PAGE EIGHT Continued From Page 1 \VAAA Personnel Gores ;M grocery -to t<-s fi in ’•! Neglo |Ml|||||;| linll 1; 55. hi(11 ,\i,Kl lir. i ill lIiIIOI hr I III* white I *•; nil'll Is til Win (nil Klllt’ll. ,I h |II I rt'lll 1 11 IS, 11>■ 1* relit Slil t lull WA\ A . ill nil I > ;i I■; 1 1 i Veil I' l 111 ill!' Ii*1111(1 111 (II I 2li I'l.'illl. has iniiri* nat loii'tl. i iiiinil, .iiiil liii'dl nil viM’t isi'i s wliu 1 1 a vi* i*■ IliU'll I .1 111 ii lll'llll- M'SllllS lllilil tin-' ai * i arc station will sil in uvi-i (an \ fiii dl ii|m*i n l inn Pot Seelliine i ' i na/ y and Willim (■ Mat!!»«“• thf K« pul»lir;in < a/nlid a It? SI,I KS 111 T'l I II l|OrSl\(. The lU*v Ml l.'i ;i\vti'ul, pad‘T us Mount IAII A 1 «*.<*.<* 11 1 \lt.*l.liUifist (.‘hui •ii ‘-..(lit ht wuulti jii's.s fm l>i*l !»•' liOllxlMp an hnpreved »• tJI.• •a - I't'ri'c tlinii iiuuiiv ment , with special Tttenlion to a municipal park hu -r{»« nan** jot; upper! unit lev arid impne ~t < . flat ioi i s if * i»-« t »•<] ;,tf 11 -1 kln' ’ lishd 1 1 ! 1 objwe. ti"« * a* "li'iin- jobs with flu* city on I fit- basis: of inlcllipf fu«* arul no I <‘f i *4U'', tin* »1 aljh>j- nifi 1 1 o f a ii; Offf, more t-diif u’ ioM;|l fa . ilj! n : ; (iv liul u, t; b\ , inch m hool: iiiuii' jobs loi l.iii* mu rii ployed ami * >»-t t< • j l recti*. i n the i cut al dct/ab of South Thir \ Ward Mi ;VJatth* w s eniupaip.idup on an anli*AH< stc/es cnmip.aien lit; at-kt'd all liquor drinkers to stun «ti inkiiir in a itu.’W i" tii n «• b*»ot- U*r';fi c . out of business )!*• urtbai fhr Luiitl* *’Pt*i s to pear m.i! thou V/fiiM'i'V aO'l In-a! hillt E ■ ' U-Cb nr :< t \ll it la v Mayoi MarMiai! Kerbas whose hid sot i electi‘Mi :• unoDJa* <-d oho jp; '-Ii tin- -ioihalli fb< pointed Hi-- paids Not.'if'a ba-*- Made Utu ui! h• • a* diii/ir ' i at l( ui Farmer fined ■fair Mill I*l i.r %S .- t Kith ht" .h.iiir !: (4- it*M , Nct'i'*), *ii imk flint-: - (-.’■,! time. 30 it.o • ttt ■-> **i k fiOUHP ('ll! i: (I G. con. Negro. *ti mk't* lie;:*. $5 ,it:(i costs Willie liiiitnii. Negro ■>"!( ami baiter;. $5 am] rests. Gracie A Jenkins. A' l, n.. (inmkCiiticss. finnlii time ,‘jO davs ;n ’•.■■■ uj klmiii: e h'ddi,- lie Jehnsiin. Nt ’m* (Ii nnkt i lit-s- 'cV< , i.!':i tifiVo. 3d lia " it, V; ol' khu . i j jn! A 'riicitipMin. Ne;;"* tm driver's Jirciise. s2* .nib in i', aji pealt-d, bond S2OO, Pelfy ’] linnit;" nti Nrf^r* 1 . t!*: v 'e:' sion el on; cgistei e(l pistol, $lO .*tiii costs. George Wright. Negro di onkci: lie.-: till' d time S2O and Ce: ts A.. / M PINT 4M M :r«» J f P4/5 QT. hoftFRCKd > .:■*( ttAiN Nit 1 KAL st’lHiTs CON FINE.VIA 1. (.Hvni.l.lNG COK H >1; a 1 ION, Hill ADi-.LFHIA. FhN'iNA. SALE OF REAL ESTATES FOR TAXES < .iiiliiiijn) Hum page ii ni; iiirt.2 E1 .!»« Louis J’urk . Williams, Blanche- I>;?"■ -nn u .'.nuh Williams. Carlyle- H>"2 ivoo.t si reel W illiain, Edward !i >1 •' Slreet. liof Smii'a Street ' Williams Hazi l -1 Nioai'e'n 4 Williams. Henry Heirs :'.os Smith Si rw-| » -< v ■Williams, Hukli Blu'.'f Av.-nu i'i Vi illianis. Jmiies- !•> 1 nti-r Siroel 4 11 v ’’ Wiliams. Join. Tlintiuif Heirs :M South Haywood S'l reel '• 1•? . Williams, .him- Hobs :Mi. li Mitple f " ' Williams, Letlh* 41u Tijcio i Si reet tl.'l William ■ I,ovi■. \! Li,* t'anrior ■■ ■ !v " f i Wiiliam .. M' fit , ooi, Av.s titi—-22 2 E. south »<.* set ............ —4 Sylvester Bnlt’e, N j;tn drunken • s,"i and <■ sis, John W Hnynte N’egio, assnnlt unci buttery, sft and costs Gihx .t Unl.'bii Sanders. Negro, clnuiKemiess, so days on maas James V*iiilionk, Negio. nssimlt .’ini ba(U :>. $3 and costs. I.n'i i' ord, Negro, violatim 1 , .State Km e: t h’li i I „iv. 3d day: on roads ,sum|i.'tided mi j i., .iiiiiit id' ssl) and i iISIS A loses Council, N'gru dnmken lie:;; $i and costs. Daniel Gewry.e. Nci'i'o. passim.'; stun slg.'i. cost'.; no drivers license $25 and eusts, L"e D Johnson, Nt "in. illegal jias'sc. on of nonta spaui wlnskey S * slid rnsts (•: i d 1 .e.ilhei . Negro, dninken it s f, ai cl Ii in: n sti) and e< ists 1 (111, M.'ie 'l’a'iiin, Negro (Il'Ulik enm s; m•: ni i.( I line. !lo days ill e.'nl I, hull'..' (,i o: i'e i. 'l' i anpson N>'; d 1 ns j.iinit and UiMoi $;:o ana ensts. V, 1 i i;;i: '! lie: ** a re Thompson. No gin. im , M iik iij> and I.ocoin :a,5. • i at tails. • ■; ,d Iniillnt id" i* l Sup, run- ( ‘* l l. l i I untlei si;(k) lioiad fMlMness hump ii is: .lon ! ii-ll l: ’ •(! i." t 1 le It ev II 1 ('bee i , a .ha l 1 ii i v‘s -a tv If a !< oi; S' ( A . <-« *)],,] pane! disco; sion. on I iie ta ta I '. Ila n. .sin;: tin- Tiasn on ,1.0 id v.,: lad by lh-be. I 1 * an .1 1 in a*lsa 1 ion a 1 I'ound'i toi Ihe Cil.v Su.i-i a'*- Comd. (.'hatlolte The ai.ilPllg Ip; .lihain Tuesday, eios.'d With tar :ip|Joiiitiaelit ol i*o! ii md i ee' ,iis'lt I * ■ 1 1 clinics aI id •i sura pi n( it a lui S * ' (I ti a ic: , in I tie V.VICA g; n.i.a aim: al 12:3d pin ,*,fte; noon •• ■ i "ii f 1 a' ni a ; a panel discussion. led bv J J. H'd(- di'l. no as* ist i Ilf * 'illtrollel of till * Noi tli ( 'andilia Alolual 1 if* IriSur .oll a Com. :o .*, ! )■*;:.■ ti c theme *,i winch wtf "('bscki’!}' t'p °u Clio • eiVi ‘ Mllll! I I POH I S ( Mlaa ])i !:,ila*S' Was (• polls of ri,i:.:iiiUi-i': ii* nlotions Norn! i,a lmo ’ll ■ s.-ai id *i a nil Sect **l ar S a.,** nt a ! " ill ol av. aids and elec - I loti ■ a "I! a*a * T'm* I! la I Vi-> otficio ate D 1> (;;* i i elt : i*i idiad i*. l! Will .alls all. | !,(■■, . . !.*' .if vie* pi is idelds ... j DcAhazoi Jackson Scire- Uirv; Mrs I, Is Ka.'.Scll-Miirphv i-I 'all! see: eta -y arid I A Daves, treasure: AH are of Char pa; 1 .-1 M.*- Jack ;<•!) from Durham, and V! s. .Ua’phy from W ;cd*.;i-Nal.-n: i'.Wfl.S HI t!> SI'OI 1 I )!bi-i aft* : I loot I ill. Nil ■*.'.' '■ .as re col ts film, flit- asiiita-s businr.' * i, *i, i, be au: . al.ii*,! _ at. id i*a ita* -; and p.rof* ssaira-opK* ja.iucf dis cussion*. n!s*. from tile KcSolntinns Tim- and Idad*. add 1-Sudget und Finance comnitltees T!u* Hesolut ions ComtuiUe*' whose cl*.;:rma/; was Hicba'd 3 Pippin report was adopted. It a.,*, c U a.nks f*i ‘i.i ho !:■ ..lid id,■.'*'*! Wmiil.- William M li Hurl Alley. ? Boundary l‘nrk $ : 0 . S'! reel $ \V«r! !i Dorothy "■I": 8.-.liurd A-veuim ’ ■' mi Worth. H.-lIIV 141'. B .limes Si reel Woi'llialu. .John 'I Hast Avenue " Wrißiil, David 1 L'Ofi K. Harvett St reel f l!., . Vi mn}-. Kd ward 'mi. S WilmhiKjoii * ■’’* Vouiia. 1 .inWin.(l I'U iS. Person t ire's CD :> Ha Hie. I 'la relief 1 4 :1.. bill .-.ireel sll <>■ i ~ie i leu. > a .Mmi if hr; rn Brmieh i v’.r. 1 'oliilis. Lovie !' i I'eildrr Si if I * vl Hmiu I .yd in litrewmid Ali »-f !< • Imu util HniVtlie li:'" Bolt-man i ■ ■ !'’reeimiii. H YOft quarry *' ’ ■'* Ham- Mrs W \ ! I U'l iff • 1 111.!t:-; I 'liat'lit* : I'eMir rew Street, ML’ s. IVIH r: f',v i U reel ’’ 11.-.'VC . Her!ha VO'.! bi al'Ml Si reel * I s " Hln pttid. MafHmw Qm»r* > Si reel 1 1 ■ " -tin, Mr* K W. MM (mdd 1 sue ‘ > White Jflir, !■’-I lot Idler I if, ltd >■ iM,,,,' in', M - 1; Washtnpton Hi« I 4 H Wileon ('»rrie 1,».-in.l» HH B "i-B Joe IJJUi- bark, a*! b "I B Joe f.oiii- Bark. M * B Joe I.ouis Worlds, i.ouis J -1S» 8. East. 2 B 188 South Street - * ' ~ 1/ i lifT Wl JSL ! #*" I " ‘ ,f ” *p - • * I . f f I - ■? ’ %4i »i 1 1 . /, mS IIISI I SS R.M til ill I.NGADI - All .VI Itulli i 1 eardrops I rein VI( !> cm Hrinvii, and \\ i|lis Kiiitoi T.iilv Jackson are po tin ft diselis nig recent signlnf; of contracts to appear as al lists for lie* Pith annual !‘i«* -.1 not Ger man dam a- atraetion to be staj; ;ii at lialeigh s Memorial Audi tor him on .Monday night. Ml* 28 lin* occasion marks tin* first time flic loi im'i Portsmouth, \a , choir sing* i lias appeared in each local i cagin' branch to assist a nubiii director, to issue (halt' l -* ;.l a *• 1 of $5 to caci l lot'll 1 If u s 1 1 1 ** * I tunt. and to ail vo cal, ai**:.* and ij**tler busdness C'.illlin; m lb N. (' coil* ;;< *-. \o 'calional ; .in.' .nu- bn. tc.c; • -,l'hool.'' Tiic ’! ii:..* and Place ColP.tnitti-e II ,an I. ia-.i(l I>y Gliairman A H itivaut ;.l ilot ky Atoutit, inlolniCd 1 ... ■ *;* *■ ■ i*:* \' ' t iia 1 die MidYedt Die ines; ('lnto* p'ill be iti Duiham and Ihe I*,;::, Aunna! NIN.NHI. c* ai* *nt i.iii v d; i■ m Hoi t v Mount Hie pi*.aid and Finance Coin I *.:!*. * ,i A i! * :* 11 < nil, t*ii* *! o. chan m.,11. o.:>*■*! tis.d 10!; local I. -1.. . 11 I'M !)*■ M‘t Up i Pa ' :he ■* ' la.;; up *d a lenl.d .*■ '.** '>!'*’: al;*in d budget, a-iui also ,'i.*(i t le acceptance of ad viiiutiti-e,s iniiTcsled in h* lieny a .* . ',.. ..*; i iit 101 l and 'publicity I I I’d !( V| \SS ,\1! 1.1 IN#; '! is: o d.i t .1 ssioi! at • ij’ht *•'••!'wk d ni-* j.,*. ■ - * public m*. el mg tea • !'< " * 'A N d Ids l'l "f.-ssoi ol I*s oi , a■:. * at Jot ip. soli (’ srnitlv ion*, sit *, ( ha: iotte The progr.un . taped al Nt p.m! l , *P’’sl Chui .d; .ne ' McDowell Street, tentilled ’..!*• Ne;;; *> National Art them l.**| i* Pi. Alt Calvary AM K /.ion Ch*.!t .*!* Chou invocation in H«i d S McCall. Charlotte, '.-maid*.*- I ila * in"- James h 0., ;, .:*, : D D Garrett., both ”1' Charlotte. u H as w* icimr' i ■ I ~*;!, Kelly '-1 Alexandei N AAI i 1** i ’;'*■;-idetd in CharlotU wth niin'ii ii; tii** .Vlt (\dv*uy • ( ".oi: ; : 1 *•!■ K 1»S !t i an*l I 1.1: Wi.ltli:.'i !:'! S:if Afl; . Idi;. I’d /W. Main St.* 01. -11 H WASHINGTON, N. f | } a soil .me! Owen a, I*i j BUDGET TERMS minmjMM '1 13-’! 1 5 I'oycltcviile S; STORES THE. CAROLINIAN North < arolyia s leading dance an na Ihe event will also murk the lit st Pine that Jackson up ears tn the eitv us a hand hauler His last ippearance in N. C. was us featured artist with ( noth' Willianis' orcln sti u Another tirst nil! In* made during the May .' 5 iti.iidion heeause t{.o> iGood Roekin lonit* . Hrowri and hs Alight* Alen ol Music form tile nliier portions ol tin niple :*tt! action card SHAW st’l AKI It ltarcala n Services, w hieh ar* sched uled for Sunday atternoon May 27 at D.'iO o'clock will he held an Shaw I niversPv Campt's. The sermon will he preached by tile Reverend Charles M. Jones. Mini ster. The Presbyterian Church, ( ha;;*! Hill A native id Nash 'ill*. I enr.esscc. tin* Reverend Mi Join s lias studied at Man - ' ;d* * oil* ge ao*i t'oiumida Cui *(■ rs*tv Hr has <(*>«(<■ Semina; * **eifi *i t'nion SeSmniar*. , Rich mold Vp : ■;*».* Ills pastoral'* . v*o*e i*.;s been in \l l ;n : .l unii 's oi tti (a roltna -.,,*, ,u I,i* * i I,;-, tin*;!;", sin ;. * Dill *i ;iic*,l h:i\ in*: any . ,* i,**. ;.*;»: I: ■ (ioi**; 5s •Al, 11 !!,,-*. Wo I < !i*-t ill the ci.l'* • blit t**l tin*, itlsl; ticlnr I>f ip,- - - ii* Me. C- .irpi-i Dylc s t,--aits* *t licit in had i.ji-ci; h i*! by Mi-*. D.i! t. >* ill; tile 1 1 . ~a • .rI, ■ • 1 ' , « I * 1 I l i . _... A—. -•••- J St ’n so lion a l Va /ues ! ’•IH | OUD Snpfi' 2 Door —Like New I f ’ib PONTIAC “<>” 4-Door , Equipped • ' li; EON ji AC -1-Door Sedan, Hy dramatic. R «H, S*at ( nvriß and Wtitle I tier., ! CONN-GOWRU PONTIAC CO. ;>(», I av*M* ville St. Dial T-48S"» f'^' T: a^'J^MEßlT’ r^ HAOr l SPOPAHON?ASSTOVT hi.AOK. ACE StM.INT C‘.s. O') Mercury Sedan Coupo ; '>o i)u(l r ;c Sedan ’l9 1 .incoln Coi mo. Sedan Tml Mercury Sedan Co-lifm 4H P'onl '.’-door Sedan ’ .; i’lvmouth Do. Onijie ’lB E'ord Sedan ' ;> ! j ■ td• S Wilmington Street 815 Fayetteville Street Dial 3••-5404 al 3 3b43 ai.» .■ j» | j»'w»TTT | i--ri m —tr— i-rn - rii—r-^-riTfYiTinmf--nr— —r’l - .'-""--—— TT ~—wa“iii"lli' r ri CAROLINIAN Messenger Injured In Bike Mishap « A WAKE or ntr. NEWS “ v j ROGER I). O KI.I EV ClcvelatiiCs taith ill its Negro .layers maik"il the distance Ne .to*.*:- i;:i\ conic in baseball since Jackie Robinson first buDieil L: m *5 ill" rnaioi* learn* . uinvnl * ,i * ol**; lim* io join tin* Brooklyn lioilgei . in I!U7 Tiiis ve.o at least •i pltiyei.s are .sure l*i stick oi the majors, t ip; 1 1 1 of llit-tn *•**iv ta i:’ i uieil ui tvvi* New York clubs, !h, Giants ofi and Die Dmliiers ij). 'Jin- bln: UP Dodgers: SeL*)tid Bas'inan Hob lu.-oti win* is currently .smacking Da i,all a! a *lls clip 'and last week drew a .harp rebuke from l.i-agiie President Ford Frick sot 'popping oft to umpire;); Eire i, tiler Dun Newei-mbe, ace of the Dodge:; pitching staff, who wmi ,!* *. atnes iaM \ car. l.'ali lie; l*o* Cii'iipmujly best io tip- National D* a: .(*• 1 lie i-augbt al] 14 innim'.s of ' • All Sun ganu-st. Pitcher Dan Bankhead *U-T ) iti !HSO GIANTS; First O.iseman Monte Irvin, who often carries the load of Up- Giants bv batting m the cic.uui s!*it; Thitil Baseman Htiny 1 huntpsoti. who swings a heavy - i.JflfD bat and fields will) aeilitv if not always with arret*; two rookie newcomers. Catcllei Rala -1 Noble and Infield*-; Art WiKmi Time April !)-• INDIANS First Baseman Fa-lei now iiittiug a husk* 423; Outfield er Ay iv Dolly, whose .320 led ad t *.. land hitters last season, made hi;.-* fourth ranking, battel i" tii* Iciiciii: Rook a* Simpson wdu F.sf * • .*; led Die t 'acilie ( oust l .eapil* m runs bated in *lllati). tn to*- 11 base • <4(j:ji and i ap*.**d out 33 h*>m ,-..*. j 5,; the San Diet’d Padres WHITE SOX Outfield* ! (irevt-- tbr.oso. win* was haded I)*' CU-ve laud last week its the >'• ar's biK'.'.eSt baseball shuffle, became Die first Nci-irG to piny on *» nvijor le,*lfi;e team A.- a team mate **t Siir,r,son's last season, Mm*»o !>*l tod .339. hit 20 home runs, and e ctirrentlv hitting 393. BRAVES: Onttieldei Sam Jeth ro,.- .Time Match 20. 1950. I'm- Na tional League's ookle-et -the v* ai ” ;,nd 'leading bus** steal*-; <35 >: Rookie Luis Manpn-s. 25. Pu<‘M" Riem-bom outfielder who hit 311 for Portiand last year, led tie* Pa cine Coast League in stolen base;-' i Hk i Baseball's color line e s'tll ftm' l iv unbroken it: the major leagues' Southernmost cities 1 Washington. ’4B PONTIAC ('(invert iiile, i lytlr:t-i'DHt ic, Kf.din, !!c-ul nr, Sen I ! f; ' pi* I j \\ i ! ii i ‘ \\ ft i l I: ! < *•** ( ) lit OVVllt‘1 1 - i to Sc I i TO NASH SifitcAittfiP- !hicir, ! it < \ c V. , ’49 KAISER j ib it it' I i.t t'l ('d Roh. rl Verson. !nr. | ,’r 19 S. M« I)i*pv»-1 i j DIAL 3-6-1 Hi riiK-iriuiiii. S'. Lt»;hs>, ;md shvoiml t.ii aiiovc Hu* Mason 1S I ON .SIS I f N I WASHINGTON, \IAV • Tin Nil. 'MI /i.r ! T'l VC l Nti'lVl i ti)' pi vtLi lem <>J' ;/ ) hi) j] ic 'clhmi) .'-yslciii which is “conyi tciil w ih h.isu.* Gt'JIIUCI cl ic }1 1 ! JE' Ipi t *l Al.Tl > i.lH'i i duc.ilor said y« k slci da\. Viic.ii -X Chit. li<'ad id tlx* • ’ilt'd that Amu*; i • :.!is don’t IV) : t.i > "io p ! ‘, ,• tfiu jaihlic m A(ipi an opj.HM'tunii v In pi ojj»p;.«»;di/c f'./i demt »c: al u ic‘- tdons and pr.udic« s ' Me ' poke dri p/. i m.n rs the- Nc-.g,. , a ~(.•* ■ lean . t'cit ix, spons-M <:-ii c tii,- «{i» \ ision of social -cr iu.t • <>t Mnv aid lAii.'cr'Aty A Anil ;-chom liov'f malic i «■> ;iai iv-d>i' • -ai .* l->i Charhs fl Tliinnpson, d* Mi «d dn< tj«i ;t.u ijuidiial - scliool said Howcvc: lie added. diH ;i: ;J! r ;’ 1 < Jj j u a»l. 1 1 j»> U of the Nc , :-j HI fjii; ti * 5 i-ducafloi! in Hit' - • 1 11» 10-: ii i ,1U e little l*: ‘ : < 1 ‘ MV BURK i I *0:1 (i ni ;ist *■ t Sod ft net t I‘tllly id* jsijj ij n d - 1 .ovv Ai ilea;’** < *tr. $895 WII.SON UZ/.1.E, INC. Raleigh, N*>rth Cardi i.i AT KIMBRELL’S Dress Up Your Home F or Spring! With A Set Os Slip Covers > . A .. ' i L I ' n ! . f i m ; : 1 M ? • VS It 1 /Y%Crl t \ ' ' .C- Re««D ' .q 95 irfn Q 95 Soia \ | ; M«l«n 1 V- *•**"'• D hh U-^'' y ' U l:‘ -\l* UY * the ‘ \ * ■tfi, \ 1 “So. \ ot uve«s \ . i phi \ ii’s l« r ;r& -—-4* \ t/ **VS h* , T>»*' iff&Tßacfcpfeh t K * ' ’ ? \ r * B% 1 i-rcrfe iixy : - [ • .jftl&Sj) i - : v • | K: ? P %■ , Modw*. «M '->•■■■ v. .:>;✓. .•« . . ~'... «* • —.—— -——r—«-•»• —ag.Tegrmgwi'y; .-. sKaaeaßat»*rradsj».a’ tTMti-sir i'JKa'-ji.■ v»Y..^J..L.j.2WUi. — ..rsrrsr. - WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1051 BALKIGH S; 11 n ■ 11-! T (Hunky l Gibson, Jr., 13 -yeas -old son of Mr. and Mrs S, T. Gibson us 112 Jv Martin St. and mrsmnMt’i nttacli .(l to tin Raleigh offices of THK CAROLINIAN. suffered gainful but not. serious injuries here Wed nesday afternoon when bis bicycle eras led into the i ear of sin auto mobile driven Irjy an unidentified liaison :n the vicinity of the local L idun Bus Terminal tdung Gibson, on a mission for IUI CAROLINIAN, was thrown from Ins bicycle follow ing the iin; uet and sustained superficial bruises, temporary dislocation of a shoulder and was held for observation over night at the local Saint \gn''s Hospital previous to X-ray ex animation IS IK I I. MUSM W” K iini'U a IIIn oli; el l ii;r in tile ar eal id. tin youth war i ashed to ;!.e hns|itt. I ami in linedlately U|ioti tilth: n to eunscuill.-ness, shnver.: hi i . '■; \vlie!n . inr. ir.(crest .11 THK i i at the bedside w hat had hap t i at tli el'i'd: am went had rap pi ned to eiiri a\'inp!at< . he was del i vcrillf’ to: tlie papei ’46 CMEVROI.KT St yjem.'islcr, \l I Lmr !{:• t! i< > ;tml 11 cut**i'. I ! ul 11U ll\fTT< vtrryrfni kWY^saUI - NOW PLAYING A! AN I. A i>f> At ills Fast , . . Nl»«utlmg, I rouble Sbontin-. Beat in AfM-OiNTMEN I wiih DAN<;i.!C - COMING SUNDAY! - j| I OVella YOU N< . Joseph i O 5 I’FN in “HALF ANGEL” ( OMIN<; WEDNESI) A Y ’ - - Tyrone POWER Susan HAYWARD in “RAWHIDE” Not nal.v was the well-liked youngster extremely interested hi his imnicduitc assignment, but also sought to determine whether pro ductiun on tiie current issue of the he w spa pe l would be impeded by his absence He uexi wished to know the pus sibililies of his attending classes at Lucille Hunter School where he li. :i student the following day. ( m n . m I ;f|pp, FOR ALL OCCASIONS c Os i: Ij li 1 c lim* Kit I lowers for ytui to eiloose fit-m f’.Yt ry tlowei r fU *i :J (U u.n wins its !;iac*«? k ‘A-li* l ho: :it .i hop| ; mal l iaYr • i: Uu- sv in pathetie dlloo | sjjio- »* (if .i lii.vl one TURNERS FLORIST lift S Hlmulwci'th Street TEI.KPIU INF. :r-SO!U