UNC Law School Decision Reversed TwinCityMan May Be First To Enter UNC \\ AI KM [1 (;he fni pi .it of ’ ni tlj f !.a jolina board of' l.rostoes rMided ii< ,\f ivn'k in open ihn institution’s medical school to all races, the first. Negro to benefit from the ruling may boa Winston-Salem father of Three. lie is Kriw.’iid <), Diggs ~f>d 1 Kirkwood Street, a foi mer s.vnoo! teacher wlio expects to complete his pro nmdi cal studies at \. and T. College in June. He filed an ap plication for admission to the ! ,\C medical school last Fall. It wav, learned last week that I,lie tru-.!«■<■:, may con eider the application '.'. hen it meet ', in Raleigh next I'ue.*: day to consider their rXpVtitivo committee’ recoinnienda tion that the school be opened to Negroes. Mr. Diggs, who ha- puelified for adirn. .ion to the •*-ehool. said lie re on Sunda.v that hr* planned to pro.,, hr: application. cox riNi KD ox raj;!',; Klein 1* Attorney Herman L Taylor Will Enter Raleigh City Council Race: IT : HAPPENED ! IN , CAROLINA ! ; 9V [sot x-j Vi j i_w v. - A.jHKViLI r *. loM ea-go, ’who received i'inm -la' cry at the lender ago of ten, iiui*'N-’d her 37th birthday li *’r<’ iht Recalling the past- Mrs. Roxamia Ltupbeil>-' lives with h*o children. her .that she is hale and 1- a•' a- pit tier advanced age. sin- point *•** *. however. thsl h" Can't hoar vx■ ij as -he once did FAMILY AFFAIR IfENDERSOV V 24 year-old resident of near here h-’Jii,-. ht’bi for trial on clung-' - growing out, of the shotgun titling o£ IP I , jear-odt mirtn. Scheduled to receive preliminary hearing Friday in the .'Paying us! Jeff Bullock. Jr., h up,- smidaj i - (filbert Bullock The two. a-con) ing to report- engae-d hi u, a,- gument pai'O-d. ;u,d then not |gai n to argue. Tim ing t!,r •-‘••con/} argument »hc fatality occurred. The two men live ~i th. fire" ery section. The younger man died in a local bmpitnl shortly if lei being admitted. DEAD TO DO IT /CHARLOTTE Whether h ■ plans to f turn from the dead could Hot be learned, hut Kfft.cs Pol’:. (©WfrttWgcd on page 8, this section) -V C. G. 1. IN AIK EVACUA- S . Far East Vir Forces receive Washington D. C., «s assisted by TION FLIGHT OVER KOREA — r „ , . ' ‘ ‘ medical tfvhnician €pi. Herbert Wounded Grated Nations soldiers > <• * ° ,n ' Watkins, Stovall, N. C, as sbr. being evacuated by 316th Air D»- evacuation nurses. Ist Lt. Janice ministers to an evacuee in a €-54 vision (Combat Cargo) of the O, ] Albert. 1355 Peabody Street.. Skymastey, it it WIT I. SLJ K POST • Attorney Merman Taylor lists week »h ■mum'd that li,- will offer as a candidate for a -cat on the K 1 h-igh < il\ < ouorll did mg the a? urea clung -ity elections. Attorney Taylor is noted a.s an advocate of civil rights Sec Story This Page). LUST SITES ABE HELD FOB MBS. MAMIE ÜBHTNER RALFU-JT liniucr'ivp final riles. i-'tc held f-'in, ills 1 t-ir-t ( oo t fegaSional Kiiu 11 I, isei - Sundo . for Mrs Mamie It. LiDd net, tv if of the noted Kaleiglt morticia-n ami husine'-small. ('. hi. Liglitner. Hr. Officiating at the services v. Hi- Kc\. c A- K- arncrt, pastor of Davie Street i’roshyieriau Church (Continued on page 8, this section) Home-State Edition /'i , ) |© \ SINGLE COPY ' \() | j MK i:al KKr il. XOHTIi DAF' *1 K A WKKK KNDINC, SATURDAY, MARCH M, UJM FIRE KILLS FOUR Firebug, 15, Caught; Tells All NOTED ATTORNEY Will OFFER FOR MUNICIPAL POST Toijmil Aspirant Is Well Suited For Post; WVs Fonnur IV;icher RA I T-Jl ;H 11-riTiail T '!Taylor. y.-el!-: no n local attorn-y, • this v. -ok mnottnecd Liiof he "til offer r rndidat,- for ;i cat oji the Jla ietgh City f ouned. The announce -r- fit .'vs made following a series of conference- in which the noted civil right. ilforricy war* asked to i nn. isl-i :. c off-ling i rdprcsfn. fliti'-i ‘ of a] organu;«- lioi: and in till.Jons. A barnyJ’r of national repute hy virtue of lirrh'ss fights for •Tjiui!i/.atioi. of educational Wpor ttmilie- th ougii-'Hit North Cai'olma, Atforni". T yh.i l.as many other nullifications v. in 'ii make him a. j foimidable adipirant for the mun icipal post. IS EXPERIENCE!* Holder of a Master's degree to '.onimerco, (he la- yer taught husi •admini.'tra.fiori at Virginia; tJnion IJnivcr-.ity foi a S-y-ar per i-.rl and ha.; <ti.-,o Imd experience as ' a Taw instructor, being affiliated ; v/itii the North Carolina Coilei'e : Lav. .School for two years. He -iticnd-d public .schools ill' Richmond, Va„ and Virginia Union 1 University of that city before earn ing a Master of Arts degree from Columbia University's Business i School end lans' completed courses ] at Lav.' School of the same Uni-1 ve-rsity. i (Continued on page 8. this section) f. ' v y '‘' W< KS ON EDIT.-. no.V BOAR I» f 11. Wbrrlrr. noted Durho,,, toc.i »essm-!». i|to r n r y -nd i-a it, l.i.j week vns appointed *o tt>c t>urlMin Board <M Education, live appotnlmcnt of Mr, Wh-yicr followed action by the l*n r barn Committee on Negro Affuirs w (licit <i-mami-d appointment o* a Negro citi/cn to Hip education group. Ironically, .Mr, Wheeler, who i.- vice president-casliier of Uic AjPcii inics and Farmers Bank, led in tlsr litigation of a rrecn* suit in which Ifurliajri offlfials were adjudge,| practicing d>s crimination against Negro schoot children. Al l. WHITE OFFICERS Twin-City Fire Station Heads Set WINSTONAL K M T h r» e white 1 men uho vnluntpeuc’d to serve with the city'.-, first N p gro I lircmcn have been named officers us tin’ No. 1 File Company on Dmi jeith Avenue. The N •.■iiivrs. nnv.- nearing the ; end of a six-week, period of train : out, are all attached to'the newly- ( i (irganiii'd company. The officer appointments, which ; become effective Sunday, were an | nouneed last Thursday by Fire Chief. :\1 G. Brown, who said the ! three named had volunteered to join 1 hr: new unit. R. A. Overby .•» veteran of al j most 1,1 years' service with the fife Lawyer Proves To Be Authority On | How To Deprive People Os Homes | VV INSTON-G.iLEM —The Controversial mo v e to ! ■< hange the tenancy of the Park Terrace Apartments from | white to colored is guided by Malcom P. McLean, inti, the man who has had the responsibility of liquidating aii op j position to it is a small, slightly-graying attorney named i | W. Donnie Spry. j Mr. Spry has gone about his task with the air of the | | confident lawyer, and, at this point, appears headed for a j 'Complete legal triumph. He has, in fact, been so iminent'ly successful that ] j most observers fee! certain,that by the end of April whites j ; will have occupied the 355-unit development in which : |'Mr. McLean, head of a local trucking concern, holds the' ! controlling interest. ; It; has been Mr. Spry who has represented Mr. Ms- Lean in the cases of the Park Terrace tenants who: were ■ YOUTH HELD IN CHARLOTTE AS FIERY ROBBER l onnrr High School Shstjcn! Held For •oHf nsg Six f i res L'-TARLO't TK A y'omg Negro higi; : ~i,i yonlh, termed Piran om Bandit and Firebug'’ has been .•ild'cehendcd fir re and lies coofei-s --"d Ific ’x'- nf "f lit;, -rtr. ifi.es *o police, officers. To. onfh, la, v/hpsc I'Sair Ljaa i c-n . i.'iicl'l by officials, recount. ,cd to leu • t affiecrr. ;< three month • ojic-!n;i’i crime ’-avo '-liich has in cluded at lea.! :>i lnirgal-iries and the .'piling of fire in sis local Daces of business. Tile youth, according to local Do tective Lieutenant W. A. .McCall, is a former lucicnt at the Second Ward High School here, and also : tbi-fl sDe-uaikJig to his exploits I EAR I II CAPTURE ftccau he feared apprehension, the detectivo cxiplained, the youth bog'ui s-t'ing five to phic-g after <nd ring J'lii for robbery pur po cs. K'ontiniird i*ti tiago 8, this section) 'ii'i'aj'imraf a a> named to the com :,iiy’s < -ipUi-tK v. E. Hatcher was appointed lie‘.‘tenant and G. W. .Holcomb wa • named sergeant and truck a river. Chief Brown said four mote white »vn including two more sergeants and drivers will be assigned to tii*' .company by time it began opera tion vsirich will not be until the eight w grot vs complete the remaln ign i.'vo weeks of then training it. will take at lea-t three years before any of the Negroes become officers. A man has to i c a fireman that long before he can" become a sergeant, four years before he can (Continued on page 8, this section) * ' s ■■ : : i 'J I jjkr™*' . ' *■ > ‘ - S, flnar > <OU ILL 1> \\( iSt - Bar. Urn P. Kelly, of Troy, N. V. turned j n ~ spai'klmg perfor mance w lien V o till ' v'o U !', i 1 ol !cg‘’ - da m e group presented it s annual r-cita! in liurham, N. 1 , ispiN •' wUR ' \ Jj# %> mlmm i, ■ - f T ' Jr- ' f: f \ m I HKK MOM WON pictured >s tittle Carolyn J.tue, daughter of Mis. .Margaret i .uc in whose lav- ; or tin recent decision in Dur ham's equality of education suit was rendered. The decision in the suit includes an injunction which permanently forttids discrimina tion because of race in Durham's ■ tty schools. hailed b e f ore Justice of Foac-e E. A. Ferny for failure i to comply tv jth eviction no I ices. While ain ply serving flu- infei of !us rlient, Mr. • Spry has :-hown a friendly attiludo tow aj el s the renters,! j appearing willing to help any who nan not find new quar- i j ters do so. Perhaps he would like to call hig attitude! 1 "brotherly'', for he ha.-t llu' habii of addressing colored j ! men, including the ten unis’ lawyers with the title of : j '‘Brother''. It has set some to wondering if he is avoiding ■ ' use of “Mister". The easy-smiling Mr, Spr>l became a figure in the j j housing skirmish after a number of Park Terrace tenants! announced they would oppose efforts to have them move. ! Although the aggrieved tenants hired lawyers, it was j : acknowledged in most quarters that the tenants did not! ! CONTIM UED ON PACK EIGHT FEDERAL APPEALS COURT SAYS NEGROES MUST ATTEND SCHOOL Despite US Court’s Decision State Leaders Would Retain Jmicro fj'i! JM' > ;L>. Va - A decision handed r ii rv ~ T -del pi Ui.S'l’ic! ( "i t h/a, ihr. -ck giving He £1" • x FJcI.U . to f * oj-jrJ the T-it’.U ■S' >l.Ol i! fi,f* IJm vrr xij y of TTOfth ( v i;l fnrr serious comp? f 111(>;i n D'- i' ,j i n foilow : ‘Mt, it }..c-<’o:!iing obvious. I'v r u (hiHieh tn »>uit.il fi'ifj , error in th*' cirri- Kf«»n ol ;i DixtriiT f <*!jr| jiicigr. tvlin i iilfil lh,il th*' J.iw vchonls m tl»r VFnivrrxPy at North < nioliiu 1 ullage, Durham, w m* rviov.ere NO 16 a recently. Barbara is .shown txrTr. in a f ■ot’ihhpan play eJancr. Tllf North ruolina danrp is d h' fr f b\ Hut son, ope tlmr porion f-r with the Kathriiiu* nunham dAlice group. ONCE IN A LIFETIME Man Has Occasion To Kill; To Cure in p'•{ A ‘ T T t r* 0!?1 *H;> t *% p«i sun i‘i.•':as!ou f.Q attempt to kill inti to cut*.: “ Ithiu a short span of time, hut tn.>t' ■ j ‘ •! ivhat iiap;m-1:I ‘u an I.S ycu< -old youth here i his w. ok. Kolioii. Tuvalu found himself in Dm dual role Sunday night when ho offeiod t<> give blood to maa ■ who ju-.-t minute- before iio has •,v)Pi i brute ill v icniv ci •Intending ,to km. \coci dine to local Negro Policy Patrolman O. Claiborne - Johnsoa, ‘ ! Tonui a>id Otto Meeks, 2'!, started j;< Sabbath nigh! argument to see* how much ea< h should donate to the purchase price of a bottle of j whiskey In an argument follow lag the; argument, Nicel:3 broke a bottio! o'er Tors.in’s head. Torain retaliat ■ d with ■> kniii. inflicting .“'ions ■rounds shout bis a.-salant's head.! w :iy ♦»> yH •irprlv** # l».f cfti/fn .*f h>s honor erf right*, within the stats of NorM» t. arolhui. DECIS?Io V FA VOK ABLF A thr*c?e--iudi;e Circuit. Court o~ ruled here Tuesday that !he "taC'-supported institution at Chapel Kill admit Negror' in. accord m f, e •* ith the fj 3. Supreire Court ru?-r;g m the Sweatt case in ’• hic(> the ‘ate of Texas was order ed to admit qualified Nsgr-o stu~ i dents, i in a previous decision in the suit |in y/fiich North Carolina College ]...v ought admission to | the University facility. Judge John ! .f Hayes ruled that Nervo stu j deni • .<-ore not liable to such ad . missions because of the exlstance i of the facility at Durham which he jOr met 'substantially equal " The Api eals Court, however, failed to agree ■••ith the Hares de cision. ind in Us decsskn said ir. paid "It i; j finite hand lean to the N °ni'O Uudcnt:- to confine hi? w-? 0“ : <• ialh.Mi in the >aw school to popple : of his own class " The decision infers that. She '••'at" of North (. arolina has not me! its legs) r-quo -.rn°nt by .setting wo Un makeshift Durham school The Court ruled. ‘ We must giya first place ir, the rights of the in dividual citizen and when >nd where n kpcßs only equalib. of treatment before the ba v . his sub Ihvr wnitj* APl'f. At Despite implications of *e fleet.si on. and in view or th* fart thal ether Southern states have failed to offset appeal before the lueh tribunal, the InivrisHy of North Carolina, through if-- presidenl. Oordan C«fa>. has given notire {hat. it Is mil -aftsfird with tlip decision and wit Iseck redress. P>CSICI- nt Gray announced from Chapel Hill thsi h? -.yUl seek, to en courage th Board of Trustees of the University to appeal the decis ion, !n a prepared statement, the . University head said in part. “In view of our conviction that the State- of North Carolina j has, in complete good faith; at- I tempted for mote than a tie wi.-ig {f> pro - 1■- eg"*i I'r'i d acatlona! opportunities for ayt Negro rilijens »t the North t aro Una Coii‘ g r In Durham Gray announced In a statement. “I will strongly urge fhr Board of Trustees of the L'oJve’asty <M North Carolina to »e <j u“ • 1 the- L\ g. supreme Court to review lb. fleriston of the Court Appeals reversing 'h*- District Court,” Tim tjnr.v r:,ity Boh-."! ' ,f This dulod to ine r i April L. I‘ARAXODI \f, Mr. Gray's attitude Ins been viewed as ‘‘paradoxical" in view of tin- recent announcement by Lne toon-r - ;.e:utive committee that admission of qualified Negroes (Continued on page 8, this section) oe< k. shoulders, wrtata and nav At Lincoln Hospital hew, Toraia was treated for his head wound. (Continued on page 8. this sec Hon t MSN RETURNING FROM WAKE SEES DEATH BY FIRE Two Tots Among f our Victims; Frame Home Reduced To Ashes SPARTA North Carolm?.'* ■leading menace Death by fire has struck again, this- time tea ; tpe- four a.s victims, i /Thj latest tragedj. f.'ttirh brine* ~ r AHOLINT.AN survey figure t* i. s totyl o' 2 I deed within a three I month period, claimed the live? o? | ,-1 jo.year-old mother; and hor #hree -.lstors aged two. six. and ; 1 u i rfe-cn. The four '.ere found dead hv re. ! In lives returning from a wake at 1 the home of a relative, The ff-0,. ! room frame house jn which the victims wer« sleeping was reduced I jo a charred ruin. • THE VICTIMS j Local off id 4ls theorize the*, the house owned hv Dean Gambili and | located five miles »ast of hero ■■va* : set afire hv an overheated stove The victims were Aline OamhiP the voenp mother; h°r (tuieh‘»- j Caroline, 2: 9 sister AngeHne, t? ! sister- The children left in of thf3 f a ld ,ar SflH TvrfN’»rvt«'ed t.f* | n pip* f irp f * for fhpfr T) 9T - j eritc- ndio the hr»np n t A attend ; Htay-un services over the body of > faaily ivles.4, ,

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