PAGE EIGHT Continued From Page 1 Ex-Shan Hrad White ulllcets club i.s nut diir tu i»:ai of wntaguir/ing the gin ta, because tit* never attended any so oted affaii given by the «eUeial iol colored people at a colored of ficers el'at) Hi; said tile iiSSerUou that he tailed to acccept an invitation t.n attend the meetings of tlie ROTC presidents r. veal "pool investiga tion 01 deliberate misreptc-sent '- tion’ it. presenting only partial facts ado added ‘I was with til. gt oup in ill of she eelivili s on the first day from the beginning .t 7.00 a. rn. until <4:GO p rn. I aid miss tut cocktail soccer event the first night since 1 had to leave that afternoon to fill an engagement of three months' standing to deliver a com rtfcnctment address that night out of the city.” POOR INVESTIGATION The subtle implication oi prob e.c ie undesirable conduct by Vir ginia .State College students on the basis ot the comment ieported. Dr Daniel; said would not be expected from an investigator open-imnd edly icpomng the facts, This i.e explained, is not to make a rase of a coiofjrft ciiib out to point out the Lack ci critical dilation on the rpart of one who is supposed to be on a mission of objective invesli non "It would appear that Dr Dan iel Li Harris Major Roberts, who ] was toid is head of the Negro Advisory Council, and others of Ihe Virginia State community the Hicks article reported, "ate either wltfingiy or unwitf.r.glv aiding big oted Army officials in defeating the very thing that most of us are clamoring for—integration". H.cks said efforts were mafle to contact Tr, Harris and Di Dank i before leaving the post but It Han is was av.-av to. the week-end And Dr Daniel coma not be ream ed by phone '1 am nor a mem her of. nor have I had any connections with any Negro Advise; - Council ' Di Dan iel sairi. '‘which rosy t e at Fort I ee." Battle Looms iy removed run New Jeisey i-n- Sage.' Attorney Tayloi who then had law ...ffices in aFyettevilh* as well as Raleigh to contest a will in when the iate N Y Wombie father of Robert Wombie left an estate valued at about $•»:. 000 to ?»Irs ivlon'fcie Robert Wombie s stepmother it .a as Wombie > contention that th* will being probated end in favor of the stop-moth er was net valid. This conten tion was given ground when a rccirer at The home of the iate Pfr. Woir.bie declared that toi iowing a separation between ihe dead man arid his wife, the wiii in which she was nam ed heir bad been destroyed m a fit r:t stiver p,. th • deceased MONET In issl'K Convinced that the case had merits. Attorney Tavlor ente-ed irlo * ‘’oned contract with M" Vfomr.le The contract decreed that the lawyer was to h-n-.R 1 • -'•«’*>- C-f ihe erse up to the Cumlieriand County Superior Court for an auretd fee of -'SOO nay able whether the appeal was successful or not . Three monies were paid Attor ney Tavior in keeping with the contract, it was learned, even though r e verdict was ruled in favor of the stepmother by a Cum berland pnry. Negotiations vv/ ■•> then enacted •;0 c.cpeai The Cumberland court verdict *n tv, -tale high tribunal AT>PF*I, COSTS HIGH V>- Wombie ws l dnlv informed cf the high cost of making an an ppiii to the state court the writer learned and requested that Attor ney Tavlor file the appeal notwith starr"-'c Short lv thereafter, it has been determined, .Mr WomHe. jvp*“ilSTef* yitonifv Ttvlm v >*)> ir iiVj hick to handle the expenses of perfecting the ap pe-I KerOiffti chow that Atturnev Tavlor realized expenditures of * t , 4 ■ ■■'. " ' v " kj w ' i W; V "SOUND OFF" - The W*c barbershop quartet of f oil Uix, •V J-. relaxes after their ajipe.or anee in the new ail-service mu sical, “Sound Off” at New York’s JVBC Theatre, Star of the show was “War of the Year,” Cpl Eisie Davis (left;, jj ca* of two Negroes in the unit J &%■ . y ■tp ; :p;L . , -..^v* nearly tli.- entire amount glv i n mn* by Mr. Wamble m pre parin'; the annul for the high er tribunal. Stenographic and similar necessary procvdui cs ion approximately S'luo. In cuiitiaids iu tm- Bar group s aj.vgato Os that .Attorney Tayloi mile I hi act in i-.nod faith, is the tact that lie advised attorneys for Airs Wombie who had won in the Cumberland court action, of the in tention to appeal and prepared necessary legal papers and dis patched them to the counsels for tile Clj position DIDN'T KEEP PROMISE With initial stops taken to per fect tile appeal, liie writer learned, another money problem was forth coming. with Mr. Wombie reveal ing himsi If tillable to further fi nance the litigation With the pros pect that the needed finances would bi forthcoming, Attorney 'faylor it was found continued to Mivpare to present the esse to the Superior Court and even two v.-< eks befnie the ca was .sched uled to be heard advised Mr. Wom bie of the costs involved in dock eting the action. When Mr. Wombie failed to produce the docketing costs. Attorney Taylor—as is the ac cepted ethical procedure —re tused to personally underwrite the cost of the action, thereby having the case dismissed at the request oi Mrs. VVomble's counsel. HOW IT STANDS In summation it is found that in the initial action tin which the will contest cas< was defeated in Curnberladn Supenoi Court! At torney- Taylor is not liable to hi* client for anythin? by virtue of their written contract In the ap ■eai. the attorney, according to other barristers, wa* justified in '• c king amounts fanning upward to SISOO in view of the prohibitive ■'. ■a, of taking iction before the state s highest court Attorney Tay io s guod faith is indicated in that he duly executed Hit first major step m perfecting the appeal ito wit rave counsel to* tin* opposi tion notice and briefs on mode of litigation to be employed in ap j. aD. Docketing, the second ma jor stup. in appeal was made im possible because ot the lack of funds. TAYLOR WILL NOT TALK Even though aware that the above facts aie oi public record and therefore in the public domain. Attorney Taylor Wednesday night remained non-iiiimnital Hi tolii tile reporter; "hi reply to your question as to statement, if any, 1 lijve to make concerning the proceedings now pending a gainst me for disbarment, I have only the following to say; as a member ot the Bar now In good standing, it is my feel ing that the Canons of Ethics of the legal profession pre clude me from entering upon a pub lit discussion of this mat ter while the same is pending before and has not been pass ed upon by the Council of the North Carolina State Bar. pur suant to tlie notice I have re ceived, i shall within a few days file in the Office of the Secretary ot the State Bar an answer to the charges made, to which, I assume you may be given access ” Levels Crop ttie victims of tlie storms which tipped through the sector last weekend and leveled about 50 acre*, of weed. LITTLE INSURANCE A survey of tlie* farmers raf tering losses showed that lit tle if any insurance is car ried on crops At least one farmer, who lost about two and a half acres of tobacco b* had earmaiked for pick ing early this week says that tu.. tn« ’■•'presents his entiie year's work. Th-* hailstorms .which came alternateU ana lasted an ave rage of 15 minutes each, de stroyed leaf in an area more than i mile snuare. ’. :, . '.■■■: £ V#£p ",<* ■M W;,,/- v' . •''MBfe ■ Av ; • < :jSpto V BUSY MAN Tlie Army chap lain is a busy man. Last Sunday the service lie represents cele brated its 17(>th anniversary, when special services. forma tions. arid exhibits were conduc ted at camps, posts and stations throughout the United States and overseas. Typical of tlie many duties performed by the chap lain is expressed in the picture abuse, showing him engaged in the performance of a few of t liesduties. Top left, Father Bernard L Hickey of Uaverlv. Wilt* Fled SHOWERED HiLH LUXURIES Cain claims that life was bliss between himself and his "wife” He was rim.-.L-uitly buying little thing.-, tu;' he; Die suit relates . . Little thirds like Buick Headmas ters which cost $2500 furs dia mond rings. t;.;i coats ami jewelry. DISCOVERS bank book Th.- beginning ot the end was ot. June 15. 1051. the suit states, when Tlie grocer du covered bank took in his wife.- name and boast ing an account of £-1.950. The book., tt.e mar. noted, . on a different bank from the one in which "Mrs" Cam' monies, were supposedly de tained. MIL BECOMES ANGRY, KLEES When questioned about the bank book Cains suit avers, the woman became incensed refused to an swer and moved to New York City where she took u.> anode with a brother. "Mis. Cam ha- refused to dis cuss the matter since. tain’s suit specifically re quests the court here to com pel "Airs." Cain to account for iltr -4. Via and any other sums which "may have been simil aiiy removed and appropriat ed’ Horn his business. fAC Promoted Munich Military Post, largest I nited "states Military Post in the world. Tin- \VA( s< i i;eant class is a ci wiuutev.f : u- Washington Ele mentary and High Schools and of the Wushu,, tun Night School Com mercial Course Since entering the .‘.el vice she has- completed the Unite,i States Aimy Advance Ad mirjiFtrMtioii School witTi an ex cellent rating. Orphanage Greensboro; Di G. D Carnes of Wilmington, Dp J W Seabrook ot Fayetteville and Dr. T. A. Bishop of Rich Square. Kills Self Doth addressed to Mrs Estelle Corde mother or the youth. The note, signed "Nat reportedly was written by Otlliard and contained his protestations of innocence of the charges ton which he was to face trial, The suicide n te was as follows; "Mother. 1 didn’t have anything, to do with those checks and I'm not cohit; to be tried without a lawyer and get some time for 1 hunt do. so I am leaving. Nat He was n caking of two checks totaling s2*l2 ISO A coroner’s inquest was deemed necessary before a final verdict of euicide w.v reached in the e-'se ’ wfl officials, however, corn i n' the inquest a mere formality the inquest ruled the death suicide. Cords*, a w ell known ansi popularly liked youth, had shown n< inclination to Take hi*» life, it was found. Rather he had looked forward t” th« trial with the same view ex presses! n his “suicide note”— that ot t innocent person. Euro ! arrangements were iisdng c iipleteil at CAROt.IV IAN p* stime The youth i« survived hv his mother and half-brol Her, B, BuPauuui | ‘’<>ev«rtUßunt restrains itself about a* zd. veil as a sailor with a pocket- S miles '•'■•ow THE CAROLINIAN N. V. says mass for leathernecks ! uho helped rupture Seoul in ; the present Korean eonfliet. Hot- | torn left; Chaplain (Capt.) HT.- liain 1. Jones, Atlanta, Ga„ is j show n counseling Privates David ( ('. McCall, Cleveland, Miss., and William E. Vickers. Sylvester, S. ( ,gst tsKeap i At) KIDD Ga., Both from the Hist Chemi cal Smoke Company in Ids of tiee at Chapel No. 8. Inset; Chap lain iLt. Col.i Sidney H ( rump lion. Greenville. S {Post Chap lain. 5 pper right; Chaplain “Little Red Rooster” Riff And Shack Make Show KADKIDH A "Little Red ttuos tel'". it "rift’ alid a ‘Vliiviion Shack*' teamed up to hevriii*..' tradennu ka of one of tin-- naDuii - touring attia tions. the Auio.-. Mil burn-Grift iu Brother.- (trehestra- Ala.gie Hay lUractiou i.eduled at the Raleigh Meiiioriul Auditor ium Monday night. The "Little Red Roustei " j;. pop ularly identified with •'Uger Mar gie Day ciianieiisi l ivilii t!i" Or! lin Brothels group Mir- Dav, ■a native oi Norfolk Virginia who Jiad her ups and downs in New York also, galled overnight fan: - with her Dot liocorditig ot the it title and has gone from then- re gain more fame as a lyric* diiin eatoi Jilt "riff' is '■rcilltttl to tin- Ur if lin P.rnthfrs run of the 1 only A rtiro or th ext ms in tin tuition /chilli fi'nluir'. ii iirnthi . cu in hi nut Inn ns ionit director? _ 7 he Griffin? film mit Oil Ti.o Oi Inin- nild hen on pOhO wert hinit-ti im T n i nriies in the ii/ainui- [a '-1 Un t/I/inci sretin brim c e-m bit; V; ■ on th< tearing and oni-a-nh/ht trail. if rth Mpi’iie hay'i "/ it'le Jtf'il fn'iOSti ■ ’ II Sil'-t' h t oil the jUke-boxc-, tin 'i.i’tin Pro titers midi / tool.' t.i fashion o turn- tchi-rh iroaid shon thr in ■stru mental , ... ~r thrii arov.p Thr result nos --f,‘iffin U ith <1 ii ts in’ a in ah' (/Mdf-dodre titii.i :i lin'h , at sii <> hot jak e rtiroriti Strangely enough, the 'riff in the Killin' release w;i,- adapted from a holiness eliurch ehant-aml shout, melodv, .linunie Griffin, u -■eroa.s student of Afi'o-t'uhan inujie and tile effect it has had upon contenipuray rendition team 'd wii Ii his breoher in nenniug ihe turn J tie two recalled lmsde har luoiles i i'um tin day s w hen they jde\ ed 1) a N'orfoß; eh ijre I; d in- Ghcketi House enters the i'-ture alem: wth Amos .Vliihmu Dli: *- ;s shoutee deluxe, wp,, ;. tii'ine ine his big little hack to R.v --i!! a lt*t*iand return en aw t Dav a™' .it with student S iiersonnel at tlie Third Army loop Service Sellout, Lower right- Chaplain iCapt.) Thomas I (J Whitmire, Marion. S. <5. chats ( w itii Jxorean vets. Luverne W. Atkins, left. Perry, Fla., and 1 ielmrtt I). Sanders, right. Fake Alfred, Eta., at the L S. Army Hospital With the exception of tile piioto ill the upper left hand corner all of the pictures repre sent activities ot ( iiapluiiis pres eiillv stationed at Fort Bragg. U S Photo By Moore. W, H. OUARLES QUITS POST 111 SHAW ONIV. RALEIGH Walker H Quarles. Jr. secretary of Shaw University foi Hie past fitieen years, has been ' u-o.niiy appointed as Personnel Dtivctoi and Administrative Assis tant to th..- President at Virginia Sun Coiier, Petersburg Virginia. Mr. Quarles came to Shaw l niversity in IP3U following a period of fifteen years of ser vice with the Independent Or tier of Saint I.Ulye ;»! Kteh inond. Virginia where tie fill ed the position-, ot messenger, < ashler-clerk, and sevretai v to tin secretary treasurer Die late Mrs Maggie 1.. Walker Lillie,.. his c-ueei Shavv, iie ims b> v-e rnu.-.t active in coinmun v. eiiui ..iici ehureti ■ rganiza tiei;' Each yea; lie has St: vett as carnjj .is chainnan of the- Comrnun-; tty Chest March of Dunes. Amer ican Red Cross, and Tubercuiosis Sea! carnr aigu;. and fu has been cited to: outstanding i.etvice a ; a im-mber of the Kinblt in Club ot the Blood wo rib Street Branch of the YMC.v OTHER activities IDs church activities include po sitions as president of the Usher Boa: J. id tin First Baptist Church Raleigh; president of the Ushers; Union ot Raleigh and Vicinity, chairman of Program Cianmittee. a.i. : - memfaei of Educational Com mit tee of tin- In'u idenominational I - hoi.- Association of North Caro-! lina; pr-s-ident of the Baptist Lay men's l.ea.atn of the Generai Bap tist State Convention of North Ca- . folina and eh;, mat. of the fin- Mit-i cutnmilter oi the- General Baptist State Convention of Norm < moiina for several years. -fc-ir.-.- | umiu HI IB ■'Til .11 ■■ n»i iii. _ a I i».i TuiiJti- ■. ttm Representative Dawson Keynotes Press Event DU H HAM. U S Hcpreseatii- Uvi VvillKun L. Dawson iL)ll!.i. one hi i\\ u N'gro Democrats in i tuiyii'Si- m.J .some 'ifij persons at tending the Durham Press (..‘tub* laird Anruiai epage One Awards" , . ■.i.i.u nei't Friday night that nes will “newi in- satisfied with status short of that of any ot.'ter citizen." In. liliiuiis coilg ressuian spoke in the new Hillside High School Auditorium in an ob servance that honored Dr. C. C. 1 spau-dmg, noted business and religious lender; O. Pearson, * chili man of the State Legal ! Redress Committee of tin- N AAt T; and Lt. Ellison Wynn, Durham s Korean war hero who is holder of the Disting uished Service (loss May in' E. .1, Evhii.'. id Durham welcomed tin Illinois legislator to rhe City and introduced him to the state-wide gathering of Tar Heel citizens. Two Durham radio stations, VVD NC and WSSL), transcribed the speech for release later in the evening Negro announcers haj tile broadcasts for each station. Nnrfley Whitted for WDNC and Charles Grimes tor \\ SSB Participants o n Friday night's program inefuded Charles A. Ray, vice president whv presided, and the follow ing the Rev. J. A Cannon, who said invocation; tin- Rev. E. T. Browne, who pronoun- A member of the Alpha Phi A inha Fraternity, he has held offices as president, secretary, chairman ot executive commit” tee. chairman of Program Committee, and auditor of Phi Lambda Chapter. His services to his local chapter merited national attention so that for two y ears he served as tin re cm ding secretary of the Gen eral Convention. D» vote I Scuuter tor eighteen years he has served variously as Scoutmaster advancement chait rnati, organization and extension chairman camporee committee chairman secretary and chairman of Wake Divisional Committee, chairman of Explorer Post No. 52, •vnd vice chairman of the General Divisional Committee of the Oc ci,needier Council. Boy Scouts ol America. He is a recipient of the Silver Beaver Award of the Na tional Council of Bov Scouts of A merio-a S\Y VU( SAW HIT Tilt CAROLINIAN SALE 9’ x 12’ LINOLEUM RUGS ASSORTED PATTERNS SCBB 4Sc • 1 I DOWN DELIVERS j No Carrying Charges Added mm • ywy t .ABWnwn egiawi, •»**&** imwwiiii —j H£ILIG;L£Vin£ . OP RALEIGH*IRC »J Comer Hargett and Wilmington Sts, eed benediction; and the North Carolina College Ghouls un it. r the direction of Samuel VV. Hill. CITED pres. Club President L. L Alls tin resented two special citations to Samuel K. Battle, member of th. Neve Yi rak paroles commission ...m to Congressman Dawson. I. O. Kundorburg. commander of I'ufct 17. ioi the Weaver .Vicl.eaii Post of tin- American Legion pre sented 1-t. Wynn with a gilt from tile citizens of Durham. In ;i forceful speech to the mixed audience of whites and Negroes, Hep Dawson said flatly that set’, i eagtion and racial inequalities ex ist in the United States He said the remedy to many of the- prob lems growing out of the evils of segregation lay in an intelligent us. of the ballot by Negroes While acknowledging the imper fections of American democracy. Rep. Dawson urged the group to participate more actively in '‘poli tic." which lie defined as a sci ence of government next in im portance only to religion, “Quit crying so much about what other people are doing to ns. and let us do something lot out selves' the congressman said. -..—.ra—- nmm - - —— r- —■■ FOR RENT STORE BUILDING 106 E, Hargett St. Near Wilmington Suitable For Any Kind of Retail Business FRESHLY PAINTED—INSIDE AND OUT Key at 223 South Wilmington Street Sensational Values! '4B Pontiac *B’ -4 door Streamliner. Radio and Heater, ’*46 Chevrolet 2-dr Reconditioned Motor. ’39 Pontiac ‘6’ Business L oupe CONN-GOWER PONTIAC CO. SO7 Fayetteville St. Dial 3-4884 «aa««w. -•-o»s..i.wi vr .*»-»«• . •x««nraKM,jr>M -,i. . v'H-.-.a. rj»r - ..J ■ - * WEEK ENDING AUGUST 4, 19 o'! Daw sun iy reminded rt.i ht-aieis tliat iytgioes litte drier .. ~ei.cans aii- .a c. new day; t j o.n now on. we ourselves must assume ih. responsibility for our-' selves an abidi ipj the results of mu own achievements Ine iu nation it nerc the circumstancTs art? set; tl.c battle lines aie diav/nj uiir ob tacU-s and .opponents are known 111. place we attain in thsj final analysis rnrst necessairly de pend upon how well we master, tin circumstances, and how skill fully we planned and executed our strategy. Continuing. the Georgia Lorn of the. House Committee on Executive Ex penditures, said; "Whatever tlf* problem that confronts u» step getting Hud and get sum it. Gj ounded in the kjtuvvv lt di- tlmt America is our country; tin* Stars and Stripes out Hag; the Constitution our guar:.ill, \ of citizenship, let u* r. solve that ue are not going lo ict anybody troui Die In stil. in from (lie outside destroy them ur the ideals for which they stand We are here to star and \. e shall never bt' satisfied with status short «t that of any other citizen."