SCHOOL HEAD 'MUM' ON BURGLARY RAP NAACP Split Rumors False; Plummer “Reneging ’ 3 YOUTH DROWN - Ho me-State kiillrx. Man’s Head Sawed Off |p: - F ...’Csf mSBm iWPHsMjI wv*. • * sifottli cm /■' 'lot:' SUPJ'ORT To THRUi OWS srss i:xri;eetiisßs It la a tact that in mini;’ of till' Key marking citie of fin- XtjJl'O people are spending. the maj ority in ther payroll money villi while department stor-s otin-i p«rs «*jt white businesses WlliAt. in many’ cases, employ no colored people on their entire staff. Many of dies*- businesses making heavy profits off colored trade, will not even advertise in e„l<»i ed tu w papers. in {host minin' cos--, where R tyioes itic enipiuyetl in ile piXl t iltcli t Sturts, Ours s. onii Lithe. big stoi cs uj 1.0. i it', they tt/c holding me nidi jolts lilit elevator hoy. jiinitui. miti'h iimin, porter, messenger, hut it I, chau/jeur, yen Uimiit. or Some other lim-paying jot). WHY XF;UHOBS’ WILL SPEND trie majority of their money with businesses that won t employ N<- gtoes in dignified jobs and why liiej uo uot spend tuoi« suhstunu ally with the businesses operated by their own people . . is a deep inystei v. It also is <i noticeble fact that Regret businesses, tor the •most port, nerer improve oi i expand They dont do « n ;/ pro motion to amount to anything tangible . m/uI -they Imre u si is (Klin foe advertising in then hometown colored news papers. They shun yh iny to of garraanons litre the A -1 -U P (Slid they hate to :niy then church dues ifiui they don! hen tiny an u'hmu hut white (iailh newspapers irhi h ‘nr the most port, ed a y oYtlu iun-i >tr me a s in a lint non sectinn of the nru simper, u hilt the color ful newspaper* ore hum/tint) m o their cause a in e j 'eni crisis * the nice experiences in the ten se racial watte u of the Deep South. ' u' w yvw NEGROES WAV' - HOC A!. RIGHTS and opijortnniMe.. - "on a F’lver platter - but how can thev attain any racial aolhlaritv pen - if they do all the things ihoueh? igsslc which bold hscV ttm race' The so.c.nVed “Dio *Vimi'* vho owns a h> me and ■* late model (liit'C-toh-lc ... the hardest HP's, v xxnnllu *•/ the rowit. unidti ’ , tie* t ■ y <’ - port a A’s'nr i) ,en*ei pri e He *m n nip py '' j . see '.it noait inn min nines his incite; "ruit ; n*i re' him in ’he pood ynne-n- of thy Vh He I, etc I . h,. TJ' ‘ ‘"S fi'l hi-' T ip'. ■c ' t -y■-> i 1 *ti '" f, i '■ 11 ' r OH dnihi -hat,.,- ■ Ufh sons ■ •’ -1 ■■a)]. V U Tinvi 1 f*r* “ i'll ' ' '■<) Itflt* • y o WHT T p M TT; T> rfJ aL v " M ' PVpr f°M K' '!MgTUrPd-» r vyit'v .'.-ay» fh<» 1 hr. Pn*rr- r\* ifnj k ‘vho f’*'*'' ‘ k ’ ynoTV-'v i>. T)i ’ <stO rt,Si P« f P€d at\ <1 bv rh« «<4fd m^r- T 1 ’>r ri > v> r+ x : nf>t > • •'-n wft ‘' W* *' \ r s>r,--r, y> • -'• r> c rt. /ts pm-nl w* .'<r<7nW ' 3 ' ’ - f /iH /?l .o c/?ri*' f-lpi* i■ * ,p ey TO or*nm Y.s # /» >• #t> * H f ‘ » * t - fV'/jei f dvertin'* in r> f ■>» <>,.•? vj •> t/•o-n /v '% (*Y* !^y T T TTTP RIO i I- err- .-•oc ret nru-jrtr! tP\ ~~ XT. •? •! mr»m rVt pf r trir» *>• Th.-sit ** tvltb rTitprnr-ifioc T\r> {r ‘ t '’ ' r*'A e>t : 1 ‘X o *ro ,«t '"'•'■“per < (Ccictlmsed on page 8) KOIKY MO I'NT MAN t>SOO X AV( T* MKIIHKK Cieorffe W. Mercer, veteran Atlantic, (oast l ine railway fireman, above pur chases tile first SlUlt membership In the Kocky Aiount branch NA ACI*. J. B. llarren, right, mem Watery Grave Claims Two Tots In Pond, Youth, 16 Hy STAFF ( OKKhSPONDJM RAt t'.IGH Watery death this Week lias claimed the. lives ol three youth m North Carolina. Ages of the victims range tiom a through ltl V t:UI'6 At Builmgton Sunday, 16 yearnhi \lelvin lingers, son of Mi. and Mis. Wesley Kogcis was if row icvt when he tell from flic innertube on wliich he had been floating in Sharpe’s Fund- Builington firemen amvefl on the scene a short tin. alter Hop era went under water and began a search fur the tiociy with grap pling hooks. Sheriff C. Hallie Moot t- also assisted with the Bimetal arrangements were n*>t coin.ilete at CAKOHNIAN time. tilt OH UK. SISTER II IE The Hope Mills Sector, some few miles from Fayetteville was the locale of a drowning incident which claimed the life of a 5-year-old giil and her 3-year-old biother Victims were Marv Madgeiei'e IVlcDoUgal, of Hope Mill -and her brother, Floyd, Junior, 3 The chil dren drowned Sunday m Hope Mills Pond No. 2. Plans Made For Annual Negro Citizens Day Fete RALEIGH —A committee of Ne gro citizens, representing a cross section of the states (population, met in Raleigh to make nlans for the annual Negro "Citizens’ Day' program that is to be presented in • connection with the showing of The i Lost Colony at Manteo, Friday July ; '2O, President S. D. Williams, Eliza beth City State Teachers College, ! preetded and outlined plans for this | event. Advertising transportation, 1 and living accommodations were ' discussed by the members present. Speaker Jot the occasion was also i her of the stnt-' NAACI* board, accents the membership while Mrs Harrell, .in official "1 the Korki Mount branch, looks on. Me. Mercer has consistently ad earned his NAACP membership ratilm from $5 through $lO to the par. ills o t the children are Floyd and Mrs. yla i y Elizabeth IvlcDou gkici, it oiifiimefi em pagr 8' Bears Joe Louis. Lz Hilaries, Mrs. FDR IHLt.tIN. S. C. (SPECIAL)- lot Louis, !•.**»rd Charles and l:le iiior itoosevelt were born l« a w tiiuan here last Saturday night, joe. Lizard and Eleanor were u,c names chosen by Mrs Lottie Mae Johnson for the triplets she bore near mid night Mrs. Johnson, wife «f tenant farmer Sandy Johnson, in addi tion to the new arrivals, has mine other children, making the tola! number of "little Johnsons” an even dorm "Joe Louis" Johnson was the first child delivered, and ac cording to the attending physi cian. came into the world with his fist closed. Ezzard and El eanor were born in that order. selected. Those present at the meeting were D -an T E McKinney of Johnson C Smith University, Char lotte N. C ; Dr J, w. Seabrook. of Fayetteville State Teachers Col lege. Fayetteville; Mrs. Ada M. Jar nagin, executive secretary of the ' N. C. Congress of Colored Parents and Teachers Associations Raleigh; E M. Barnes, principal of Darden High School, Wilson- Dean A. F- Manley of N, C College of Dur ham and j, R Larkins, consultant of the N. C. State Board of Public i Welfare, Raleigh. !; At km: 11. NOU 111 fAHOI SNA WKI K ENDING JUNE 30, 195^ VOl.l'jfE XXX present SI do rating. He urges membership in the association lauding its actions which have resulted in elimination of job op portunities and the breakdown of segregation in travel. Pggpk .'rvrb, T plplpll ‘ iP®:-c J -.1 iT-r^ t'iy.-- y V. : ■ L'' * ‘‘t -■ ult 1 s J&tik SwPSl^rafw»^^rKwtßWw)9lN®RNßPPßK r wJBBfNtKffIKoKmC : - .- VICTORY’ FOLLOW-UP IN TRENTON SiX CASE Horace Wilson (right), one of the four defendants acquitted in the fam ed Trenton Sue case, looks on as Odell Clark (left), assistant man ager, and Louis Simon, manager SAW-MILL SITE AS MAN'S HEAD IS SEVERED Worker Is Hurieti Into The Paris Os Razor-Sharp Blade EXCLUSIVE I.OUISBURG A saw-mill Wink er's head was cut completely off his body at the Bumgai'dner Saw Mill at Centerville nut: hero on Tuesday aftei noon Cliaric* Bullock, a 25-year.. old resident of Loiiisburg, Ric. a, wits victim in the freak mis hap which occurred when a board being sawed by (he man caught in saw and threw him into the machine. Hullock, a cuniage rider at the saw mill, was performing his duties when the board caught- ills head was totally severed from his body by the rapidly spinning razor-edged blade. A M'itnrss to the mishap wa: Samuel Harris who is employed a- ~ sa\vy.-r on the machine in volved in the fatality. Bullock is described as a 'fani .l'. man . Employees of the mill however, were unable to clarify tin- denotation Funeral arrangements arc be ing made by a local mortician. of ihe Laundry Workers’ Joint Board, Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, CIO. pre sents check for si.&OO to Arthur B. Spiugatti, president of the National Association for the Ad vancement of Colored People, IgUgfgi Jjßgji ag&jßft* M eray out lit'iil K<lmator J® 5 T - - ; ' '■ Na!>lM*tl \ Kurelai ||Jf ' :.' k > v Noji-{ .nmiuitai .SCHOOL HEAP HOES to JAlL—Charles Alvin Check, prin cipal of a Wake County grammar school, throws his hand over ids face as he is being led from the Raleigh City Court building to tii»- Make County jailhouse las) Alexander Says NAACP Split Rumor Is False; Plummer Denies Role By Staff Writer HAL. HIGH Tiie N-.rui Caro lina Branch of tile National Ass. edition tor the Advancement us Colored People is vigorously deny ing. any rupture in its ranks, and .i Warieiiton fanner, who first gav<- indication that such a rupture ex si.stcd is doing his aii ;o "straigh ten him sell" with N C citizens it was learned here tills week REPORTED NOT MEMBER K'-lty Alexander. preside,.'. <»( the state NAACI' group has assert ed that thei *• has been (•-. contro versy in the NAACP family through the state Alexander for th.: says that J. E. Plummer of Warieiiton. yvhu claims to have withdraw from the NAACP in .-tone, hi; lily publicized in the lain pr.-ss last week, is not a member of the state organization of tile NAACP. did not attend the recent state convention, and '’ac cording to the report” from the Warren County branch NAACI’. is not a member of the Branch in the section of the state that he says he represents. , REFUTING STATEMENTS Plummer, described as a college gi initiate and a successful farmer of Waironion. N (.'. reportedly had been •■stumping'’ Eastern Carolina m an cl fort to secure r efutation of • t-rtaii; statements published in column in the daily press and at tributed to him. Raleigh residents report that Plummer visited the Capital City during the past week and early this week declaring that he (Continued on page 8, this sectioni The check was a contribution to the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund. Inc., for legal work involved in the Trenton case. NAACP Attorneys defend ed Wilson and John MeKensien who was alto acquitted. week fidleing hi- waiver of pre liminary bearing on ehages «t five (mints of first degree bur glary , Raleigh police John Baker escorted the youth tu! educator to the lockup, i Photo Courtesy News A- Observer! -y '”*» PREDICTS EM) TO .lIMCKOW Walter White, executive sec retary of the National Associa tion for the Advancement of Col ored People on Monday predicted before the T*ml annual National convention of the NAACP at At lauta tiie abolition oi segregation throughout the South within (he next decade. YOUTH, 19, IS GRANTED STAY OF EXECUTION (Hi 1.l I'OfS .1 0\7-;.s, EDITOR, THE <\\nm.lSlA S ) WLVSTON-SAI.KAi i KxeiusVe to The ( aroluiiau Newspapers) Hoonicil !<■ die in the gas chamber of Hie Central Prison fur criminal ■rape of the seventeen-year.old daughter of a white radio shop operator and a K'-yunhis High School co cd .1 liIK- la. IbaU, a sc>. mil of ft Use .-miiinitiril ill tin* lath • is radio sho]). according tu evideii ..- Clyde Brown pi v.-at old Win stun Salem youth was .Iramaticallv given a 'wrolioiii' stay of exeutlon Tlittrsdav. June 21 otic day before Brown's scheduled death .Inne 22 The order Was gigneil b\ Feder a! ftisi rict Judge Donald (iillinm !« S'- i him 24 hours inoorc !h” soiled die exeiiiti.oi. ihe .1,11.0! t.-int* .a used |»\ yttv Miwrii \ Price leg:,| eoniic-l for Brown, who tire .seated h plea for a writ of habeas corpus which charges that Brown has been deprived of his liberty without due i>! 0.-i-ss el" law as es tablished by the Legislature of the State '"• Vc •• h '•'<rnlina. A Kir UR:\ fi-jyr, liR.-W’TED Judge Gilliam ordered a new in.. 'l'hmsdav, Julv 4, in Hal e : gh. Tlds inter wiu-n l ion bv Ar to Brie- removed front Oovl , --m 1 W lv >»-i- 55,., n the - ’•■;• of deridini.' vh.-the- Brown -■’.mild A netftion W'lh leru-. ° nidi S'bill a'U res had beet; nr.-.u, ,n,.,,| in t(i,, Governor, ns' Ins ■•'"" )< - --.oe. ••'>!) „ Hu* death sen tone o '■• ’ ;..,,,inlent (110 I*.■*,>~ r-y oiled fUs. T, :n’. id<*-. ft -mmisdoii"'- T. C Johricoii fold him o-i.'tv Thursday 'hat hir s ,*■< .liHf'n.; t,-, flu. I'tnvio-e I.y icon hi 1«* tn let Ihe death noivilfv i-.ned ns t, LYrcsvlh Slnoerine f.oo't e,i-,,siding; indite Dan K. -, fifl <yy>v» t .ar| Ji'FV EXrf T'*tr\\ Of{ .\ RO K M A DF 7’fJji oHlt r»f frVPGUY *«■>■>' iTYC’* Pi’inTj wo •< r-v» tU'i Itortc ttf Host'a OPC-'ll'T <n»N *V,ev- Xggl’O (Continued on page Si By f.JN HOM OHAY RALKJGH A nervous and li'iis< young "ieim-nUi; \ school i I'incijial told the CAROLINIAN Wednesday morning that lie has "no statement to issue to tile press Hoarding capital marges of first decree burgulu’v nnv, being pre pared against him. Charles Alvin Cheek, '22-year old head of a Wake County 3-room scltoolhousc and. accordingi to his superiors in education a "quiet, neat -md well-uumne;ed” person, has been lodged in the Wake Coun ty jail since he \va> apprehended iarly Saturday morning m the home of a white woman one of his alleged bur. ular victims. Following pre jHpipHK gallon of the bur " x ' 'W$Sm g 1 a r v said in conimission a ’ flj|^ t h e time o' EIL cheek's arrest flpgGaf tile youthful ed-|P .ytsLer icator was deem • a. ed by local . .JM . e : t; ~■ i; v to belggpOßSßtfr, 1 --dob HmS: S* ot to ■ ' i.trie.- which bt ScL .; ■ lai V JB'i-X‘.jj AKKI.VM It BY I'OCR Cheek w h iWlffliit'Sßßpi stands six feet and weigiis about < HI.LK 148 pounds, was apprehended by four• ponce oilier rs at 4’ A. M- Oat urday morning in the home of Mis Annie Gosnell at 120 Herring ton Street here WOMAN HAD "lICNCH" He was found crouching in the closet in the woman's bedroom, of ficers relate, aft ei the woman had a "hunch" that the person who al legedly took a purse from tier bed t-arlie; m the night might have made a "return trip to the site oi the previous theft. I.ON'tl INVKSTUiATION Cheek - arrest was the result oi lengthy detective investigation oJ the series of burgularies, it was learned Reportedly on The trail oi the perjietratoi of the thefts, Pa trolmen pearce and Williford early (Continued on page 8> rr HAPPENED IN CAROLINA Doomed Man Freed RALEIGH A 45 year-old Benin County man who was sentenced chamber at Central Prison hers nine years ago to die in the lethal on charges ot murder, left Raleigh this week a ire. man. Gaither Watson 45. was convict ed in the Bertie Superior Court in Ift 4" ot first degree murder. He was sent to await execution. After le gal delays, his sentence was com muted to life imprisonment in 1943 In th4B the sentence was commut ed to a 40-yeat -terrri He was grant ed h parole recently when several persons including the judge whe presided at the trial and eight ju ros decided that the man was nqi •»uilty of first degree murder Appeal Hearing ASHEVILLE The appeal of Mrs Annie Hawkins, a local school teacher, from a sentence of five months' imprisonment on convic tion on charges ot contempt ol court, was slated fro hearing here in the U. S. Court of Appeals Wed nesday Mrs. Hawkins was sentenced by a Federal distreit judge after sb« was seen talking to a juror in 4 case in which she had been a de fense witness. That case, which ended in a mistrial involves n\n* persons charged with conspiracy to defraud the Federal Government of liouor tax money, has been sal for July 23,

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