WEEK ENDIN'G AUGUST 11, 1051 ymur* HAPPENING? . A cowrie of Inquisitive «teer« inspect the wreckage caused when a cat tle truck and e light truck collided on a turnpike near Pitisburgb, interrupting their trip to the slaugh ter house, swwck.-*>o <:• • , „ — T | News *"*>- j £*}'■ I V lews jygSk. I Bv .1, B. Harren CO<B»S^£a3oi^^ The Junto? Misionarv S-vdetv • •' Sr. James Baptist ( hurch : loser! < Baby Contest and Hocking Chair Rally Sunday night, there _--■-< 1 - several babies in the contest. Al ligoc Nave!! eott 11ie first v to the rocking chair H j a the sin of Mr. and Mrs. Allison Novell. Second pn.te went to Rb-ky Kon kins. Den Wimberly. third pri -•-. fourth prize to L"s Girsoti arm the fifth prize «,<• won he Cartn Bulluck. Mrs M. M. Ryals is pres ident of the circle Rev tv i .Mason is 'he pasto; Total amour rygy-t■ vw» *v r *v <c»« "'rti'iw. SALISBURY NOTES By Avi., F. Wilkins j 413 5. Craig Street jm» "*»*!' ■ wr»i«—»■■> .r. < w r n,« aug: —MEaMawi MISSION AHT CONVENTION TO BE HELD IN WINSTON-SALEM —’.lrs, Anns f - ?v-- — a 1-■ , -.. dent ot * :.e y■■ *-• ~- .. gr.-y. av.d i. aociet -of the Z:on Chiuc-.n. maae a hur t-ea trip tcoei: . • to ’.vinston-Saiem to corapiete toe final at: an*.-: ictco io. the uth yr.M en>ai Conven tion wench ;# t br nd. at (icier —lctropci.ua:; Ayifi /Lion Ctuucii, and 1 cachets Coßeps icintlv Aug ust 4-10. The theme rs ; ii- con*ef ntion •Mid Cent ry's Challenge to C'hsis tiah Mis :::? -vii! be ably cre st:', ted and discussed. Each da> be highlighted vith t >r-;e-J ■ oiscusiior* by noted speakers Or feaiurdav following the registration I as? timely A garden part;, will be commit 1 e meetings and general assembly A garden party wjll be gi'.-en various exercises ana pro gr.-GT‘S •>*. ul! Vi* during thp convention. JVlr.v tiAuTZr, who has served v«ry efficiently s renersl offi ce: i nsonie capacity ir.o 20 years' v f iil retire from office as presi cent it this mee^ini? P Y 3.1“ 3nir ' > ' r 'V. t 15 rj;i +»r u h? s j. rer.ts Mr and ' Irs.. Lie-bun War.- gfV-.y £,•*-> Sc ut h "”3 r. 1 d O -f r rd---1t 1 set He v*:l le&ve Tres -ev foi S C OcO c£. a* Orhn&ie*o-* 'Miere he *' $s amolnt&d to the 3dmini jV'”3+i i-._ etaff V>*. • IT.’ -p. ♦ Pcrrci' C- Tuvr.N‘ H - •• v ed 3c peccant ant ftnshien for Dels re Stste C i-l - to his recent apoo3nt-' T" ent rfr arid Mrs JSm.-s Young .r:• r -3t * er. dnj* .. h?- Y *••- •• •-e•< *t t of In c Yrs. * tt'-n'*’ J 13 I> urn can of sh P C. was t'*e S'rest of ivs . rn other -Mrs Lens 3 r.-.non ano ether relatives.. *.nv§ Chsrs white is visiting at v aw- >, C!r * m W ashin^tiin, Th Cr ’Wiyji.gyv* h.is his r3si? ♦rsinine at B jCd jc * i sit in £ his au , :- i M '? r. r.” n C an ©r.d rt s er rela tives He •'■•il to M’ Norfolk "3 7. heve he **•*}' be stotvned n tne future- T !r , s Msriet.ts end fOushter h?‘ e been ■’?siting I rs Da ?ict «.-.■■■. ir./icj- - Mvs T-fn nie littlejohr.. All AN MIMS, INC. FORD SADDS AND SERVICE 225 Tn rboro St. TELEPHONES .2-2191 5425 raised f’d. Ho’' J K f\63T r irv, H Spring Street and Mt Pleas .at. - clnwhes r i> in Dm iIM v: ; yntA Dr. G. W. Rui!”. !•' and '-fr« Ru! luck h»vp returned <vo!u Hud endec' trip to I'hocui.-: Arl.-nni ,-uid Californhi Thcv il?n -■ i.-b d in Mexi’ o. Funeral >ewi. f . A>i a Flew cr Cart borne, one of the oldest members of Mt. Pi-eMi Fr; -h- 1 i;m, wove held Sundav -villi th* iiiv 1 v n Burge?.=. of Faith Presbyterian officiating, it. r -- —■ - -*T*t "Iff—-i- _t. - «m» i^muh> .. Mr Charts Ellis his returnea ir-.m Vt-’ yens whsrg- he spent ••• beys Mi® " far' F •,-■• ■■ • h foi uifrlv of haiisoi: *•, nov cf ;/e y 0 is tueif ir. the city ■ 3U-i' Dc:\ 5 15 form.r?' Sah?- ■ 'J! •i an is v-cit-nj rpofhflr '.,127 '‘■iufcinia Dav js r•e u; •••I a v jv’ e F ?h at« aa o I'-smii are metering •.? Nca yc;rk to /•>/». Sl:i-tP’s horn? Dean Shiite is a roemhet of the }. ivingsto-D-e Coiiege fa.uifi hi .- Mar* and little ■' : 3 •_ 101:1 vl cOPST.3HO6 t V 5.'. e -ed hv Mane fr : Detroit Llic to spend sortie time v/ith Mis sb s fa M*: Hezukiah Neely. Sir, Nn^hanif] P.fi)ey s'rt-oned at Battle Creek. Michigan attended tne funeral of his father. Rev. tv«l ■ ha <r? Tia ;• : ■ r- d Briley Mi. fvic am Bho> so.; Alexa.n> S-'-roy Va . a M ended the f r :neral ;..f O' father, Re* r William Rai'nv:**M. 3 rile v Funeral service? for Re r7.'ii ■ R awiond Brilev, of F.ast S. -oce: •* ere held v ec. entlv a f Shad*’ Grove Bantrst Ch::. r i:h '3fv Boole'’ vas ai the Sn^p •?> S'"‘Cr ® foi 3 r»f Yf»3 *'® ll c tx'a® resoeoted an? loved o. \ ":'s r•: u■ v r i, : c-. s -tne* inerobei s -. i; 1 •"• us t-n\ir''!’??« v* oer° h* - c.H at -sricu 5 tilTieS. T--3 f- [■ Cl vp. i\ .'l:s. id."'' '■vie: Uenchtni ' : I q I-I T}a% Jc t* **r» c<*»nS Wiiharn and Nathaniel Brilev th* a y ~." ac-.o feiolna in she .A ,na v Fovr g v s n d-:-bi’d: =’? sr i > br.> c* ■-■ -. :v r!.?' r.if. p - --- .. r }vi : 7 v’c' •'■ ? F :5 1■:'£•■■ and v -- m . ("•• E -J - r-fr and pe- Ford TM '•by - = -.-tin f-. r )kton for 1 '--A r - - M-' '■ v ? i».(J 15 ,'b'ls spent ' irscirstional - =:?k, ■-oiking. V-Iv-I'V I'.fl rraj-'mg K>- .- - Cif.v •.{•.;,Ur; tv |-.S tb., ,• [■ -,f>) - J'Op • *c/ r- A pi or, j -as NT- .lire \-j - ?. n s Y »11 r Tu { •»( Ni gh f - ha * • 'i '" * 4P A *)■ <= r n >•>', __ f i ,-,a : .m{ore •?]•’*?g 1 1 'ir> ’* includ ed M'? M A. pTeinse?. Naiional • f ?ir;erd i c-e A o.I7.h'ri ’.TM. . cj-rA. Cf/iaUcv Rea- M-. r Poe Tire sci.h'itiea consisted of :raft. Riblf Si 1)1. s-.r'-mnrint-. sinrin.y -.•.'fttv-.li. '•'odge ball hiking s»:4 • rspei hours Girls attending vein- Fr?) -. f.,illi?>r> Pm-kins. Larilie C.'-.-i.f ?. Vdicrit. Roc. Bril v ?|or’i 'St r . Ad: -f nr,r T./.c'a. par bara Ki' k ' 1- -t ■; Flaiii--- C'< i sr-n. Annie F‘ )lf> ' slliri i-f.ii. Mar- -liUt-r. n !•■'. • : rrA in* Hampton psycho c, yr;- M.-.iiha K'-rr, TFtCJit-1 (jai ;■ ‘ ■ M-o-- hli v;i Vi A)#■> bis. ivfnV.it V , tiyti<-n. Mrs. Gladvr rnifs ! . ajxl rta"ght.r -.r.d their ■■"«.'be i Mr-. Gile< al.-o Master ! Hrt ’-ert O’N'-il Jackson had an ex tensive vacation in Ohio. Balti find Pittsburgh. Mrs Lena S. Noble of New York was her-, so- the funeral of her brother Mr. S- .-.-att. Mr. and Mrs. WGford IViKo-r and Mr- and Mrs. Hr-hsrsi. of Norfolk. Va., snent a brief visit with Mr rod Mrs. Wesle' Wilder os rents of ■Mi and Mr?. Wilford Wilder Thcv took their children hack with r ! torm?!!! in ,! i v r]£ <•?•!!-•• ;• ■ tew. a ]ov^u r ]?r Rin®-*’:, 'vorh.l *' w i ] vet? 1 , an and 1 p - tv-'*6 T! 1 ! > - 3 - ' Fj>iillovpp. ha* • •'’ - l ; v r fl -• pill t ip ; ■ 1 -'' '. • - '' •• s tat * >l' l i i' d n : -m ’ 1 Xi , >- ralU :H'd MVu r • ’’ ' Jin i)H.t lit up, >l,l f»* • n 'j4 Jr f- 1 *- [ in®' - *!!, a »iat*v° -i F' ’• • ? .» i(1 \ i;G R : 'F - ).j JJ.i'.'So'i itl ) > ji\ • > 1 FINA! R’TrQ HFIOFOe mi CAV^THORNE By . T B. HaRRE'v i?Of. l\ ) ?■ IGI N T • -Fui*6val ' ! t> s were lie Id S'uißlay fri-: n -B ga U B» ■■■ .l' t 11,'HI t i 5 t».«, Ml'- *)t the ■ U’lvcli Iffcc*n6ii * • .;!■■ y J- \ow v 1 '■! *.vi horne. ;*g?*f.i iitCMilv r the triiiilly t•" s «y ;)<■ • - 11>‘ ‘ ion BuiB r f|‘i tsi f hurc’’ in Edgeoomhe 1 (■' ‘‘ Y" O Bn vg??s, pa?to>' of f- Y' b T’i et>bT • tv-i t 'fn CllUVrh, this i A.y. :•«Pd :, M'- tr.pr pa?toi of Mt. PiSiUlh. IVr • 9 he cepA'ed a? pastor ' ,t the doc* ; .rd for ?*”• v v -oid *h- u log}. Joseph Dal!” ]•: * iyt a so’o diirmg ihe Quito i-•' ’ Ov*!y I'.ftjrv i'!|in pfO VOl! * 0(1 pi OV< 1 ' oHV oiigrcgati ii to Imnor M 5 Cae.'- thorne ’ AgFnrralOTES ( R-. T r'V'MA »a:ri.;. here froui Nev-a:A: I Tip . ■ i y ' ; ? i trh t %■ • ■■>, shot 1 Id hav? ?“ c :j rs ;-i?h sy-iTht hy Mr Ihf' m • Thonnvs M? f . rmut-r, md -ir ; . '>! Ruth f'h?'V oil® ; Y*• v•? vl’ : j Y. J. B fhr hou®':’ £’! C P Os ;s«i lister. MMary B•" v ’■ *-• v leaving niybl. p pft of T ith Pvr-’ Vi’x' * yi, ‘ o 1 !'•'• v I ■ •-• ; rn o* Ith* ? ve.Cfl f i oP.. ! o! }■ and J ’ • H >nV : VutißlOU* o "t ■- \d«iioi q p of Hill rhp -* ;n ‘ ' 'v* • ■' 'd ■ ■ j Tiftlit. We ali * Tlpv yov- 00.116 in- a’i .u:*. •■ -• *uih: ♦< SrnJ ’I our Nr’.vs I o I s ■ , ■i'-' -1 ’ ' \ ' ■"- ’ (IMCF WINS AGAlN—Stephen Mayo, employment security director for the New York are*, congratulate* members of the United Negro College Fund Campaign Committee on final results ®f the drive conducted in the unemployment insurance and employment service offices here. A check for $1819.21, representing contributions from employees of 42 locai offices, waj turned ®ver so the 32-college fund, .....’ *» CHARLOTTE ...” | ■NTHEWEWS iVlrs. Willie Mae Porter 2n21 Fooker Avenue Phone 6-3044 Sli-.s .'Jv-rei! Wo*-.-*.-! ?'iF! Ar -1(i n A- ■- ts?.- de .... ■- • h :■'■■■'■ i -VJi s Will is- 'I r :vi-;i i< iFfl in- her .ji-aF-c! tn >' tsiilug- ui t). . vititli'g relal.••••«? '•i!-«- ’ »i i-i" ii. .-iu-sot: Q'.nridsr );■ y',. " big * i a T’.is .m i 1 i ram in • •? -V >. . ?!*? : allforn • this v .ei.. -his ii kim - n 11nsu )i ! •) nd p ])i i' t i ■-1, '; I i i ■•» n < •;• i.]'-i*. If '.I ill ;1 'JUR t R'ipg 10 ? i R.-V ,1 If IF-!!'.' ) . i: l -b-1 111 --V < ’• . r ..- li-r'nw •<!•••»!> I ( :,.•>!•'*: :hp • k \ r r. :. i:<-] i: ? .1 eh;-! M i-‘-)) ■: n'i | s..|i, i.-'hn .!<• ' i-I M-. i'ii.:u I -: v I*> s. ill'll I', . ."■ 1 FniuJii ait '-l t» ' -••uni >ii-. j \T* - H: tvi*.! bar!; to 5- r •out- nr ,i <■- iI- t|r' in !■ .v -!-, ml :: 1 ,li -’• f c c ?;( 1 ’ I-,* i a i Pi.»tvi..t- is sir")-■ i ' r.-.iu)!.l»- i*. (•..'■ . i- 11l- T'ii’sr fir. r»! ).’ bli' !' •')' PlUi --'I I: tijr.isi '*• Ml F. F p .-s !-• ’-t ’V .7 *ll I’l l ..; ■] \y • \T J. ;,D ? '. • i• Mi i u i* • ' i ’ ; ' I-I V- N* »h;. T ' f • - ' ' :• va . • ip ip i \ r --'I.-. >cl'p * , ■ > it’ ,i » . •>'P • ' '• . . Tp'F-y, • :P • : -H' iv.; : ] ‘ j . • i ;i . n t- • !>•■' 1, t i'g : I j :• : ' ’ 1 .!< V) j Ml-. f isl I'• *■ " ; i ; 11 ' '■{< I > : pttd )‘* ri.’i ) •• vP- *'•' d 1 5 . I- : ii- - (J:; : t ° • h- - •- v \n j *' ' 1 • >. • •:* r i i? • i ' ! • * i ‘ I mwfi’lgito. . •%. r- gt-v;. r-4- '<■ ly sf. ' - P .■■-”h”P/.y,y ■*! % ’ : / I Xfo J f * f ' v " jmmv ,jar i w 2 v ■ ;*'3^s I f’- - • I -1 1 , s y ".S ' "* >. *% ?-■ - - •-> -# •••%*% :.7 M -.J ?”?- 4V- •' t-tt I-: 5 '. .. '.- A ' X ' * r • 7 K -V. '••• ••• - * ; 4. A • . ' TRACTOR DRIVING CMA'IFSOM—EImsr Crosby 15-year-old trarpr.ririvieq champb-y- ' Al-tbsm-o. is sSoqet+ing tbe n»w S C- his seUc.tie-i <?s a cMog”* to fb« fe -r'h s-,n ,Ni s„;,n?l 4.(4 C-mp +o b? hold at A' - - ■ M&N Ceiiege Aug. 21-28. Elmer is a native of E ergrecn, Ala m.vi!i-;!;i:!:n> nsu <f j p TIG'.' Jv ro lit, d’Mmi Sch>: :uoy -• a b'c-u-; ‘ f r>’hi l ur-i'.j i v. ';i J;i.' . /V) y ,-f or-' -, * o fall i” •. #’ i -I:. •’ , ip D" ' I i* <*d • •(. i,J *) pr-’.i'.-vi * --uulif’. 1 t r G.; Jc, pd p• p - nln. THE CAROLINIAN ", of the 'Tlend?b <j ■■ i■ •■' • (."..v. T dstvCt I'-her?- I v ili b& i. -d i■ ’ thf >\ •! vii ,\. C. I. •• >• s "Minn m. ilMU.r'kr tt;.ci • l •’•!!; i* fill* i Tis!' I!.:>;l s' . l t r )'■ 1. \[r, L. v,. ii >1 in' Win rmi s ilom > '■ - (■’c-id wit. Mure > Inin ::oo Is ■ , ted . ;11 1 ml i 1 ]l■■ 11 . ft ‘"T ; t IS I I 111] i *i) n't Ill| ti> *!,» I 111» l< >Vf ■ I ‘ i 'it 1 hirn if:t i. >v. • > If -ptr -s r. -s, ■' I. i. if'' '•• "i n liigii;-. •11 '■•ii villi WaMini'ion feast I I’ • ;• 11• i ■ nf and M1 : lo- I Tr ; i•. ,> sii 11 ‘lly S'; '\ll Triiit.f on j if *'■• i’ii" - ; vi’ i ii- . - svi if . a fin ir. If it 1 ,1) t - ill' V, ’! ; 'it ' ! i V: : I' ■! I'M. 1 ;) !' fill |llo\ 1 ' tie : ' I*ll ■ II HHi 'fi'i ill'll.' I'll, i ■ r, . i. ,r r-n *hi, v els tun! C visit it i' 1 ■ li, . in Wa !l i11"t m' ■ eml TV r ; ‘-TIS Tt'ttjp s, I*1: rt ! 1 11 I |1 -. |‘ <■]< ( ip Mil ."• •. in p•' «>• spnnd in ’ j re- ii ' ■ in Me • : .ill ' X. r ; vi|li i' a jifi’ fn ■ ’i'M' hr ' ’ return - j irsi t i hhorn ' In V >'.■• Vi*i' ■ |N f.l'li ■> a; •: >' ■' l ’ 1 i : """11 ■■■ ■ i i"i ■;■ t the '.' ■ 1 i'i in ;f11;i r i •Ir i'l l 1 P- o.' >• lin \v 1 • 'I "t i'-'.v- i ft"i | V ' '■’ 'ill T Tin.' ;i nil sun •• ’ : ■' !' ■ " " !' i'll:!' n r ; • •' i 'i I -Ur. ;1 1 ; 1 1 Mrs . T . In, in t r'i ■ I IT :■'! Vi re in in T'l v ■ j I'.i i. (Initf.lir in law -il tile '."is rSl'Xf'H 75 ■\ >?' t • J -H -|l) fr> t Bf. C'lvta 1 ‘ :v- F o;.■ b 75 T- i u! "-'m ji’,'g‘;a of iem," i !' ■• :• • i to last", in ’• j ‘:• •, ab i < n*’ jdikct of gin ■ ;cc. a': i fin ■ id; f'ook's Impr .IT i A-i,. . i". n ■ ", ininau : . -y. ; yr c *rrj«r - rvW* '-""WS"'--" - If If : M If 1, ,J, I! *•„ ,MF vi >; ' * i >- '''-‘ir TliACHliß—Miss i.n s l l|mv rtrrl, of Mr. im! Mrs I>. It lloiviird. formerly of Mil min;:(on, init viou nf t. Pftfiw Ihiik, 1 in . will teach llistoiv ami scivc as Clitic hiiylisli ti.nhcr it \ init A) < o(lcs>c. Tallalms >»«'(', f lorida during the fall form 'li’.l -',:.' she i s a ✓ »of Mil li 'loii iii.; 11 ( liool, and she rc- I'ii'Vi (I hrr 1 S. degror* from \. and T. College, (treensh iro, and her Master-, degree in History from Coiumliia f'liiycr«ity, N>'W Vork City |?J ‘ MR. D.fl.’S i yffa CRIME CALENDAR h, AUGUST it Tho Month For . . » j CAR THEFTS: Nothing suggest* tiro open road more than sunshine and pleasant weather. Conse* , quent.lv we grow careless when chiving— and parking! The urge ! to get up and go applies, too, to others e.en if they have to steal a car to make it. In an average day. crime statistics show, more than 441! cars are stolen in the U. S. You as a driver can con ■ tribute to this crime. When you park, don’t leave your keys in tiie ignition. It's an invitation to steal. It's far better—and far cheaper on the taxpayer—to pre vent a crime than to punish a criminal. MEDICAL QUACKS: Watch out for that, phoney “doctor” with his bag full of “cures” for every thing. He pops up this time of year, sometimes with travelling carnivals, sometimes with his ; own show He peddles his wares to the unwary in small towns and resort areas mostly. The “medi cines” he has promise relief for any ailment.; his “drugs” are more harmful than good. The reliable doc is the one you've known for years. ASSAULT BY MOONLIGHT: This is a warning for spooners. The situations involved cover s variety of crimes. The shady lane, that road, beach, or park aide rendezvous, may prove as dangerous as it is delightful. Watch out for prowlers. They are the lowest of criminals at best. q Watch For “>Tr. D.A.’s" Calendar For Crime in Septemberl AV O'rilriel A'lomav ''"'l'd Wednesdays on NBC , l'a■ aide ;k«. t i>r. f- ■: "f; wlv ii"' .'li.jiv'l pi-"du' . (]'■/' u • our -nr I .*< (I apple j;i je< ;< >•< i ~)i-al-d al-d h\ p:"1 imj!'• ■;r> ]•> .'. i 1 - .-f a i in'"' mad.- by the f. > fK-part i ruui! of Agriculture in mop.'! at ion : vith the tVa-'hingtcn '.mils o hi miss'on. Fl REMEMBER”! - 3V THE 01£>nM£n.5 • j | From Mrs. Arthur Resh, GrsKts- I vilie, >fd.: I wh&n th© : women always pinned up their i skirt? when doing outdoor chores. | The skirt was caught st both sides ; ?*t bottom and brought up around the waist, and then the center in ; back was brought up and all was pi need fosc-ther in bock. TTsually, an apron was worn over this. From Airs c. A. Wheeler. Kaitni bM. Me. The "Gordon C. O reen*’ 1 • 1 1 " «Hi!v possengy! step fp r*r, making a few trips north from f-t Tc is 1 remember when the old 'Diamond ,)oe" Sine had four or five river boats making regiHs 'rips with passengers and freight, We went to the St. Tomt World’# Fair on one of them in 1904. f p». member when the river was dotted w i f 'n rowboats from which men duj tor muscle shel’s which were usee to make buttons in ihp button far tory. From E. F Meredith, Fairmont. '* ■ ' ! renv-mber when cows mosied along Main Street; when saw a clothesline blight with von -colored old underwear, stock irigs, etc., you knew that they were dyeing carpel rags. From Mrs. Ida Treat. Wilsom-tne, j N’ebr. - We had a so<| house and i bam and before winter father built I a sod cattle shed with polos over !he tup covered with prairie hav. From Mary and Peter Miller Frowiey. Colo.: We Jived in IVm ver in 1870. VtV had Indians -or : neighbors. When mother mad,- bis- ’ em;s. she always gave them some i'b-y used to come and ask for more biscuits and i iad ()f fun wilii lcn j ti’t * from V K. Mcreiiith. Fuirmom. W - % *v 1 fcmember when a whole Hove of sen «en in yo.u month made you afeeptnbie fuut #e<*ur«. THE WEEK IN 4 M »: GOLDSBORO '5, mi ■H h 'MB By IS. A. THORNTON j OUST-BCOKFR WEDDING . ... i (tOLD. itt.'H'.) Mrs. Bessie j mil .Foust :>.j Crseth Street here 1 "iioiiiitt's t:.e uoiriaie nf i>.- r tughifi He.etta Ann Faust to 1,1 Ihoin as Uddie Evoke': of i ’o.tsmouth. V’ f'h • '’•ending took | dace -i: Povt.o-'i.rr.th at the home j 1 the h: idetroom’s motlicr June; | 1 Cpl Hooker is th» sou f IvI• j j Ind Mrs. Booke 1 1212 Glt'si-glo’' j Ur, ci Portsnio'.'th. The hri'li’ vu't a yellmv iacej j Ires.s with white accessories. Sup j .core an "i'clud cm sage -a Ith trim-! ; mugs to mutch Mrs Booker be ! ! (.10 her ini nin go was n fornru'i' | ! 4,,dent of Dillard High /.here she 1 i ••■n- a member of the varsity: • i I'iietbnll team Cpl Booker is, •n. tvntlv stationed in Massachu-j 1 -' tic. where they wiii make then j tome The vows were spoken be- j in. " tile Rev Jordan of pmts-! noutli All's Bailie Kirby and son. Flat I hews, o' Buck" Mount are the ' guest/ of Mi and Airs O E tvii ; mu and family at 617 Slaughter j treet. Mrs Kirb" left l-'iida;, sot . ‘ "cii-* to 'min li'-r husband ] Prof William Binehurdt has re , j tiii-n. d home after undergoing an j ; 1 tiiit : ori ■' ?>ie Wayne Menio r i*il! ’ ’(spitai. Pvif Rienh'ii \ is getting I long fine | 'ii Dennis Best . cii.r'ied home! I ’lll srln.v >ftiv u’-'dergorng an opera-j •ell at '•'» A tin-"/ Hosppal. Ri>- | j ei ,'!i. - fen- weeks ago. Mr. Be'! i ■ iretinn along nic l-. >t hi? iiorue | M.h" Sal lon Community, Mrs via v i Green spent a few; ;iv; vacatiotiing Hampton fn-i • titute. visiting i ‘datives n n d friends. Mi . Hehvn R. Battle ha ••et urtird lion ' aft "i- attending svm -1 lel selli'o! at A and T F*ol!egl>. | Mrs Brdtl" , euoi' ■ u -- ery fine! summers e nion. Bov and Mrs Billups of Wit- • a iiv.'t'iii X C . announce the imrc Cage of t'C'-i ■ daughter, Ncanice Georg" Alio;, to Alp.honso H iTiek: Wiliiarns August 18. tflll at v n ei. at the brides home 945 Red Cross Street Wilmington. N C. Mrs. Mamie Allen 'Nee) George ~ uaonnto nf Winston-Salem Teachers College a fid at present is t 'aching in Bladen County She is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorot ity. Mr, \\ illiams better known a* T icky" is a graduate of Hampton Trstilute. V» has taught eight ytsrs in the Public School/ of No tii C.a’oliiv' His m "sent Job is jiv-ii earriei Or -he Citv of Golds boro which he has held for the ii'ct fev! He ‘c ■: mciribcr of th" .1, W Hood Lodge v o 8 Free and aecppled jiaspe? a"d a mei~- ;:e - f i)ie Omega psi Phi Fratern!' yt, s v i 1 tr rede rick and Bos" M i" Cobh hac returned home ■ n 1 crjo-d-r.e tUeir ' 'icatlon ir Chicago 111. AT' ; ? Bertha Oa- m. fes* j -.-e" ; !,■•."• t in "In HeS;'it'-'l D ' ' i bni''!, to rf'viiiv'. g nov t min ins ir> ’ Xersinr after spending her vaac- j tion nf T -i f'l hrr 1 T\]r? Mavv Whitley ha 9 t ; . \y-., ‘-hin. ; .Ttoo. O. C after ! at) vr'd fl ” T • pant Hsir grot. ■?» and wnh cv rr | Vu’frs:.-} p - i-nii-'-Md to r>vP-.a*p ohia and Vo 1 k a.fte r FOR THF RF ST TCAI UF S i ( 4«li nr ( l SOI JT HER LA NO FURNITURE ZO7 H f oh-> » an.p's OP v ’■ « l r Arn f ■’ S / AMb ftsrrrtt ; ■ rrv pay erayr<"p ti ~M ,y /■ G-ni-at ToHfh- ««-*l | c-KTtWWam.'it . ■■ wrr r ■»,rr—rvw- ’ MTV:* r ' * ■ ; - —•* • ; HEY! HEY! pf§|. BOYS and GIRLS EARN I SSCASH & BIG PRIZES I ; BY SELLING THE CAROLINIAN See THE CAROLINIAN Agent | In Your Town, or Write TODAY! THE: CAROLINIAN 1)8 E, Harsfett Street RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA reixf.'.-fc' •’“- ft*’' r-~ s n ,ke city ' E. A Xhomten vice CcmiharS ' ' •'r '" * ' r.t if —” hve'ins In. During h',s ‘ lsl ' "”l' ' " ': v’S evter.d * eu t :i :. g!ioi't Eastern Narth (. avolina in the 'ofe est of Divjs- ' • i;ix Department of No; th Caro lina American Legion. Durjng his ‘ j' ■ p lie ' isjicd pests in Greir.-' I'■h c. Rui'ii idle. Wiliamston rt#w-' I feed. W-'shlngteii. Newhern. Eli?i -jl’■ i’ i ('ii.. i.'niii'j.iapin, i '"Be. and 'C:u s-m He is very ; pleased ••••’h the interest shown m A'"er.ieari I egion throughout | Eastern North Carolina P S West-. ir .Coalman:.": of Dish ict No. j ; '■ Ii •")Beth City. ,1. p. Gibbs, Com-, j 'lirinrter District '"o 7 Washington {N. C. and Robert Hi' ant Con’.- j rnandt'. District No Four. Turkey, ] X. C .. are making great clans Mr ' *i,"’ 'ai l,'/ mf-i,,,>e,v.u .I' i-,'4 ;t --•heir '-in ions districts. Districts No t ■>. an•) f> will meet at Ckittjt • Cai-' irr Augus* :?!>. 1951 for a dsv of l.csi'iess and fun for their wives mr) families t"i fnetids All cep •i ans an? invited t° at'end this I 'V'rt ~ \,' -'t ,'d r'ld enjov M in (vi ""n- -i n 4 :•-" ' ! )■[-)'>-!- | one j? invited * - bring their' j picnic lunch ' M - lri n tV Biv-d. is S AsiT-r i Hi.su'ss f4laton c i ’!- a Oklahoma i h.’,5 ret'.' if t * 'ici :; ts» on after ! I .itU'.l- i: e ■ m.i-'l . ..',S. R W. j ; "•’■" <>M d-'ho-’v-l (? t T.ittlo Gimdic am! Carolyn Dud ’ Ley of Riciunond. Yn . are visiting ■u i ri - Mrs R. SV. , Wright i,u Seaboard St. COMMTSNIST OKI KG ATE . « Geneiral Nani tl, number osse Red deteeste to Kae«oc?r peahe talks, boards hi* Russian jeejl After * session. i uniN 'wUMMn ■ 1 «w» Ouinn-MiEVr K-1 NS ION - BELL-STUAR i L H'THfis'-t* Company Juflily Furniture, BessnnshlC Prices 227-28 N John Sir««f •idshoro. tr a.. Phone .17S8-J ; •t-ritmß-s.ft.Ci.x-K'r. .'isw.vt;v -w'.■•Tgir'. ta-c.Tgats'safacjKri^ii*' | Your *7r«rlj{ ?* Goo?! Al ■ J %xva I M iff Nil I IRE • ?*> iI , E. *» I ti.PSftORO PAGE FIVE

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