PAGE FOUR Theatre In Brief SWANK STORK CLl'B BARS MURIEL RAHN NEGRO DIVA NEW YORK ANP> Ci:Y“'l Muriel Kahn, well known had another iaste of jim crow with ail the feathers last week. Miss Rahn and her manager-husband Dick Campbell, were forbidden to cross the door of ’.he ?asts'de Stork Club despite their invita tions guest of ANT A a program on which the artist had appeared along with Todd Duncan on a bene fit program. The Campbells' -plan to celebrate their !Bth welding anniversary at the Stork had to be deferred JOSEPHINE BAKER DAY COM ING ON WITH POMP Dr. Ralph Bunche has consented to serve as honorary chairman of. the Josephine Baker Day commit tee The New York Branch of the NAACP is sponsoring the even' SEPIA ARTISTS HOLD OWN IN DOWNTOWN ART SHOW The largest representation of ar-‘ lists ot color was noted in the 33th edition of the Washington Square Oouidooi Art Show which came in to full bloom her.- this week. Among the 300 trust? registered wa? the noted work t Joseph and Beauford Delaney, and Charleston Williams among other Greenwich Village favorites. NEGRO OLDSTERS SHINE IN WELFARE HOBBY SHOW Craft and hobby-minded Harlem ites from the 124th Street SaS’ca tion Army’s Red Shield club were well represented among the 1200' New Yorkers GO years aid and over who entered in the Fifth Annual Hobby Show for Older Persons. Sponsored by the Welfare Coun cil the exhibit is housed m the Education hall of the American Museum of Natural History. NICHOLAS L. GREENE GIVES RECITAL IN ATLANTA ATLANTA iANP) A program of seventeenth and eighteenth cen tury classics adapted for the violin was featured in a recital by Nicho The Duke, Count And King Have New Groups NEW YORK < ANP) - ft was like old times in swing here re cently when Duke Ellington unfur led the combined talents of rns new aggregation. For the first Ume since he has been in the bu>ines» of dishing out the style of music now popularly known as £l - Duke is without Johnny Hodges Sonny Greer and Lawrence Brown, giants in the alto sax. percussion and trombone fields, respectively The unveiling went an at the Birdland and immediately start"d a veritable wave of word-of-mouth buzzing. The concensus of opinion is ’hat the new group is the "swing ingest. (fanciest Ellington" that Las been heard m over 13 years Credit for the style evidence goe? both to Ellington for his abili ty to draw out the best in his mu sicians and to replacements Louis Bellson. drums: Willie Smith, alt a sax; and Juan Tizoi, tenor sax. Th -7.0l i? a former Ellington side ".an and of course, fits like a glove n the gorup. Aiso contributing to th- re vival of swing were Benny Goodman and Count Bisic. both kings in their respective fields. Goodman, making a record date at Columbia stu dios, came up with seme Fletcher Henderson arrange ments of B. G favorites. These arrangements were made 13 years ago and have never be • fore been used. Included among the ‘new ‘ ar Depend Upon The CAROLINIAN For Complete News Coverage las L Greene Monday '-. euin.' May la at Friendship Baptist Ch here. Gr*-. ■ a concert. v.o : " .-t of in terna’ oral reputation. - an assis tant ,-rofessor in the Sr »'. >t M <- 2 ic a: Lincoln Lftii'- t- m ..- ciu-i - son City. Mo- He .vas .iccomoaiued by Miss Eth-le L Love if Wash ington, D. C, an outsfu.ding con ceit pianist. Bill ROE-INSON EOF N RATION GETS VIRGINIA CHARTER. RICHMOND Vo ANP) The Virginia Corporation comm dman Ba-ic and Harry James A ae? ear-, ate about 30 per cent more eggs ia ia.) than in iLh*ht *) * Ki OU . r^ ay to V r of Bri !b ish > < .mmandi-r SH APF »-vi-w-d n'fmi u ' . - v l; . Eisenhower, Supreme A thed i inspecting French For ,-e? it. VobLn/. ' L-f -, hX'■ h“ V !r S ,aS U us h ’ *"■>'’*‘l from j thi, i*Tl- s. iZߣ*r> «-"**• - *•* •"**> » »«■? I Germany, 1*47, by (*hen H 7fi'-r f a ‘ neri ** ! bmlad dUktea Hdiuny dc&detpv t , jf ty AtfUijagtvu, D, C. * ’ vs * * CuautiaU a the • FOUNDER Os SC SCHOOL IS AIR WOMAN OF YEAR NEW YORK Daughter of .an ex-slave, and founder of only Negro orphanage in Ge a, l!irs. Sarah Mui iii. will be h :i.»re-i by star Liicitie Wall as " Wam i n >f the Week" an the Wednesday May IS broadcast ot "Portia Fas-.- Lite." vN3C. 5:15-5 J ? yin. EOT' In IJ3I. Mrs. Murphy r-'U'-i Per home to six homeless children. Thie- y a.s iat-r. witn ttu :J )f file civic otnciais of ''mart, O -oi rda. the Sarah Mur . Home and School came into Her ■ x ter fence as a teacher in -jie ’.n-ntary and Sunday schr ..:vju J iy prepared Mrs. Murphy far tne wo k she ha- done w i the L.jO ithiidr-'n who have found a home in the orphanag *. Fou- •? her • boys" served :r; World War il. ana -me :s tit Korea today Tne "Woman at the Week" is i r-gul:i: Wedn sday pub. r service feature on "Portia Faces Lira.” Vance Vines of Sugar G; ' Wa tauga County and Walter ' me.* )f Stratford, Alleghany County, will represent North Carolina m htt- National 4-H Sheep Shea- c.-; Con test it Chicago next fall S \R.\H IS AHEAD OF Si HEIH LE, BUT WHY NOT? \ tittle ahead of schedule but certainly out for the cause of disabled veterans ts -song stylist saiiih Vaughan as she sings » >o of 1 laaredx Field and. tucks a soppy m the boat iape> ot ijom t> i inanoifer ausbarwf .. Geprgp AftOLLNTAN Saturday May 13, 1951 Josephine Baker NEW YORK - me Baker. " . m .‘r-.tjt'.o:vii ly-faato'. s ent«r --t. -•' : who hds be .m performing . •>. .- audience? all over I" ■.t •.! States, has cancelled • •:• n engagement.? m order to appear in Atlanta or. June 3t) to ants'tain delegates to ;-. - 42nd an nual conv.-nti.on of the National 4s.sooiac.oi: for the Advancement -.-f Colo-'ed P -ie, has oeen an n r done m - oy this w-'.-ndevful organi •'• •.••acdiiigiy. S-hurday evening, June • j -s' being cesignat-a .- •J.’sephi::.* Baser Night"' at the NAACP .on ent n and plans are • -titg rr.a-j-e by v.m conv .>• cum tc fn Miss Baker ?ap jeJt.uu'e GROUP RETURNS FROM GEORGIA DURHAM Five memo?vs of the Flv spia'.is. North C.-.rai'.na College lav arouo recent!v returned to the campus aft.-r caking part in th > Southern A-.-miiion of Dra matic Arts Festival at Alabama Stale College, May ;t-5 Treadweli. a band leader in his ''"'ii right. ‘Buddy” poppy day. sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars, is held annuolly i m Memo .-sal Day. The paper 'lowers are made by disabled veterans and ill proceeds g« to i UM-’ll.— (AIVP) I CRACKDOWN 01 DOPE IN NYC NETS A DOZEN NEW YORK. AN'?. Federal agent? moved ia last we A k and ar ia st-d 12 dealers in narcotics with whom they had beer. ,-.t contact for three months. One of the deal er?, who wa? baled is a fugitive, wa? arrested in federal court while he was watching the a-raigment of the others. Leader >f the gang was Ells worth .Bumpy) Johnson, 43, woo was descri o-.j o - federal agents a. "ity- ,>f . .’. * l-jv *"1 > ’ds of crime in Harlem." Ho was accused of be ing leader >: a yang and net work whicn su ;p id 12 large wholesalers i used the services of 50 m.-ai and 1} wamen to uis trilute :u-r);n .... smallir .-.'era' j-’’s. Tiv charges aiso stated that no lar»e -ale »f h;'roi)s could be made withou.: Johasoit’s ap proval. His sources of supply were national and international. John.-0.0 pperoh" . ury % ig e?!.'ibl!. bui : a b 1 vn witil chain stores in .drier boro..•giis.iti bartnersh:;: .v.f,: Nat Pettigrew, 49 j - ->!ie a-was toe spectator fu gitive whom federal agents arr-s --t 11 m t-b- ’t Each w:»s held under 22.500 bail. Shaw Ihiu ns N. ( olle‘2f G-5 The Shaw t.b "."Sky B de hated trie N->"‘.b .'.u'diba vbjllege ImicU':- Fi id.!' !! in Chavi.s F-'ik 0-5 Tb - B-'i.'.r's extended til*'!r Cl A A -nr to s x wins ■ gainst three d- F-ats as tr.v-y score.) lour times in sreand ..’.rang, nne. m l! .- ;bj..- .. .. ~mJ tbr.-e tirriOr. ... tile fifth. eagles earned 3 : ill.- .: 1 the tiled vd C-v'J m the nth. Y'.-i-r- FJnronJs, Shaw iv.rr’lei, who r-b. James Mbi- C’-y in tile f ,: ' ~ -s cred bed w tri l! i e \v in. Tile Ilia', a. ' ' -'-I'br-d ’Dark Light." Ti -.a) ■ I ■ tn.- trip to Morn comel y q .a Arthur Wright. Durham. N. C Wilbur K. W. i hi. Washington, D. C . Anna Walker, Statesvi!'-*. N C: Bertie Ray. New Bern, b C. and Fr<*d vi'ick Bark F-y. D.g'iiana, Bark!> y is stage m-in-iger for Die group. Mis? Mary L-. Bonanoti. director of the group, accompanied the play ers. After th.-. festival, trie North Car olina College, players visited Tus liegce rnsiituU?.