NAACP Would Probe N.C.Election I. ,' -‘v ,-4. „ ss*® .... "MISS MHHABRY Os 1951". ' A fv , Be.auteou* Mi** Pereenia »h- ;|| f‘ f h juniOT t in ' - 2J '.-y'j&jMr* *f Vursiwg: at Meharry Me dir a* vi^ Mi<s r»f 1951* at tlie annual Mebarr; Coronation F**U t s * ■* . ’ %,' ''l * »\ \ \ * '1 Thread .oomph In Primary Balloting At Charlotte % m *P Kr. * •>/ * **f r f<* ’V i*{• s'r ■ .HABi •i it -hr-' rir.-.f :»! r. trs of >' - , p-» r ; ■ j ; ( ■ t},*•».* la it l s »»•') c? v tiAfir.i' i. • ?’l 1.-.: ■> fj. r >»i n i iii .•«; h'?.)'(>•' * '-U in the ? unr>»»in *• i: ? 11 !!?*• :<• •. • psy y. :.< >■ -i j eje«:t.i'»ii .R-re n6xt Tue ! >d • r-.-i.«■ • 3 Race Relations And The Raleigh Elections AN UMTOKIAL R-ood relation*. m;< d'-tnorralif' ..<>cic!y i a , ipiiiT'ica"i in d •i• 1 -! *1! r t •■( i>i liu’ f<i'iiK j j»i it' n whicii our flrmo-. '1 -h and in !m< << • ( i! City (.'mi if il no mo < iti/,( ■ m| i; a]*'i;di tverc :"d to i»*• 1 1 <• \<• Thai griod race n latioii • ’vojt uni iinj'Oi!ant ai j i ,iii. But liong ■> we do hi a ('otnf.df v <jr!,no ratio .'.oriffy wlicre omot:on . nr<> mj>:<■(}, and "me ;>'*<;•? frv to liv<■ true to the "Id on .tons and t? aditi'oi;, d!' i'c|;!; ion hi} > iioi worn race.;, it he< om<- . iiro-,. sai y foi ;di | m■ <■ ■ [ j|• in on si their emotions and learn to do .tolerant d «i < • ni tradition/., eu.-.l om< and pniw'ipU'.-. i to'' oi'izen of d'ah i ’'-l have now had a now <■:< p‘o iojj' wdh the tinny called Rare Relations in the i »■' cm arnpan":. CON'J INTKD ON BACK F.!Ci!T ARMED FORCE? DAY N'- .>!;n» gets the official nod from Governor Kerr Scott a? he 55gnr a -taternent urging Tarheel citizens to participate in paying tribute to our "'Defenders of Free* (tom" on Armed Force? Day. May 19. Members of the military looking on as Governor Scott affixes hi? signature to the document are Air Force Co). H. P Bnnnewitz, Armed Forres Day project officer m North Carolina. Marine Corps Captain M. D. Smith, officer in charge of Marine Corps recruiting in North Carolina; Commander Rooerl E Cutty, Navel Reserve inspector-instructor Durham; and Army l,t Col Donovan Kij'k. executive officer, North Carolina Mill!ary District. tU S. Army Photo b.' Sgt Chabot.) Os £h& 1 1 *i ! ‘f* '?*>«•. a seat r on 111- i'»' a! ( iJ v TYv il 'ill be one of ; i per-••?*.- : r cUova l po-H'jm;, 7'l?iir- the two obie? • arf* f-f i ’■ 1; 1 r iiv Y’|i<i r i) board i ■viryandfT. • e-k'o ■ UiC !m.itif ij posi. vra'. ttv ninth » <if»bf.i*rd <>n |m^ ** H this sf-'MonJ LACK OF ETHICS IN IS CSCE i:ITEQ BY NAACP ! S Group Petitioned I<»r Permission To Probe Senate tune wA: •jl.iNt.j'l ON, A request that ilu. I\ ■'tmriril A -.-■<>( nation for i n Ail'. ..UK "nu n! if Colored IVt j.j. allowed to make a plea for a i; i\ , ligation of the 1 D. r >o Sena - uinril carnpuigns in North Caro .,;ia , i.,! L lot ida way pi •• oiitoo iiu.i ", t(i . h-naUii Guv iVL Gil !. tic, f hairuian of th** elections uliVoniirii ll ce of the Senate Com* luiftfi on Riil... and Adniinisfra- I ion The N A U'r Washington RurCaii a Iso prpsenfnl the rc <|iirs< In Senators Thomas C Hennings, .If. (It.. Mo), \ S. Mike .Mournin'y il)., Okla.i; Margaret Chase Smith iR Mr ,; arid Robert ( Hendrick (Continued on page K. this section) Order Ousting Negro Candidate I In Raleigh Elections Reversed | BOA R D !< ESC! NDS LA W I’.y f ill fftllnw i V j:.\l EICII A situation " hirh lasted ..•■m, ; l hom s and *lt*» mp that in-riod "■■■■< l*'i n.i'rt ‘"‘ i vtilinp from 'deplorable" To dictatorial Home-State I.dit siNr,i.r. coi'v vnLi anc x>; KKK IS TAKING OVER TOWN W- aUßte- j V; SLS.-%aw ..3egt . Sr.; • He ......;£g^eswpw n '- : • < *SHE£; S „? rLssssr * ..M .Mm.*-:-:.-.: . S ~**r » *.# • *,»iism!mb!-& no i Kiti! ARY BA I.|,<»TING ihiiuti is * portion of the rnuvd on hand it- atli all day Monday lor iripating in Raleigh munin pal> voting at the city's i Brccinct 10 at MiciMe lluiucr Srhoul lliscci-iiihlr >n the photo j Salisbury Native, Named To Nigeria Consul Post RALEIGH LISTS TEACHERS FOR YEAR 1951-52 RALElGH—Raleigh's City School Board this week issued its roster if teachers foi ‘he 13N1 -&2 school ; year, noting the retirement "f t ' o Lucille Hunter Elementary School ' teachers and the r< signal ion of th«' j teacher of public school music in ; Negro schools Retiring from their pu u sre , Mrs. Alice Tones, 4th grade teach j ,-T- ;,t the Huntei School and Mrs ; Addie r, T-.ogati, Second grade t*'«ch»r Albert J Sanders is r p . ; signing the music post Following are the personnel for | local schools next .year as listed : by the board: Washington High School C H McLendon. Principal, Mis? I Margaret Rugg. Mrs. Ethel L I flatk, Mrs. Margaret R Cook, ! (ieorge V Benjamin t'renf h. ! Mi? Gertrude F. Hatris. Miss Jean j nett” Hicks. Merritvian C Hill, Mrs. Emily M Kelly. Mrs Alberta M | I.eviiigston, John C I.evingstfin. j Miss May Edna Li con C C Lips j comb | Mrs Joyce C Mc'L-'ndon Me?; I Virginia K Newell. Mrs. "Louise | F Pei i in. Mrs Elsie Hurd Perry, i Mrs. Rusie Vick perry. Leon | Thompson. Mrs Etta D Toole, R i Herndon Toole, Miss Janice Wail, j Mrs. Ida E Washington. Albert T j : Whitaker. Peter Hines Williams, j j Miss Effie M Yeargin, j Washington Elementary School James Baker, Mrs Geneva P Brown, Mrs Ruth B Cat heart, H**i- Helen B Davis, Mrs. L.ucy Eaton. Mrs Martha H Jackson, Mrs. Mil | fired T James. Mrs Faye Peace Mayo, Mrs Louise M. Maye. Mrs. : Doris L. McAdams. Miss Nannie. H Morgan Mrs Carrie M Prather, Mrs. TCtmtißoeff on nags 8, (big seettttfii w.» ■. th»> lone Negro coidKhjb’ for pub lic offirr* it; tlv* umniripn polling led b valiant fight foi The Peo pif-. KAiEOai. N'UHTH CAROLINA WEEK IVYDINO, SATURDAY. MAY ',. ,: Mf:ri; : ’l UUNCKSanm' ■■•V.wwaw. •—-W p prr< ind f?rv A. b iMlv (h M1; to rintffvi) Hid Mrs Mar|;.»rr< f Ila vrs 4 *nH registrar. Mrs Carol Hunt. i n offlriaf tabulations rrvijf ih,|t t?.>o * votes w<tc ii' the pre riuct Spring Mmifl :| y s vote f\ STAFF Pi'jfOTOi SALISBURY O Rudolph Ag ey, son of the latt<?• Dr Janies E-. | /'• ggrev. native of the Ooid ('oast i nnd D Aggrey, who • i iv<'r, ..t yoo Wot Mom*oo St!°et hr re, sirs appoint merit as j r;irp*-e«fo»* the United Sl it'' h»er ft) tHU'Ilt Os S?rlt« £»♦ ! Ni- In iH?*; p*>>! ho will serve 3? ss i .!-n;t inf< nmation off ice j LXPERIKNrEI') Lounsui Aggrey. an experienced iournaJDL is a ntttr*e of Salisbury and a Mended !“caJ -e bools before gaining a degree Hum Hampton j institute He jrceiwd a nia tor's fiom Syracuse University lluMlig the p‘}Sofl iJ)47 I‘l.Vh h«> was publicity a.H«islant, lor thp natfonaJ offiro of the Fnf ffri Negro College Fund He has since b**tn publicist t‘»n fU'n»»rtt College, Greensboro Mr A; grey has .also beer? a staff member of Cleveland Ohio and Ch i '-a go ne w spa prrs The late Dr Aggrev was a noted 1 <*fhi* alor ME- AG GR EY • In unprpcpdpfltfd option in I iifj.fl.-sy, lltr VVabr County of I l‘ ( tloni, tin'! l l iviiio.p jortsfliption t 11. ! .■ h r|i-t ttnif, ai r held, drt i i'i d ai ttvo it I'i' tl sCttiilr jjjovi‘iinu wltirh would have ousted t Ni'cm randtdale and loin white candidates fin (Hy < nunril seats front the rarr ▼ Dr. Bunchc To Address A & T College finals GKLEHSBORO. r <■ - Di Ralph J Bundle winner ‘ 11 1 » 19 >o Nobel Peace pt ize. ■■ ■ deli ei ! p Cominencernen- aridte... ii A 1 rn; 1 T College. at 1 pm .vlunonv r.'ldy 28 in the Kichard*un B Hai !•••-! Auditorium Dr. F iioebe intcrnath-nally DnH>u> for hit. ur-.d* iat ion -»f the Palestine depute two years ago «s one ot the n s Don's foremost aoitnu its* s on governmental and inleuiatimi al ajtairs. He bcean his work i with the federal Government in pill as Senior Social <<• Analyst for the I eflei a! ( o nrdina-or of Information H. wa:: appointed a Director of the Division "f Trustr*'*f:hip fm the United Nations in r.M6. arid moved j up to the top-ranking director, the position he now holb ,; . in Ptt / fie was made Acting .TTnit*'d ’■ Mediator on Pale tot" in i'< pl«>mbev, 1948 eprl to Id ti f po • ition until A op. ; I'tirt Dr Bunche ret 11 !' ol lit" B-'tct>c jor's degree from tb< 1 tnivec-ily of i California, and hi Master s an' 1 Doctorate degree from Har> -r- d University Mis post-do; he d v •> f was don- -t North Western Uni versity. the- I.oudon Sehoot <>f ononiics. and the ITni’.'-o -:h -f f'-lpeton-n. South AB esi Sn Kplif ioti he has reeeir-e»J lif f appen ed Isi (Carolina I Put i >im Away IHG-H POINI - -Tho only thing to do 0.-it-h a man like you is to 1 »ut you <oeay —i hope they can ' you ‘ i 'I he above statement was made by Gilford County Superior Coutt ! .Judge Dan K Moore immediah J v before the jurist pnocee-ded t— put away" an escapee for a long period of itmc The court ruled that Garland McGreigor, who on April 22 es caped from bte Guilford Court bouse at Greensborc-. heard himself | sentenced to 2a to 23 years m f-ite - on on charges of breaking, entering I larceny and receiving -vlcGreigor I also has appointments before other judges to hear trials on other rii.o ■ ges. including six at Tbomasviiie S[o breaking arid ert-ering TAYLOR STILL TO RUN I In I ‘|H| I 1 1 ! 1 ■ 1 1 1 1 .1 <.r rT r \). ted. lie I *.■ ... 1 | 1,1. I Wed rif 'l,l ‘ll r I eel il:. K.'linii al.'t !(. |J ; ! ] J., , ■'. |l > 1 fl | | .11',' f, IT I I imiioi.iiy I >..|>U IT! UUIiK I a hi; imi- fl - .: , -i ! ; l <1 111 |! ,r .1 ■ . . I- tim 11‘VI ; -mi 1.1, ; !|. V. Gilk- y i a -ii r.- --. f ■ --i p- i. lii rty -,f i . ■■ 111 e-’ir.-er |he .- 1 < i.nt.iKi- mi 11,i !.* i -H Hus .11 tioni \ fMi ' St ~~ .yjm ' isl mssm % * oi; i;tt\< 111 Wfitihin r<iird *r 41 i M U _ a ' AiH Di / ?V' h,4 , £»r- y * r>l {ttifi Vi 41 * * '* • 1 t* 4 ‘•lf rII '.r liiptiri 1 »! * <><*«; «1‘ ; gl v-i inns iM i- vv «• - v • r U A(i .•. Wv-’U, iiM ti Cd } < ('Hi f « u»• I rtf rJ f OUfl* ty '»» \ 1* » »?. J M 47 1 ‘ lh& I'Umpll' v Pr-infj hr;iJ«li ! . ro.!-! Jimmi'- Lee Holmes ; ip beU'Ji >o'*2iit in tiie di ?ri tbi*- 1 V's-FT. in ronneotion ’ ’Ui Lip stfxAihf f *f Mrs Vio f « llolmfs. 2H. u r>< l ti-*• rnjuj'v of Oii.a 27 !.or;i[ (»f|iriah report that tbe MpmVif v. ? oman reveled tr.-'il tbe Holmes were engaged in an argu .lirni'tmvF with past policy. fl On "l Mp:.(f.)v, the group Big l,;*fi i. ii.Hii d tiiiit a provision •••‘it- H i„- th;it tiv top men in .( oillliiiiril on Page 5> Sgl in win (v i y Williams May I Rc-Scck Post $ WINV.TON-SALi.M Interest in |J| iturni;■ \pal elections -K po t | i iiC'" p<';'lx weeß -•. ■n ;f ■■ i Ir-mii’ 1 'hat the '■ H K.-iiorih ft V/ill i nO'. aldfiviOM l|| fi'f'n, Hi" Sooth Third Ward, may i|j -r-olficlirill ■wSS The i{«-v Williams, pastor of '||| Wrsf Iml ihpiist < hutch and : 3|P if onlmilPil on pogr H, Miii seiieifii WHITEVILIE IS SITE OF KLAN’S BOLDEST MOVES I footli <1 Onlf rLn ffl« i f hsm.ifum P-'MiihO- i On | Kians Hi-forv f ivv '.Off ~ i j rii 4 I Don't M any • -w. • t 0:..; , CAB.O m:T- : .. ; t- " Hip i-.tvjn 'nt- <t K - In IVhil?' ills in ■’Pi -'• ii >1; H .i , .il il.if mll.rm ii!9|i <.,•. rrs n, £ iin. •. <; (it 'o- •> of 1,1 lln 1.l jn I <>l- ■< ' o< i»l;'( ■»< hi* *'-■ •: . i,,)f ’u,.. t aßftl ? t&y. f d lii.j til ••.pits in -> if O' !• H,r pli.i in; nf -o;lir< * \it i oniinor t) on p-*£f '■ BEAUTY SCHOOL FRAUD TRIALS^ T’ON-SA LEM The tv,,] r-.f .j local besutv >-.chccl hesci 4» ri qj stucic nt< on a of fiauJ - i? -aheduied r-.'-xt , i in I‘l de» Hi E.'I’vt Eli'! ‘ ihr deiendants wer«- ee»»e« hist month in a i -nod tin ivhirli «os touched fill T*v ?« im'isligiiSinii "I D>‘ nn ni rprnlili; ’>t the I <itv I «!!*£«, SO: - Pattern-;* Avr i I rrr 111 Imi) all in fhlfffS m-iUi rlefraitfling the Vetei’i* i AHinuiisiratiofi under the ed-. i provision es llu- lit * f'.ltl 111 Ulglll- * !hr tir'd »t rested was >lrS. oi.i liintf- till!, owner and pirsift'iif o( fhr Srhee!. trh» ; mi, i.iiirn mto Mistedßy | rlfrr;>! Hitefll - on April !/ >hr hid been indicted 8» 9 cnimt« hv i Federal *ran«l jiirv in Salr-ihury the day be for<* ; T)i! jpd irirr.erd i- arges f/ii) ■ ■ >fh ; MbnuHing SiJse rlaonsj i-infi " h in thr- VA It is -llsS rbaraed that she and the eoilege , f;ij;:. ei,trio? of attendance, if .•■jil.inii'il on |ioi;r. fli*s SPf‘ti'*ri ?of-r: i*» preserve at ine Hal || j-.,.,n- ( c- vhcrß f.Ahusband StH- 9 r! &n! v r. i'ai.tbed ? >f« otsi ?n a n .i iir** 9 p-r». kULosi rhfi -r-'ife and jaHicun# : ni,> - j i‘ : ; < pon he? uei ao.n. I Ixe , Hen *ing tiio snooting | 2 Die Il« Mishap jam —Tivft ?Pttß ur?r- i«sitar»Uy kiUecT a iifsr jjfff l tijghl a**d two of he ib hnjiiredf ! *< i»<'r« -iai failed tp fu*ve I.ieaH in the niisliap nrrfirrfHl parkin E«- 34. at»d WitlNw I Walker. |<i. The> r|M*d whet* i!»» j c»r drtver» bv An(!ii»>(»n ra-n ] off Iho lOSflwiy atl(J ittio 5t ditch xftof fftijitig: to nwke & turn-

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