j Seek To Establish 1.00 Business League Units In N. SIO,OOO rare- '2 years' against school * .s > i > • 4 y ) OINTED)»O^^I pRRPGRRPH^i^/f T'ftii 1 ukioi 1 yoilll)/ \Mi m THEY ARE M V R I A I) A v E N (' ES American Ni p-roes mav tread toward lull and equal citizenship. The more moot p at ii s acknow ledged as tooth olds will which to train greater demo crati« privileges incl ud e these: mass education, mas* registration and voting, mass employment, mass organize t ion and cooperation, and less common law marriage. Horn rer, these an• no run’ all., Thera an maun las* pio round nth ill! silil/dc. ir.li/s lh,at i oloi .people eU:i iinpi'oi'e then lot anil destiny. BRAY Lit ESSENTIAL TOO ONH WAV is i.i l>t‘ .Hi absolute ('hnsiian. in woi kliip (lod and fear the Losd, la tight with prayer its -.lead ill bullets and hot words On equal socin.economic stains, and to Jive according to the Ten Com manilments . and there wilt be nn way for colored people to lose because si they are born again ..ml are true Christians who ser ve their Clod with fulfil, strong will. «*ottrage, and i ons iilessce they fan'! 3os< beeause they will be on (Sod's side. and. t»v ille same token. (Sod will be on their side. Thai a are too many /iconic, ii hila and colored, a In, pa > no alleyion/e to Cod amt ",-a hupocritt s mho are areat iron shippers ami denvinxtratf.rs n church ■ ■ hut still aiii.rrna: /ironic ironi these eh net lt,i x. on' licit in a that am/ elm ■■eh :.i th ■ universe is the Hum, if- the Lord, nthencisc it a-. ;>j the true sense ot the ter,a, not a "church ' at all. CI,PAN LIVINO NECESSARY TO OVERCOME the handicaps, of life —eveu racuil segeegat ion uiut disi rim ’notion —neither protest, pc ttjrion oi iiuldieitv; nor bailois or , bullets curry as much weight a prayer and Christian living Cray ee and goo, 1 living, it.oially chv-aSC will win the mercy and blessing of The Heavenly Father who will persecute and punish those cvhu molest, intimidate, brutalize, an. iyiwTi his “children”. Xr.i t to prayer and true eon errs ion to Hod- (being ••horn attain') is better pub!!,- con duct national! .</ \ tt/roes ‘. rent hare forfeited .ire and civil rinh.ts by i etuu ni/hf , loud and boisterous talking. gambling, <l/inking, cm sing, and n tiorc. mantling clang the guh 1i c streets an/i in duel, and a lots mat i j.'ncen of inquitg , line of the most shain and lulling migs to spread hue hale anti /it eiudiet that other v ise is aun.ej istent IS to kindle the til’ s of hate of one's oil II posit iii efforts by "el own using rile hi nonage jironi iueu oasli/ . .hi the presence oinf mg ' and rabhli rousing and decent people, a bite or colored neeaiisf, regardless of race, the 1 1 Hiij retim'd people are going to resent this kind of obnoj ions public conduct Their re sentment a ill tern to hah and their gi airing hate trill multiply into dll the unisonous and rennmniis ideas and ideals il inch nit! in earl tin eternal los s ot equal riahtn and in iri leges ]l.i.Fl 1A! M \Kl!l AGE COS ! HI MAN BLOODSHED COMMON LAW MARRIAGE, which breaks so rnfanc home and sprout? so much juviuile and adult delinquency, is one of the mcisf violent soda! sins. These types of parents have no respect !»r the laws of the land nor the lawn and statutes of God. The Almighty Fn jther in Heaven. These common laws ate attendant causes also for maximum all-Negro homicides. Do S'leh c algfcr relations that homl liiestie jealousies spring out of rides, suicides. matitcide, frutrici da, and sororicidp . . ai! mav e. row out of these Tested conditions. Thai's right, some of these common jaw marriages, so nrevalenl through out the country, inevitably load to various kinds of fatalities . . tie cause God Himself has already laueht. "The wages of sin is death" . These deaths are in the form of killing of one another, one’s se’f alone, his mother, his father, his brother, or his sister . . . which is what the classical wotds in fore going sentences above mean . in the simplest hv>n<a !r e possible To anil t full and egnai civil rlohisc one and dll mill have to give more concern to f'oriua and lie-inn •<1 God; to fearing ot death amt the hiring of li’c . . so Christian 11 ring find moifilht vvriaht public and mi. v t ■ eemd”-t. To gain the Kin"- dun if ft farm and eternal li f e it is also vercssnrn to tread these same paths of ritihteoux. T'-sS A R S'’ Tt in the nwnini? mr<* gre nh thper. ;,''e mVrlfKt svenpes Ayn art ■ r, Vep-voos m-iv AO fraitc full sod pnitsl ctf (wcnehlp . lutT th* Viocj- W cenentorinp om! ledemption. There? is no other way; . TIFF AVERTED AS PATROLS ATTEND M > ' / Home-State lH f io‘ r- j, fit / /j /p -vif/ji,;, _ . a... rmmmy WEEK ENDINii SA It.Rl>A\ ,Al A \ ll), l!);j] \ 1 L -C ( ralekjh.'north Carolina - mS!r ~ VOIAIMKXXX N’I’AIUER 2‘! Farmei Fined s so —Fire Ran E <jjjo X.-' v ; vyv vA ~v . ‘ • • . —Wjji A,-f - •; '? A-r: jpi; irtfiTTCWVin Ts ~ Till TTTI Hi fit It 1 •-?. T •• <• WINSTON SAM MS AI 1.-NT. OR O STATION WAVS VER SON N 1.1. The inset in the tun seen,, is .ilrs Vcima Hayes I riende. secretary and traffic dt cectnr of Radio Station H AAA Winston Salem. N. f . while the scene immediately below is of Southern iiiant) Congress I'ep rnlwpH Personnel Operates Twin City’s Station W A A A LUCIUS L. JONES (For The Carolinian Newspapers) W INSTON-SALEM. X. C. (SPECIAL)—A new ami powei'tit! medium <yf.advertising, public information, dy Jiamic public tvialions is Radio Station WAAA, in the heart or the leading colored business area here, where aithouprh wi'.iu? nitei's!.s own the station, it has an all-eoiored admim slratne sta!’!. mc-ltuiin- Bernard Baker, program direetoi ; \ e hna ! t ayes r rtende. .secretary and traffic director; Larrv vi llliarns, stall atimnineer; Leroy Johnson, religious editor; Lucnie (). Doutiiit.. woman’s economist; Bruce miller, disc jockey and advertising salesman, and Togo West, .sports I) AN STATION' Th, st.at ion is on "fts o" in (a., center ,>!' radio dials ip the Twin. City. The rtifhm is sponsored by the Community Bfoadcasting Ser. vice. Inc 1* litis 1000 watts and is *i day.(inie shatiotc which heginn its programs at a: 'hi in ?lie morning signs off 1.1 seven o'clock its the evenurv 'l‘iie WAAA urograms are heat'd daily hr the 121.000 r» ute in Win ston Salem; the H'/.000 in Green-., boro and the 39 : a20 in High Point. i > sentati ves being interviewed by Rreg ram Director Bernard Baker, left to right, Mrs. Ruth Jackson. Birmingham, Ala., gen era! chairman of the SBC. Ml's. Ola Mae Forte Hill, president of La-Mar Beauty College. Mr Ba ker. and Aliss L,..is Bell. New York designer and model. In the bottom scene is the full staff: which makes a listening- uudienc of 2r.Fi.jirw, FERTILE TRADE AREA Tilt- total number of banks in the three cities are 12; the total a. moun of deposits o' the brinks in these cities in $-14 *.582,42:5.29: the 'toni amount of sales of retail out lets for the three cities is $24ti.!)67 .OOu. The total number of chain drug stores in these cities j„ ,*(t there are five Individual drug {Continued art pagre Sj ■ r"nt row. Bu. ille Douthit. wo men's economist: Leroy Johnson religious editor: and Mrs. Fric»- de Its the second row are Larry Williams, staff announcer: Mr- Baker. Togo West, snorts com mentator. and Bruee Miller, disc jockey and advertising salesman. --Witherspoon Photos IN WINSTON POLITICAL POT IS NOW ‘SEETHING’ WINSTON-SALEM - The three men who hope to succeed the Rev. Kenneth R. Williams as alderman from the South Third Ward pre sented their campaign platforms at a meeting sponsored by the Pro gressive Civic League at Union Mission Holiness Church last. Sun day afternoon The three are the- Rev- William R Crawford and Jason Hawkins, both of whom seek the Democratic nomination «.n next Tuesday’s (pri-i (Continued on page i) Three Outhouses Part Os Loss In Rural Blaze DURHAM. N. C -SPECIALS Eiftv dollars and costs were meted out to Levs Foi’d, Sherrod Road. ! tenant fanner, Tuesday for'destroy-: he acres of timber and three! 11 ses February 25 1951. He fails d to get a permit to burn tiff land and was also charged with letitng ,s tire get out of contYol. J C. Horton, fire warden, testi fied that Fus'd was burning off a tobacco plant bed when the blaze got out of control .and swept through woodlands and outhouses 100 Business League Locai Units Planned BN STArF WRITER •Tot cAhoLir.iny New»|Kiper«j CHARLOTTE (SPECIAL)— With "The Negro in Today's Economy" as its overall theme, the North Carolina State Negro Business League staged its Fourth Annual Business Clinic, Monday and Tues day, May J 4-15, in the new and modern and swank Charlotte Y M. C. A. building, 300 South Caldwell Stseet here Hosts for the two-day convention were the Charlotte Negro Business League and tile Charlotte House wives League, whose presidents respectively are W. F. McCullough and Mrs. Hattie Pettice Registration took place Monday and Tuesday mornings in the YM RALEIGH CHILDREN Equal But Separated In Buses To D. C. Meeting ry STAFF WHITER (tor CAROLINIAN Newspaper*; RALEIGH iSPECIAL>— In nc cojdance with the usual pattern of racial separation. based on race and color, 25 colored Safeiy Patrol pu pi Is of Crosby Garfield Eienvn ouy School here had to ride In two different buses, othei than the Greyhound Bus in which the white chilaiejt rode, to complete the trip to tli- Nation’s Capitol, Washing ton, D C, to be at the National •Safety Congress the past week-end. When the bus with the white children left the;e was still no bus for colored children but hasty de velomiems soon availed a bus. not on,- operated by Greyhound Bus Lines that took the colored safety oatrol delegation as far as Wake Forest. N. C STOPPED BOTH SUSSES Tin- Greyhound Bus Lines execu tives called Wake Forest and had both the Greyhound bus in which the white pupils were riding and the colored bus which later arrived to halt at that point Then, finally 1 the colored children were instruct ed to get into the second Grey hound bus. equal to the one with white passengers, which had been availed at Wake Forest. The other independent bus was driven back to Raleigh. FAST 1» EV F. LOP M E NTS The way events developed, the delegates did make the trip in time to witness proceedings in the Safe ty Congress and all were back in Raleigh Saturday night. The efforts of Mr. and Mrs. Glenwood Jones, twominent local people, were in strumental in the colored school j pupils getting equal. . .but separate ; -—-accommodations via the Grey hound Bus Lines. According to Mr. and Mrs. Jones, i all the Bus officials and other in terested white persons on the scene ' were considerate of the appeal to make equal accommodation? for all the children, regardless of race or color, and, in the end,, the colored delegates did have the pleasure of tiding in a similar Gryhound Bus— but under separatism. _ l on adjoining farm property o.t,ra ted by Ab'x Gross also colored. The damage was estimated .si S3OO Ford said he could not pay the damage cost and had no mono [o pay the SSO fine and the judy Odd him he would be j Hied sos if he did not raise the mots, y :. the fine and costs. Other cases heard wire nr fol lows: ( ha n’es Alston, Nogso, sp, < .sinr $5 and costs iContinued on page Si CA ■ uditorinm t i,d the v w re more than 100 delegates from 12 different key towns and cities of Nos Hi Carolina. HOLE WIVES MEET Monday afternoon at four o'clock there was a Housewives' League meeting' and Monday evening at y o'clock there was a meeting of the N C State Negro Business League board of directors in the morning, with registration, devotion, re marks by Mr McCullough and by D. D Garrett, president of the N. C State Negro Business League, followed by roll call and creden tials. a business session on "How One Type of Business Cuts Help Another Succeed", with the dis (t Disunited on pate of ~,—l, 80 Gls Fined SIOO.. $3 For Each Day (i f B v LUCIUS L. JONES (Editor, she Carolinian Newtu npevu ) WINTSON-SALKM, X. ('.— (SLKU.u • y , I'Sitor Ola Mae Forte Hill of the I.a M;:< ;■’>< here ami SO (I, 1. trainee student:- of that 1 ... , , school are under indiytment for charges ivia ;■■■ lent use ol monies appropriatt'u hv- ij... j dor the provisions of the (1. (. [Mil „f j . , . pose ot training■ returned wai veterans *><■ their future security. The preliniiunn h<-at "’ns scheduled to he m Federal ('our!, Xi<• >i 1 The judge. .Johnson |.. 1 1 , also saw M: - Mill a suspended !i: -o ; sentence of two years in tin Fede- *• ;, ii«-I , i. tad Rufoi mitoi'y for Womett at A}. credit ntt dei son. VV. Va.. and placed hei on 1 On !• t ' probation for throe years. ■¥■ .0 , 1 win. <;i:r $:>.500 crkiht Provided that Mrs. ltiil will abandon ■, clauu nf st’t n,i« A-. !■ 1 f*- ■' yg ~ ' '■};!:,',. s j f sicm 11 () ■: • ■ •m•. :> v i ■ - *** jj| • L ' V OI.A \! M I Ol! I r nil l .< '(.i-.oin &*%, f |"?T •**•**. If> ■ Jii - » - H v I icav* Fined SIO,OOO Fy r ■■ WINSTON-SALEM, MAY 14 ; - , - : Johnsch J. Hayes today fined Mrs Of.a. L: $1 C,OOO for defrauding the governm.'ril G. 1. Bill of Rights in operating the i - College here. | The judge also, sentenced Mrs. H in the woman's federal reformatory at .’■• j Va. but suspended the sentence and i?; •.< • i ’ probation for three years. He made payment of the fine on tions of her ordbation. He said thai sh allowed a credit of $2,500 on her fun •' > [ did not press a claim for 53,561.29 for a t-iiti . the G. I. Bill now pending before the VA Mrs. Hill was given 30 days in which ; I remainder of the $lO 000 fine. She had pleaded “nejo f ontenciete ing the government by presenting » .- i chers to the VA for G1 students in her so In

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