o>> >*A/-* * %r* J ****,&*<* >**>••-s>Jgi «.-*>•* •' X? -* o< ? U 1 *.*•* ; > ' K * , t " - V ".°> J -- '■><?.'' "‘ *£. '"*/ 'Xhi+.^S A BlesseM Christmas ' . v . ~ „, k „ V. - , c, '• ftß 4)J. O O V J<I ■<*, H.../VVO /VLW .oyt O " v ~*£it» COLD WAVE CLAIMS 3 LIVES IN MX. North Carolina’s Leading Weekly VOLUME IX SUIT FILED IN TRA VEL JIMCRQ CASE Police Hunt Couple Who Abandoned Tot In Shack A Message AT CHRISTMAS "I Bring You Good Tidings of Great Joy .." AND IT CAME »o pas*. that in thorn days there went out a <te- ; ere* from Caesar Augustus, that j the who!? woiid should be en rolled. This enrk.ling, was Jirst; tmde by Cyrinus. the governor of Syria And all went to t#» en- 1 rolled, every one into his own; city. • And Josenh also went up irom 1 Galileo, out of the city of Nazar- j eth into Judea, to the city of; David, which is called Bethlehem: because he was of the house and • family of David, to be enrolled with Mary his espoused wife, who was with child. And it came to pass, that when they were there, her days were j accomplished, that she should be j delivered. And she brought forth 1 her 'firstborn Son, and wrapped ! Him in swaddling clothes, and t laid Him ir> a manger; because : there was no room for them in j the inn AND THERE WERE in the same country shepherds watch ing, and keeping the night watches over their flock And behold an angel of the Lord stood i by them, and the brightness of God shone# round about them;; and they fee ed with a great fear ! And the angel said to them: i Fear Not: for, behold. I bring you good tidings of great joy, that, At Least One N. C. GI Is Listed As Red Prisoner; No Raleighite On Record YOUTH ASKING 15 ORAND KINSTON SUIT j Jv INSTON --An 11-year-old boy. whose foot had t<. b-« amputated' after an accident involving a local garbage truck, has filed ■v it a-. gainst the city and three men for £15,000 ! | The suit risks slo,<>oo for person al Injuries and disability and $5,- i Jaqopo jjooi luappor. .qj, 000 for pain and suffering. j 5. The police report Wilbert Small 1 suffered the loss of a foot when it was eaug'h l : tv •• -i rfc, curb, and the tire : t:.. garbvgi truck after the youth and a friend, Joe' Louis Manley, tan out in front of, the vehicle. The suit charges that Manley! was deliberately struck by oat oti (Coniintted on page Sy i shall be to ail the people: for, this day, is born to you a Sav iour. who is Christ the in the city of David And this shall be a sign unto you. You shall find the Infant wrapped in swaddling clothes, and laid in a ■ manger. AND SUDDENLY there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly army, praising God, and saying Glory to God in the highest; and on earth peace to men of goad will. And it came to pass, after the angels departed from them into heaven, the shepherds said one to another: Let us go over to Bethlehem, and let us sea this word that is come to pass, which the Lord hath showed to us. And they came with haste; and they found Mary and Joseph, and the Infant lying in the manger. And seeing, they understood of the word that had been spoken to them concerning this child. AND ALL THAT heard, won dered: and at those things that were told them by the shepherds. But Mary kept all these words, pondering them in her heart# And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God, for all the things they bad heard and seen.—Sl. Luke, chap. 2, vs, 1-20 i RALEIGH At CAROLINIAN I piLvssitune, i .j indication had been ! gitm l hen: tin., ,u;y of the twenty Nej'v ( Mi'.>!;;:a -i I'VK'emen now tettur hold in nn.oner of war . temps in China arid Korea by the .' Communist.--, woiy local Ne.To res i. I cuts ih» CAROLINIAN'S eorre ; sponrfent, however, noted that | at least one Durham man is listed among the 20 North Car olinians included among li.Jftg American GIN who, according to reports from the Reds, are now being held prisoner, fir Durban: man is a soldier, j Cci. Jain.:-. J Brown, who is listed in War Department records as the husband of Mrs. Prudence Brown Co 213 ( arporalioti Street, Dur-! ham While the ,:- ri leased by the Armed Services Tucs’ :v if partial, i it if believed that 3 to 40 : Per cent of tin- servicemen listed j on the irnital list are Negro voter-1 at is of the telling attacks mad,, on > the Red Koreans during the early clays of the war. Following is a list of North Car-j (Continued otj page 8). ; |d|lf Jigs ||t I*§ &'iMW A|f i !# J ..' s tj® iif S&m If IJIM J Jp liMfiWlii# k A LEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA WEEK EMM NO SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22, J 951 One-Year Old Girl left In Heatless Tenant Farm Cabin WINSTON -SALEM -CNN' \ r-.vo-st.at>’ -i-n.T\n is m.--> t>. if. ;RtC tor .; VOItli:, .Otipll- -vilO obviously obat'oon.o .* »n, -w ... old citilid in an uit heated tenant L - - * .-ei- !)■:.’, ;\1 ’ -■ police >ff.>■>•:.- in North Carotin; ai;i| VU‘;’tnJ-> at.- s<-kniy E .-•«> Firm and his ■•■ ts•. 'Mrs. Hoso F'vtit or; tin ahotidomm ' ■ etv fg< wni ■ "rows out of thi- (list.ovcry of ;: child KlentilliS' ;: «n*- liavoiL i *>et; "kept" bj the Flynts in th U’l-i ■•;i,-k:'k foiTiit-r’v ore it; !.«•>: ip tl- r > : 1 1> on the -ton-. U--tei * . v dintl to .nyestlgJt ..'• tlie child. .t sir!, ht.d been ‘‘given' to tl>> Flvnts '.'hi-;) she v.i- few month:.’ old The child's name arK nor p -i ij ■ i'tent i’ ■, t ,J' tile child? mother i- a iso not r*-eord- Poiiee office, s sa> that the » f> fn„ have flisapepared from this area, th* 1 house in which the tot wjv found show tug signs of having been rap id It deserted. it ontiimed im page Hi ; m sSSbp j . FOUR CHILDREN DIE AS FIRE DESTROYS HOME ELIZABETH CTT\ Four suialL ■ children were burned to death -,t | i their home near here and ,1 fifth. j was critically injured even ns j then ir.ithcr tried valiantly, j 1 ihoui.;:'. i .ally, to ! eM/ue them from j 1 a Monday noon fire which de- j strayed the home Burned beyond iderrtitua- j Don are Hilton 1 Thornton. j one; da rim Thornton, tu o; McNeal Thorntyn, three and I Teresa Viola Thornton, four. | j A1 :• local ootiphai being treat- j l ed for serious burns sustained in j : the tragedy i- one-month-old Ter-! iry Thornton. All victims are tile children ox!' ; Moses Thornton, a laborer and his j i wife, Mrs. Evelyn Thornton. j 1 ! According to investigators, the i < tire broke out in the two-story 1 : structure on a farm near here i 1 j while the mother and relatives j 1 t (Continued an page 8> jt «s ... . li- .A - r.- w , m&P n i : -M 5 $ & : \t ■ 'v •' ;>s V . »■ I |'J i we . '■'■■* U»l\> IN (iKi ITINti l.ov> ly Delores I-.v.tns of VVashi'tgton. I), t , Miss Wilberforce < ol legr' for the session, joins people throughout the ; S' V Ifel iifr ~ - ~~ r - • * jjp W v *l^4 Rjß* W-MWmW • V;itrV, h • ' Ks '■ j " , ' ■ * ‘‘ ; >* ( \KRING IN COURTROOM DRAMA Two <it the persons pictured above are "starring” in one of the most publicized court, actions now under considera tion. At iett. with his wife, New York City's Special ses shins Judge Harold Stevens in whose hands rests the fate or a 53-year-old woman. termer maid to actress Tallulah Bank head (far right! accused of raising checks written by the Three Men Dead As Winter's Cold Blankets State By Carolinian News Network RALEIGH -- Three ‘persons ken their lives as the result of expos ure to sub-zero weather which blanketed the Slate during, the past weekend and into tint; week.; Police reports from Greensboro reveal that a man identified as. Norris Rankin, about 4.5. •> resident of Greensboro propel, was frozen; Hut Id in hestow ing usual Yule tide greetings and trt expressing .. hope th *t therp Mill soon in deed be ' Pi-.iee On I arth «sin.fi wiil toward 'ten. ! fJjjjijM >'■ i- ' I':' > w "'S'■#_ JMT . ; pf;' JBbß|b ■yjlfl actress VJjv., Bankhead, pic ture d with musician Nobel Sis sel. in "itld Iriend", denies charges tluii her former maid pureh is.erl “booze, marijuana, cocaine and sex" with the mon ies -be is accused of obtaining by raising cheek- During the trial, the late Harlem playboy. Dickie Wells, ami jazz immortal Sidney I.'e-I.el. both Negroes, have been named as Miss Bank head's lovers, to death Sotiinluy biHi’t a.-: lie at-' united to curl u;> iti his ?leep i n the perch of a school, Rankin was discovered dead about 3 a.m. Sunday morning on tat porch of the .latltso % j rill? school at Greensboro. In vestigators i,!»:*;<? lh man in a huddled position indicating his j (Continued on page >}) ‘ : Raleigh Bus Stat ion Site Os Jimcro Act; Suit Slated I W<! lonian a] i * , To Make Room tor Whites; Sues Firm ’ j; M.KICO M H-'tuv Ho-a- I of No-.v Vr.ck C-iy. lio> ! Herman 1 I'.iylor, «>f i> •- ’ ,•„ ; , 111. :o: ream,! ihe A: l Greyhound V.>r "■■•. m-u y> r<:i'ovt-i dsniifcr ■ fei’c.'-i Sj- , i,us driver a: : R«m : Tv "initial on Friday. ! - it', 5 i < > gio- ii.. iii>r ■ that white passengt-rs boardiny; ' o it- 151 ir might t.s' seated. Alia. ; ijnv.tcd who is it iraii t icier.y >,< oman *• t -p oat tv. .’oars of .'eUncai I t. tolltnai factr : " i cel l-!' It- r f > r: • * e.l'-M'TieilC.- U' i ■• JOV.V,: M; o d ti'.t.'J that <*n U< - j ! r> mOvr }.» siie jju om-x.- i .* I >eJ.e‘ . !,| if, (.;•, vhooo.i H;; St t'.nn >n Nr.'.-. 1 Y. ■C.iy to.- ti-io'iMionat;" 1 ! 1 . V.:.- an eXJ >! •. ‘ • I• * >1;; \OW Y> • h ! t-u to Sxorurii (t-oroi look . ; .. . a \j ol til. ou. I : Yu ll and ti i\elect v. ithout: ■ -a ■ -ii. l-e.o-hed the i It: Station ui Rale'ah. When the ius arrived : 't the station in Raleigh, i new | ifeuti.nied on 1 ut Xi m ~ ipusr .»■ . . AaSg : s 'M0 r \ *%- ' pSi | fill i Fm tfmA* M: * >,<£•. ”C .'' . CHURCH MARKS I 103 YEARS OF : SERVICE IN NC I i ; KU2ABFTH CITY ' ( iANJ’I ! A church which ins outlasted • |i wo name.- and he been rebuilt I ft. v, ice, and remodeled tbivc lirm , I j r.c-cenllj celebrated its l()3rd an,- j an. crsiiry Located seven miles from Elizabeth City, Union Chapel j the last of three names was j ; organized in .1818, and eree- j 1 ted on the site ot a newly purchased acre of land. Other | l>«d was later purchased to increase its ground. 'The church at one time had -t. aac-mbership of 2,000 persons, but; today it ha about sdo i l Tin: first Marne given the church j was Chapel; the second was The*' j African-American Baptist Church; of Newb«£un Creek, In 1888 the i,amn of Union Chapel was chosen, ; *«nd so it has remained to the, * (Continued on page 8) ! 10c PER COPY Worth More! HOLIDAY FEATURES Spin >n| ii■ >1 a i,;sy !* <at ti m tit is *'li n.-t mas Holi <i l y Is ii ’ ui *[';•<■ (' \KOLTNIAN include n patce on v. h ; !)<• .;«;ry o! Tin Na(i\;! \ i- pi'seated ns it would have lieen it | h mi min is ol the stut'f of this n< ■ iu,• a s ! >;. i i in*< *j i *a i si ik' a. i Hi'tli iohem "IHH' \ a.il-s a'i: to IV'ro i| tli<- !tj> t:■ of < iirist. i)th.r 1 * -,1 uiv--- include Vu! ai!.' poems hy l.aurj ;e:! Hu? lies ami Will V Weip .•i< 1 h-didnj- mes -aycs Aron'. !'r. (A (A. SpnuldinK. Hie l!m. K. Irvine, 1 Atone ’ n<f other '. A] ,i ;*n'iutl"d au me —*>r '.tree* or.’s *o their | m. ny p. irons from many :■ pin* ■ iv e burdnessmen j am; mor dams. I ’ I Hill .1 IIJI.I 1* ... 11.1 II :ir»WIWI|II.^IWIWIMIW^IiWWIW*.aHIMII'...W^»Wr.WriW-.l.nw^..»w^lr. Violence Claims Win • NCIn Pre-Yule Week Ih ( troiinian NV'’. < Ne twork U-i! Kir;. ■ -vi*r, -c, d- r. si.-un e 1):,. of a. 1,-asi it. North i a!oiuia Noitro'a iiurin '. ;a. vvt.ok i a a .:eee<.. a Uii- to) . , ioi.ilniitS o ■ 1 i«.isy w. i.-ia.nu. Heports from AHOI.IMAX j iff mctniit rs fr >m till over the State indicate thui flu hjjrln' tvs .tre the place- to be o Itched tnu t c.t efuSlv ji. site* ; ' ■: iat.a at. iat». 11 o' ; '::. ■ a... i. elid tlidl ] a . : ..... a ■ a So: ..: v ■i ■ |' t aj . : or . d '* ill c e j .a) -or- -a a; tioAli ■>) ia-mo-rc • .•{*!•« ten ;.)r: ritni'ea, at id one W'r* : -ott '■ ; * the v'laum !’*: a suootinjT. tlit.iiis \\ 101.1 I Tiu i.ie'ci in read -rush, a* in. -.’ti'-- t! .1. -old Rc-'ereud i • ••st. i”i H a.;: Taie of Hickory. R( ’ j '■*•*.■. kii'lc.i c. ‘aiitly Sandaj I ■»•'■;<'!! itie • a is, v. a- riiivinsi -vet.l : eat of cot fro! and ci'.tsht <i i»'u ' • tree n-. iae chaaa;; ti; t.r.if - 1 • NAMED TO N ATION AT SO : uIETY Tour students of St.. Augustim 's College. Raleigh. ! were recently initiated into the Alpha Kappa Mu National Col legiate Honor Society. The stu dents were made members of the. national group during cere- < NI MBEK 7 Th l: i ' Z, i « Mi the uUtnm,*! 3 iriV’vd t.'ijui e-s. ilo.i ,■< He: ■ u of near Nor i.na 1 . * 2 *■- ■ ...lust) r.’i'i'e f.-rre: of .e ;■ i. U ; p >n t ■ die >'t suit of i . ui r. ixl Vance • Vmt> liir'in; th year lUSI il-ndwnn i> : ; inju ec u ;-n. u* ■ :I. I ,-i >: : ■ :**:l- of H . 1- | eon early Sunday morning Ha • voon at a Henderson huspivtl Mor«- iav efti . olfo.i- to save his ;U'J : prov ed futile, A !. ; "i’da - r molded Pi Rockiog: . . ' uonty during ths -•i'pki -:d wlion nidovmis SCiOCS, 12, v..- hilled '-.'Men us car left ’ Dio rood { ■■ killed when o.t;- ecu left thf' road, hit a Deo ■li-.-i ,: ,r;:ed nc Bailey Setur* <ia ■ \ -1. ,j. road nul i skidetm-t tiviotn 'bit, added up to death for it itntimied on page 8) monies directed bj Dr. Jama* A. Boyer, dean of the college ! Honored were, left to right, Miss Mary IC. Jones, Raleigh; Albert Henry, British West + In dies; Frances Catching. Ra leigh, and, standing, John Mid , dieton el Washington, 1). C,

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