OFFICIAL WOULD SEIZE WHITE SCHOOL ■■ 10c Per Copy ! NORTH CAROLINA'S LEADING WEEKLY j Worth More V Wl ME XXX Family Fuss Ends In Shooting •"”''-;' • '?>■ ■ ' /•; ■■’ C - '•.*’," -<’■■ ••-•V- f* - .. .*■ ytJjjFJs w ' ' ' 1 Xf-.J. .X^. SgßsßSaMfrN '»'-- rii'.frE'. X Vs*" >•. y.-'* » t * , ■ > *» v . • ly;':.'' ''.Y | Board Offical Would Help In Taking Over White School , tier v iiD£r of tho 2mrd of Education of a North Carolina county has announced that ne plans to do all he can to see that Negro children in the area he re.; resents are given equal education opportunities even if it means having them take over a new modern white consolidated school Pamlico county Board of Education member Fred I*. Hor ton. Jr., who represents (Ho Oriental school district on the " ' Rocky Mount Girl Winner Bv J B. Barren ROCKY MOUNT. N C— . SPE CIAL’ Th*’u 'he efforts of the Ed ucational Department of the local Elks Lodge—-Twin County Lodge Nr 2 1 57 IBPOE of World -a sig ns; honor has romp to the city of Pocky .TvTonnt and the state of North Carolina. The distinction was the winning in- Miss Ethel Marie Ter.;. - , ■■> local high school Show Slated For N. Carolina ! BOA NOK E R APIDS. (ANiP) - The first Negro county show- ever to "re held in North Carolina will be staged ai the Halifax-North h»jy;pt''r, stair (Hounds heiu Aug -22, according to an announcement made by the local Chamber -.if f wninerce. The affair is being sponsor ed by the commerce group Beard says that he believes that Negroes of Pamlico Coun ty device equal school rights Mbff iha< ho is going to help them to get it. Wtit I D j \K> OVER SCHOOL Mr IVha don. in a public state-- Mofit j.ssuod *; i i’-V'iok, said: ■ I -itn coins? to do .vervtiling I car) to .• . ?!,eio ; Nog.roe?) access to 4 ho ie T -• en: ra] high sc)iooi »a •> u. : te . ..o‘i over if it means dint tbev * over onfirely ** The Ho.-i i member, who is ser Vi - of -he So -‘ueastern Region ~il OraU-roCal Contest sponsored by •■be Educational Department of th» Eli-u Grand Lodge. Judge W. C" Ilneston. director. The regional elimination was held in f harleston, S. f ~ last week with participants from The states of Florida, Georgia. Aia> am*. South Caro lina and North Carolina and the Negro Agricultural Workers of Halifax County "t-» encourage interest in cat lie by Negro farmers in this commitnitv with the aim that eventually T 5 percent ot them will include both beef and (fairy cattle in their long time farming program." In addition to cattle raising ex WEEK ENDING JULY 28, 1951 '••<ng h'.s first term of office, noted that the recent awarding of SIOO.- 00a 1 .-•‘•aid developement of Negro: schools in the county was a token■ effort. Despite the new grant which is : to underwrite the co»t of the con struction of a new Negro school' for the Oriental a«ea. Mr Whar *<.n continue? tr fe• -1 that Pa lien's ; Negro citizens ate still being de- ; pi ived of tfteir right to equal ed ucational opportunity under the t runt Inner) on page $ , In winning this contest Miss Ter i'y r>™< t*>? nfk to jrp on to the Elks Grand Ce*rt»st in Buffalo. N V.. it* Aagtist when ♦he national winner will he declared Miss Terry displays exceptional ability in music, being an assist ant organist at the St James Bap tist Church where she is a meuT (eontimiert on page 8i . j hi bits, there will be included In struct ions i f adult farmers, New 'Karni-rs of Ant erica and 4 11 mem b< r.s in the selection of toy* grade animals and feed; and the groom ing and training of animals for shows and sales. Participants in the show will be the Halifax County Training School Weldon; Brawley High t-l-VM, irtrt'M GOOD Hire McCollum and Sylvia Jones enjoy a thirk slice of watermel on a North Carolina College's Annual Field Day Picnic in Doe ham last week. Alice is the daughter of Professor and Mrs, * A McCollum of N. C. C-9 Mathematics Department, and j Sylvia i? the daughter of Mr. and j Alr : -. C A. Jones of the College's History Department. The Water melon Feast was started by the late Dr. James F. Shepard, foun der and first president of the college l v>-' VIC F, PRESIDENT Rev. R. i AV. Cnderwood, the newiv elec ted Vie-- President of Hampton Conference for W. p >! and 52 is pastor of Mount Zion Baptist church of Rocky M mint, N. C. He is Secretary of the Board of Mission of the General Baptist Convention of North Carolina. Also a member of the Execu tive Board of the Lott Carey Convention, and a member of the Foreign Mission Board of the National Baptist Convention. He is held in high esteem by all. School, Scotland Nock; John Arm- 1 strong Chaloner High School, : Roanoke Rapids; Mclver High • School. Littleton; Eastman High School. Enfield and the FHA and Extension Services of Halifax.i the local and county radio and EX GONVICT IS ! NABBED AFTER ! WREAKING HAVOC Attack On Mother Is Charged Against Alan; rc 9 j Gun Battle Staged Special, to the CAROLINIAN OXFORD— A week-long family t ■ between an ex-convict, his , itli#r in-lav whom he is assus •fi if" toing and his father ex ploded into a free-for-all here last week before police succeeded in caponing the wanted man follow ing -i gun fight in which the rape i-~ i sit suspect was wounded Sambo Evans, about 36. a farm er, is recovering from bullet wounds in the back and forehead allegedly inflicted by policemen attempting to arrest the man who has reportedly "made a lot of time on the roads". Fvnns was wound ed Saturday when officers descend ed upon the home of his father, Jess Evans, 50. in Tally-ho town ship to investigate the alleged rape !of F,vans' mother-in-law According to officials, Sam ho Evans, already "on the (continued on page LEXINGTON BOY CHARGED WITH ATTACK ON GIRL Posse and Bloodhounds Alleged Attack Try Hunt Down Youth In BV STAFF WRITER RALEIGH —Even a s the NAACP is pei feeding it?- appeal in a ‘reck less eye-balling" assault on a fe male case in North Carolina and as Communists throughout the world use advantageously propa ganda resulting from the convic tion of a Negro farmer on the charge, a new case of the same , type threatens to com? to fore. At Lexington, N. C.. the populace this week is awaiting action in the case involving a Negro youth who is being j charged with assault on a young white girl. In the ease, the youth is t*l leged to have attempted to I force his attention upon the i girt. She. however, was snecesv (continued on page Si • THIS WEEK . | j IN WASHINGTON j I Transform* I Capital Events g | into > I Hometown I II Significance | I in this newspaper. | y .MBp ' ' | AT THE FEET OP THE OLO - MASTER *«.ln the second world shaft »ri?i? fi«tic upnet in n week. the ‘Old Man’ of ?h*» ring. Jersey Joe Walcott lifted the heavyweight crown from the head of the title holder, Ezzard Charles, whom ha has just lifted off the floor with * vicious .left hook. Refer*© & seti-oixtr crorvd In Pittsburgh. witnessing" its first heavyweight ehompjonship front. the veteran ©louter., father of «?v children, became the oldest man to win t-he tide. tin ashamedly after his death knockout of Charles in the 7th round, Walcott was mobbed hv the record breaking tfwwna. & I NO. 36 City Helps Violate Own Law By Letting Show Flay ' ■ SEE EDITORIAL PAGE FOUR RALEIGH The City of Rsleigh has obviously inadvertently aided in the violation of one of its own ordinances vlr.’r w-t riding com plaints Os tO’iTi’O <'h:/etl- Hgaiiv:-; presentation of i circus -jr a Nc oro comm unit. Rogers Brothers' Cir**: s came to Raleigh Mondnv for a ane-dav land on g- nnndc of roe i icille Hunter School colored) under jurisdiction f the City Board of Education. With doe permi cion from the Education Board, tlm cir 'Speaker At “Lost Colony” Event Blasts Communism MANTEO—Dr. Thomas pong, a nisni during his nddr.-.-'s to a re- North Carolina native and di- cord-breaking Negro Citizens' Day ii rector of the Division of Human- ludionco . he:... Inst Friday night it-ies at Tennessee S’r»te A and I The ( ••mini.nisi h:»v<r don? their Jollege, Nashville frayed Commu- shmv in sp. -adiiig a fantastically WEDS GATE CITY DEN TIST Pictured above is Miss Anna Oieana Atkins daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. .1. Alston Atkins of Winston-Salem, "'ho cus ■'■ is alloved to use the site for os perform •;■ a: es and was granted perfos mance p» r nriiss'on through the offices of the local tax c -ie toi in ,*sjhw. In j f?!« -i‘*rCUS f.f» HXf* fh#» <iff i . Ih* 1•! iifi<if>!l groijj» u, temping *’» l r *T ? * int. i pi'otr*t?on. gr*l*y of aM MIC *l* (hr (’(imfiiifUitn of a rdatnt*- vtolotion, awf In grsPt itiff permission to si*#*:' per formincps, the CHy, itself jkl or* in the violation. Tiff’ I Atv wm Thursday of last week became the bride of l>r George Christo pher Simpkins. .Tr., son of Dr. and Mrs. G. C. Simpkins. Sr., of Greensboro, in Winston-Salem’s St Par.) Methodist Church. r_e ; i-. ••rs ea t res and Shows''., in Chapter 20 of the local Code. 1940, '■'Mon i-a decrees: mit shaH be Issued to aw car '•<vai company and shows of lit o (• h ;;’if i moving C'ictvtre and va odeviHe sliws. muse um - and manageries anr! ether like am>isf mfiif enterprises, r< inf)u< ted for profit under the same genera! management and filling we'>k-end engagements »i in giving week-stand exht (i .infin«ed on p ige Si biased picture of American race i Hiiiions,” he said, 'We must let Soviet Russia know that Paul Robersort did not spook for ]5,0410.900 Ameri can Negroes when it was stat ed that wo would rise spd fight against our country.'’ he, said. His statement brought »■ thunderous applause from an audience of more titan 1.590 persons, evenly divided be tween Negroes and whites. NOTES PROGRESS "I a t i>: look at. some of the aeh - e\. incuts of the American Negro; The pi'ngTr: s of tiie Negro since the days of slavery must be recog nized -is one of the achievements if ihe i,;r in which we live U'-t --su; •. a.i icri by the tralitions so pres i eiou* to most of the peoples of the world *he nc !v emancipated sla ve flung his shackles from him and sought hi.- destiny unafraid; and today he has achieved in areas which others required centuries to explore, "declared Dr. Pcsg. "The progress of adjust ment in this country in tho la. t 175 yea is between Negro and white citizens can truth fully he stated as a non-vio lent movement unparalleled its the history of the whole world, the speaker pointed out sen added, ‘Tr» this changing world Negroes must stop jnsf being- Negroes and he citizen# of the Vnited States first, last and always, working for fee 4 improvement of opr country. We must use o»?r intelligence and will powev to banish se cond rate citizenship from Ne gro life" MA KES COP RECncJN From the great, stage of Water side Theatre Dr. Poa:-; corrected or . impression expressed bv a stM« newspijoer recently that "Neerf ! Citizens Day" at The Dost C-Aer/jv had been pet aside as tlm only dm day Negroes were welcome ot The Lost Colony. ‘-'Negrons are welcome in The Dost Colony aud ience at every performance of the season.he emphasized And many Negroes do attend the shows] each nipht of the season. > (continued ori page S)

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