PAGE THREE *» »j vl' r i. SOLDIER DIES IS AIITOMOBII E WRECK southern ;’ii-.s Tin- u-if.. a aoldiei Rationed -p f.-, ,i-r Bragg was hjstcmMy killed ea; ly Sunday when her car struck the Seaboard railway station at Came ron, ]o miles troin, with an Impact which knock'":) the tr.'inm building several inch, • off its Mrs. Prancev pe.ii.ion, IT came over a bill which drops off to s■ • t ,t j ntim Her car was dmiHili-hel i.icnnio Wells of Sanford, Seaboard operator at Ca n. run. was in the station at the tint ■ but was unin jured. Mrs. Pearson wo; die wife of Sgt. H. L Pcai un of the* 52lib .Training Battalion. She v.uc. re turning to Fort FJrngg from Troy, where she had sner.t Sntnrdr.y . e- Hint? with he;- inot.’i.u-in-law, vis iting from Birminyhom, Ala Semi Your News To I ■«! ti j O'l 1 t .J 1 I. .1 V Ls- snio 1 P ' **• £ ■&**** ®■ v ON A NEW W TAbV V"'7 18 mos./; fr" “S=gsg ! ■ w TO PAY \ T. Lm» =rs i v'A I\J “AY \ ||;j|]| . ~ —;i ' ■ . ■ •Hit i.» w NX i ■ \ f v jV * m “7 '>• // \ / \ / \ / "•* I 7 -i . j: | Has many features you’d i I I expect to find only in higher Bj i r priced refrigerators! Jiy ~~ | ! Saf» Cold bom frigidairo ’> \-y ! m Ateler>Mi;er mechanism pro te ■" N-mA reefs <»tf foods from on* H j. -.Jr shopping trip so the o«*f I s|f--’ ~y.»-; ■ ■ — ls* lllW | 1 _ S*»« Alt Yh#s,e features f r? _v J !j | 1 » famous wish S-Y#«f isl , - J Wvnanty. ■H V--, —-. sj j • fjiluiive Quickub* Tf«y\ with tn..J®n? Hp w Susiida,,* ~ \\ 81 ... ■" . , . S J * l*t>rcet(iiri HvdfolOf h»w» m«* *ban 0 quarts m ""dordMod*. ; - » rui „ a „d vegemblss H SO 7 Ml \ / * %us(-rekiston(, ifirrdy ;h*iv«» wi»ti pt»n*y :/„■ > jg of room for foil b«Uie». — ■— ■ tD Jr CT N . large Super-freetrr Polar, ovir t?* ; <*,« —■ J ' ..-.A' ' v Hmd A 1 • 3xl fro ton food. |^v^. >' C' "’7 T • Cold Storage Troy for quick ckrllmg «ie«l«, - j 'A, « New, robi«e» d«*igo <*nd fterCiq*.. v and Imperial Modmts, too i ' Open Every Friday Evening UmiH 2215 SOUTH Jk Jl®n nfc-!V.-K-| is i.ii-v in pi'i ai'i'd- Hi \’o- 'h 1 'a. - ima ( illo . , TV..t'. ; i' l.'iui, o .i-r ]IM ..'ln mlf. d, *. .. 1 :. ■ in la!,ali■ im*. a i < ~; -I>v vd Im tnu ..our. v.-liich i.uits ;,n. r ■...'■.11 l-. iftn.y. V. n;.'.. ■ sussiiui con-ur.tccl of !] 'it r, i.i.iy ;ua;i . nmaiT on ,\Uii|t Kitiii ’hun. : '.i ’s. .VTibid Mubiy. id sti uci or at ili .'i SclUml and tier -tuiiiuus 'luinoa-■tral.cil “Ti;:u’ ; ii .; Eouii on tin sixty vi in ti 1 l 1V ; iI)U . Mi.-. iV'iii>.'i! of Hi" l)n imin 1 Comp i;ii |>. a. ■ uid'd a riom nn.«tr,itii> i on te.-dili'S. Conroltnn - h»' ’l'hur'-alay'; nu-o! in,? w rt' |')r. A. G. iTullard. St .tv Dopar;nn-nt »t Public In. 11 in iinn. <1 i;-c .is ;iiig llia.i.. .miv-. .if Pc, r, the'.ly," and Mr.-'. S.:.r;i S Wca.ver o; t;,v Nr.iin Carobn • Ci - vil Dvi'vp..'. C.iom-;l. v, ho talkcci oil “'lll.' H ; .nioiiuilGor Teach.." : Con* . di but ion to Civil Defense.' 1 1 iitvilyn ihosley, Korlh Caro . t,' i'ii initi i; iuit, net Airs Ellta S. • ik'ii'elt. Stall I>, ia i tiiivru a la;■ .- ’ In In.-lii ctioil, iiav. fa. ioi: non* l":> nu,g . ouii., on,;. Cadi .in • 'j iH-iiui.- wilti c.’iapt. r a-c, i»ois, ' ... to .ita: t Pri am s .;>■ .-11• i. until rli.*•<.". cion of N’im Iloini'iii.ikr;'.- of 'unciiva in Foci. ." N.H.A. is i national youth 1 n ./a i;i hi Vv h ..a |.ui p>isv i.s hi t ~i'oini'iii hi tt . home In in,: find tn riin ~;.. ' haul' .. !'i;' A i-i Vi"iv of professiiinn! or- • gani/atinns that broaden the know- | ledge r f the teaiTie: and ..n evalua- • Cam of tit' icti'- itt> -of the -Ai'i'k v.'ii! end the conference. • i'C hi'.ui-. of :.',v various iiiiasos .i . I-, momakin;. 11 'vvv ret up in div * tome Mi-onomii.-.-; LTuildinK. Love-lorn Lass In Vain Try To Commit Suicide WIXSTON-SAI .EM Police liis- 1 mi.- 11 is iceidontiit here this week I cast- of a ..'.a>man who shot v I'.viself because she’d hoard ia.-i boy fiiaud had Ill'll friend.-. ■; Is I )oi otily Howell, JU. of , 'ii'd-A i.uiT ii Street Alley, v. as treated at Rate Diting IF V olds J .iih",oi iai tins',it'd for a .-hnti'un ' " ip the left thigh. The tic . it ovi nrra.'i diout noon Sun da i'. j ■' j i D tviel tdyni ... to, nc ;utdrcs» : R told detectives latei in bio day tla * 11 !!(• ell ;irl v.. s sick Saturday j b lit .oil ilia' after shed gone to *.l .'ii| h. .an o; t for aw Idle. !!::■ • ; on, ' i ok at 4 ... m ho .-... ..I, but b ' ran ne , ; ot up ,t i! a. in., Stic ac cused him of running around with, tiler . ■ mien. V Threaten* -Minute He -ait. h- walked out of the j i’.ou e, i;t She llillmoed him down; j !l’ ’ 01. SaiUi - .' sly. ■ ' going j "i kill 'lerself. f." l ■o.iunents, !"■ * i id,: die a,)!.rued home. i --i Tile Ho velt ", IV sislv , Mar-’fi niit Springs, same address, said! tt a- rial • a iked oast her and her. husband ori the ourc-h and entered >•: ft." hour. . In as, w ininuti s. she -S aid. she heard a shotgun explos- : o’ ini. 'the. '. a. no one in tile bed- i ."Oiii ’ - ii. ■ dstv;, Mis. Springs'li ■ li,i. it the time. ■ ji A Kat. Mitt in i it iioids Memo- N r ,I Hos; M'd sookesnian - uri "Miss m One Killed, Two Hurt When Far (! rashes At IK ford OXFORD A! 1 Oxford man was killed and two others were injured when the ear in which they were tiding v ent, out of control on Wil liainsb.n-ii Street fate Friday iif t, ,'Hooii .nd crashed into a truck. Police Officer N K. Wild, >,iid T.i'/eveU Bfaikcrvill,'. 2ft. dr:v,». of lilt' car was killed. Two ,a,iap, mii'ii.. H-'nv in Crews and Willie Lee Boddisot,. wen? taken ta tocid hospital for tront nomt of injuiii-s .Sidney Powell, e’e, Durham dia ' v for Maneli. st . r Hoard and p.i --p, Company, Riehmoti I. toi l Coe oir F. F. uric Hunt that the .ulo v. nl into a kid as il n uiiiled a curve on i hill did a loop ji’.-t aiv-a i of him and the hack -md at the ear crashed against till tght side of ttii truck oali. How ell v. ..dotitti ,1 to •|) 1,,,.- • pital. Her condition was fur r CALI )l .IiVtAN iivi's.-.liiuc. SCHOOL OI’EMMi SET AT OXFORD OXFORD Hr Hint South an inteudt.nt. .nnouncvd Monday that Oxford schools w.iui.j !>e?ii, Ihe fall term on Septeinb-i The new Orange Stre> t X'c To Sciioal building will be rondv so i.-'.v ~t the openin'!, Di. Smith aid. Sei ral vae.'.ni'ieS in ihe ft'achim. ;f ici'f i.-maiu to be tilled., he and" • Sh ah Summer Srhtmj I’iaiis \loiiiil«iiii Trip i!AI HIGH The S'n-a t.Titvef ity Snnuu(') School is o;,a;iu. j a trip to A. 'vs ill, to Lin o Titi - Hills." A cli'ii iti) e.i t>i■. ill leave trorn Siiaw Cniv'.a. ity •am. as in front of Est,y Hall on iuturday morning August i; ;,t a ich K.'k. For details concerning'xa -1 oris so" those who are , lit ore, n making this trip, c.oiitacf Dr. v • 'son H Harris. Director of* ner School at Shaw University THE CAROTINT.\U i • - . . ' . i >; - - - - - —' '» !'l . l fol ul file UlllfcJ N.lll We r h lilt Cfc ,illf< JlVitlott J(lj Nobtl ptiie vw inner, v!uli ms w( lit.illy viifit i.fsn t >tai Jamei fcJw.ilJi at a .Jiivata •_ , str/liilv) ,ii Ldwi.J.' new ilib/t*. "Blight Viclo/y. - tJwalJi iaiiltaavc m Tliii Jfftma ti.n liail tsl as hit Ixrif tu . J t a-■» ?n* 1 tn i-m -Hu ini. .i i; I joK- r, : > sidi iU «>I 4 !ii* tV«r .«'•'M>i'i;itlufi, V, ?!! jsrrtJif. *! tlir o« i4:iui/.it j»m\ j(in*i.'! e«»n vention t«» hr h. It! Xn K. 30-St*pi ! in |*hi'.;Hit'tv;!iM A* thi\ inert - in:: hr will jm y tribute to ttu* irhi ot lawyers in iit*htifig *or ei\ i! rights for 11 * i»! zens hi the \ ntioi Slates. —* • \SV MAN FREED AS CONFESSION IS PROVEN TRUE l.'.U.Kiillt V Ciiarlou. i a « at (I.- two mots. Foil C h ussistaut parole 3 : I'ortiltlisionor .raid that;' j ton repeatal his confession sarirnj l • ' did nut want innocent man • to serve time. 1 ssiel; . aid l .Va diiiivt.on fold hit!) | he hud nut. 1,-ttowii \Vi!"> until h<> ! , met Jiim in iaii. Wash! net on ir sorviiK a toil I « at vc„at? fur arsor. Foltowimj conviction Wiley an-I lr ali‘(l In tile S?! it* Supreme Coilrt ! lfiwcvi'i. ha witlidr v hi- unpea* I and hi- aa ■ . iiiimi itteii to prison j ‘■it Jtily V?. lie was f'-!"a.:-i'd on I .'fitly ?7. SLAKING Os FILE ADMITTED ! SIX'S Vt IN’ •i.di", i itiiet Mo ri'ift >i (.•:!? itU» id W 'litl'.SdflV h'3 'had ». at ii:i., ■ iia I i*oHi We: 3 -- ’ey FotUa :;!• yiar-ol*) farm ■corher of Route 1. n..\. i- ttuin.: •j- -I'.'w Mis I.on'ita Wad*;. $7, Vi tii a naii ;j J. Uii; hid it;:' body I under a var-UifUse here. Police ’" :i!i : ear* ll far till wom an’s sister, MV-< Willi; ehai'iil by Vv ade, w ill, inn !»■■; u repotted «Tnb'fi lag since tiie ci tit i,i the mur ;der tint there a,..-, ip, iniirietliat/- . ri(i"'n L i: the j,i,, in-id- nts ar 3 * eon netted i ic a at>-d. Report, ~f tip- ,; j .iri- ,i.i':i'i, i ivtts made bv ..nother mister. Mr;-. A.t --* wood \\ ti. .in of Vf,l.l),.tee. Ha-skin.-t ijiiidi d Ford bum ay .rev -ft it f.b it. be -i a. ill it'll the womail with a Tt.ti) fit" after tfesy hud 1 Quarreled over money. Alii , Witiii.tieet.iinruwed body i v.a.-, found warty Saturday and po- 1 81ce a : 'tir, on Fordhatn’H trial halt i ■•le hotir Ja'cr Tii 1 li-id fvkmda I of Lhei kill me the niKiit of the j I Maying but no report W;m it,!)tie to ■ police until the body wa.- found, i Haskins stated, ] j POLICE NAB ! MAN WHO SHOT ! COMPANION I f»\ II t r \:. „..., j 1 • hi .it.'- Huffier strr- •'. wa*- nn i 'T : lit iliJitill ,tj .\;,|Hf I'.'fili Yp-- j - • ;i j Ilf ;t: .1 1 fur t |--i-tol I ■i< * it.- I. ;'< .!’■ i. h • {i} tr->ir •«.,*! in 'I- • *;.i l \tU I’in .t.,:!. M. Art , it.if ~| , -th - „ * «'I ‘i .1f.t.1l ■ m t .it-p,. *t. f. I,' t,f. [ ... :.'ii •Tillit It V» .1- ..'till Stt ~ 1. r- I tiff i t it. hf t;tf *. I .! tin,.: Cr 1 lit M. ■ ;■.■■■>. ’ r ■ t *.i v. ft tr at t 't: t>lir ( ft ;•> t>t' ‘ i |i i' . tv> I >•••. ••!! SlilitV ." I j ; •" • .mi .rt ••.{ •• jI ■ vie: II • ... I -|1 1..!,' .- iitt | ni -iii when :i., i hen t;t..i■ lin 11ji hit it S !» * T ♦• - -.;ft.-. ; 'tf ■: I. him, 'in - !■„, . ... j • Wh; r*th t tol v it t j~' ii( !■ > ; rh V t i •! tn .r' f ie .1 lit : >hf in- .1 “in thr j lay lor aTts u t.: I’s tl lIKUf : t-*:i 0 t‘ rh- “ .'.ftMl' t- 'ir I H'‘-a ft-. !;iin-pti fru'-; t ■ Ia - ' tv.u . . ined. It ••.: : •’ 1 . ’ it’ > fuiniit lif ’ - I ’’wd a itutl • it i»t-> .'i-iith .'lff* Pc . (i Smi’h pul Ini -t f.l 01 Tit':'. Send Ymir Yeu> To \ * | i i i • f fgS# an amazing value * • produced and bottled by TM WELCH SHAPf IUIBI COMPANY, at IhdwtMfy, Bwtofi, N. Y. • > i--;b; j fluat'tj tfiiptift****, im,.. Naw If®ik, HT, * Clergyman Takes Poke At Bias As Women Begin Sessions At Twin City WINSTON-SALS MVjC -I) ■ . 1.. in .-us. ire in tl,, ham,. ,f romnaini'in versus dcjrtt»cfacy, full 1■ >1 .1 «it.M«,cr.U:y !ff ;iil .vf'ujn '■ IMMV • I«.it gradually but mm i> l i 1 b> Ci'in>; ti. " u.t. fi Am ■ j O.. 1-. -‘ s 1 . i"' ; St. ah-, ti • lolif tO.'f-uii v.i ’i.i, ’ Oil" ffivii. \f \.--if held AiniitLty 1...,( n Hi at y Merinos fa;." in ntteml ae.--.-,iitte: ~| tile* toll ferciic.. which eon!iiuif- tinMUß's 1 i-’ritia.v. Ihf uolf.i.atf.- (id mini .-i n par iic a j... led in a Huy Couitminitm f 1 ice -Sunday l lit eh hop y.' c (tr-' . as :/ii \ , t dii.. -I 11 f -", I 11 if si a-mi in. \ i I No need to care atoii»» 1 “Gray Hair” wish LARES; / vijf T; I . * •*;. . “s ..0 v>'% M - Cat - - ! a-'" ' v>; / *! ML Slum- II? * . . (Ut \wsb : ! T? 3 >* J tiujo Aren't lot icooti l Vou Ci?i look lovtlitf. t nAn— & ?3•! -i * .> , ’i ben ?o«i ;ive :raj h-eti" .icv- celur. ncv. 1} ’ besuiy, --'iiii Ooiivtrui'S Larieuic lliir (.olnritiiil I >rieti-» iiii.-.t- tour !t' r -<> frS t|Oiai>, an I>l!ttiv--C-. vs-s vuiilv simuitj;. «i., •ihuice «»I H.tttcr.u •; ,' \-k n jour ' * coMcnecic eoiinn-i tor !.n»icu\c It. -r ('olitr- g‘ - iny—inihercdboi praised ey thou-tmii. - '' J • hioritc H»r inure direoi .l m (he Itiicl. C9off ; -" U " • I ’' t * • ; •f ff. of , fir, i ~ ' <: y ■-• this ... . f if: f , y ;.ht> i iiL't/ m tiif ■ i ..(j j,, . . < rim tied in if,- ('. 1',.,, Am., .- i u •, 1 1 - , ; i,.. the Mi", i: ~, V" . -.a 1., "l j.. ,-it , hi- tfiikfi 'I. .... i i ' Shell Oil v," ... * --‘‘i'l ic, .i .■.• t?■' • •' ~ < i tile htiiiifli n. ~. - j-. t; o 'tit- . -•" . f, iff - II >■ Head I'lie Caroliniai).