FIERY CROSS BURNS IN ALAMANCE fraljis: Hi: Al* IM KI.K ATIOXS GltOl’l' The pictured panel of sin dent officers and faculty advis ors head Use North Carolina High School Publications (Tub organ ized at Saint Augustine's College, Raleigh, list saiurtlas. Student officers are, front row, left to tight, blisses dean Stovall, as sistant strretaiy of Scrotid Wait! Woman Needs ‘Miracle Drug’ To Live N. C. Bishop Praises, Cites Services To Race Catholics IT HAPPENED IN CAROLINA _ j Discuss 3-R’s \JOfa;ANTON 'i i. t IY. .nr-i ••:; * it-/ :u»«i u«.in> t>f lh«‘ir tunt ya' i *;" • v i r« fc *» PBai'nu 1 * u jA. * j-. r h it* \V t ?in *l-3 > V. .-.* •the* MiOiiihly ni» * slnir <»f ilal* \o. .« Wr.'.flrfll S*. hoolniii” t<’T ; A -Hf' iillioll Vi :• . lit 1 a Oiivf 11*11 N-.' -i •• SV!i 11.1 Mills fti< iolfLc Ooullty Vlf-* i• t r * iup. :r ho. i. f.l hip hi I he* ttvy ::u i/atiuii cotisists only <»l m:tl«* • '«To i > *ii No:: ro -•<'ll. •<>!:' ili T h<* IIOL! )l V. <• • H'il •'Ct foi of \U(‘ s?atf\ Th* program was marlU'Vi D> - ■ • .it»ii diiiOtM' fToaiott Eilliard BulletrMan ■fHOMASVII.LK \ round *■> 1 - fieri- tlnvre i all inr John it > t'.. . - ~n<l a ••It: lie Ml lluilct-Mali' th tveeli. ('tipekiud earned the n rj, h> fa trills ■ hunt ilt(? "H'nu" (il!i. " ; 2d and iiijnt inr Arthur Hurt', ill a shi tot iI! e rtnPr bell'*" '* local iH'iolronjii i ; attii-day nig v < niK land ha.- posted bond <c * I Unit tin litt- tnurder - ltd e.'eid in t'thn hoot inr care neudilic hear! in ■ nneriiir court in it* next • ■<• ion tie re. i Ain’t Freedom Grand? RAEKICI! ••Ain't Freedom C rand'."’ . . . tints’ the first ««n,-e --tion .Tame, Willie Oate.-. 26. asked when he Ret foot outside the Con- ; tral Prison here. Despite his vonth. Oates tuts hern a. "truest” of the ' itate for in year-’, serving out a life Imprisonment term im nosed upon hint v. hen he was Id yen is -«*i' age, : 1C- beeanie the first life-torn, I prisoner to receive a tiarole xvith- i smr a prior I’ounnutation in th; historv of the State penal svstom. according to commissioner !>r. TV C. .lotinsof!. Oates e-a 1 given the I!'',- ten ; for breaking inlo the homo of .• u oman. The Bit? Roundup l-'AYKTTKVI I I.K \| Ic-asi four persons didn't know it hut they were heailin" for the hie rnnndiiti la ■■• weekend, and titer mnde it. iFour persons v ere arrested in 'J n raids <dnred ilnchur the weekend on nrerVilses believed to harbor il licir lifloru-. The. four are Isaac Me.'’'*’ Corine Cakes: Mnvnnder Mim'd Route !; James MelCennts. F”'’oav yirn-i n-ii/l tteriiert .lohncop 11 O’>'l A1 !1 11- \ll f.i,..i IHVi-ePMIOn Os illicit !inner chasers. No Privacy There sA!fTflFlf't.D - ' liinu e«Ti‘' even have- rwivuev in tii: own prl- W C!\ lie Hunter id Ponte 1 here fr. ' Mnr.ter : n ihticd io sheriff’s , officials aftet they uncovered a cache of ciglM (.talinns of whir ■ whiskey in the privy adjacent to ' ,hb ievident. / The officers commented that tin concoction was of inferior Quality Hunter faces charges. Sellout, emii'iuiti*; AMtnc llaynes, treasurer, \\ <‘st t iiai tottr High; Alrxiue (■lenient, president. Hillside High, |)ur. Hum; l.a Iloiinic Hiunchi, vice president, Dudley High, Greens l.oio, and Shirley Garner, sec ietai y, \Vaslituglon Higlp Keids. villr. t'iiculiy - Ivisois, leit to right, tear, are; Atiss it.irtiaru fife aHt i Wttm I 1 GH>\ t.l .VDI K - J.ugene A I’iioi iiton, a world War I vet '•ran, was recently appointed vice commander «! Division Si\, Department of North Carolina, -'ll. Thornton, prominent civic and business leader of GoK»;boro, succeeds the tale Attorney Jesse S hawser of ITmrioite in tin foist. * See Story IllSilli ). FOll PLAY is INDICATED IN YOUTH’S DEATH N'OIiI.INVA According to local officials, evidences have been un covered here which give strength lo the belief that foul play figured in the death of a IH-year-old youth whose body was found on railroad tracks near here last weekend. Officials believe that George K. Ramey, the victim, was killed some : distance away from the S'eaboard Aivines Railroad tracks where the body was discovered and then plac -1 cd upon the tracks to throw in • vest Iga tors on-guard. The body of the youth, bearing no bruises or lacerations, was dis < oven d lying on tin south edge of the Notiina Railroad Yards at about ft: 4a las : Saturday nigh*, with the head about a half-ytfd from a side track no son. sr.\Y INDICATION that the vonth v Tintnleved elsewhere and Inmiglit to tile yard given in th' fan' •that a thorough -•••'n ii of :nc •-anuiirtding turf showed no signs of a sell file. Th" only wo'em ■'boat the lioriv accnrdim io O ' V.'. I). Rogers, dr., and !*. P. Ho'i t i- were those nigol bv a tiliiht nstriitnent and inflicted lit • liasi Ilf the sir II; | LConUnneii on |sa K e xt SHAW STUDENT IS A ‘FIRST 1 Drill!AM A "first” was made by a Shaw Cniversity student here last week when Mis* Delores .lin king became the first Negro ; tti dent cli i ted to an executive hoard ni« iiibei'sliip in the X. C. Mpircopai t'oliepc Students' Conference. Miss Jenkins, a Shaw jimim from Newark, X. J.. was named irea.urer of the eonfiih. being the <>n!y nietnhi-r of her race accorded the honor. , The annual session of the con ference was held at St Josenh Fplseona! Church here with stu- i dents from the state’s lending col- i leget and universities in Mtend (CaKtinaea oa page Si Heibonrni', West 1 Harlotle; l l.mmce \V. 11. IVatte, haml .v ug Usitiie's college; Mrs. Vir ginia itarticid, Iliclui d I>. ilar rison High, Selma; Joseph 11. Dennett, fidenton High, Kden ton; Mrs. Ida Duncan, Washing- Urn High. Keidsville, and Mrs. Helen Saunders. T. S. Cooper Digit, Suobnry. —CAHOI.IXIAS PHOTO ItV sIIDKAHI). BISHOP WATERS LISTS EXTENT OF CHURCH AID Utilization nil Fourth 01 Parochial Schools I>> Race is Revealed il. li.i'.iCli ';:><* « xtent of •‘■ r 'Vie .Pit Ncf'i'ui'- in !);•- cim i.. i,.i.i :; n tare, gn Gauiopg ..ii ; )ii cited :. vi'Miy in i' ;• i... ,'.ui i:| U ttv-r fVl'ilt t I.U Mop Ilf the diocese, Bishop \r!ll cvhi V> \.'i ,ivc;' vvlio rive tlcC that nnc Pipl'lli ill till- plU'OCilKd .-ciloV'iS t: <• (kocor air ttUli/ed foi at tendance by Xcgro children. OTh-c.i e.-.itai;. a- ..tartiisig revelations ..civ noted. Out til KX parishes lor a!i people, ;m .ire devuted espec ially to site colored, - ’ the Uisltop wrote. "Out of 16b priests, ii are devoted espec ially to our colored people. Out of ."it; Sisters, 62 are working /-specially for tb« colored. "Out of ;!X schools, i;j arc devoted lo ottr colored cldt dten. Out ot M.OOtl children tis Catholic schools, 1,600 are tft ( atbolie schools especially de. voted to the colored race. "VvV arc going to help them, more Catholics in North Carolina, some of whom arc* graduates of Catho lic universities, colleges and schools, some be. inv-ss and profes sional people of the highest edu cation and culture; but we are cioeciaily proud of them because they are religious men and women belong to u.s, as xve do to them, in :he Mvstienl Bodv of Christ BLASTS "e are going to help them, more and moil, to pain better iiving conditions and greater opportuni ties, both spiritual and temporal, so that the;, may take their right ful - place in Church and commun ity which Goo himself has grant iContinued on page 8, this section! AWARDED BRONZE .STAR S£l. Clifton J. Alderman, sou of Mr. and Mrs, Garland Alder man of Over hills, X. C., recently received the Bronze Star award : In Korea. Sgt. Alderman, a mem ber of the famed 24th Infantry Division, has been in Korea since June, I'loO, and is a graduate ©f ! Fayetteville's Armstrong H»g» School and Ruielgii's Him? Barber School. Twin City Ci tizens Cry “Foul” In Housing Deal Home-State Edition SINGLE COPY VOI.r:\IK XXX IiAI.LICH, Nou ni CAKOLINA WEEK ENDINC SATI'KnAY. FEnRrAKY 21, 1051 NO. Xf I ! Sl!\\Y SPEAKER Ydaiu Kaziuiierz Xicbieszcanski, mem ber of tin- Polish Political Coun cil in the S'. will speak at Sb-ixx University's Grccnleaf AuuHorium I-Tiday, february i’.i at lit A. M. under the aus pices of the National » onunittee lor Free lAirop*-. (See Story In side l. * High School Publications Group Formed; Hillside Girl Is Named President Raleigh—Some HOO persons were in attendance at Saint Augustine's ,College here last Saturday at the tirst annual convention of th<? North Carolina High School Pub lications Club and its organization al session. Doling the meeting, officers were selected to guide the courses of the club and oversee the .services of school publications throughout the State. While the election of officers was the highlight of the day-long session, many other occurrences of ,note marked the day.. I‘receeding the election of offi cers .a meeting was held in which Dr. Harold L.. Trigg, president of the host college brought greetings. Dr. S. K. Duncan, State Supervisor of Negro High Schools presiding presented an overview of the or ganization and A. A. Morrisey. rep resentative of the Winston-Salem Journal and Sentinel voiced the vocational aspects of high school publications. The role of the adviser and the publication was cited by W. L. Green.-, executive secretary of the North Carolina Teachers Associa tion. Mrs. Alice!ine Smith, faculty adviser to "The Panthers Claw”. ptlUi. -itiun of Dudley Hi-li School,. Oreem boro, explained liie rernii sltes of good hit-*' school pulili cation. lines clari.h ing her talk with displays, a lunch m staged in. Saint Aueustine'* Cheshire Hal!.; an organization session whs held in which Miss Aloxine Clement of ; the Hillside High School Chronicle, i Hillside TTieh, Durham, was elec-i •ted president. Ollier officers chosen in the poo- , alar election were 'Miss T.r Ronnie ; Rianchi. Dudley High. Greensboro, i Vice-president: Miss Fllirlcv Gar-1 ner. Wash in*” on High Ro|d«vlMe ] secrete re 'A. : cs .lean Stovall, Se cond AVard High, Charlotte ess is-; font secrettvrv nn-i Vl«n Mable j t-Tonse, West Charlotte High, trr-a-| Direr. >. Pi-nvions conferences in which initial plans were made for the MOTHER OF FIVE FACES DEATH WiTHOUT DRUG Drug Employed In Chi “Frozen Woman” Case Needed In Raleigh V RAI.KIC.!! \ woman the mother of five children and p<M ien* in the local St- Agnes Hospital must ondiut untold tortures and court death ; i'l"S- aid in th. form (>i i'tirul.- v. Ith which to purchase i valuable drug is immediately forthcoming. ! ucinsf this stark future is Mrs. Ada Ellis of Wake For. f-st wlto has been piagued by an unconunon, yet highly dan gernus sk'n disease for more than four years. The mother of five children, Mrs. Ellis has undergone treatment for ttv disorder under the famed Dt tor the totii-year period, hut in order to continue to survive niu t pave at least three doses per week ot a vaunted "miracle” dm.'- known to medical science- as "curt ii one." ( OST PROHIBITIVE The cost of this drug, according to attache-’ at Saint Agnes Hospi tal, is expressly prohibitive with the thr> i doses needed by Mrs. Ellis available- only at an expen diture of S4O per week. The cost of treatment heretofore Lias taken it- toll on Mrs. Ellis’ holdings and public aid will be needed if she t Continued on pa** ‘b this section) formation of the Publications Club . wore held here at which time a promotion committee was formed. Promoters for tin* organization include Dr. Duncan, high school supervisor; Dr, Trigg, president of Saint Augustiive's; Mr. Green <>t the Teachers Association; P it -lervay, publisher. TIIK CAKOI-LN ] \X; C. !i. Mr London, p! ,11 ipu', Washington High School, italcigh; B. it. Rest, principal, DuUois HiP’i- School. Wake Forest, and Clarence W. it. Wade, facnitv ad User St, Augustine’s. PAR!! TERRACE SALE TO TRUCK FIRM BLASTED Housing Authority Is Called Disinterested In Failure To Buy WIXSTON-SADEM Winston- Salem citizens from every quarter are crying “foul" on a deal which hat, ended Negro occupancy of the Park Terrace Housing Develop merit here and made stockholders in the Park Terrace, Tnc., firm ovnr a million and a. half dollars richer. Despite protests hy tenants of Ithe :!, r .5-Hnit project, the X.\AfP and other local groups. stockhold ers of the firm went through with , their intention to sell the entire span to the McTyonn Trucking Com pany for habitancy hy white truck i drivers and their families. The trucking Mtmna'u* has hern OOMTAiNY NOT FAIT.TFT) aVetolved of all blame i»i ihe (Continued on page 8 r this section) i MMjk a WM:"- GETS FIRST LIKFTENANCY Colonel Kcslie K. Babcot-fe, post commander at Camp Pickett, Vais shown pinning first lieu tenant rating on the shoulders of | Bruce Fleming, fromer second. : Mrs. AdaJamagin Named Zeta “Woman of Year” Ceremony Set For Sunday RALEIGH Qmicron Z'ta and Onticron Qhapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority of Raleigh will present Mrs Ada R. Jarnagin of Raleigh as woman of the year on Sunday afternooin February 25. at Shaw University’s Vesper Service at 4;20 o'clock. Mrs Jarnagin is a native of I'ct cr-burgb Va., wnero she uUnul i’d pubic sciiools and V-> State Normal Institute, later enrolling at Police Chief Is Probing ‘Mystery’ Death of Maid Known Beaten Weekly MADISON - Chief of Police George T. Martin is a busy man here this week. He is probing the death of a long-time maid em ployee of his. Miss Mary Hayes, whose age is listed as "about 27. ’ Miss Hayes’ badly mutilated body was discovered at her home iieuienanl and a native «f R-»- Icitsh, V C. Lt. Fleming, World W’ai |i veteran aws mustered back into service with a Raleigh Reieigli Reserve unit and is a training aids otfieer at the Vir ginia camp. N. C Coil.-gv at Durham whore she was awarded i c< rt it scale in Bus iness Aamini.-U-ation. She was formerly secretary to the late Dr. E. E. Smith, State Teacher's College, Fayetteville, af terwards serving with her husband in tin Held of education at Warren too and Chapel Hill, N. C , prior' to joining the -staff of Shaw Uni \ ersity. (uojf.MS x;m 8 aSitd uo pjnu|juo,)i here early Sunday morning, hear irtg evidences of a brutal beating. Thais when The Chief went to work in earnest. Chief Martin authorized the‘ar rest and jailing of one Pill Mani lla!!. of Madison, whom the (Continued on page 8 : tilts iectionj jfPpfffn f.kY» *J<n j *.% * v! sjcoStw 3bKK CITES SERVICE - In a re. cent pastoiiai h tt- i. Bisltop \ ni i cnt S. W.itd s of Raleigh re ports set vices .tia orded to the Negro r.u ,■ in the Raleigh t!i;;- eese int'oiiglt Catholi,- auspices, The letter announced the annual collection lot Negto ;md Indian me SiOlts i Set- Story tills Paget, 11U AMBASSADOR ." AYS li, i>. Armstrong, print ipa! of ltookcr T. W ashirigton High I School, Rocky Mount, and rep resentative of the Evening Tele gram of that city, listens at ten ts vch as U. S. Ambassador t« I.iberia, Edward K. Dudley, re veals some of the experiences that in* has had us the lirst Ne gro to become a full American emissary. Mr. Dudley was in terviewed at Rocky Mount where the Ambassador was a visitor lollowing receipt of an honorary Doctor <>( Laws degree* at ,1. (. Smith rmversity. Char iutte, his alma mater. (Photo t'ourtesy Evening Telegram). , CROSSES BURN FOR 2 NIGHTS IN MAN’S YARD Alamance Officials Discover kkk Symbol Afire: Set Probe GRAHAM-A fiery cross, eallil), card of the infamous Kit Kux Klai burned two nights in sueeessio! in the yard of a Negro couple nea; here In Alamanee County las { ross Burn Victim j Is “Herb Doctor” Cl! AH AM The victim of a 2-night cross-burning- ordeal here last week end has ‘•ene mies'’ official* were advised this week. j, ••Doctor" Bonnie Richard Willie Porter Thomas, the vie timi, admits that he doesn’t know -who burned the crosses before his home Saturday and E Sunday nights, but says that fl he has enemies hereabouts be- ft cause he is an "herb doctor of HE the United States of America." E Thomas contends that he B was born with a "gift" that B makes him able to correctly ft handle herbs. He says mother passed his “gift" on to ffl him. lie boasts only one year B in school. B week. B He/iortinii th<’ Imrnitiff of th‘ cross tens Mrs. fUcfnird ns of Clrn Ti'iirfn sritor -who B (Continued «u page s, this seotiotft i'fll

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