PAGE EIGHT Continued From Page 1 A & T bourses college v\ as hoi id ten by iVlaj. Ver non E Punch hurt from t)i«- Air force program at Tcskegvt; Instl lute, Ala, sinci- June fi. Staff officers in addition to Mu jor Kennedy and Major Goss vviil include Capt Robert Friend, Mow assigned to the program at Tus kegee Institute, and I t Walter Harley, Air Force ROTC program? for Negroes are now b> ing taught. at Howard University, and Tennessee A, and i College in addition to Tuskegee and the one which will begin heie in September. Taylor Cast* Who was trying to come In i»n- 1 etttiton of his wife's • xtensiv" d estate holdings am! .vn- at th same time, the '‘head man" of a hense of jmvtmunin His n*-itviti* in prostitvnion imal residents e vealed were not solelv Unit of ''house man” He was also a pro cuter WIFE DISCONTENT Mr. Womble'f. activities ■ taib\ irked his wife, whose pn.- in the community was gt r, ady n< n - heal, it was learned UN • •>uht Mckering for . onmd of Mrs Wim ble's property tailed to meet tu r saver a iso WAS II MURDER While thi.- domestic sty was existing in Fay -tr.-viiie Robert Wr.nihle was ut uniing school in Xenia, Ohio at Wdk-i force University. The younger Wamble was -lied back to PayA t-ellie tr, attend htn erai services foi his m-vis. .-.mi while there noted in. n-osi-ncb •• "sports on how hi; mother aid died. In opinion Mrs vVotnt.le was murdered. Wonihle contends that nm mote «*r's death was cruised in are. prisoning. Mrs Wombie w>; i. in addition to being a tea--in nas a capable taxidermist. ium! plies of arsenic on hand at h ■ faxadermv shop for use in enrl g leather All tile arsenic was not accounted for, and the sro.-d with which the burial ser; ices w.--. handled indicated that there tiuv have been tout plav Wombie considered making .-lim gEs. but was restsmed from dotu". so on the advice of ' tan Tv friends." WHOSE PROPERTY'' The ft ret. Mrs Wombie has ■ cee-ien i> See pin- lu->- m-one- t .ill of the hands e.t N Y Wonmlf but made Certain benm-stc to he,- -on Robert. X V Wombie, however was made snmiMstrator of ties not effected i.v the !•■-, u ,u t: 1 EGAL C.YMPi IC' AT 10 V A ieral commicatiou is not -1 in tha t X Y Worn hie who died a 194$ .aiifg'dP ‘willed” the .iio petty which was of the c fv- of the first Mis Wombie to t s coid wife IE- actually did »-<t have to power to bt-noest th>- «-s --iftte pronerrv because he was oni” .adnnnisflat-ii of h<;iiU--,--s blackmail ex to a n«v. - Robert W.-jjiiiU ■ onn ini that his father wa« heiim "h-lacKr-,ailed" Pftyettevfiie t .idm.-ivis wh.v. log know-ledge o» in- o-r -M,-, nrcsiitution and having- id - - c.n cerrrlrc Mr: Womhif T ,i.. at:, d» mar.deri payment from the e‘u< ”' man in return f-.i a "L.hui off policy s Tins payinen? Wombie iV< is was to be In the form of prt.pert» from his mothers esr--e. (TO EE CONTI XUE i>. >■ e\ t * ' €« V , : i ijrin | . I m! I fi*t</Jtpir*/- m| jfcfShrr jl|P| V 1 \ DISTILLED FROM AMERICAN GRAIN 90 PROOF. SEAGRAM.DISTILLERS CORF,, NEW. YORK, _N. Y. • ; week 111 is Si-rii-i vvill le)l of i I lie ■'! tmlllig 111 u ill VI ilk'll, nivtii d-ing' lu vvitnesaes hud been destroyed. How Atturio.-j Herman Tii.vim first becaiti'- iiivulvi-ii with Hiiiiii't Wombie will also In it-dnitd.j Man Leader Meeting lu u fiiur-liiuii session ti hut A ititl nj ... i/n isiti.i hlilf/ 'Tltr h'hitt tint* Ik itlit' t>r ittuttlfi tltn . it ttti t /• t iiitfil > : tutl’S Slt/Wt I/it' I'tiHi l :V. • A: - flints Off U’lllll to si l I’l U srlniDl iOu tit it i lynllth Pi tful ’Ut irith irhitf < h ilftrc n I \f iiredicted Prosidei.t Tni't'Hlt it he snuglit n—i-lection vioulil liave 15. liti votes sewed. TliC' would • com.■ from government employ ees. ■ tin ii tT-ieiid-, "big labor bosses' Ji v's and tio-ii money. N \A( P Heads in the H I. McCroivv YAIC V. where dt tailed reportin', v. a ini'- hidden, the grouj> went on loi-oirt is adopting till p'olicy e, tile 0,1 tioaal NA.UT* hod wluoll was ;e o imilgated in Pi.'ut vi/. pressing for I'omj.ih-ie integration on the ele mentary ; cliool love) Tin* me'ti.ig 'v.m harmoniims and showed uu'i-t of the alleged discord meiitloin d in the daily press sev.-al weeks ago Evervone showed intense in terest the remarks by Robinson who is Senthnstern Regional Conn, sellor and Conrad 0 Pearson Dur hatli state redress ehairmuti. De tails weer outlined conceniinjf present and future cases to bo pressed HERMAN TaYI.HR U PPOHTKD Tile attorneys r-d iaymen pres ent pledged unstinted suptn.|. nil i.ilh and financially- to At torney Herman G Tavlor -' r Rn lr-iaji in his fight to defend him si If again-.-t charge,, of unetuicai i'ii actiees id law t’-ioughf- bv Ro bert \V m ti o! Fayetteville and now being : • -edi - the State Bar Defies u-turned utidei the clmim- fanc-es.’ f'ourt clerk Artlmr AV Greene soul Judge Grady’s "tonfluc-lash • -.rui" had -to red up resentment i/> fates county wli:li has a popula tion til! per cent Negro. rile NT. ) ,es arc upset about the verdict " raid Grenee. ‘and the whites are upset about the judge's denunciation of the jury. We don't cviu.ct onv tri able The :-elation . nio between v.diite and colored •' rik- heie has been id.-ai for many yeats” "Tt.ere's i.i.. tui.-stiori alrout his (•i.iiimittiivc peijuiy -.aul J udg« Gi.ia.v. ‘Neysome swan he had i.i--. i,iH-u :o her brother's iioine v.heji there* was definite evidence in.ot be ':.d men there" newspapers agree Nor tli (:u ulinui's newspa however, are In full agreement w ith Judge < I rati v’s decSsii n in the i-ase. Ksuectally jbiofiise in editorial canmicnt < afn fi illli*.' tin matter was the ! ajetlrville Observer. Nominated F'Tl'ifi hv F r RuOSevWt 111 V‘-}4. The- niMrh'T* '■ "v:iys h Presid^nfial jtp 4)o*ll njt-ul smi *•» r 111- ft saiai'y of inOt t th a n > « : ' -.Hi ii 1 addition To hi« wo- k au Jto *o -!v; Di ais«» ’" pastor <•! Iha •"bbitT Olivet Bai-ri.<T chur h in Phiiadoioliia. Seven Injured When Cars Collide In High .Point HIGH Pt'.'NT iv veil P<-| «•>.»•• ".tKi injured iii tlu- lici"i-iui c<d iij-.un ut two (-. 1 ': hv.-c late - .' * 1 day night and both vehicle:', evrt’ • : ~ v j;. ~ m -bh H > x • ‘v ' '' - , ' g I ATLANTA l PRESIDENT, WIU WH.I. SAIL IOK I t ROPt Dr Rufus L. Clement, president of Atlanta I nivei.-dtv, ami Ales t l<-mcnt hoarded th«- S s Aimrica Saturday for lu (ape. (in th iiiidiii.-iil 111 *- y nil! colfltdll. Work I'm the chiin !i, vaeatioki a too- t- tti.l a visit to tin-s 1- s 'ii in law. Hlii i-iailv l)r Cb-mcm is . d- legate of the African .Methodist L»k copal CikUreh to 'the Methodist Ecumenical ( onferem --. :l viorld V " ' , .. : • M# A *r '•* - v ft - " ' i W - V « • p- . - -sTs •' ' Sf'.jCi -ll#, . :Ay,. :: " T ,/yt® ' My: '■ s- \ >■ ••:- <{■ -r I I.''"" " ” Mi P*fc‘ * . n - - v.. -■'••-y^ : NßwyhMHm* ,i T • .(c -AA. -a •••»: 6 ■ i II ' % :% !V / ■ ns mem * st. \r<a>'iimvs <- i i s NEW Ht SMilNii —The Rt. K«n Edwin V Pcnick. chairman ui thi- board of trustees of St Aug ustine's Ctllntr, is shown at erpting the keys to the new pen lek Hall of Science mt the col lege, from frank K. t'larke, ar rhitcct. extreme h ft. I.eit to right ail .fit flsirke, I>r. Harold i. Trigg, p; < rid* rit of t!ir tiii logo, Thurman Kenton, euntrar t«i>, Hishop Petsick and Robert J. Johnson, member os the St. Augustine's College board «»' trustees. Penn t. Hall, complet'd at a oust of S'.’tr«,9Uo, when rut’ FASHION - OF-WEkIK ' **" ’ a ’»" > X .• | y • •/.•J ' , %i ■ -if- ;- % ‘ti *■:*■ :d sss££&*■ W" " v '" ' • v’.cXf yy.y • •. ! 'fe i|g|§§ :|jp| I * m. I FASHIOfy FROCKS cf Cincinnati nsec a romantic Indian prim in rea, whits and i.iaok for t*,i* «yna two.piles cress. Available d’rectly in hernc-s frorn heus-wife representatives. (ANP; •4* 1 HE CAKOUNJAN cii lllid k ill (1 li; pi mi- cure involved in -h av 1 ii-ld, UilH- of Umill i;Ul.s si-;..iii:, ill one ve!dele conference held every it) years. Ur. atnl Mis. Clement vvill attend Aug- .*8 Sept 7 in Oxforcd. Eng- A', hile visiting tin- Seandi igiv .an nations of Norway, Den maim, and Sweden, Dr. < lenient will study the c<'o>jerat»Vi- move mcsits there, and seek ways ill win. h they may h l|i Negro comnumitics, rural and urban, in America, in Austria, the Clem ents m lit visit their son-in-law, ;>t. Robert f. Foster of the Army medical corps in Salzburg. »is::c< , ill hoiiye the entire science department ol the col lege. .i?n! will free the former science ball for other uses. Other enlist ruction projeels stilt under waj »n the SI. Augustine 1 !* cam pus include repairs and renova tion o! Thomas Hall, freshman fir-:, dormitory, at a cost of M#.- oi>' and renovation of the »id Industrial building at a total e .st of .si.'i.flOl). Sensational Values! ’4B CHEVROLET 4-Dr, FleetHne. Rebuilt Motor. Radio A Heater, '4B CHRYSLER, Saratoga 4-Dt *4B PONTIAC “8”, 4Dr. Streamliner. Fully Equipped. CONN-GOWER PONTIAC CO. SO? Favetttoville St. Dial 3-4885 ,usii'ii.-n’t! ■ rt f - ■■- -i- —ri-mmiT" - m.niiraminri.amJininiiiiiir.i i. ..Ljavy mnnn-inir.rirv-iwtrianuiwjjt»iii ’ -iiiti-t-i umixun Mii ■ 1 —ntur-mirT—rn-1 • "*^* ll ***“ i f'rt Tirn-iwotrwunwrirriwn-U'rt m--r ■-vmirfni , iiim-Mr*«**^* >J - u - M ** W1 *-* USED CARS ’•" ! .'Vtiry S vita It. Fully equipped Mild overdrive $1 7!ia ■ i ■ -Mi silver streak -s" Sedan Coupe Fully e|U .pp.-d f IMr’i 'Mi < Tiu\ rote! 2-dr. Radio, heater anil seat covers $14:)- 'iiO i 'Til 2-dr. Radio, heat*.- and seat covers . . '-•*> :Vi. iciuy Siidau Coupt Fully equipped White wall tires $1 Ti*r. Mb Ford 2.dr. Radio, heater and seat covers ?I:2l>r. 4!) ( uf-vrcJct Deluxe Sedan Heater and scat covers ... sll9o Ns iUirri.uit Sedan Coupe Radio, heater, seat covers . $ 99*. •is i’i>::t<ti.. Silver Stroak “k” Station Wagon J 4l Ch *;iili-t Aero sedan. Radio, heater, seat covers . $ Sfoi •i7 iv.i 'h Roaduiaster Sedan. Fully equipped White wall $119.' *.p. c dis' *■'■ Sedan. Radio, heater ami seat, covers .... . $ f-’Sft Many other motleis atsd makes to choose from- HARMON Lincoln Motor Company Mercury j j 42S S. Wilmington Street SIS Fayetteville Street | Dial 3-5454 Dial 3-3643 | 1 J. M"-l * HouMy injun-d was Hu belt L. Holmes. oi -HJU 1-2 Hay Strict wiiu wa em'ontc to hts llPPll- 'Alice .. lUipniOplli- W£i i struck by urn- driven by Andy TlinmpsoJj, 2i\ ot 122.t> Hoover St Holim jj> in u Win.-tn-Salein hos pital s i l lll.- .a ti u fi'oin numerous fraeturt s. .mu Jacc Utceru lions Thompson bus been cnarged with driving drunk M. is in High Point .Vtunni ill Hospital suffering' 1 laid vs uitd outs V\n o other pus sengur- ih he- rar uiv in a serious condition. both u Winston-Salem l ho i bials Tilt > a:v Mire Rtfie Stiunge. !!t buck mjm i< r face la eeralions. and head in jut tv- ai. i\!iMildred Alexander, 20 head a'lo t'-i’e la te i;j t a ms. im.-ui L.u.'- ti.i •• -.oil head i riju. ie> t ; in . injured were William Hlu.iat. 21. still in the local hos ; ■ '•ui'lerm-.- te injuries. Miss ''■.•h; Austin, is. hospitalized head iujuru*.- and Robert Burke, 38 who v. as released fol low inp treatment for ruts around '.he mouth and rioae and on the let’ J’plu-e have b'-on unable to talk to rhioi other pa- e,:.tiers in i Thom-son's eat Hninjmvd. they r.-m from till scene of the accident before police arrived. Dm ant and Burke told police) ■ ili-ii Thompson wat driving fast and that the pa.- • -niters pleaded it 1 him to lot Them out of the ear Kred Dv it of tftt-i I r-ouard Street told polio. h< was in the froii vard ot h : home and watch e I b e ear until the clash beesusu of it eveessivv speed It was learned ilia! tie drivers of lit. two errs ere brotilws-in I rev V. a vine married sisters. The cm driven by Thome- nr. belonged lo Mrs Jliliet Davi- al-e. ~ reS. . det.t ol 1226 Hoover Sheet where Tlii'tfi! son anti Ins wife live. Police .aid ’no. nlp.-o). was driv ing cast ot! Leonard Street and Hiilnies was headed crest Thomp son's c.'u crossed to the wrong side of !h toad to hit Holmes' head on. pen ice said. Four armwianevs ivuv used to tin it..itired to ti c .r.r-r..Pr.. MrCKY XT MURKS day, month and year born and nam. as you mrii it for your Associated Numbers, fur re suits mail today with I Rtf WIL.I OFFERIN tl lisualh receive S-P to WILSON FOB 221 Detroit. Mich B£ WtStt 8£ SMART.* on the best and most 9 TOR YOUR MOHEV | Keeps haif fc'\T £%k at yous ®k-' <J v \m m fiff ttve and din* drug and I gtocery st«r* **€>N£ mm AT ANY PRICE! <ltt ULftfiUi £a . s» ***. »o * (i1 ~ „ fin . -in , nrn-r-iTiifT'ii-r- J r rn rt.i ir.»fr"iMri r t- -“t —.-y n --r-rr ~ti rnnirnmnn nurmwiiwniiiin r. i wmr - uniinnkM—mwiHiliimmu—»' TRADE NOWS LOWER DOWN PAYMENTS! , LONGER TIME TO PAY! You may not need cash. Your p rosent appliance may cover youv down payment on a new mode 1 refrigerator, range, washing ing machine, home freezer, or televsion set. Inquire today . . 1 trade today , . and take longer to pay on easier weekly install ments. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR BIG ALLOWANCES! FOR YOUROLD WASHER ON A BRAND NEW 9 1951 SfcrSt WRINGER-WASHER I w f With These Features? ® Full-Size Porcelain Sub || / # Famous Thor Mechanism |k, I 111 •* » ® 1 hor Super-Agitator Action J / ** *** *3O I Built for Years of Service |!/ AIS/l) yp I TRADE-IN TODAY AND SAVtf I-mAI oeei? |?vt»ss<s| Rnokpl |~|f V>tL tk£i .uU-k’lk 4-1 ilUolll i t#l B 12 eu. ft. ■- of Cold ! j Only 31995 V Sw* * ' $;•: lb. (rrer-er I'lirsi a! (he n.p, i At.a t'aoiu fur tali !( I .\\. I i"hdc'i >i>nJ bulk*. Pmkl-. ill r ' * tra hurhel td ‘-'d.-j iHptf' *- k«-♦'*»»»• h li'py • t'ujdv o1 fruits, Si j/ J / 'vegeiahltis «mJ Im-v v coin'! ’ " Ss ‘ f * Autoinatio BI ITEh eiIE.ST .. . aei «t *attr* co*tl \/ / m .liditig Meat Tr*>. • Adjustable «beh »p:-i.-i'. with liti-nnt bull *b*di'. YOU GET MORE WITiH KELViNATOK » t.'iv .-.'Cli tin tn.f lira i i, .nvriiieu! im.i-.1-ruk! storage, €o* 0•C IT Aft *TO ' THE' FLGOS l - Huki'r i-iii 2 ."'ii.k-i!,),», j«-rfom>auuti. WUEK ENDING AUGUST' 11, lUSI

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