DATH CLAIMS N.C AMEZ BISHOP L OO hj sc3jp6 'ocath .A s Home-State Edition VOLUME XXX LA LEIGH. NORTH CAROL!' \ WEEK ENDING SAT! RDAY, \PRIL :l, J 951 NO. n No Intimidation Noted In Asheville Attorney ’s Withdrawl f rom Race fvj .. t\i i < \ t A.iilKVil 1.1. : fl.,i < . to 5110. sian l nal< ' oiji.i Ii■ ■i <: tii'.'s ’nc ; iir pni. ; j.i<'': , .!vi' N""fi canrtrp.p for j.liblir • ■ ffi< ‘' hi tit'-:: p< - n• ‘ l ll if ij■ 1 1 ■ ji’ctK'ii is< i • *■ i I': d>’aw»» ir'-i'i 'iii' ' ' ; ,f ‘ifitj ,sjrl: ri" :.i" ‘-I I till.- vci . hr’ j.-r' I \ i ,t\ r: oi .INt \ N ii’' " ' M»*n ti.lii . jjll«if.|ij;r:»pJl''Vs anil i" TI, t-:ii <(j (|| Hill i 'CI SHJ !- ” -t< \ • cai" (-i.-isiin vt In t . f|, i litre' '■' !l ‘ u ; i<‘ v f< I •* ciii.l-.l ,t c. .»! (ill {ln lil'.ll rH' rfMinn!. I iif'.irnlv u illifii'cv fi<i«r) flic nniinne *• i *'■' M ,f i He t it f rn. i , *■ I '. ' * " ! )ijr> {iijin-ciiie sj.c -iisnouuil'm'b 1 of the "-'tiifii'ii ■ Hi Till- nii»<i(\ a (.tonify lift o had |iif viflillly lil.’d as 3 rand' r|jtc fuc the ills licit. lx 1 me 'tie f ill! y ( el'll ofjlc" Hi liir nlSlrnlllg ullicll Uas jlrlij (.11 luesililj t’H.'i Hf'-U. 11l sr.Ving tflr pl'ivt. ilc W,V* flic mil.» i.).ji ■ ition >k till’ <lst 'lCiil l iliill) .j l .(tl.ili l)i wlj lull dill y 111-, lie :l ’ll J V«ir till* tin cnt ii c latr ii) < (iiiiiritinen aiv iwiimti<nls Nn 111 cii< ' Id/! i.t " In lie v.-Mh fuim ili" 1 ->ci? in-ich" y w il f• 1 " A ;, m :m;. Kit/.r.i'rnH. v.’hos ' ■ ' in. i'.f ii;/ 1 ' c.jilJ 111 ii.- f'l.cl'lg f >'•*’ iltt'C rry Jlh( • * ' f i liL' t-{i ;i oo n GVi V' I'/’i 'Ol fi Go!) iUj I " ) r “.'o). nl - gani’,:a«'r.in. ; r‘i»:.t llir "pmiinit day.: of the i Pro AT CHAPEL HILL Two Would Seek Alderman Post CHAFF!. .;!'•!. At 2 lo cal Negro >v i cm.- ore *\vins’ po* htienl rosit o'ns in tue forthcoming Jocol el, ei.i'.i.l- i: " o.' ifveole.l Ir'l'fc Ihi,- week. Hubert i.'ibinson. lona » local civic leader Hi. C, \Y f hbmp aoii. ■: leading physici-m who has lived here five years, are pro.-peelivc candidates for city al denname ‘.K'cP’on, AFFAIRS <t K OI; I* PONDERS Mr. Thompson announced School Head Faces Fraud Rap ¥ '• . IC-V ■ ■ - . v ..... ... "U .v. . - - LARGEST COLLEGE DORMI TORY IN SOUTH— Modernised is the word for the new mens dormitory at A, and T. College 111I 1 1 | Vin Dean Strassner is I li. Ilf In. New Shaw Prexy ■■ • * ‘ l. A i \(T.-i CHARCFS—Mrs O. W liiii, on Her of VV»nstnn-Sa!i-ms I.a .Mae Itcauty Sclkmil, will face clian;p-. (if making fraudiilfi)' (lain:, as !n administration ‘if her institution following arraignment l,s c. f iovr' iinient nrdrr tins ss pf’k. liim-rli 'consider.* lIV mlrn-.l <-<i in running" in the May it balloting end Mr. Robinson s.‘it! lie would "run if asked" while the ( fiapel Hill Council on Negro Affairs continued to ponder its choice of a candidate al ( AROLIXJAX prfsslhne. WOULD RF FIRST The Affairs croup, which tit's led in a legai action to gain equality of opportunity schools here, is rnm (C'ontinued on page 8, this section) ■ in Greensboro, which was re cently completed at a cost of j I $150,000,000. The largest and fin- j est in the south and one of the? «anji. It houses lout students. ANP on p:-n-- S, this section) an page this section) University Board Voles En I oto li'AIJ l<eil In ,t tin j tiiuirnr. lirro VV* Hrir <i.t v, t?* *' fwi.irft of ('I Ost«'*<'.% of Shiltv I vorslly n-iinrd WB* l ,rn R iH’ttng president, to Ihf* ;-ry as thr ti n U;<) 2s^:fuij?k lor. -Hil**K*i f 'r stiis *1 arlinc presifi* * 1 ! of sljhav in Vo her, over tifp of ''interim lom mitts-o * w Jiieb i>a<i brfu form erj to administer U*o scdiool foJ lowing i<m of Hr. K. I*. I>a??3C| to areepf presifh'ney at Virffinia r?!i*y of last yr:ii .aJ'S&kp, mis hi ( m m n moor • "in IN—Mourners attending Conceal -ei vies (or a recent flonce-li.dl murder victim arc shown above being; stopped at tile done of Greensboro's High Street Methodd I hiUrh while attempts ale made to restore disorder largest in the nation, the dormi tory contains 505 double rooms and tnree apartments for custod- 5175,n00 YM BRANCH SITE IS OEOICATED ( h \B f,{>*T TV- Tlie ?nrv v Ti< in y I ,Avr \ fhr VM r A v'-,;; ojfßriaUy *.' vijedt >!H h i<■ Tt | nr] 5 v :< ft CVIHAOT!, W! til the Rl. Kcv Kd* l in A. ponuk, B!s -->'*{, <,f Hie- Kpi'.f*op>}j Diocese of r T ' >; ■H i t •!osit;i i a;. t}ie- pnnc^T'id L" ; *ker. T[jf> rip - , frit** 1 i• . n.ainert ho- th ; : .rh nt-piTiOi ihje of Johnson C 1 I’liith t'nivei-Hy and the »e --nit of -i fund-!aj..in t effort under-. •( 'on t j ruled ori pag*' 8. this section t rreated when a portion of the floor collapsed on Monday. Sora>“ 75 people were unceremoniously dropped into a hole made by {be cave.in, with six requiring hos pital attention. (SEE STORY THIS PAGE)—Thntn Courtesy Gre'-risboro Daily News WINNI'ON-SALEM Mrs. Ola M"f Fm-te Hill, ov•tier of La-Mac fV-.iuly Collet,!’. arrested here on T-.icM.Uy by Fedrrul officers and dim y d v.'itii fraudulently oblam int;' mo.'itv from the U. S. Govern ment. Tiic im.'ia, who alleged);, fal sified ; . I 'jivi- to g"t tuition pay* i ments in.-wr the Gl Hill of Rights ' had bee.i indicted mi; nine charges ! by a Federal grand j ry m Sails* : bury the day before, Following car arrest, she was arraigned before U. S. Commis j sioner Chat his E. Ader and releas* ; ed in $5,000 bail pending trial in I Federal Court here May 7. j Charles W. Brown, special agent ; in charge of the Charlotte office | of the Federal Bureau of Invesli* | galion, said the accusations against j Mrs. Hill covered the period from ) September, 1949, to January, 3951, i but did not disclose the amount of ! money involved. Mrs. Hill, according to the investigator, was under con tract with the Veterans Ad- LAST RITES FOR MURDER VICTIM SITE OE CRASH I (oof v< s\w ,«v As Uioir ( bouts *‘i\earcr \iv trial To I lire" f*RFKN”~-[ ; .ono -- An r-f a itoatpr! , 200 prop!'- > ere rniraruloii .!v sav ed from n-nUi when the floor of a , h ip ■'■inrli they rp attend ing a fimr r-'l >' <ved "i here !ni,; '"'■f-Jt /.lilling .mo© j() 7", , t s them I iotp a <P 1 1 - r N>arl) a third I)f the flout xr>*Ce of High Sfrrfi Methodist *'hii*rb rpp'd away from ns foundation just as pai!-bearers entered flip church with the mortal remains of a former member Monday, rousing in tones tn at, least six persona and.—arroidipg to attendants at (lip services —“sparing pvcry lo»tv neatly to death.” WAS a?I KDI.K VICTIM The incident oci’Ui v“ii at 2 p. ro., tiv- hour ft for ! iip beginning of i funeral iorvirp.': for Flo d Hayd' r *. Ti. •/•ho died Friday lat 1 week nf ■ h 'nc ; Tabbed to d-'a'h at a |'h/npo hall ip the former Oversoas Hroi ; .iribuiion D”r*‘dl area here •It Mary Blackmon, a 22-yoar • 'Vi local resident, r .'odicrintcci to f;..- trial ip connectton o'ith the ill >2 011 Apr'l 22 in the local • .11 s-. >oj- Court '•NEARER MV C,OI» TO 1 HIT,” Th •> choir al Mac church had just “ 3 inirnupd on page 8. this section* ATT’Y TAYLOR : WILL ADORESS MEET YMCA p\r.i jr,H. v, r _ Hr s I man 1 , Taylor, iocai attor : my and candidate for city j council, pill speak a* a public meeting at the Blood north Street VATf A, Tufs j; day. April A at P.M. Up sx**ll discuss basic <s -1 | sues in flip current cam . i paign for membership on ! J the council. The meeting j i. open to the public, IT I HAPPENED j IN _ CAROLINA Learning Yon tig DURHAM The least one can .~a about ■> quartet of gnls fpm j Oxford >,ho oame to to/Tt fiery op j several occasion© in that they have i indeed learned young’- What the girls have learned i and at s tender age—is the dubious 1 ar( pf ..hopUftUig tMiy.-cs Eliza be tit Chandler, 18, Annie Taylor, i•», Dorothy Lee ; i hoi'pe. 18 and Georgia Mae Dov n | '••■. 18, have been charged with foe theft ■>( several hundred dollars ! vrth of mcrciiuidiii? from stores j here. Accord in;: police, the . | gilds oi 'v o m pairs in smuggling . | some 2.0 drosses. women's lingerie, i j shoes, etc., out of ©lores during a | short period, One method 'vaptoyect, officiats j mid, was for one of the girls to j engage store prrsounrl in conv* rsa ; lion while the other quickly rolled | dresses, still on hangers .into small j packages snU »ccrct them a-out ; | her person, Trials arc now pvnd ■\™* :! Woe Is Me ft A LEIGH —At least ; 1,000 j employers of domestic ser | vants throughout the state will ,I have additions to their woes come April 30, a report from Washington indicates Shis , week, April 3tS baa been set as the deadlifts for the filing of the first Social Security re ports and payments. for house hold servants. Report* arc. to bo filed every three months thereafter. ' * ' (hinj nr i r rt. si (r i yv.u,*n arl»iiiiv.ur/r*,t (•», il*p ' 3 l,<,fj,j lotion i•>! tlir Alt ' , Tlr* ‘ in•(’ nf t ir»r,»ii I*p(»pl‘ , was .scheduled t<* address .< spe cial tnecttng of the flunloHe NAAt'l’ at the Queen City's St. Paul Baptist Church Thursday night, April !'). Business of im portance was to typify the nv mg, (IbaiTrttte spoke-men reveal • nd. 2 Teen-Agers Killed As Racing Automobiles Meet SUNBUBV Tea. ■•■ n-a; youths irr dead n<ie and a girl | will iv v r talk main tin- r ■aU CANDIDATE PRESENTED Raleigh .Ytorncy Herman L. Tay lor, candidate subject to election to the Raleigh City Council in forthcoming municipal voting, was officially presents to the Capital City’s clergy last Satin ngv \r. ifo\o??--Onc of Use 1.. >- r #**' -»**|» » ove I. Fitlc’/i i of R;ii*Leh df(or e'li'.f'rutini / r t -f-ouvn v *t\ n nit.. of ;t Hi?)iop of th» <';<«Hoßt f Imr? fi, m w ffivu .it ,! \\ ■ 4 lr , ■i In ]ciii of ! vfopi* - Pirn ehi.i I * * }jool. !h«' if ,rs n inr Mi*, oiii i-op.ij ling- tji thf* \je.V, Iti‘.h<»p. i <ii Tom v. hu h ii] * :Uh Presiding Bishop Os Ist District Taken By Death • i'•i -■ f'p Oeu; v'.; i I i • ii V nvi ot ~\ I, . :>! iti 1»-ji ■ -.-n ih< 4| ; j...- ;> ; i.trict, •■<»••,sr- • • tit’- • • .'■■‘ii y.on h Cat oJina M-wf v-v” , li lihi" IF V! a*-’, VtU '' A-- t v;' i ; ;-v .-:Av" 111) In -' j J m .i :-' i_V I |!i ’ < . • !■■■- ■■■■•■ !.r I : in till !'■< J no v it?l Ruling -bav. *■’ i kti° ■*• i V.l■ ’■ ii - r> ill Irn vnmr lull I! ' -*< I i #'OP V iftC’ff! Oil’ll MlSili In i l 111. ll’-li fill .11* 111 ’’iii,!i -i.it .isirl ha fj In l>f ! .. l>ll;ifv*:vd ’iO’Ol la. <i wi iA> ago "r !» rti’i came after at! litnr*- In restore his health. ?if V . : For,,- Ippi I:i ■ ii?a a •VI V i'l r rat, a, tin ; t ; pub a*' ]. •.. e. a.aiv.i a’vi.' 3 i|fJ tv 1' i! : 11. if, : :va;, l niiv.v’ LB iaVi'S. 1; w«s ilCctJsiM to pi f ;'i Hi a Mirco-'!- was • iif i.'i.a. ai 111. k in!t ; vf.i va.l | ante rs.'i If v ia v. Kat«.rcla.« t f'onlKHlf'ii *v nag-' S. tiai- a.-i-tinn day during a banquet staged h.v tn, 'i ;sy<«i -i'or-Counciman toia imtKv nir thi. benefit of the- Ra leigh Interdenonisnaiioturi Minis terial Alliance. At.nve Attorney Taylor is being greeted by |>r. O. is. flullocl;. pastor of first Op r *s o> iei % ve *° .«tiow- l •.• pp•’< ' }l*e rdshop office. The Deed £?*• .< • t pi-pa!, on* tor L r M'.-M/•. i ■ »»».5 »J;* /J Ihf f•> ! ?«hi. r. *' s! '.V t'4 ro3in»-?n ' r ;; ni.iffe i • ' : : r.i jiop url if p. 4 the I *.! tii** » n • If' f»f it:. I |G{| lie Id ’ ■.•-A' 1 ( r<?!»»'.4 Ihe r,< «v P.i'J *p di hvf in -. -h I. €H;v, t '(h j . J ha I e ■■V v! iISV! i api. in fall 0U( V.'tll ?!V ■i V aay - iii- K.-ll'.i’.v 1 'htiiv tn an .nv V ,!V,,; .f l.a; p! V’fi'v.lnil ,Me - : ‘1- i.!vd bishop v! l.idianah. oils, iV rl !'V 4. .... f.H laiavnt’f- Mn- Vi” I'M IV f‘ ' ' - hlllO! l-.’l ■ ■: Ba o i. ‘.V TCvles. K: i ’a j ;s, . i,l, , n; y. uvd (I'v.irK ! _ Mrr. pre- JAT-. s "y. jh £ i .J v. ■ ■ -M -- !. -: v. ’v* heat v ”i? arid !o fill- 1 v. V. V .H iv-ni *!• children. 8. (• r -(iW in vviiviton-Sai ' ■: " ■ 'no ' ’ tv! Mex'ne. ; 1- • Bo . riiis 11 :1 ■ i A Gumi v ”■ i no * f n'rliV: ••.!! *: ,t '/a tis S' p, i it)' :,: of the ■■ t• F' !ii' • ! 1 : i, • aVi a” ii'f; : Uvnu I'Min C here on 'tii-.u-s • lay a> iio'V!, AMii iu a! j n vn F.vtviin ■■ i h i 111 S' : ii t Anv • } j j}• ! ) id -‘J • r vote: 4 \ {»trlrvA I-Vf»plf Is \ * r i % n $* irCMTJiM'ICsvS 1 roil I f It J Baptist < hureh, Seated below s>j Bullock is the Rev. T. f, Ouhm t, pasiur -if St. Paul AME Church, who served ps toastmaatef during the «*v> nt held at Releigh's .Blood worth Street YMC.-V.

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