CAJcOLI.NI.4Js Saturday, May 10, 1051 I' SALISBURY NOTES By Avis F. Wilkks i 413 S. Craig Street I . 5--s Q ;i v„ S. ■ • small.: Instructor of r: ' -f- • '><'■ ••";•.m ; ; a. O ! H.-ii] ..On,finr. pa ted • ...i . t ’ the North 1 ‘ --i'£ ".."no Drain..: As ■" st ■ ' " /.. LY.ivc rsUy. ;.iU, , ; ; <v. 0 -. - r •' do, c principals ’ ' fn”.. u-.n'p tt dinner ■’■ f-s !’.)< s' i • : •-C, nt W K 5: ..s>; I • -yid,, • ected ] K s;- ‘" riVi £>• EY, w Ui'J or.Miy. who wcl r; vl Vo L:, i. : • 1r : an n u.: 1 ; ■v :. ~c,,.,rc . .•• {. • .w . ncatory ■ < ; • Ks A; • j V ' V S P ; * v. ; k Vn ;• a; t• doi n g m f( '* - ■ . • •'; 1 '. ■c.- v •: r .t r :.] 11 i sol ‘O- S . c. • . • d .. . aik ' ."•» T.ecfa:; riosco ■ •'■' : • ft:dr ama t f ifif!.; > G r and a:.-. . M ' C. •. • . 5 Frit ton. UH \ ■ l't AC HI.R ATII.NDS > \ir v.u meeting F: ,«. sir..'.. I ■ High School - • ■ err : ( , a’-;, a: ttinr: - : t.. fe V- : Try sessions a Nt • York • ’ * .. •. : > i :. . . • 1:. . •. (: ■- - ft thi r .-.'.a , 'f. r.dir.i •«. . d C ,i Sr.. , :..y <-: :• • «•. 1 • f-j a. at r;; > iHMTie ! * • i - : t and r'-c.-racii « j far • . it : M -f. IS .. i Vor'ng. Mrs tv: a ■ • Mrs Hose Mary H. a r.'.-s ■’ • I : S'- M’s. C ■ S . Gladys Far Gather, oa fc ’ Nr Vi' York J ( F■■ . if \ Vi ‘ : • . >-. ■ :id C ’* a • V. '. F Sir T ‘ air..',:;-.. Ihi grand < .i.r, r. ..r.r. .\ f, r Vi :k ta \a. r. '.. at. ( f: r ( i <r, ; rc ft r-f St ;;i th« Cil> r "- *. < G;. r. jg'a' <1 Nfc'v V-. -h r< ct’Ri !>• vasdoc! hjs mother who was ill BIRTHDAY PARTY Tors Y a 1 ~r- . . , 1 i: Ennos S'- t-ft Extf r:Vi< a gave- . surprise * ■ ■ - TO ji .^ WI , /'. _■'■ # *■■*■*< birthday farm so- S t . r rox,*:! v.f tsahi, H F: , c : . : , , . ! > tr, r ( i-.a-i Y.;i. I-a t:. . “ ■* 'l'- •’ ■' I ■' . a. ri v*-v r< t ... s nci - • ' Lt C S ptiTTVrr J ‘ C ‘ J * *"_“ r ‘ ' ' ''’ 11 ■ A •; ' ' iS !. i •*. V; Sr •' '• - C & P trier - t'C- . v - .r. v v ... tiJft.A-rCly Mmyr ■ • -a• -■a h ”, s ..r.-v r 'bt d HOTFS S'; ‘• i T . r N- : : ■ t F.* r:r AFP... A.f ", ; l , t w• , of t f :; t .. .. .- sit t: .a N, . Y •. ul -e rr-! a, Ft ... ;. c v. . i . {.r,. tn, t f, Mrs, S- ■ , re! Eelke ’Y.’h it.': \v' • ;■ ‘; :U Min day v's : rs Th •: i 1; alert i . a .v..:r-a- U i.ek ectt<■•."> ><.; f.rarr . k‘>( The Laxc/t.: : j. v: y a .re fre rr: 'o' : ' k fKSSSBift.v ■\ F,p c 01.1 ff: F COM MEN, .- Mr NT SPEAKERS These r-.f~ have '' • : ff’ d !<t be prin.-vri 1 speakers at the A. *i»i T. i*■ -sec m eir.i-nt • i-Tfi-fi I, • Ralph K.m he, ? .:. V' f w. will give the crirjic,enf emnit ad ti. ss r 4 t r.x.. Monday >ta> 2S. V~. rha.?.-- « . GiSkty, Dean Fit. i • th* « Togo I'niver ‘.’.i;. CEaro . ii'll deliver the bae r.rf..;. sires> aj ;; pm. M. EFtr will spak ir- :>■•. F.icF- Harrison Auci iuir.' CHARLOTTE IN THE NEWS tvlrs. \\ tiilie Mae Porter 2621 Booker Avenue Phone 6-3044 i nj-:.. c - - v tcs fi -t s?-h.'cn a: | the h ' Carr el 8.-g W Cr. ..rch cl f ‘V/w * r.t PvW w H IX. :oson t.i \ s ai.C. It J T k -> i Aft Kr > Vv th K. i E ■ . r Hr-t./ht r;- is cond-C --* V'.l r.e xt wt-ck Lilt Rev .A 3. ■ r v- . . ; v; charge v.l :r.e • \ A 5 • v t tt 3 .r .' ser r t W*. :u - v * V.s.wing *r x parents. ' - • *-■* .• v h rr: . , Oaa - - air c * : - t. -- r.t • C .-bt-way St. 'ft - ' I ."re Mae Shaw of Can lien y:r*<: er ; terta:ne\i the f.yma C.a !< at her Itpine this "c k. Th* Manager e! the >1 turn Mvth.ods Home Appli iiixf 11 I’.:'* r very inter' sting ta,k Alter xh, t’liMjies. the host si 'orveci .» ilt/iciousr CMirse • i refit shments. c' :: N< ■- .a N C. ... stc i: ■'■ -■ . . Gi: *.. ; i<. k . ' F .ya •' ' M Hi ad ' r.- .- : t-t; ': ■' >..c '( r ' f c o*; iii.i»Xi> ■ . ' •- K: x M. C, .. k ti Tm. \ .Hty ;s .•■'.*• . .'g txe C: xr.!. Ft : , at h< r •. : < ,r. :t. ■ - ..: Ft : . She vtiii -e j-. :-’tiH rv r.f.; Jiit-nttand Wright S ' CW F,'spilal * r c S.,*7i- cl Di.'scy S* *vs jt-.w-;. v el: aT'-rne at: : 1.-v .-v v V.‘ Go-.-: Hcsy.t. PIANO AI. HELD IHIS WEEK * ••> ‘ ‘ J'C'Ck'A ’g'kiiiiC SIUO-gO .* • j/lm;caret VPGson ~v. K Git ort.' N C; P..pHs of Ms: ~r. HivK.r.s. msdi ..p the t - s*.'F. eiC.-.e-nt., y :.c ■G , k r. x ;n h. Fifth Annual Ft?. - g sj i'to by the Niticnai r Teachers : :..s tc set star.- - 1 '!y-.5. J.-' MtS r.r,C oJf t ft \ e CerttfKates. Pins > a-> iei rat- JAMFs H TE.AMEK SCHOOL OF !. FIiG 1 A tNXOI At E> COM MEN: r.McM FLANS :> ■ .- t,f Gi ~rr.t nctnxcr.f "f. .- . .7'.'.-. Eye au- T' . ■ * c : Sti.d' r,\ . . / '_"V ‘ . : . G .•>_ ,'ltr .C: Mls- ION AKA PKOtIRA.M BY I Hr Ni /EK EAPTL'T CHI Rt H T - F er.f. r rLplisl Chur ch M •- ... • i ir.■ u i ha, e ti’-'r coservanc, of V r. .: I'a . ire Bc.Me ' ' i: '! y .at tarc-e r?-i 'tinni- Hething r -• w.ri ■ ?tf;->tr.-s,v r. } Cere - >!-> ! ur.i.f- Y tai r.r - .....7 Mr- Millie 7>lxe i ’ - dtllv-r in e or,r. - r -- i Mrv F.stfTie G • A R. 3-.- is - vr I V S W f VA'/ V 4'5 CT. SEVEN *2n. isl I STAR 40\ rw-'i’.-'i: V'*' Thf *• ?’b€ ** if -•■»• ■ - -'-?v «■-•:■- n- mt"f ci.-c : * i .. r StTi •• «•'*(! tZ r.: __ ?, s 1 u ? j.»r • * os* it c l( k ’"'. i c-,r prc ,-, i~\ «f*o>9'<‘i< M ' v v if ■£ veer! c>,c ' <-i..- * '■i ~>r jt' t' iihr whiiiin ; IQ)C-in,ni 9?'" !■;• •■ file, ~• i MfO»c:h' f5tV W 1 M’f.iM-fV t liters CMC > “ v 'SsiK-«»’ GCCDESHAM k WCukTS UMJTSC PtORIA. lit: NCf Z j PAGE FIVE f tier the church. Special ®- B} ' ! t‘ l be iT.riiished. MFTROroi.IT AN COUNCIL TO l - E N TERTAINED BY MRS. L.ATHAN. " I.athan of Oaklav.'n ;G - v y "F the hostess to the -•i :1 a poktan Council, of the Na - cunci! of Negro Women on Mondt.v nigtt; May 14. Mrs. J. Bar. r ■ m can will preside. : _ has; Stonewall AME Pa?- - • c. .'ponstired a very enjoy-* r. . "Cm Fashioned School Clos - - f t:.e church Thursday night, i? .- . rtr. F-.c\. R. M. Mitchell is • " r . the church il - and Mrs. Vuthan Crosby. 'ti>- Gloria Crosby, Miss Ar . , Th- mo- on motored tg 'r ' ant' ig. k. ( . last bunday .-i c visiied Mr. and Mrs. James i •sw.h'ud. Mrs. Nancy Williams 'lr anti Mrs. Nonnie Rober s?r. . their home on \. I.ibertt > ; - Frances Gaither left, the G h'i-e>. Friday. May 11th for : - - 1 Conn tc, spend Moth-: 's l■ y v. - tr. to r mother Mrs. Liiiie . .: and family. f. r.g Chariotteans who attead ‘ tr-. Baccaulaureate sermon at '■■ .'.jiancon High School in Jef *' '•- ' S C. were Mr and Mi s. .Nat.nan Crosby, Mrs. Emily Black » 7.3 r John Blackwell, Mis. Withers, and son. Barry Al f. r vv -.thers and Miss Gloria Cros- InABFLLA WYCHE SCHOOL { PRESENTS OPERETTA The Isabella Wyche Elementary Gr.oo: sponsored a very enjoyable and colorful operetta Thursday nigr-t. ry the Primary Department. Music »e> furnished by the Gram ma.' grades “The Wedding of the Flew, rs" "is enjoyed by a large attendance Miss Beulah D Moore is principal. Mrs. M E Leake and Mr. John HoV'sG -pent Sunday in Sh* Toy. N C r tt r>ct>*j the Commencement • xtretses of the Cleveland Co Soft. .. Mrs Howell haGt s. Mt:s Brownie Adams and M s. Eth 1 i Fvo'.'s are visiting relat v-es ir. ? rest Citv. N C Miss Adelaide Dolphus, ? d*-r.i of AAT College ui Greensboro spent the week end ir the city with her parents. M- and Mr- Lynn Dolphus i • heme on Celia A'-. SECRETARY CF CiF:.PM C-h-ctoc C* McrsKcil Oi, uu Cf the Tll>t : t . v ;iI ;. - Tr.ed 1- ices : 5 h 0 u i ( * .<■- ' <x; stock ‘ 5 > e p»* •■*. '•**#!. .* •■tree >*.-

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