PAGE TWO This Week In Washington *pHE WEEK iii Wmshington has been *. me mo i a bit out. sel dom if ever equalled id the ait ■ rutls of congress With the .lowci hOUSCi OUT ol «ii COUtj'Oi it* leaders ana clearly mick-i control of lobbyists Iron, the jpecial In ttreili. Chief among these are the cattlemen s association the me;n institute, the National Association ot Manufacturers and tin :i,it.ion<n : association of reai estate bf.mvls As the amendment ridden controls act left the house and went to a conterene, eoinmit* see, ft wi« a meaningless Uodse podge. otia amendment conflict tug with auother and -.< uothlbr nullifying that one and so on It contained amendments which Michael Ui Salle, piT<» hoes, and trie Johnston, > ostroi* ad ministrator. said would add t*tl , Iron* of dollars to li\ltt£ coup; , of consumers White the house was iv. session, a? a committee of the vrh..„e lobbyist: Stood outside the door.' in the ’ Vidors, sending unwiulmcnt .after amendment in to Ihc-ir fr.-ndi o’’ the floor The lobbyists fee !h c»t Hem*:: s association u-.-r* corvinJc uou» in their ten-i> a '.ion hr*'? v; outstanding thM they finally •••*• moved tl.e*n But many won fh*;*- cattlemens boots and thee*, thev kept on. Administration leader# we.’ e hopeful that Die conference. would Corny out of -es'i.e «Ti= > v: iibie bill but the make-up of ihr ccniitutiee itself ir*dic*tlttl ~’n- tn* controls nci. hmveve* workable, [ would be a much uaicj-cd down n* j tide from the defers*- production act ttf 1990 * * » . In tiir meantime, tse Katinnal Orange, through its mas'.ey. Hcis thej Y) Vewnorr of Indians. has gone on record a? fxwirti’ig **’T? * jdent Truttun's |to-nilllon dollar { tax plan which «t» of now th- sen- ! ale committee he: HoHed down to) about SV.2UO OttuOOtl 'NV’.vsc told j : r tfce committee the U* boos? is ju?*.t < lied to pot the defense jnfu. -i on [ a pay-as-tve go basin soui s-ipportr.; 5 the treasury's appeal for s four' percentage poin; hike in each try i hi & cket. j #• * * The senate liar paired Die inter- | jor department appropriation Nil! J MAYOR McGUP - By John Jarvis | * mr.sdjtf as. soon as the | W rueßt'S sapau made M WL ’> 'm rupees reach a 4 { SBC s ectN <n lvbky . ffgr. ~JBf DECISION, MAYOR 1 I CONTEST for t? years , ok M«GOP Witt CROWN } ] m /*£ we beautyQucgw. i§ - '“V" • X frn :w:.l! /’ f< ’lf vYmv po yow xeep WT/'M PLAYING me'A *“»■<* .**<««/J YV 1 ; ■ ", ".. . " . . _ i jT LAFF" OF THE WEE K :I ! I ViX- j \ e Vi 1 ! &W m s ?#4 l j • I "Urtcte-iflbart —Freddie Itere, dsesn’t believe yot» con pioy j chopsttcki with your nose!" It you’re off to a drive-in movie, v. iffi - 'hanrikerchief is ?> j oar sub dfm't forget to wash your wind- stit.ite tor « soapy cloth wbeti it . shh'la; §ome* forget until corne. to shining the windshield-, too Isle that you can't see well Take cure of that chore cefcie you through grimy glass, a quick swat* .go; _ after restoring us ttie iui.Js slasliec fron. uir 'ey tfca bouse The s»eiu-ite oil! ciirried 4513 • 000,000 wl;e:e the bouse hao aliovved ii4!ht,ooo,i)O®. « • * Ames. Mir- propose-d -.ts *> supple men! to Ihc JCetn • idtr ugged onto jn appropriation bill ha been un anm'it.usly Mp|»'ovc-d by v the sertuie foreign affairs coiiucuil** which dc nics n.ilinvy end economic Old to coutiuics set.ding :va> material to JUiseia ov -IMS' of he: sateiiiUts The Kom fino ■ genr> ••!<• would have rioni."', «iiv trade with a. Kussla «alei!! r t: or it.-, fu,,.. ! Union itself. « fc * T’t * 1 *: am! currency COn.'eV ■'V ite'-.i ;fcj v- lthotjt j rF , '*<‘ r Tij'nf , r\#istM.r. h *j»«*astir«» U) {thoUsh the R**ro]'#itnir*Hon Flnanoe , Cor;»* *T*hc r i/id -. ii < <»n DpahieSt thC t)}£ IfnrTirtj: ftyt'riry. blit S»id ; the cnmmXih h 6 f .• reach aiiy Th‘ c jriK'Oit??. hk?*- 1 tj, v/s‘i !**r o r < ?cUou or | »i* q t» » Indiestiom arc- "b& r - ?*. J so nivirierf o>> w l, o‘ actior lake, t*v»t <•. Yytgv bfc y « r Hon i<' ;)1] i*) a ’ J'iitf. }r-f .He Mn<;| qT! r.igre^ th Stf!♦» r* a b pf>sl *; r r jj* c 5 hOUi db* inc? f ?t tc b** a »b<*»ii 50 or. passng*? of n Tno opnsli btb * ijc! i # T=n ijrtey.r* r>f .t/m*' ij <v»(' t, ; . /Mt'r MH , •• r *' !"•'• :• in cit*o of k 'uv at f ih 4 : -'vvmu ; ; y I : I’hr third vc-kz. !** ’ i I S«i:r»f*ry of CorTtvc-rrc ChaC'cr ' * Sswyex cc .. —•! ,i—ry from S*-i6t6i- ilo-rire (H Or. ll.» OOCfttOJ* r< etfvies 21. g"V*m’T'f?Ht i-y opposition to any ffovorr.n'u-r.'t commlssioo **♦ up for this pur I jv-c*. 't iy -I_r- ->r .- rs ly.t;hr; ! believe that I'a. sedition of ev» ■ y . preruerr i T - <ei ii- the ;c r san.zanor of *f>otbef ainha!-*«-t*- ! | .-.s' agency," fiy■.u; v :ewj &i | - 3 - * f It »« c:**e - thai th.- eOitriyl j sUrif!? • <!s of-. nuLiic ottitlat vnll : b*. determined «>t jmstrttj h> bi j cv.'t bis't&cti to eh to .• nrt propel Ts £st 3 not k/tO vV |:: ** imprdprr to: irur to a j wfft, «w* fjofiinp; Oi r.*pi.‘»* 3 | ctinutvfesioii 'A il! co '.* 4‘f.c OPINIONS-- FEATURES ! ’ ‘ ‘ " “ i. Which spice yu*«*Kth liibcrnatinn, (Hi Pepi K-r. (b) Clu«* moo, (ci Cloves? f. term '‘l>rans‘' rnatiods ot»e *1 which fljur* In itconk t-try: ia) |‘rnlagon, (hi Triangle, (t, Oot**«.»: J. Which of these records w» consulted to find out when » ! trial will occur: (al Mono. (h| Itoulcet, foi Minutes? 4 Which of tliese can be linked with the word "timbre”; (ai .Scalpel, (hi Cleaver, lei H»ton* 5 Which of these words means n i«*»»„t ox amootiri j tcotutd”: (» Knpltony, ibl Kuphuiotn, <r) Euthanasia? tANSWUKfI V uussn l»>—T ~ # , »si|->so m)—* « ‘ S»"M*ir»s »»w>« ,ki-«.^. ' b»w»b«io 11|V—1 , * rSwim , _.. . ht* OV V THE HULLABALOO 9 «r tffii nYil-t. At thi- moment this is being v ii!>. it (ipponr, that the ;>;ii :l ce v u has’ini; its ovvtt o. as as re /■(<•! c Spall. II mil fc e 100 trite Thai tvili il< u< .ui iipor whether nr -'lot R” -.ta wil: altnw the. must ixiipoi tat,i '.'trategi.; position 1«, slip through her hand' She has With, oul ques’ion ben basing much of her strategy noon - "p-t.. ; -. weak thfii si,.'; loiiln 'akc ii w’li. air hnrnc <xoopH • Up to now Ihr Kii-mlm Vu,; imlled C r inn: . n-u eye; of th< .1* ,j, .-. ;,' i !■■■ Kim livp.■: !:.rd i-.r-\t r ici.t. ’r■ -■ - i-:- r.f i" who;., mi. c • liy is Vw»- t.n.-t .... ,ioj, 1 1 v i fa lleti foi v'.r "luMor dodfo ' ruiti-Spanlsij y:. c.rngar.dt, Our fidruiulstration I jlsi' . . ... . sic ,;liy op) ostti t.!<e in C?lt£iOß of Spailt ill the tt-eslciii defer-., s' t;.,p, (bough tpat neiy s.'.ity vj...* »o any haul child ■iitv., heft - tlJflierj £*.C p‘ filthy Million:, ol Arofth «tr *?•♦»* It*. ?v, ,nod try ?ht T.i n propaganda paat tb*y aiiicexalv fe-Ueveo it nv.r. lift' di CCi'.'i tc .',»•>*' -i.tri heij. Yug« j a". - ' "■ Kin to dc the ratne ! for the i - O', soil n.-e’T tenie/at Uif tltwtilifl of (s.lll'M! fuiftcn'f gev " Mcr'iets c.‘ organizations ' j like A*- - ' - '• "ot Demoeratic Ac tao. r,;,(' < -■ ;lu et gotoonU: of Brit- I # n r J" ranee’s ; <aci.;!tst.« £ Op i wcoph win; suspected the | < c,t ; ~ii Sparusix intrigues, ; i ■■■ V ;ir, nhyf'li Ito 1 I CVoV.lfk’TS IO . . Sj'oiri |i(,: • , i’’ r.,(s:i>i TJcc rule • inert, :.■-- •. , . ) , ;. ! ,s ll - , victajgb ti i .-rasp th< tucsamrip nf such o a at»s- ' ; itopb* to a ilfixstioT' ?c’vtc<jleA • raiiitijy and ecorowte ayeuttancF. The Ehttisit t» ar*d »hct Spanish a ssißtance migM curtail thc.t nwh T.-e «*cnf'.. ie-*Tc«i see would io». sake 'or f'u. and Rhuw K>t the Pjlyt.rr-s VC, doi.P; if tl.eir rr.iui.? i obiectioos wen mttreh imerr! The TK?*+ cpi-i.r ofcr»ctfo'. r.f »H was io ’P. effect th- ;it give C '.l-Jl.rar :.r d A f.Tri.p ti r.-flt h sops-. M o,ti(' fru prop »**nrie Now if-. ~ivf to xavriftte our soldiers to wcslrvr. TCufofve, and leave x** pconi* wide open W i-onyucst is order to Patveiit a iu* sal flittp hatUt. - frorr -hontuig u ii thpt? fores —m- had holla * IX.’,.lax SiUaiin over here now arid .«»aid any further fuss. «■> St.'.bs *t Sfalie ttFIAMTSCf napplly. Uelolcs 'v-:k n ' .to Stalin's study one day dt'.c <1« < 'siffl, "There • no doubt 9«f it. A firm- «u.d live were both j Rijss'ar* Now we car, claim the it vfniior of mankind ttlc-ng with ; the invention c? radio television, ’■ f airplane sr-(3 everything rise, rep’l ihar tyt.ttdcrfl:lf# Always eautitauy Siaiin inquired, ; "Are vou sure of trial? You know ‘he Voiee of An-erica li.ry nothing >»orf than tr, oar hi* -y: - Wf ! ’ tit r«*&Uy iTArV. fSat fW* lap.*’ 1 ; '•’Nrithluj? to H.*■* Mftlofr.v’s ci.»nfvlrnt "iusi think ; it for * # rr»rtmerit. Art»m arid h'vto i h*tr? nr rloth>r>ff r<n>r thf-it fUtk^-di’ir-'A hii<s no roof o v«*-r . iv vi«x Th«\y hveii apples* VfT tViry they h' ed ir> Para-* , iisf-. • M-.e they tMsi * » * I?Ar hnmr of th* *md*Ufhl fniltit -s’s»r.f. ‘is 1, ? ? 4pArt*n*»i >e fs f .t 1 /*f i-/ juaj.t.-. fiegatj* '■<pMg heeriiy on c«-*rv ap»r)n:**i) i - -f.r he frightened, Cum wlet he shouted loudly ay Ae t,ext ”I, only » fire,''’ » * • AN ASTONISHED B O DDES fuacd held up a horde of rabbit? fast were reeking te crash tb* 10-vict border into Poland He asked It.j document? "We are g<> **R ” *t*W the rabbit leader, “on ■ fa, P. ft. oryief “ “What order?’* • , '"l'hr (i. P. U has Ju»t ordered j '*** “'lf* l of every camel found in i»* Soviei Union , "*BuE you are not capsels *'* ; “Y es, bul iuet try t*» that Ut ! the C. P. U” * * * Tht-ct Soviet ilUirtiy wl.e >i*4 susn rUw nurviveti the pur sen ; ver. a-oivafia? ing notes in a lor-eji Ja hoi t-amp “I am here,." «aid tije tsmt "slnoe ms, f«. f owning Kwrl .R«isek a t-cuater - eevojhtttA&- »ry.” “And wrU the tstnitmA. “since TYS7. for aaijing iK»t 1?.»* dek vat* not a rraaicr-rryalß. tUm» ry. ** “And I," sc.-7 d tire tfeinl, “orat Karl Rtrdek.** 11 you don’t like to wait tor j months while new Unvn dish toatv ‘ • i.. become s*>ft ami lent less, before you evt-r put then. Into use try tossini them into the washing tm , china- each time you do a batch r»t white clothes. Repeated* waehings in l:ot soapsudi \v,fl hasten the j “breaking" su“ process. iri£ CAjcOLIN IAjN OeSEHMW lr\in« ii§: ' p Boone jfa \os T.'.Vr. lot I 'ON.SI I/AT t;!-: 1. THE hAI’ 1' ! i uui tin: l.iariM.oii I;. r.i-.,- 1 j ... »),, ; "U.uil.limy r tiiusi vaoitn,. m..;|i| U . ..' ''•! uu oi'ftiiiil/ii' ion ordain, u i 1 Oval i.o f-iijut j ■- at. , i * iml a!,' ofli.'-i ia. last. in ii i, a-.-r --; ii,. Mi11'.,,;. t!,, Wf'iial'. ,'’ * * ’ T - i» th«. bem t nleut ai,-man | U-Im .fit UluUiil.OllS t* J ia* a: 1 1 : . -ui iiHi; liu ’i ha-;.'iuiiiinr-, a,- ,■ | • h.iL. unlike other i siiuitions. I ,1c t ill'a:>n,u; I'huivil :■> )•( i ,-,-s II,) ( »uppf»n from jiuhii.: r'uiuis . , | 1,111 . out hum tia'j.a-Hal a)1, ;r *jl-. m, J 'cii’s troiu it» melon, ts an i i 1 1 i' ~,K i '"hut e' C,n r! ill- jo t li, * R ‘ill ,1 • N l>* ■' ts t ■>., 11) j o git. Ilheritllj iv.xular!/ on.; j kindly th. 1.0 r,! i.a } ,V., ;, . i lUili 1 J.. 1 " ih.raf* ; tin)'- j'hr- i-.-is; on •'ntiii'i'i;. i ~,i '.' .I.r IMtllV linm-fSH! I'iir i iti't.uallv spoivi iiuir, i>a jtf. ((.•■ . ' ha:, (hoy no no th*. i 11 .; 1 n; : , . . of th, ofiiu.-h? I’ha: oil.'> ai- .'Ui.-e i . cnti .’inir: 'i “it Huudiit it >■ ■ih a: aclc • itjf*. ' The. f ditrlni' • ~,u. •,.! of i-., i. . r s..;T'.i. m f)i<- -1 . i in‘ . i? 1 - if th < iirist iai. .•!i ur, . hrn/iii'. is \ olu j -'1: fun; mo >'.>•• in, ; I"- ’ ti’.'.t of Mclc/11-Ss, It IS you- rtiuivl: is - i -'ariiip v.-. . .is ~,• i-oimoi:-,(ion ion! --I /. nci.h iliUc. ii, ft.,,- Silfi ,-lO.t* I*' (1,.;,. '■ - '.OUT .'hlirci, ... i|i -;;. !, word-' o i-o’i if, ot n tin iK'.-svii ;• i n that I - ri,.ri’i- th- iiutii solemn rami yaiui cii.irHi 11 .-*t folio',v --" ■'•• '•• ••'•'IV final : ■■ t in:: fthnv -aln! , fllVUi ■■ r IfonV.'lVs t.OTI-ll’etoi’i 1.'.0" iii! tha: rein:,ln.- mortal» ;tini ' tii'i von -ho,,]ii : -m l , i iisM.-r ih r. an i'Olifie tln-n, in toii ,- ft, •* t o' hoa.rf.- ‘ St Stsfivtf HKJJ*> Sf> rONUITIOV FI’ItNITI ;UL Mm-» .'ii: s.,Miatv.'o; k to sJl.'uu; o :, 1 io'. 1 . a;; 1, i.), c, ~tm- to: ;...;. .• oifti furnilma . oi.lo \ -eiir,; iHfHKtoi-.'illy for ti;. Ot uiaiistiiie-coudi! oiiin;.' a-" well j-. so - cleanliness. Wo- v.- , • uiUiet-s fir.-f with a sponge or s, .’ll ci'.tt': '.. riiiip. out ~1 v. :ii'rti .->•!. -iids ne\t v. if:. ;i clean di.ivu: i-loti;. tvifn airy ana lae-f: iat),|> >• I ot oa.iish Aiwi.ys work i , tin cii oi-iK'i, ot *h>- brain o< th. wood Dtiiiiio iai ;• napkins ..•>>; • it I ~'lm- n!;c ii -iiedfs ColorfaM tiny ■. , 1 .Lilt ,J, n ; 1! -C 'V.: ! ■ | ■ ' ••; Ts;;.* .! i;>< ; " OPENING THE DOOR . - OuR DEMOCRACY-l-—b> u*7] SiS * WHAT FREEDOM BRINGS 7* ! . mA IlfF- fdtEDOM.AS Wf HAVE COME TO *&--/&■ JfX, StyViaOi rift ft. .i ~1,, -KNOW IT IN AWiEIAICA, WRINGS T*""^ INOEPENUENCE OP MIND AND '.neJygß - —SPIRIT,SECURITY TTSOM OPPRESSION, - TH£ OPPOK.TUNI r y TOUVL WHEKk wi: CHOOSE AND WORK MERE we will. MATEAIALCV, FRCEPOM BRINGS GREATER. RE WANDS FOk iNPIVIOOAt. ENPEAVOK. THAIM ANy REGIMENT ED >ys ft M HAS Uv'Ett BEEN Afol t TO j PROVIDE , THIS MEANS ti/jKEI s LIVING £ lANOAKUL hOR AU OF 0&. I 5 AND rp.CEDOM BRINGS WITH IT THE OBLIGATION T& MAINTAIN OOP- DEMOCRACY ASA. PCrtCf I Ok SPIRITUAL ACHIEVEMENT Ar.p iViATETCJAU ACCOMPUSHMEfif i i...... - ■ , ■ -- , .-,, ...... - , »*■** —.lift,into—-«<wr- l »ut».,ww.« in ©AmCarmigie I * hiway% Darkest just Before Da*n j[' 1« to I, <it ?ijF' stait **t the eh -p’vs.sioii. living T. o;.‘iKf>.sfi \Vo.. was ‘I t. on of smali bank at .si mom i M t .. Oik- bank at Steven* Point had cio.-wd. The Arnott • Hank had «.Tos“u. and it was rumored aboiu that the Nelsonvtile bank would be next. 1 it*- lotial day came; they had a tun That night ?'V »*!# v-'u-'R t enough money in the vault* to cash .jff*," • 41 f clock it* living looked the door and ' TKA pulled ihe shade, la tv a* thinking about what . i v.a* j-io.up tr. happen l«. hi- wife hi- litHe git 1 < -ML?'. 'A|H| I tiu.-n five ohi ai.q another iiiric bundle : Hi- walked hack into the directors' room, jHBI Hosed the door and sat down »nd bawled hk* a baht, Imagine a man. .ii years Caroegi# 1> S (!. doing that,' he says, but he did. He »Imi did s<»ii!<‘ heavy thinking and he prayed that some how iris little iamily would be taken care of. Though be could see no prospects «>| getting another job, he prayed that his familt would be spared the humiliation ol living on relief. Suddenly he recalled a plaque that Siis mother had hanging on the living room wail hack on the farm: ’'< unto Me all ye who labor and are heavy laden a rid 1 will give you rest." Tie hadn't thought much of that plaque as a little boy back home 'an the farm, hut he rente mitered ti now. It gave bins toe comfort that he needed for the time being. ta'.'Xl morning, he drove with the president of the bank !• Madison to tu> n tin- assets over to the banking commissioner. ,-.!0.r t-nt» conference between the president ol the bank tnto inc eommis?ionei. be is as called in. The commissioner asked. f,,,u would you like to go • back into the bank and help u* liquidate it. YVY will give you ... raise ol $5,00 pet month arid ks,f T - vou th, ' rf A miracle had hapepned. His praver had beet, answered _ * «9 k * uni fhai dav on, he says he has never worried too much rbei.u anything, always keeping in mind that "It is ulway* darkest just before dawn. '.rtvirKiii.V ’ : woirm 'f u ,T<'Lu ! i MH. SU LTON piled the grocei'ica I i oi> the counlei while the pre* ; ; t» young thing with bright red tip | stick punched the keys and made the register whir. Presently she i tore off the tape and said “That's I nine dollars and ninety-five cents "' i Mr Suttoei handed her a leg doi ! lai bill unit she gave him a nickel in change That was the beginning When he took the coin and pressed it between his fingets. tie lealUed for the first time how low ; iis value had sunk. H irked him, pricked his good nature. What good , war itV What could he actually buy with it? Curiously his mind tr aveled j through the market again, up tile ; aisles and down scutching tor a . nickel item. And strange but true j there was noting that he could re-] member Trie crux of the quandary j came suddenly. He flipped the coin > i .disgustedly to the floot. The cash- | ;t«i began to get shifty-eyed ! j “What s Uie matter?' she s.-hed i ( : “It sno good, tit told hei "You didn't have to tluow it away. I'd give you * different , one ” "It wouldn’t make any diffci 1 triive ” Mr. Sutton replied, “hione I .of theni are any good ‘ j Out of Uie side of his eye he de- S teeted the urui gaunt shadow of the | (manager. I “Mi, lories.' the girl whimpered i (i«r tiie shadow “this gentleman .doesn't like our rackets ’ Mj Jones squashed his chin ovei his colloi and carted his mouth up ,*jid chuckied like » salesman | caught us an outrageous claim ! | “But my dear we aren't setting J picisels he. sain and fuffaweo at j •his humor, . But. Mr Ione».“ she lusiatecl, ' '‘lie threw ii on the flooi ‘lt was 'no good Mi Sutton tn- i plained. • ‘y “No good * ‘ it w\m ; buy one soittai* article iii the store Mi. Sutton pointed our. % At, tiie manager cockled with delight “but put another one with u snd you can “ “Bui i oai.i. had out nickel." Ml t Sutton m. id. "Then put ii with a dollar, my friend.“ “1 don’t want to spend another doila, Ive already spent nine it's the nickel that's no good j A profound expression came over | the manager's face The cashier looked at the little essiipoi tmem full of nickels m the j register drawer, “If they’re no good ’ the lament I est innocently, “ ~we ve got an ■ awful Jot of them. We always stem to have an awful lot of things when they' re no good ‘ Mi. Jones overlooked this par ticular truth and presently raised his finger in the air with the *»u- : j thority o* a railway eigne! arm and 1 indicated Uias Mr. Sutton should j follow him Mr. Jones Jed the way j hack through aisles and looked sul lenly at price marks. • “Certainly is odd ' he muttered .scratching the hop of his bald head, •'There must be something Twice they passed the cereals fend pickier Once when Mr Jones "(nought he baa cornered the prob lem with Uie price of red birttday ! candles, he jumped with jubilation. Mr, Sutton sympathised wnen u* Crossword [rTTTTI pHTITTri [s'jrpl Ipn3£2£lo MM— M. MM XMMM »-MM “«*'’« ——l—" *-<•- * JWWC3 MW *’•*«« HORIZON ! An U H | W M ; Alieielll f * kssri? xTfr'iir —f tt sr “i £ie»«o -* . ggg H £*** tr -T * , Lm»»L«- ™™ »». »»» KMMwn £2s mm 3$ Perceived 15 Mimicked f blsks» ’ ®-p mT 1 mff\ —!”• implement ggg j | Id Ptetir !«•.:» 1»M MM MMiPZti Kiel mm mmi MMiHn# 2ft Pronoun J J M £2% 1 To d--(«.* _ 222 «4^ £' Poker »wk« K» Strong wood ?,wa ■** '* jj£s% *' ** f of st E«I 22% SBs£j<? t Indian tre* *«——*~~ L fewpfrr“f"“““ «B» *”•** *""■' “**‘"| ** U> >1 [g%23* K 4? II | ST to regret * KjgJgi Ktg | JS MoCCiSiti mmm~ mmmm ittKl mmm. mmmm nro, iiUS ana. M»—< mmmJ Sk i o plwoe fee 'Ays. ee S 3d Article (** Jw bz%' 1 H s““* * | -...» L—JL mT mm mmm mXJ SS Suitabl* P* *j S* Title !£i 1 ggS* Spanish .taw .can (countries Sj l « <%g> d? W W I Sv Wing f '/Mi VtyA i il£ Ci '-S.r. lt«;i | t MM -MWB liirfot M-MM HMIMM. -MM MM *~W*J est band measure fS Ty ~ *» T <u } 41 H«*v«d> I** W » w 1 bod> I if 4$ Fzvm oi Si _ #!► n II MBWM BHM WBObJ wswa** 3SBaH SsaseJLwi^wJ ■filr SWrOiSfl i rreCwSuri# 4«> Pronoun, JrVi./i.K HO I*6 •i~. Iron? so Drove Z 4 WcnciSii *o* "'—— ——— -' n *■ ££ AtirieuiW liver in e 5-4 Rodent ton vent i 8S Propel « zi To tonrutiue 1 boat 2t Public veWne dLuewer to Pwule So. 14® „ I ®4 To otaere* S,B Cookia* r«**ei • 6 61 A compaaa. SB- Paw —i—J point 31 Chiiii'e AijarlK. g i LTsT i IC Sft ff jl-l vxßffcAD sxna , J ? i"’c c:ht>o#« M Pitch dA [TTf g rLfPh kTO f fep*:u«aood » OtMWft % {tit rffifS'K 1 g fiffwii f 8 fegnitS TFT Clothing w ' jAi? tit 0 0 ? j 4 God of war Sd To burn fSTtrlMf-a »g * tTt j> ia in I I 6 CUtßs J* Beporl IfiJJLKLfE. i £idß|il&iX4§ ■ I 4 BobyicnuM® 40 Man's uuu uffil!' W S 5 '« j\ jjtJL* l 1 de:!}' 41 A diiiEJtatd ' '. In error 4k Piwioan - Lr.J£LisiaJßlSjblldt>&L«.M<M<» j * SquaUtg 44 Ma|ittratt'i ff IP k II ITlwiijS ii.iLlTMautl , 9 Aiott « *tnif fcrfc," ss ' lf F Purtio 4fc Tc rbop r-S- ”1L |F*”‘' ; ' 14 A coin 4T To iftcuiwie Olf •£ I JiB 5T i IIIeWk X si* j 16 Proper or just 48 Elluoptjm TTfe-Mlßßs* T CT J 18 Bj- title S g ffiffiP j£ A Hft IBS C.IM . 81 Become* ta«d 46 Frensh lor » a u p 8.-T2TR J)9|S{ In pture susnmti 1 C4j4~- y-g~ g- frfe'Tg gg a 15 Heed coverU«s Si to perform I S?J6 A]S{B tnißiS. I.x. Bt tu m»c»w S 3 Toward s—a.«.**.**«# «MAM«s-4>4e*w TRAVEL EAST . oivb in the tveninr here’s bow If your overnight car stop does'nt j to “clip their w'ings.” Place a pan , have b bathtub, let the children jof roap sr, dwater under parch (•Hite sponge baths using a fLuffy | lights, A miller that’s wet-can't towei soaked in sudsy water. They | hit a wing ann once doused, is can with anothei towel i *omp!->tely done for. wrung from clear water. Towels \ A famous New York hair con do e cleaner job than washcloths { --uitant advises women diems t« I for an overvali sponging of the j shampoo their hair every day IS body. a* ail -possible Since the scalp te If miller-meths stwarr. over yoar j skin it must be kept jus; a® c-eah WEEK. ENDING AUGUST li, li>b punctured the mail's exubeaunca h.y pointing out that the ceilwO«£ “one ’ had fallen to the floor “That a fifteen, not five,' air. Sutton said “Oil, yes. So it is." the manager admitted calmly. “But tuere umi» be something.’’ At the end of scouring powders between mop fillers and shoe pol ish, he found i*( a half-empty box of halls of twine rolled around card board cores “These,'* he said triumphantly, “are a nickel. 1 fciiev. we nao. them some place" » He led Mr. gutto*. ey I the arm aver to the cashier. ] • I “We bad it," he advertised i ly. ‘Twine for one nickel.'’ | Her face expressed her naive dif ] ficulty for comprehension; yet ah»' ; : had a point to make when she | said “But, Mi. Jot** that twiner ! went up yesterday. It’s aax seat*. |or two tot eleven.” iVir, Juue» shrunk with faucauia- J tion. •TrnposMble," he cried. “Maybe it's impossible, Mr. Jones," she stud. “but yesterday you told me the price was six state, ior two sot eleven ” , I “Inflation!’ tie eursea. “Precisely,” Mr. (Sutton said.. “I remembei si»e girl ««sr ; tinned, “because you told me right i after you put up the sign.” She indicated a sign which stated, the dramatic aphorism of all twentietii century tHinntiMs: - We, are fighting inflation" • “1 remember Mr. Jones, because! ' w customer Jaughed at the time. H'«, thought It was a joke, 1 guess W# j are fighting it. aren't we,- Mr, . Jones. Her inquiry rang with ! definite doubt. j Mr, Jones stood less than fly* | ana c. hats leei tall put weighed ! more than s hundred and eights I pounds ins rX.-a» position i&. . me rim ot curious customers -ixrte . the sweat from nis fcreheats. "Well ' he said with an exhaas- 1 five breath »»e certainly are. W«: . , we an. evu: hosing it. As 7& t now 1 arn lowering Use price te tins Uv iic to its original five cents.*' l A smile stictched blissfully; aero •> his chubby lace. He turned to Mi Suitor ar.d sate. “And yet, nr, shah be the first to have the opportunity for saving at this roll hack. He; t if a bail of twine Mr only five cents ' ® Mr. Sutton was not certain of the exact details tnat followed Saaca : very little string had ever rvttt, through Ids fingers—except at* Christmas when hr*. Aunt Townajr) • sent him ah her used holiday rite, ■ uon twuit anti bits of scotch brp», —he felt no need for hoaroimg is, now He would hive spoken ajk. . too bui it itemed inch a Shifting •, ' Riatver. i But when In looked for the aiefeat.' he had >o carelessly tosSen away,i ;i had disappeared. It was ernbar-t . l assinsr leu the manager too. They ’ searchfd together hi k wide are; vtiiifc the trade watched. It aaSMM what resembled a worn-out Istiann. dance. ® “Oli the rdckeil” the caahtar; said when she realised that Mr. 1 Jones and Mi. Sutton were akaoKt to their knees. “Some kk. pick** it l up 1 gave him five peafuea ter it and he put them cil u> the gOK) m«caiu*" » v ..

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