PAGE SIX «nn,jt; -yggeiMfc—»aeßggaw:»»*J . ■• v»:' r .'*. T .";• x *• •-*•? •■?* * . __ * YOUR SCRIBE |jfigt By FREDRICK L. BURNS ' jji|| Waist*.,i».k>.- •. *«?.«<»» for a number of .''ear.; •■•e have heard of the con 1 ;' for boy:- md girls held .-it King-' Mountain and Enfield, N. C!-, by the Parent Tea cher's association of tile .-tale. Naturally, when you r, k| <,f these things you form some kind of opinion. A few Sundays ago 1 accented an invitation issued by Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Fe.iguson, to tie company them to the Rural J.ifc School (formally Brick Jr Col lege) Enfield, X. (.!.. the camp . ue for the p. T A camp. We were fortunate In arrive im-> mediately after the e'oio of the Sunday School, however, a fmv small girls linscreri to watch and see if we were one of the parents • coming to take one or more horn- : since the two week can > for girls had ended, or whet iter we wer r bringing some on'- to register for tiic two week camp for hoy.. These eager eyed youngstor werc ps happy as any group I hnv ever seen. m mar Q every ljft/Nfi,DAY IS | Ws9tF BARGAIN mhmp&fo d ' ' ,f>T DIANA 123-125 HAY STREET PHONE 6473 Ist IN TASTE AND FLAVOR . j| * Ist IN PURITY AND SIZE Double Cola Bot. Company 418 Franklin St, [ CUSHMAN ' Motorcycle:? & Scootc-? Famous F .T, N. Power and! Hand l.awnnr'wri". h. r. McDaniel a sons PERSON STREET |j Fayetteville. N. (~ w.gawmmwwi IMMwctwh—iwkiiihi..nn'wniuv'j ■ iw‘«v*w*tMnipuj jg ww-i * ryawwow,n"w.w ri 'i^r ■«mij»»yfco»"«~«^ogw . I-i .. , n Hi. -• I.' 41-JO v> , f ' j M-rlkte Beauty Salon J '■•) l-'j Per. Oil ;M. • Ij'l 37C" PAINT HARDWARE We have it Can get it, 01 it isn’t "jT made. \ SPORTING GOODS FARM & f9' MILL SUPPLIES I V$) I Dixie .Paint & Hardware Company *-* ”*** b* I ; Person Street Across Bridge _ H ale ke ewe 1 era ; ICS Hay Si. N tJA ' Dial 2000 ] Fayetteville. N. 0« t?*qi?t*rto As*.dto* , "'‘ " I c WEATHER FORECAST ... 1} «==». HOT DAYS AHEAD [\ 1 Prepare now for those, coming ’; •' hot days—Have a cool kitchen all p : ~£s.— .fyL.|j| summer by installing one of our jj i B ■—---- pi beautiful Tappan gas ranges with i || Rulane Gas. “ I i m =- |jf SOLD ON CONVENIENT TERMS l| FAYETTEVILLE JIIIL4NF BOTTLE GAS COMPANY IVm»v via 223 Franklin Street Dial 3846 j 'i ' i mni i. ini Tig-I.f»'i.Mmiia "l II 1 ■ mi.'.. 'ih"'Tii lilllilllT i'iJi'Bw 1 v''^ 120 PERSON STREET FAYETTEVILLE . _ . _ I IX ; o'.i wPh _t° know the truth ! have been told to go to a cli'lci •o 1 singled out one your.;: la y mid asked ho v she enjoyed tin iam . she replied that everything! had been swell, she told us howl •die :.nd her roorntwiP burned to| clean their room, imr they would take short hikes each day, play a, int-s and attend cm She ick ■ d her music cl.:::.s best 1 oca use | she wanted to sing some day. Another young girl raid sh liked the camp fine but wanted to i tier small brother, and after i • -a. saw him she could s end r.voj mori w'-ck:s at tile eainp. Incidentally, her parents broughtj : her brotlier over •. '■ w hours !,ite> ; : Her home was in Raleigh and her j mother informed me Hvtf she rad never been m,,mated from he*' brohtor before. We had not been there long be- 1 ore vve 'A cre calico into the :pn-! * i-'us dining room, where all of j •e children and vi itng parents of! the children had assembled to par ake o- a very delcious and ap petizing meal, most of which war j ii' on the ianw farm, and p re nt reel under the direction of Miss Sarah Kylcr, dietician and teacher : of Horne Economics. \\'i we! " shown tire • room j •-hen: music v, r- t:.light by ML-:' - a te ■i i w King, (he art ind craft: rt'iini under the direction of Mrs.: 1,. F. Shaw, of Burgav, X. C. Mrs i 'i'-ydon. is • ■ rret.ny to the | i campers. i, idiT“ camp M as under tin t f f ■i • • ri' and pet sonal dit eel ion of; : M ; A) a "do Freeman a native of, i aFyetlevillo, N. C. ! <» >• yvt.,. dhy '•.•cm imt to Ms ] 1 i man •> ho return,"d from at-j j Teiiding the funeral of her brothr : ("itrren; of North Carolina should j I l ’, g-ateful to Mrs. Vaneev. Mr j .! - nigan. Mr. FertiU'on and to the : A mericm Missionary sAs.-ociation. 1 'm- preparing and maintaining 'b'. . ■ ' for , j ii s and gu ■ njari th-.- rr ’prions trainns? received is a tn ■ -I- u, d. ff ■ in worked ,n hard to ken,: the interest alive SAFE Economical L; || j Transportation *{; 'y Con to cl SAFE WAV Suburban Linos I>rXN N, < . -• PHONE 2»l« ■ • miiw—a——apßaaai Dairy Show Set ! At Fayetteville FACETTEVILLK -- The South, eastern Negro Junior Dairy Cat lie Show will be held -t the fair ground.'? n u- Fayetteville on Sop . ternber C and 7. according to It A. John e■ i. Cumberland County Ne gro farm agent i" the 1 State Col lege R-.tcmion Service Four-H thil> boys and gills and Nrvi tanners of Am -rica members from some )7 coun ties i nthe EayetteviHe area are expect •(! to enter animals in Hie event, Johnson said. East year a total of .02 animals nrr shown Thev carried away j_ _ _ : Master Sergeant Farmer Has Made Mark In Life ' FORT BRAGG SFC Fr-d F. |-at me: 'if CM" Company, 3rd Bat talion, 505th Airborne Infant '.v tf.i.inirnt has iinolly rearln>rl his goal by being reren'!;. promoted to :hp grad- <>f Masfei' Sergeant. A natii'i- of Chicago, fllino l .'. j Master Sergeant Farmer ha.- for a I long time been a member of • ,M” j .'o;,r any better known to nil its 1 m*'rnbc:-.< as ‘‘Mighty Mike” or “Mighty Mule" He attended Engl* vood High School in his hometown m. graduated in .Tune 1946. He i.s nnrricd to th<> former Hilda Har rell and lias a daughter, France-tn. ’rio: to joining tin service. Xtas- Ser;. eant Farmc' was employed v ihe '• Sr i -1 Tea Company In Chicago. Ib- favorit-.- sTsprt i- Foot hall and he hkes F: -in. ‘ a hobby. Frlisting in the \riny in mtn. 11l- took his basic training at Fort MrCtelan. \iahama, \f(rr romplction of his basjr training, he got a sud den desire lo herome para >root>e> :»nd Hum ioisv'd the 555th Paraehnte Infantrv Bat talion. whiel) is now the 3rd Battalion, sfJsth Airborne In- ~ ~ ' “ I Fayetteville Notes Invitations bavt bvcn |- rcci' - cci or the annual summor >o( tea vetj })«• mrvnbevs of the Senior 'h.-tir nf the Fi r ‘ 1 C'H.p’ch to V-e lirJcl in t!ir : - church, dintn. - hc;, 'M'iiir , : •.y *»! fl . ni,. AnfV 6. \ -hOLt r-'O'!rom h;; been •• -ith 7»lo. uuot ani ufoup, -i fro* ramer v-’ill be via; ~ c 3. \n intcßf’Sr-!ng feotine o« the 'that all eri t* »n;«h• • x)?'•.' :jlt '* win;- •,» : 1 1 He L-rv; n- t>?< ; :ni -f tb ( heir On ic * ;U be lee-C* com, e;■«kc , nrj mint; r; . »■• t - :H be incmbor of the aeon Board and their •vi < . cs. I lie guo t minister and hi ' n.-'if -' •■ ; - .-tno o:vine J-'oUnoti i“. ci.lct.t of the Senior OToii' Mr-. Nnn’c Bo:: Hi' •>- able * f> oc u in :J ou t a...• in after a t \*o ■•rr-!; j]] Ivr sn-md- Ou;:Jb*'i "d :rra?r : on Lo 1 ' Hnhr.f ;.»nd v d *atd W:h , havc been as her during Hie il«nc~s. in the City SUINTET MAKES TAPTAIN BARS AT FORT BRAGG FORT BRAGG After !<>’.;? year.; of r.atienU;. wai'ins, fi-ve of-! fit-tvs of th. Third Battalion, nO.lth Airi-orm- Infantry Rrriment were t- !■;•••! li.ron;!; vcitli promotions' ?■.' tin .-nr!'- of Captian Tiic.'- two orders published; and on the first one. t*vo officcrt-; of the battalion promoted. V irrcH TL Stovr*Bi“ c.xrculi*v of-! fi'.'Cs I” COIYH' :iP v , iTCTM'Cd hi ; cuptian bars and ! r gk * n Hit; ! Butv of ass* -tant S-3 of flic Third j Battalion. DnWitt Cook, officer of I Coi.upup' T/\ uF'.-t received b*sl pvonv’d !'>»*, 'jt f ’\i time and ust-aln-- j od hL rov it ion. The . ccond order oubli.bcd con*; taint'd tbo nnnirs of tlhy r Cow'-%Y)y ) Officer Harry B Harris. Albert! !.. Rtrrimjvr and Sander.' D. T.lid-1 dir ton .T :•.. v.v e the nod additions j ii tv A TCI J REPAIRING i W, R. RUSSELL} i«s i- 1 rcNt’awt^B-wwm« i : | .wtt»ißWH'WMwaa , CHURCH SUPPLIES bee -what yon are baying « save on all church and Sunday School Supplies j Cnmf in and a i r**«nd CHIIKni SrPPLIES . . STEIN BLDG -3 Fayetteville, N. C, THE CAROLINIAN ■l3 h» ui- rihhons, ;J!» reds, and lo w hi'es. The 1831 clto'.v is to be st«>n-or - oJ > the Junior and Senior C'ham . her of Com mere"" of F ; i.‘ > 11 1 ••. illp - nd the V *;-*-»t. v'lle Stutc Ten • chon Collcre. l o'.ul b'isinev:. firm" .■u i individual;- contribulc to the j 'how fund. The lorn I |- tannin': eommbteo for the cvT-t inclu: e- .1. B. Bail'd, vo cational ' agriculture b acher at ; Armsttons High School: F. L.i Pettifiji'd, \ocntional teacher a» Ann Chestnut High School, and' Agent Johnson. fan ry Regiment, a unit nf the ‘Earned S2nd Air! nrne Ilivi sion." Master Serge,‘in! Farmer, a map i of many abilities, lire utt 'tided j several Sendee sehonls, ainonc w-hi ell are: Leadership. Heniyv | K(jl! • inept, Military Justice and j Jutnrmaster schools at Fort pragu, XL C. ani the H*'avy Weapons school at Fort Bcnninu. Georgia. Sergeant Farmer po-.a - .es know -1 Jcdao of ail bade Infantry wcv .anas, out of which ho speeialies in the HI MM Mortar. [Lesontly he h.olds the posit ipp of platoon Soi tvant of the Rt Msl Mortal pla. Lion, which he has had for approxi mately t'.vo years. He pa "tiro steel in ..eve: u operi. | pons "Oyerritinn Co’ ol in, fJ" i U Fort Benning. in 1017.” 'Opera-j tion Combine lip st F.glin Fi'-ifl i Florida in KM ft and ‘‘C'eratior, j F'irr ‘ vitli tlie 50.5th Airborm j Infantry in Alaska. \ jumper «inrr Iftffi. Sergeant Farmer has a total of 73 jumps to his credit. Hr hopes to make j many mote jumps before (rav. ing the "Famed 82nd. I i M pal "1 JiijlnyOn, eif g. —e k i XL J.. Mrs. Altony Mannng and j ria'tgbtcv of piney Grrn. c M C .i; Mrs. Koiftta B'iojii- o'rotid, j j York. City, natighter of AL.: f’.ar-i h-,„ Beene. j M ' f lt r i Jf’i- Me Oon aI J, ij iC- j ford. X. C., Mrs. Ladle Kink an | danglve.- of St. Paul, V. f Ml . Ma'-ih.t Jordan, N<'-- chans (a Rev Fred D, King widelv kno- 1 n yoi'!'ntitli ter of '-:t P:n:l I, V C 'll hr gue-U minigri [,'i. •< Pr);i.i P 1 f Lurch d.urng -a! ‘A ru-,). diir-iou th -.'o cr.T 0 f rtt 1 TllOiPt*.-: H. bwClle Ihr p "ijw j : ')' f i l ' ir r '- * n vacation, L* - . " ill be a acted Le. 1 0.-' John n. Me Nov of y . .an'.- ! (’-•.-■c k np.d the pev. w. P Ktnf.h ‘ h,,;,! P.PidiM Mini fr.-, '"Ui Mrs. ,) -at th. i -‘■a t of p- and 51" . r. •:'!vr H ton H C. Mcf’j' * a- t’lrri njL fr> thr '■?< - \h •' ■* .-•;]] ; : '* .n ! r r\ \ ••„ . in v; :! : rr; hi t p i cii ~-j YOYh t V j Vt. TEUTH RS li Vl* 1)1S( RniIMTION H.\MPTOY t \\V) ml .•oO Yt‘gio frpi her., ntHuiding t''}> ' HI Vt'llHoit I'i i\:jy f 1 l}) v .\I *i; l - I ,T1 As >ot hi in:? 1 f I -UUp" .-u» Institute ) ;.? AIM-}. »*-? .. . (i’ n soi i s. of res:o!ut,i;>;» :■l, i < s;» lion and di riniirn’jo.i i.; : ! vi) ii-Mis ion : Our rf’f>ol»Bjfm odf-ptf-d }>«,* nuj ' 'N-MVcßd'or rritioired th. ,vu ■•!-• CM i ASsSOcjMtlOt Os AdDlstl w ; i-- for 4 hotly rig f.ob- . ! I the site for itp 1 HAI rrcion-3) nu< t : | ing-. j \noTf)»r rr'2M!i)tir, n m! 1 «>jrj ‘T iv i i i'r Dint 100 ,nvf) fl! ?ir . .m; •*;' .pi ! j i'll.'’ rpc az z HTcaiir. of dclet».*!•- 1 i jTidMdußk sic-n -cckiug their ■■ u i '- [ | tjt iii h>nai right •; '-if imi-d* The -h • -I<•*r| r>t. Rc»- i ih. rt [ Hn ?cl; <■ f .hr \~> ».• . ' • « i f r n<-nyi’*?r,b|it /. ! ]•*»!;.» it'' •’ ‘ pv *; if) z Tll, av d T C-CIC CtCd 1 ': ft j fvnjvi.' ii 7»• ptiholni r c • i \itoo.t t:* r'-nUv -j 3 -f T7 entered ! n a ?otiiFnunit.y thnr- cattle : ; ho' j old vocontiy h-* Yogro f :our c j /u r Potent ‘m tion in Blk Vingh M> ! C -minty. KO LIKFTE SOAP . • - Austrat i fs« soldier. Gordon Mosey, tries ! to convince Korean orphan that he-jj fee! much better after a scrubbing somewhere In K.o --• * res.. i | | Captain Harris is presently coin- j : air.tiding officer of "M" Company;: j Ca>. tain Barringer is commandlns : i officer of Headquarters L-omp-'-ny I i Third Battalion and Captain Mid- i Jdk-U'.n ;• on leave. . , # New National Headquarter* r - <&. ... •*¥».- j La - . &S • In corner-stono laying ceremonies for the new Allied Van Lines, inc., general offices (inset) to be completed in January, 1952, in Broadview (III.), a suburb of Chicago, Merritt E. Brapa, President of Broadview (center),congratulates Louis Schramm, Jr., President of Allied, ns James E. Hawthorne, general manager, officiates. Four hundred Allied agents, members of the world’s largest moving organ ization, came from all forty-eight states to attend the ceremonies, I -- - - - I - IVlorpn IntrodiiPcs \(}il<*!i<* Tickcl r, \ I ,TI MOliK Th,- hirth - l th “Annual Atbleiie '!'i> k> :' wo. ■ miunc'il tliis week hy rhi- Uors in State f’ollege Athlflic Board, In,. This riekt't will mark a lit".' od of purchasing fi Tols nr ,\L r gan’s athletit fvent-. s’;nee tlmre will he m >ny n. w tit - .'Mill'll : o Ihe 1 >'•: Ip 11 .1 '.hie. sis Ingram, tin 11<. .j > - 204 Hay St. Fayetteville, N. C. ” ( — r jMMBWWWWq—aw—WWW moi jiy using Hi.- “ii. AiMd:* Tick* t" This t!< k-4 -a ill .•. 1 1 ni * ill own* r ti> 1 1 i lil !1 * •'l« i■ ! n - a' ;t £I”Vi I 1 v r>'(l 111 cl 11! 11'. "VVit h ihe o’l-’ii nf i li-' n- •' "1%11 r i li >• mii w 4um :.i. w it! b :nnm>• other events .-ivh ns: swim ming, I\ in ■ . ml •’Totlin . nine We Must Be Right- Wc Musi Hr liLrht- For X> Year* Vi <* Have l»r<*n Selling {dollies lo the Virll Dnssd Man in llin (onimunifv - See l t, lor \ our Nerd in Men \iuj Sludrnl (JolhintN < The Huh ini II A \ 'lli I I I I II! TH VII II . V < • ''#J| '<' ' j '|sjj THANK (JOB . . New Heavy weight Champ Jersey Joe Wal cott clutches I.ifcie and gives thanks for his good fortune In winning the nhainpionsliip ! .... i along I'noth.-d! am! ! a -K< thill. Bi 3 fetindive O ftmmlSerrices* J DAFFORD ' I FUNERAL HOME M Phone talfi m \N. N c. • Look At These ■ls .Lincoln •? 1045.00 47 Olds “68” 395.00 46 Pontiac “0” 795.00 47 Chevrolet 46 Buick Sutler 695 00 40 Doclrrc 265,00 41 F'V'i Con VP el ir>l r 395,00 11 Chcvi >lct. Est O'A Clean 425.00 49 Pontine ”8” 1595.00 41 Plymouth 235,00 WHEATLEY MOTORS r v RO y f jFJIvrl, Fa yr itcvillr, N. C- Jntn section of Rowrip $ P»i« fz £ RI V *I t I hone u-11 • .)i.-rm»Tnrrm»n 1 ' rit-n —wK>'m"«l'' IIT 'iwnr- l i'nrrnr--f * , ‘llMW»i | l*-» l "”"*~ t> --'‘ CJC ' vr- mm a- ,e wun-ct.>ncfc. ev»-T-ytbhKiiy.tfffWWfc' i4sr* t * l Hit»> , »nftTfUlU jt WEEK ENDING AUGUST 11, 1931 A cow owned by Ed Sims of near Waynesvile hit broken tho North f’aroiaa milk t> f - cold tor Holst* ins. Tin lolrnai’s I! i. i- vu'i 1.• r '.A days 4.0,' i production of pouno.-; <3 milk and tr/OA pound; oi butter fat. ‘ ,40 CSSpsy QsipaSf 1. 7*^* in U 5 SPCAR X VALUES We io[, nud ac 11 only the best la used cars Every model noli 1 with giiuninl-e. Sep us for real value:* t ground level pricer! I Yarborough Motor Company 115 VV, Russell St. ! Fuyettcvill#