SHAW CO-ED RAPED BY WHITE MAN Dr. Jones In 25th Year At Bennett f - * /' NX >< - ~d«gSß«u 1 k yPoiNT&gV fe.^l PfIRPGRnPHsJ^/C, fciWMD/ wV^ '" * * JIM-CROW IN THE CHURCHES TOO \V 11 E N LEADERSHIP tRIES TO EXPLAIN the i*eJLun for racial discrimina tiou and segregation on the basis <d’ race, creed, or coi<>r, t lie y seldom blame I'".’ |M|i!.se!f. f^* K y blame ii on |>» <•• • very of Nt gruei; avaricious a n d lustfulness of the South ern white man; and race hate that prevails s-oley on the basis of Jif ferent *; in pigmentation, *• veil a> a bur hate tYiat is engendered in many cases, when Ne groes outstrip white folk «m the same living standard. V\ H E N NEC HOES BEY NEW IP ).MIT"', new oars, and wear flu* finest of new clothes, they sometimes in anity* as nuiidi hate and pre judice in whiles as they do tot being brown and black. Evm so, the basic ra cial problem is discrim ination and segregation | ' I'm the basis of color. ; i period. Pile basic racial problem is the result of j the un-Christian and I corruptly political eco mimic system of the white man, particularly j the Dixiecrats. the Bd boists. the Ellenders. j the Talma dyes, the | Rankins, the Eastlands. the Johnstons, and the Ii vines —all profession- j a I race-haters .. . and. | faimadge and Bilbo i died of cancer Tal- I Jnadge, cancer of the j stomach, for being so gullible; Bilbo, cancer (if the mouth for being | «•» mouthy. ri! K BASIE SKCEUm i *>l KAt '1:1 1! A I E in the world may be blamed heavi lv to the liv potrisy of out ; churches. You can’t name but a handful of churches, j regardless of their creed, | who will open the doors of i their Hunches willinelv to j any colored persons. There, at .- some exceptions, but, for j the most part, church mink tier- advocate the TpoHcLsi that ev Ist in jim-trrow form i and still preach what they | don’t practice—true Christ ‘ ianifv. Too many preach on; the influence and the sub-’ iect of “Whiskey” and tell their com*negations 1h -y arc ; “full of their subject..” i The p« ea ch e r e*r ’* church leadership that ss too naive and on j heistian . . . to lift the iimc'crofw barriers bound ii"! too mas*- . fiuti.iicn ... 1 rrniv as well be drunk «f alcohol, because, "•'hen thev permit reel’d ha tred t(v control their irhurches, they* r e actio" 1 i k e drunkards wovddl do. Man v mn ere it ari-m j. (Cmstinaed on pag-e g) I‘tvsidont and .VPs. David I) .lone*. wilt* <1 \var> of scrviri- at I. riinett college in (irecnslioio, V t , during th<- coiisiiietieeiiient Mason, ale shown standing on tin- veran da oi‘ the school's nen Student I'niou Building. Jn the quarter of a century, the president and his wife have seen the college grow from an enrollment ol to stn dents to tXa There have heen T.til) graduates and more than N.'i.OdO.OOO have heen added to tlir capital funds of the college, Ur. and Mrs lores are the parents of four children and three grandchildren. —AMU WILL FORM RESEARCH BUREAU !>::\’VK!f COLO. \ research i i.srh: (■!; es'tii’t.fted to cost $20.- itOn a vi ~i a ill be presided bn the Nat iiit-al Association for the Ad vance! ■ .' es f uiic d Peopl- by Orin.'-e HM Mnsns through thi i.uufA «*««••- *1 Grand Masters of I’linte Hail Ma.-ons of America The decision was announced at the close oi i three-cay Conference i Grand Masters representing thirty-nine states in which punce iiaii ijianu i.udc'cs operate. Pfin igaJ ;o-kv: vi as Thurgood Mar shall. sp' via! counsel for the N A. A. C P MALI, RE-ELECTED Amos T. Hall. Grand Master of • >kUih' iita who was reelected as President of the Conference of (Continued on page it; U.N.C. FORCES #OOIO MAKE NOO UNIVERSITY URLKNSIIUKO If the Trus,- ie.' Hoard of the I'niversity of North ('a rollna has its wav Kd ivai'd <> Diggs a prc.tued student .it t and T. College whose appli cation to the University's Medi cal sc! 00l has heen accepted, will In* *he only Negro attending l NC for a long time. The liinnd, in scs.veoi title ‘f itrs<!<ijj took at lion to jits', rent udit it iomi I .Vcj/f or.v ft out r' I; tto ;)! tj I lit' iutii erstt >/. the Uutt'. ii s tilth si fittlh’ ..pi'/ ili ed ■institution of its lei el. vitiHE APPLICATIONS The group was I untied hy tile hoard as the result of receipt of five more ‘ applical ions to PNC from Negroes, a! of whom atu seeking graduate study toward duct ot ate degrees in sociology or i ducal km. North t'aToliua ('olJeg,e offers no such opportunity foi ; tudv WOULD OKKKK I’H D'S Tile t’.NC frusta-es seek io oh lain funds with which to make it pops tide that North Carolina Col lege offer doctorate degrees in all phases of study. This would co.-t the State s7f> . to SHiO,U(!O it year It would mean, that 12 to IS additional faulty (Continued on page gi ***l' ''wlk ««j x£n&S&!& » SHHE&Rffe-. ''aSSrS" MODERATOR'S CLINIC Shown above are mfinbers ot i&c Modeiatar's Clinic who iwet Minister Is Appointed Paroles Adviser MASONS OFFER $20,000 TO N.A.A.C.P. ftMWss —Home - St ate - { TMSS/ EDITION . /Jf 77 ~/7 WEEK ENDINt; SAit'KDAY. .MAY ”(», l*ir»l I c J 1 KAI E!(iII,’NORTH ( AKOLINA THREAT ON JACKIE PROBED Defense Fund Group For Victim * _ w v ... III: 1 I am: 11 Nil (iUOIT FOR N. C. RAPE; VICTIM Shown above in ton photo is the Citi zens Committee of the Ifurling ion Branch N.A A.C.P. which ini tiated the funds for the defense of Miss Mildred W.igstaf f, rape victim <d a wliitt textiie worker. Miss VVagstatf is pictured in the top photo at the extreme left. SHAW U SOPHOMORE IS VICTIM OF ATTACK Bv JAMES E. CHEEK Bl Ivl.lNt i ION, NX C. Tension ran high in this •■■mail industrial town Sunday as over 900 Negro citizens gathered en masse and rallied to the support of Miss Mildred VYajtstalT, victim of rape ;tt the hands of a white ‘textile worker. In a mass meeting stayed in the auditorium of Jordan Sellars .school by the Citizens Committee, the citizens of Burlington contributed over sot)u to Miss WagslaiTs de- 1 elists l lu- rapi.M, Kugt-ne Rts-d, a tex tile worker rid the father of two children icmaiucd out of tail under s3lx)o bond Miss H'agstaff, who i-. a sop homore ut Shaw University and a young woman of unim peachable ehaiacici related the following story to this writer at iici home Sunday. A wording to Mis: Waastuff, she had gone to He«d s home to work in the place <>i hei sister Mrs Mil died Day on the night of March 27, the night oi {lie .sordid episode. •She had put the children to bed. and later retired to bed herself in the same loom with the children She had only been asleep a few minutes v, Men she felt someone nudging her in the back. Upon turning over, she faced Heed who stood above her clad on at Shaw University lasi Wed nesday and Thursday. The Group Also shown in the photo .ire \t torneys C. J. Gates, and ill. E. Johnson of Durham who will represent Miss Waffsfaff. pictured in bottom photo are members of the Burlington Police Depart, merit, Burlington Chief of po lice and Alamance County Sher iff. t Staff Photos by Cheek) ly in shorts Reed then offered hei j., do "to let rne lay down with von.' Miss Wagstatf then told him to get out of the room and "leave me (done h’"ed then told her. "oh yes you will." and as Mis-. Wagstatf i'!leiu|:teC, to escape, he pointed a gtm at her and forced her into ins own bedroom, made her un dress. and there committed the act, while still holding the gun on her. *rici completing the aei. Miss Wagstatf stated that she oiaitageil to get loose, and grab bed her clothes, boarded a city bus. and went to her sister’s home where she reported the incident io in-r sister. Slit- lat er reported it to her mother. (Continued on page 8> is composed of Moderator's in Baptist Associations ail over the Stale. (Staff t'Uoto ijy Cheek| BROOKLYN DODGERS’ STAR THREATENED By LUCIUS JONES (For The CAROLINIAN Newspapers U A LEI Ci 11. N. (’.— (SPECIAL) —History has ropeateti . . . an<! a new Neyrro pionder athlete opposing nath'nal racial discrimination and segregation based on color - been threatened of being killed . . . for advocating ti > recognition of a Christian spirit and influence in profit.- sional sports. First, Joe Louis, just ahead ol the first fight with Max Schmeling, was threatened by Communistic pro pagandists who wrote the Brown Bomber stating that he would be killed if lie did not let Schmeling whip him , . Now,,it’s J’ackie Robinson who has been threatened with being killed by anonymous persons writing letters to Robin son and the Police Chief in Cincinnati, Ohio, where the Brooklyn Dodgers were playing the Cincinnati Reds lax; week. soon as Jackie Robinson 0 .» k> i with the F‘. !lec Chief, h* learned that the Chief aunseff had received a letter which informed him oi the threat being made against the Brooklyn second base man The FBI was notified by Briifikivn Dodgers' officials with iiit Is.iiioua! League ti am foi the series with the Cincicnnati Reds The FBI ‘Federal Bureau of In vestigation) is now probing the fbr* at letters and seeking to ap piehend the ofies who sent the let ters in malicious intent The Po Rev. William R. Crawford Wins In Primary Balloting BY LUCIUS JONES (Editor, The Winston-Salem CAROLINIAN) WINSTON-SALEM, N. C.—(SPEClAL)—Although a comparatively light voting took place here Tuesday. May 22, the winning returns from the Democratic Primary elec tion were dominated by the Negro candidate for the Board >1 Alderman from the South Third Ward. So popular was this aspirant, the Rev. William R. Crawford, that he polled a five-to-one margin over his opponent, Jason Hawkins, also, colored, 897 to 181, the highest majority which any Democrat, white or colored, chalked up. All winning candidates in the May 22 primary will have to com pete against Republican eandi tlf xet J 1/ ift .1 I)> v"i rnu llillninil Cl ) dates seeking the same municipal offices Tuesday, June 5, here. five candidates of n ro TO RUN JUNE S In the May 22 election, the aim was to decide five candidates of eleven asprtants for the Board of Aldermen, The men elected as can didates were the Rev. William R. Crawford. South Third Ward: L L. Wall, West First Ward; Carl N. Chitty of North Salem, H. F. Tuck er of the North Third Ward, and Art-hie Eldridge of South Salem The other candidates ran unoppos ed They wer t - Franis D. Pepper, Wast Seond Ward; Charlie Church of East First Ward and Guy Fulp of East Second Ward. MANY FAILED TO GO TO POLLS Considering that Winston-Salem, almost invariably, elects Democrat ic Aldermen in it* general election, the result- of Tuesday’s primary appears to have weakened the City Manager's standing with the Board of Alderman. - For the past two years, the back ing of a majority of the Board members had "gone to bat” for the City Manager, C. E. Perkins, on eontioversial issues. If the candi dates elected Tuesday as candi dates win in the June 5 voting. City Manager Perkins will only have two known backers--Pepper and Fulp, j CITY MANAGER OPPOSED Charlie Church has been a stern force against Perkins' views lor two years, while H. F- Tucker used the anti-Cit yManager issue as his plaftorm. Archie Elledge and L. L. Wall have yet to make any commit ments relative to their support or non-support of City Manager Per kins Most of the candidates agree that there should be a City Man ager Government that si more 11m {Cufidiatted ca page 4) *ii • Chief p ~‘il ist'd stronger and larger poiiC'e supervision of the re maining B»ooklyn-<’inffnnatj games still to be played COXSISTENT IIITTEit Meanwhile. Jack!, believes those .... nil;. . si-iiil by some unknown malcontents who disagreed with the action in pro testing bad umpiring. Despite the (.charge by Jackie ot the umpires "being out to get me", in- -til! is bitting ,it a higher per cetitage (Continued oil page 8i HONOR WILSON™!*, Itnrrison i 1 tirUe, second frsijf left [ireseiih Medina Trill m achievement pin.,or to Artie Wllwvn. New Vork C.hvnU utility inflrtder »t ceremonies in hi* honor at the Polo Ground* recently. Noble* laiSntve Giwomi.e, evt rente left. Milhiini G. Kmiwii, center mid laaepti Overton witnessed the ceremonies. the newly acquired Giant »tar bid* fair to be one of the mast talked about men in Haeehitll thi* year, by virtue of hi* widely -heralded power at the plate ac .l 5 |©r ttaem aft-eld. The Skrawn wilt converge in the East for their annual convention this year. * t « IN INI) Oi I: F. J. Rogers, long embattled principal of Wil iislon High School, Wilmington, iv is last vvo'k relieved of that post, and named general '-upet visor of Negro Schools for New Hanfivo-r County. An educate m Raleigh before assuming his previous Wilmington pn*t, >lr Rogers is well-known in educa tion '•i'vie- .I-!ffis North Carolina US Congressman Uses “Nigger” During Address W ASHINY ',T< >S — ( AN PI Lonp. Harold D. Cooley, He mociat of North Carolina, said ire owod no apology foi usinjf ti;.- term “nigger’’ in a public address delivered be fore 1,000 Department of Agriculture workers at the Washington Monu me n t Crounds last week. ('ongressman C o o 1 -.* y . chaiiman of the House Agri culture committee was speak lContinued on page 8‘ NEGRO IS PAROLES ADVISER Iv AI -Kit I!!-- t J o v (* r n o r Ken Scott’s third appoint nien! of ;i N «.*>rro to state- K’Vei advisory post was re veah'd last week upon an iiuunremeiit ot Hie Uev. Ken- Heta it. \\ illiams of \\ iiiston -1 Salem to tile State Parol- Advisory Board. Ujjnii being sworn in to this po sition. Res M: williams, Wmstun , Salem > first Negro alderman, joined Dr. Ha' uid Trigs' of the Hoard ot Education. ana W J. Ken, of tin Reel cation Commis sion. a, rtate-l'-vel capacity. Rev ,\R. William* was .-.vviTi in to tlu- Paroles Board oust during thi.' groups periodic meeting litre last K- iv ~i shortly Oetoie the Board ratified the interstate Pa roles Compact through which per onr on paiul and probation are Jiowi'i! to o,\ t utside tin- state and into another jurisdiction Tile Compact further makes it possible lor -fate to extradite a. person violating parole <>: probation with out eoing through extradition foi - mali!i“S. THRU YEAR Ifit it ~! position Rev Mr. W'ii ...iin.v succeeds Air- Walter Craven of Charlotte ana ,s to serve h If term which will expire on .January 12. 1964 I I--' Williams, whose term is a ""•nine: ~| do Winston-Salem Moan: ot Aider,son expires this "a. is pastor ot Wes! r.nd Bap ttst ( htirclt in ids hometown and is profess.,j of religion at YVinston •Salem Teachers College. As a member of tin- paroles Ad ' ise.i v Boar« he toms Dr Clarence ! ’atrick Wake forest College so* ciolii ist and Di .1 A, Gill Eliza beth v il.v physician a, an appoin tive member Paroles Commission <" T C .loin,sou. Attorney Gene ral Harry McMullen, Highway ("haunian Henry Jordan, Gov. Scott and D Ellen Winston of ti... State v 11.1 r Dei 1 •Iti.ettl are ex-*-f:'iv* members of the group ■ •$? • VjSls-. v A. * The Rev Kenneth R. Williams takes his oath a.* a member of ■ trie State* Advisory Parole* I Board. mi

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