi. of Dr. !,. 18. Me (builey, 111 addition to a o'lji'ious quail dinner served. ill, hotiiiivu was pro-: ■‘enter! a bather traveling bag hy I Pi. Nelson IVrr.v on behalf of the : 1.. A. K'rrufce#’ Medical Society of ! whirl) Dr. Hum is a member. \ native of Raleigh, and loon! ; ; physician. Dr. Hunt completed his : loodira! training at. M..‘Harry Mod- | ba.l College, Nashville, Tennessee.; i fie interned ami served hi: ir-i --| deneeship at Saint Horn's Honor;H hospital, .-till Flint Cioodridye hos- • ■pita),H; Now Orleans. Hi- returned j to Rnlojgh to practice medlelne no! , | servo as a member of tin- staff' jat Saint Agnes hospital Dr. Hunt hits boon summoned for dutj in the Armed Forces f.. • which ho i (Continued on page 8, this section) j GUILD SETS i DRAMA CLINIC j FEBRUARY 3 I FAYBTTEVILLE The Drama; ifitiild of Fayetteville State Teach- ; ere College in collaboration with i j the North Carolina fligii School Drama Association will launch its | Fifth tnoital Drama Clinic Snfur day, February Drama PH fetors ; principals, supervisor'-. -indent■; j and friends from high schools tHI over (eastern North Carolina will ftttend. There will he three sessions. The morphia version ’.'-ill bo"bt at •1 «• (Continued on page 8, this section) SOUTHERN PINTS M. 11. CHARGED IN WOMAN'S DEATH l)r. W. ii. Ross To Be I ried Li ( tinnedion Willi Yh ster> Demise \ ii 'l' H '. <i K A luvniiij: (H Soul hern Bile- 11 - pin s.ii iaii. Dr. W fi i- - lednlod in go on ;:iol •n :> iTarge of ni.iiirkiUti:tvr in tit" ia.r- 1 h.iu ii, a!h .»< a \'asa him m " lie ,1 Mas I l '. • it'll hetc 11 IH tt *-ek I o. t.i ■ -.1! of •. t i/,c/i t refit, ~t h>,■ ~ Vo-.'Co On tt) ’ U <u ■•nd ,u, ; h ■ 11, i o.il It; It , iil Le hi . •' during the 1 hi,t term ■,> the iio-.r Vaunt t! SitjK.!,,.- on ehoroi nroi;,n,r mi I ftie. death of J fry. linth .D/'Ci'iiwwi.ui oi) iuo) nt 15, non. shorn a oT trr th r inn,:-:- ),/ut. left the phiisleei n ■ • hi IVryt So ■/1 hr ru Mrs. MeCrf’uinoti .tllfimd!'' had arrived at the nmuic’s office- Mr; whiit ha.- be- u t< ••iii'-d "rim best of 'health." and on a routine check Ter pres.nm y. According to Mtnii Metlrimm.-in. (lie bll.'balul, llle W Oil tun V, a , Ull . aide to i>eak men I hart few (Continued an page 8, lliis section: Zeta Head Is Honored |n?43lF s. * ,t - i mk ' ? -'- ZFT.YS RRFSFNT HISTORV I.IPh If) GRAND HASH,ECS WOOI.KIDGK Dr. Nancy B. Woolridge, grand basilcus of the Zeta I’lii Beta sorority, exhibit* a happy ‘‘thank you" as smiling Sorors Alice F assist and Fail;'. Lyons present her the Zet.l his tory book of HUB-50. The pro sentation was made at the soror ity's .’!oth anniversary meeting in |pl • a]a lI3S La womll^gripple AS VICTIMS >iiiht Riders (!hase Hubby; Beal W ife; (h> On Warpath hi S. UA L!•:!(! > Tilt Ku Klux Klait i- ittnnini; v«m:;h —over tv,si 'Carolina* eir.tin, .seine Urn; defeuso itv tiiiidi iia ti crippled Uivu and t.bi’idi tli :»* its vietinsa. Tint iul'aiviutis hood 'tl order, long ontla'.sed i-i inog;-. \ v pc-riiuis of the i.-.'iinu. i'oujid Half (‘tiirtiKtiiioi* 'tli N'ortli Carol inn''- ‘Brack j'jctt' iti ji .'vatu woman duntn.; tu-riiir, ,'ii(i via "itaii red tmi.v ink on t-'wisitf nr. while wreaking hain ii'.tirh Barulina'.* Hotbed I 't ,ti< I lorry <. (>uut.y. on a third ourbr.-iik ia six iHuntlis. Wt 1 MAN ..VTI’A! KKU V. siitevill:.', X. b. was the .seme.' oi a onv/ari'uinua attach uii u mai •*>»• i i inn "• ' ..I" 1. -Ann ■■ By or ‘if* l -'taii i. .iiui ini'sj't'-i " jufh! . iat" la-i w«»Pk Mid. > 1 ‘I ■' 'i ■' ■> Hhn it f II n ;jn i i,i < ...; innb it-, County in' '■ >< i< h tin- 1: of- 'in ml, Urn. <' (Ii ' ■ « / «■ o> (hr I'"' " -.i i- ■(.( Hi/ newt I'oou-rn :run vie lint of n fliif/'i in':; ml n< inkth'reU- by men • ’•'in: ti ll!,/ >r*•/.;«.; the f'O.'Klin'V h ’l\h<! nil 1 . .V to Ul'.ii; iCloMO'i /'t'ason, Tiio iiit'ii riding in nine or ten lUtiiinoliii 'S are said to have ierr ’lt* Mim-' near ti>• • Blowers resident tml <]i seond. ■! en i-iii.-ssc upon the j dwelling when 'll-.. U, n her : husimi.d and tlieii ! <-it year old i daUfrhtor wore sleeping'. Th' 1 ha ii.iiid t ■(jr!edjy took a : shot v tin f i’elll a i :,( It inside (h<» hies ■ smi intid I' .id ■ o defend Ml* llOltl". "illy \(( (I ise.s \ ~(> lie t,lld in Ik 1 ! When !i( Ikill i from tin* it < iilimicd (.a page 8, mis section) New Orleans during the Christ. mas New Year holiday Tl’ ll book rvas compiled by Soroi Lou Swar* an . the Z< t,i Graduate ( bapter in Brooklm. N. J !)< Vt ciiicidge is an Lnglish profes sor at Hampton Institute, and U tdaughter of |)r. O S. itul !o(k. pastor of Firt baptist Church, Raleigh. V.

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