PAGE TWELVE ROCKY MOUNT' - —«--- - I N ews -and- j ' ifj I Views | By J. B. Harren */% f cm CIVIC LEADER HONORED ROCKY MOUNT The local . branch of the NAACP recently honored the man responsible for the rebuilding of the present branch bv placing a photograph of him .n the meeting place. The one so honored is Red c'Jci; Strickland of Newport News, Va.. former resident here. The historical note at tached to the photo reads as fellow*; "Daring the winter of .IMH4-39 Reddick Strickland en> ployed as a porter in a Rocky hfUvjnt, N. f • store observed, what he termed, ’oppression ur.c ttnfare wage and working concisions' under which color ed women had to tabor in tatindrys and tobacco factories and sought to get relief for them thru FEPC and other agencies, ‘•Thru contact with Joseph W. Parker. Sr. who had previously been active locally with the Na tional Association for the Advance ii'.nt'oi Colored People, Mi Strick land was encouraged to seek the re-organisation of NAACP which had been dormant for years. “£' began the meetings and received tne cooperation of Mrs Annie Wells. Mr. Parker E. C. Hunter, Mrs. Emma Leonard .mb J. B Harren. Seventy-five charter members, on October 9 1529, btgan operation of the third NAACP Branch in the history of Rocky Mount. Hunter served as president for eight years. Mrs. Leonard us treasurer 1939-1851. Harren was executive secretary erven years. Peak membership of SOP was reached in 19-17 and i 948. Btanch entertained the N. C. Con ference of NAACP in 1946. TARBORO GETS HORSING PRO JECT TARBORO. N. C. Local > i /tns i cotr. races are elated over the fact that definite plans have beer, made toward the letting of a contract for a million-collar fed eral, low-rent housing project tx peeled to b'gin construction here, in July or early August ’ Id Games, executive dir, etc,- of the Tarfcoro housing authority, •ond that the 300-unit project would lit divided intn fifty unit? each f, . wt.i- and colored citizens The it its 5 : Negroes would b> .c;-‘. near the Prtihigh school in east farter:.. and the white unit will ! in Ike Fail . >-.v section near th- R R stat'f The Negro unit win ’ ' 7-2 - ■■■,-$■ end the white ee ucet - foe r acres a s .tor Gaines said th*» prop* - *' hr< .to; et r e v. i Se a sire ‘ Ar; ’. ;•• grain bee: use noth::;: 1;: hi -., : • = down. Rath’-r. it k .. low. peer.:.;:: to r» Lev >■' -' - cv &x Im-.j teg ,f '" '>' ! : sel-etc-d accordirte *’• the ■ ■■ .-r.e .mo a- < Hfl ' e- ,v;e - , v ,_ c :; .,, k t e College ca{>>- ’.«•!.a a-.t 7Af.r; rc . ; Friday cven e .. w: : tc fed. by ... e.ll-Cc.i --,t r. . :.;, . . ;... e,.. : s Gymnasi • at fc.2(> fm. Former ¥ar ‘Vet* Gets Commerce VIS .. Tr, i. A Y N C -- Harold E e; :: sc h c f ;25 G< • * n<-r Street, r : •,; fl - ■- S J. sill rccuve the f.rst .r.f.ste; »-•-fn— r *.wrma«im»r»ii«M^lirwei'aMW»»l^Miy». CAROLINIAN Saturday, May 19. HOI p:; . f i '\. vJ i ai m * : M I r j f .V | gg Elizabeth Taylor, Jane Powell and Ann Miller, famous stars of the MGM Studies, lead the parade of Hollywood actresses and actors ;r, -i the Royal Parade of Stars promotion for Royal LAsmrts Their p <* , turn are featured or. the back of each Roys; package am: ir. wms ) * papers and magazines across the country The campaign links the exceptional appetite and low-cost appeal of Royal IVs&erts with the most famous names in movies and ir. sports Miss Taylor is cam l tiy , King seen n 'Father's l.ittle Dividend/" Mis: Powell id ' Royal V-'td” and Kiss Mtiler m "Texas Carnival, ai MGM production*. M ■ C- '. i ‘ • £? Hc.-shcv, v.bcvuu; :f : n ct;v •• Forv - Svs.,- • : After ::s ■ rg. f. t.ic V -5 A.'. nroiied at North Ci.- ~o!U Hf w..s ac tive m the C irae:.'...; Club tie Fan Hf-iir. : Co. ; r.i ;. •.f the Alpha Phi A ha fratcriiity Johns- : r.c ;? -A is tho s-.m of Mr. and Tvl.s. Elo'ridge John?<,n of Fa:?' mm. He ;s mam- d to the for me- M ss Edith A. Mali ne of Dur ham. Mr- J-r.nson is ateacher of •pity- ea edbf.c h n sf Lee County T:. .: Sbihoci ,n Sanford. NAVY SECRETARY 1, ~r (V 1 Iv. etl a ews Aimed Foices Day is a day of prior and failh n the A meric. " heritage —sad ill si ,- . a.- I.v. • n '■ < . 1 1 ■f t i ■." R: ra t ; V - ;, -f /. 1 (sI ny V ( jf } ,j Wf of the N h'-y at.-. h.'use i. - ' ' and afloat, vkt n c>■ ( 'is.sil. i S' Got of >'”• wnost .Navy il n uw.u siane part e.f America gyros he; st i crig>l h. fT ' 'i f - ' 5 f**pt «■ f' f- >■ at rc-irx, r -At i m, k<. .kr President Ti'ias . xnr- '.«es his tuin'.-n.-tion of the efforts of 1..0ut. .. g • J. 1-i dsnos. , s v (left) who risked his hfe ti rts cue his shipniat. 1 nsign Jesse Leroy Brown, first Negro Naval aviator ir, history and first Negro Naval officer to fit fctHcfi in any United State 1 war. ARMY SECRETARY fbank Face, Jf. Throughout it: I7F .’ears your Army ; guarded tb • fio..tier«-. »r.dlias t ■ ■ lied PP «(loin s# f re. fe w 'months,' jijSf M battle*'., This : nni’iWM: ( | trian ,j ( 1 r a ill v c r k. skilh. san ■ tiers. courage, determi nation and stamina as great as any in its long history. It has requi red the best s.d our regular forces W well as the best of thousands of oui Reserves and Nat-ionai Guard The Army is proud tc rtanc with the other sei’i.e: as “] >ef sndei ? cd f reedott ’ on thn second Armed Forres Dan. ‘ ALLAN MIMS, INC FORD SALES AND SERVICE i _ ~ • i a. ttorc yt. i j s I tiTnuiNuiwiN I M-;n. i sh ntorf j R-'- J r :‘.jr;:bn Stree :: a . <5,12 c *' - Ur dfns F ftr B Gr" i. *i] n Nhirt^. H ft • k An© D**e*s s hirt-v W> f arrv 4 l ine Mi: iCck friovea*, ler U].;' erk Socks. I*• ; 1 ■' Give L -4 T f Fell. ' SACAX AOL RS T :3C £. ;rr vc. )G:9O p. in.