Week ending Saturday, may io, 1951 Engagement Os Talented Musical Artist Revealed LITTLETON— Mr. and Mi' Clns. C. Harris of Littleton have an nounced ilv. engag l mein of their talented daughter, Alma -"CJoldie" Maim, to ,H li> big M:i.vmiii, son of B,d\vin L. iMuysup. of Cleveland, Ohio., Harris a brilliant concert painist, is a Cum Laiule n'.'atiiiute of St. Au.qustinc's College, a gniT.n ate student in tin; Music 1)• i>;irt - jmmt at Western Hr serve Universi ty and tin Cleveland livtitut' of Music, r.he’is a piano pupil of the famous pianist. Beryl HubcnsT'in. president of the Im-tiluie. She i, instructor of Public School Music in the Clinton City School, Clinton, and has done eNtctisivi concert work. She i a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority. .Mrs. Alayr.-.n is also a c.raf unit! of St. Augustine's Colics;,- ami h. at No need to care about “Gray Hair" with LARIEUSE & ; os%; || If I & KEWlLIIIdtlill? ... on ItliWnt ill.Nti? If fua and romance are passing you by be- , ■MMHflfllk cause ot gray hair—-don’t be unhappy one more day! Get Larieuse, the liair coloring that gives your hair new color, new beauty 8 gill jHI PlOljß —you'll look younger, feel younger! Larieuse colors hair quickly, easily —it’s the dependable hair coloring used and up- '4sfe)gj MB proved for mor# than f>s years. Ask at your cosmetic counter for Godefroy's Larieuse Hair Coloring—in the red box—today! Ufa Caution*. Use only as directed on the label. ij * gg COOEFROr MFC. CO. * 3510 OUVE ST. » ST. LOUIS 3, MO. i |,l HICKORT STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKY j fk Si jh w (' \ 5 N #, YEARS OLD 86 PROOF VSLt'Pw^i OLD HICKORY DISTILLING CORPORATION, PHILADELPHIA, PA. i tended Cleveland Cotirg, in: will be a June graduate of the Bexley i.pbc< ,;:i 1 bcminai.v, Kenyon Col* e. cieiiibier. Oluu. Mi Nl.tvsoii ic.cd as .issis mt to ihc Clergy ~, St- Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Cleveland, lor the mst two summers. He is a member of Oniecu psi phi fraterni ty. The wedding will take place in .1 line, Vance Vines of Sir o' Grove, Wa tauga County, and Walter .KYnos of Stratford. Alleghany County, will represent North Carolina in ate National 1-11 Sheep Sheaving Con test at Chicago next fall. fieaii The Carolinian!! I '-M» y ' I If $ .V v > • ' " " Sr S I'l 1)1 NI s All) t ITV ( 1)1 N <• »>< Wlicp the v* m * rri.:.- -4 Itw* Wk a . tjcop, the sub-cormious mind thro Mippotcd!•• hr;;ins tvs V and ft'' -l‘ to >ou «o tht MS Viitoni «f MrO'Vv /fB u' 1 ' n *'" mnv ****" v,,ur m * K nuking MIISEV. HOM! and LOVf. I'try (>iu haw ' -Y.fe-' ■ ! 317 Fayetteville Street •Y2*>-' 17.50 1 j — ~ — al BOSSE JEWELERS Reward your graduate witiV /UfTt n ,1 a Nation ally-known fi;n e' J s-l [\ '\atch ... it's tlie traditional* / or achievements. Give! an Y Yvatch easily for as little! . as $1 weekly, y "" •• - Ts Ll_!J ’ GRUEN BUIOVA L» m> I BossT; /? —— Cu.‘z.tzsis£ £_ cy ~ Fayettevilie Street Opposite City liall OPEN A BUDGET ACCOUNT f nil.-go s grid team, is shown here in Durham last week par ticipating in a "get-out-to-votp" campaign for .lames T Taylor, ( il; Council candidate. Taylor professor ot psychology at North < aeolina College, and a noted Tar IP el educator and church leader, received 1.507 votes in the run-off election. Although Tay lor did not win the election, his campaign was the most spirited ever conducted by a Negro can didate here. Students from North Carolina Colleges Political Sci ence Department were active participants in getting out voters. Mortis Carolina Elks Meet in Rocky Mount THE CAROLINIAN I R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Firm Builds New Chapel For Workers To Worship WINSTON-SALEM —■ A modern new private chapel, approximately nine by fifteen feet, hao been con ■tructed by Uie K. .1 Reynolds *o bacco Company for private Uur lup of the employees of the firm rather than for public wor ship. The new cnapet is next to the office and reeption loom of the lie. Clifford H. Peace, pastor counselor, on the mezzanine floor of the Him noids office ouild.iy in downtown Win si on-Salem. ALREADY IN CSE The eiia : el is already op ell for informal worshi] . but will nut be formally dedicated until later The . Uie sanctuary is Gothic m de nyn, It is interdenominational in purpose, and will be u.-od by the past counselor in hi work with lho? ■ who w ant his services It is mailable to individuals who seek .1 haven for private meditation and ji.iyoi. The walis are araped in eccclesiastieal cloth of .royal blue A stained glass window i- behind liie worshin center. It has on if a. pii tore of Christ at prayer lu the Carden of Gethsoimine. HAILED IN ‘LOOK’ MAGAZINE In keeping with the worship ef fecl. file ligiitin:; in-ido is soft and indirect and tin pews of a bright walnut linish. wiiii the floor car peted in a subdued gray . Wheii.tiia chape! was being built. LOOK Tile Farmers Home Demonstra tion bus made more than 70,000 fa’an veal estate loans since pass age of thr Bankhead-Jones Farm Tennant Act of 1!>57, li> .?. !». ILirren ROCK'S MOUNT. N C, - Three, thousand members of the North j Carolina Association of the Ini- ■ a (Wed Protective Order Elks of the World are expected to gather; here Mav 20-25 in their :j|st Annua 1 Convention which promises to lie; a gala affair in In -vine. with Eik tradition. Led by the Reverend Kemp P- Haiti- , State President foi tno past foul years and a native of this city, the Elks will be meeting here as guests of Twin County- Lodge No 257 inet Mizpah Temple of the Daughters. Twin County Lodges home at 320 Goldie.h Si., is h< ad (lUavt-.-is of the convention sessions will be heid in thr- St. James Bap d*j Church and Ihe Community, Center, Elaborate plans are being; made to entertain the guests it is! said -'resident Battle has issued a s-ircJenation to the lodges calling' for full eoo;-'ration in - aviiu; as-' -■< ssmeiiis and representation fees is well as a-artic. aition in the rand pata-fe Thui's.iay of the An-; tivi'.’T Guard D pi. under direction of lira;.; General .1 C. Connelly of Hie local lodge. Significantly. Mr. Battle asked '‘That each BUI and Daughter will conduct him or hcr : self in an exemplary mannei, cv-t: mindful that city wide attention will be focused on us. and our ac tions can enhance or retard tn -if’oriof ,ili of ii. to establish : ELK DOM in its rightful place." GUAM) LODGE OFFICERS TO ATTEND: Expect'd to head tile list ol Grand Lodge officers to attend the convention gwdl be Grand Exalte ; Hu lei ot Flkdom. J. Finley Wil son himself Judy;, W C Hues ton, Commissioner of Education and ; Hobs«n Reynolds, Grand Director j of Civil Liberties arc to be present ; Among those on the stale level v,:ii .be W E. Davis, -eeretary of Kim -ton and officers throughoui the ! state. On the educational side mtedest j will be centered on the oratorical contest on the part of the Junioi j Herd to be field in the Booker : Washington High School at U p.m. ' Wednesday. Memorial services Sun day afternoon open the convention; and the president's annua! message comes noon on Tu- srlay. Dr Jones if Elizabeth. City heads the Health sop; program Tuesday afternoon. Wednesday aitornoon a hotly cou ■ l cited election of officers is ex pected. After Thursday afternoon's ‘parade will eh will include •e\.•;•«:I ij,anos -nd marching and ; drilling units, a baseball gave and 1 military ball will conclude the pro gram. N. C Elks number approxi mately 10,000 it is said Amotif aspirants for the presi-' ilc-ncy aw said to be, Dr I. I'.. j.-ims, ;• Mi. Hah .stem and the in cumbent Battle. J. H. Rawlins has recently . Pc m named .Co-ordinator of the association David Coleman is Ex alted Kuier of Twin County Lodge and Mrs F.t'iie White is Daughter Rule! of Mc.-.p.ih Temple Wrong Guesses UICHMOND— A 7!)-year-oId man (harged with a murder committed 45 years ao. may ot have to stand iriai in the case because of wrung guesses by witnesses in a hntriij; here this week, Willie Winn, the aged man, has been accused of the slay inf of a white farmer in Frank fin {--ijiiyl in lfltJtl Five wit nesses were culled in to IdenU (y Wynn, who was Known as '.lames perry" at the time of the kitting. Four men were posi tive Vtlnn was perry. The other man wasn’t sure. Ali men. however, were wrong, because the nsan they were identifying wa. sneither Winn nor perry. He. was a man who agreed So |»iay the role. Thus. Winn, may be cleared of alt charges and will not be extradictcd is* North Carolina lo fare trial. Read The CAROLINIAN MAGAZINE gave it national recog nition in an article tilled, "Prayer in A-'.erica' - . UTittcii by Dr. Norman Vincent piale, pastor -if the Mar tile Colle giate Church, New York City and editoi of I HE GUIDE POoT-S, who praiad the new Reynolds chapel n oh’; ml term-. B£ Wts€f 9£ SMART! GET THE BEST AHD MOST # FOR YOUR MOHEy • a aAJ + Keeps hair in pla ce mßkw S/h Available ~ LVy /:it >' »•» drug and ; '-h grocery store NONE BETTER AT ANY PRICE! *Wf uutnre r.« »*» * » The New BRITTAINS \ Town X Country 0 White Suede With Tan Calf Trim $10.95 - \\ \ \ ‘ \ \ \ v . \ \ ■ ''‘ r " W Mults-rcd-jff-een-yellow . Multi-pirtk-vio iel fushia all red or fcll green $10.95 2§§p yug # - A, Trailways fares save you enough t» vacation longer or have more fun, l ul 1 * on S cr y° ur nip the more youU ‘ save. Prove it to yourself by compar '«. 'gd tdg the low fares below viftli the cost of driving, Hying or going by LOW FARES * /SHWlli Raleigh to. i-way T Bit Washington, D. C. $ 5.45 • - I Memphis $14.05 K 0&&: Boston 5i4.10 ; : j '- L -M • ■ Macon, Ga. $ 8.20 Asheville S 5.80 y I *'■> Birmingham SIO.BO ’ .TjfTN AF (plus Federal tax) m MSWSStd, Union Bus Station IfTRAILWAYS'J 217 west Morgan strf.f.t DIAL 5536 PAGE THREE