H. C. Bootleggers ‘'Freeze Up’ 1 As Mass Raids Continue B> CAROLINIAN News Network KALI' IGll—Uenurts ri'tolvi >1 here this week I'rnm ( arolln ian News Network reporters all ovi i tile state contend that persons en;, aging in tin husi ness of let.iiliiif tax -nuld and non-tux~pa>rf whiskey are ''frmint up" us mass erm K- North Carolina's Leading Weekly VOLUMN XI RALEIGH CITIZENS PROTEST MOVE 300 Attend Memorial For F/a. Martyr At Durham ; V "e.4 ' v, ♦ % " - / M ■ \ -i \ -i, ! * <: c - ! i :.|S ! ... W ! IVO MARTYRS FOR JL S ■ TICE— Modest, yet valiant Harry I Moore, <i(l Ins wife, progrea sive Mrs liarriet Moore, both paid with llnir lives for at tempting tn secure justice it their people in hate-ridden Flor ida Mr Moore, an executive of COLLEGE MARKS 85TH YEAR RALEIGH The Reverend St j •Julian A Simpkins, Jr rector of the Emmanuel Episcopal Church. .Memphis. 'lYnr, will officiate at the chapel service in celebration us the 85th anniversary of St. Au gustine's College, on Sunday, Jan uary 18 at 10:80 A M. Reverend ."oncer Simpkins, along with his fa the i mother, two sis ters and one brother, is a gzauu ate of St Augustine's College lie received his 11 A degree in til:’ Cl as.- o' 1988 He went on to finish tin- Bishop I'ayne Divinity • St bool Ui i!!4t. as" m III'- W PRINCIPAL SPEAKER— .Mrs. Isobel Chisolm Clark, instructor of sociology at Saint Augustine’s College will deliver the principal addres sat the observance of Na tional Founder’s Day by the ! Gamma Beta Sigma chapter of the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority at Timothy Darling Presbyterian Church, Oxford, Sunday, Janu ary 13 at 4 p. m. Mrs- Clark, wife of Raleigh’S Dr. W. F. Clark, is an outstanding Delta, who was formerly associated with the Southern Regional Division of the National Urban League and the YWCA- { downs l>> ABC and undercov er 'Bents . ontiiuie in the bit licr cities of the state. Actually, the Network re porters found, the freeze-tip m ales of whiskey in commercial establishments, homes and oth er places where "a short drink or a pint or more of the I loriua state NAAFI*, died Christmas night when a bomb destroyed the Moore home at Mims. I la. Mrs. Moore succumb ed las'; Thursday to injuries re ceived in the same hombiiu- fol low ing a valiant attempt to sur vive at i hospital in Sanford. City Blasts Plans |To Build Station East Raleigh Citizens Joined In Protest; Mass Rally Slated By A STAFF WRITER RALEIGH—Raleigh city officials b.-fve tills week joined the Negro citizenry of. East Raleigh in pro testing the location o! a State pro tect on a sit.- the State refuse.l to . allow use of as a Negro recreation al ami recently. City officials Monday regis tered a protest with the State over plans of tile Weights and FIRST VICTIM IS LISTED IN HOMICIDE CITY By CAROLINIAN News Network CHARLOTTE—The dubious hon or of being l the first murder vic tim of the year in the city which has—for the past few years—rated among the top three in the nation with highest homicide records went, to a 27-year-old man last Saturday. Frank Curry, wose address j is fisted as 796-A Eldridge St was pronounced dead on arri val at a local hospital follow ing a street-corner shooting. Police have arrested Miss Jania! Mvers in connection with the j shooting. ’■ According to an eyewitness, James Jones, the shooting took place as follows: Curry and Jones were walking down the street when Miss Myers walked up to them and began mak ing remarks about an incident which had occurred sometime be fore m a nearby case , The woman, Jones said, abrupt ly pulled out a pistol and fired; j (Continued on page 8) intoxicant could lie had for a nominal fee, begun last week following a crack down t>v un dercover men in Winston-Sa lem which netted 40 arrests. 3b of them involving Negroes. Tile '‘deep" freeze developed lb r oast neck, correspondents relate, when raids staged In iiiitlif mmm piam : am pi mm ¥: m® m m mrnmmm'tEWM. It mm wm mmm mm £% m zrmmm mm®* fe tm wm m mmmm mm mirnmm ## mmmmmmmmww%mM"mmm mmm w%imm UAI.DICH, NORTH CAROLINA WEEK ENDING SATURDAY JANUARY 12, 1052 Fla. Both Mr and Mrs. .Moore were noted eivie and ehurch workers. Rewards for the appre hension of persons involving in the fatal bombing plot increased this week follow mg Mrs, Moore's demise Measures Division to locate a calibrating and weighing sta tion from trucks carrying pe- j troleum products at the she of the tMii Soldiers Home at New Bern and Tarborn Streets hero j in the midst of a section heav ily populated by Negro citizens j ami in which direction colored cummunities are being forced bv commercial expansion. The city’s feeling that the pro- i posed location of a building some ; 120 by tio feet which would be re- j quiied to house trie instruments; needed in setting up the weighing station is supported by the citizens of East Raleigh, who also felt that an automobile inspection lane which was set up in the same area was "in the wrong place”. Nothing was done in the case :of the inspection lane, however PROTEST RALLY SET Concerted action from East Ra leigh is to be given its greatest boast on Thursday night when the | East Raleigh Civic Forum of which | • the Rev S. F. Daly is president, j ; stages a mass protest rally at the j ; Martin Street. Baptist Church. (Continued on page Hi j FRIENDSHIP KEY | LIVEN SHAW HEAD j RALEIGH At Shaw Uuiversi- j ty’s initial chapel exercises for j the year held Friday morning ! : January 4, in Green leaf Audi--j .torhun, a friendship key was pro- j sented to President W. R. Slias- ! suer by Dean P. P. Payne 0 u be- j half of Dr and Mrs. T. J. Collier | of Hot Springs National Park, j Arkansas. The key was defined as • a symbol of l u ng friendship and i ! acknowledgement of achievement! made by Mr. Strassner with a,! I continued wish tot much success I : f roni the d o nor. ‘ Durham lasi I'l'iday through Sunday netted ;!o arrests, all Negro. win re? next tssur. The main issue among the "hooileggers", it ha s been found is “where will it lilt next? f ollowing the cruekdowq m INTENTION TO SECURE RIGHTS AGAIN RESOLVED Moore s Death Seen Ailvoeaney For More intensive Fight DURHAM Over JOO persons i holciiriL' a mass memorial service !at St. J(/seph A M. E. C hurch I here Sunday resolved that the | memory of Harry T Moore "si.all , j inspire Tearless advocacy of our rights and the right ol all men to first class citizenship”. Moor*' who was Florida coin'd i uator for the National Association tor the Advancement of Colored People was killed by a bomb which destroyed his Mims. Fla home on j Christmas night. His wife, Mrs. Harriet Moore j n-d oi injuries received in to* ! blast last Thursday in* Durham branch of the N. A j a. c I*. ana several oilier organ izations took an official position on i ne death of Moore wh-a, they op . . -Vt it a. resolution ciriiwn up uy R N Han is. a member of the lo se! branch. The resolution stated that Moore “advocating justice and fair treatment for edch of u>. has paiil w ith his life that the world might sec die inhumani ty of racial bigotry and hat | red." i@S Tile resolution further con tends that "each of us shall work more assiduously tor the cause in which he died." Principal speaker at the service was Alexander Barnes, Washing ton newspaperman and public ro tations officer for AME churches who visited the scene of the bomb ing and attended Moore's funeral. Remarks were made by a num bed of loeai leaders, including Dr C. C Spaulding, J. H. Wheeler, j S Stewart and Attorney C O Pearson. Atorney M. E. Johnson, president (Continued on page 8) M .. »»ilv----*t-<itw.xrrii.iiiiiri»ii-iiTi ——— ! STATE PLANS PROTESTED ! Plans being formulated by She ; State of North Carolina *0 con* ! struct a weighing station in file East Raleigh area are being vio lently protested this week. The above photos give indication of the reason members of the East Raleigh Civic League object Ut Winston Salem, handlers of ll brit alcohol sales in Greensboro took for grunted mat they were next on the list for the undercover men. The idea was prominent be i ,mse of tin similarity of the conditions involving Alcoholic Beverage Controls in tin. two MOTHER'S TEARS AND EX HORTATIONS MARK RITES FOR MARTYR— The exhorta tions ol the Itev I, VV. Bruno and others for the removal forces of evil and the tears of a heart-broken mother marked fi nal rites held New Year's Day at Mims, Florida, for Harry T. Moore, Florida NAAFI* and eiv- -•> , ’GU,N ' ’’N? • .* •. •- -j /'■ Sy. ' /*/•►; V-x 1 '? .'■C,- '. < # - IN RALEIGH SUNDAY— Ur .Alordecai W. .Johnson, president of Howard University. Washing ton, II- C., will be the principal speaker at the second annual Shaw University Day services to be held in Raleigh Memorial the construction of the proposed SfiO.OOo structure at the above site. The photos show the area already to be congested with In- j ca! commercial vehicular traffic despite the necesity of the use of the streets thereabouts by school children attending Lucille Hunter and Saint Monica I cities ltolh Greensboro and Win ston Salem, it is noled. were die last tw o of tin*, state’s larg er cities to initiate controls, j both cities having established t such controls and set up ABC stoics only last year. Gate City whiskey dealers i! rights fight leader who was killed when his home was de stroy by a bomb blast Christmas night Above, Rev, Mr. Bruno commits tile body of the roar- - tyred leader to the earth The photo at right says more than could a million wolds of the j sorrow of Mrs Rosa .Moore, 71 year-old school-teacher and mo ther of Harry T. Moore Auditorium, Sunday, January Ft, at I*. M. Music will he fur nished by the Washington High School Choral Society under the direction of Airs E M. Kelly, and the Shaw University t horal Society under '.he direction of Harry Gil-Smythe. Schools each located within j blocks of the proposed building cite. East Raleigh residents Feel, that tile construction of the weighing station with its influx of additional traps’ would se riously indat'ger the lives of the children. (CAROLINIAN staff photos by Delany;. contended that they were ''»n the turn’ for the crack -downs because ol what they thought j was a concerted effort to make their city and tke Twin ( ity "safe" for the legalized sate of ' wiskey- i WEST, EAST—NOW' WEFT? j The failure of the second in i 10c PER COPY I Worth More! I The State-!!! Brief- ,jj .Wirf««i».«^-»i«.Wtt^.^««*fcrf»lrtllWi«lgi»MSMfflMHOrtlHaiw u.un-».A**M*J’'l*****t*n?trf*‘-*'>-'*~**-». A.i-&-cu&»-**i* *-™iam**ia±*^t^-**»‘-;‘t&l*''iiKa*t*K.>U’,.«V*.vAUiaXc*i-Pl$&l .<t l rft&r#t>»ttimUiM&*tot.*tt***it,\HtlltkM*t*im*'*«lilt*lMttrmm .A**mJ<*jJv*ti’i*'**wa.*n?trr*- ««.t»wwv, .tl-Ik..i«)B,..ikin «•-*.’ a' *:>^,AiA,»A~-i, ,...v/,.„.Xj„^ v 'SfijS Hv (-AKOI.INI AN News Network W Farmer May Fry “Dixie’ Defense || NEW HERN "(letitltniiuii lui mei .W wton H.iuw. scion of thcH wealthy inuuutai turiny family, on trial hm- >r the murder of a Xi -■ i ixro tenant on his farm, p ■ f .-C .ria ,; - :*: my this week tbu I§J he will use a '‘Dixie" dHe/t" ;. ■ * .<■ ■ n uv. m-; In-m ?M Hanes is expected to contend that lilt- muidei « ! Ixhm.'HM Simmon. H for which he is being tried was tin- is-sult of his intention to malwl Observers feel fh.it Hanes will rel'«-r le the ''snl'etv ,>!' his r- pmtedfvH his home 'sal''" from the •(«-%••.ar-outt vietlm. ‘,a| attractive wile :in<i 11 - yea i-ckl son (luring sfiliseiiia.it hetirllb-.s. Bj ill lias not admitted the slaying. p£ institute For Sale?? J| HKNDKHSON Th. sale o' 1 lendm .soil Institute, iohg a iatld-H mark in education in North t'arolina is one nit tlie issues livolveoMß in the recent approval of a million dolhn school ho ml issue ill VautvH Plans call tor use of the approved funds lot city and county■ schools, both Negro and white Tin entire Iletul'-i -ou institute is toH be purchased and tie high sellout there enlarged fte (’on iit.v -fe? “Meanest Man” Candidate jjj PAYKTTHYILHE A hi-vear-old local man is this week’-M candidate for .tile "Meanest Man' award SJB| He is ,l o liii Smith, who i”<;U police say led a blind man away his home and then went back to tin- hum-- m the biinu man criminally assaulted his wile -yiC Mrs. Catherine .Murphy told police that Smith led le.-i blind bus-™ bn ,td aw a v to the h,,mc of a triend and then retained and ciinuliai-™ ; Jy assaulted her. she said he threatened to kill her it site told hm-™ husband. |B Two Die When I Train Hits Auto I N.C.EDUCATOR GIVEN HONOR WASHINGTON. D C. Emi nent educator, Dr. David D. Jobes, was cited here Monday night Jan. 7 for Jtis 25 years of service as president of Bennett College Wreensboro, N. ('. A framed citation, awarded by Christian Kduca- If® * v mm i M-'-v tion magazine, was presented t,> Dr. Jones at the annual meeting of the Methodist Church. Dr. J Earl Moreland, president of ltan dolph-Macon c (> l*l lege, Ashland. Va.| and vice presi dent of the association, made tie presentation. "Dr. Jones at all times and itt many situations has been a champion of better understanding and more harmonious relation si tins among men of all races and j religions, and in his local com munity of Greensboro he has made ,a record of excellent citizenship high-lighted by an active interest, in all civic agencies and efforts.” the citation stated. The presentation was made at a banquet at American University, attended by presidents ami ad ministrators of 10 Methodist semi naries and 125 church-related col eges and universities staff mem bers (1 f •be denomination’s board of education, and otlvi officials of the church the series of mas* * aids to n«a i leiiall/e in Greensboro now lias i whj&key dealers throughout the state playing a mental game of "tie-tar-toe" in which they use Ibe quern: “East, West—Dow i Eas't or West . , .?’* ] The dealers conlt-nd that a dtft i (Continued on page 8> THOMASVILLF. Two aged kb ids of tile Last End section er.Bt-T. . outside the city limit-., were U>H| .•J.iiuiy filled at. 6:50 n.ui. > lien then i»:u coupe was struciaHb at the street crossing I y a tram. The dead an- Harry Thomas %iHS about lid. for several yea is a tec at vile Colonial Drive and Wifi Mis Essie Thomusof^M : abo it sc a pri-sser at Fcm.iy Laundry Wreckage of the car was can ie< 1 hoti bet to tiic next crossing. Im,' i ..die> id both the husband v,|,. were badly mangled Investigating officers said it in.pc Mt.dc (u say which of the Iwtjl M I’jeisons was driving the car. i crossing has no automatic signalsH • hut is marked by a metal .sign. Tiu train was .said by train ofHjP; fics.ils t,. have been running abouttsl 5u minuti s late as it reached crossing where the accident ochb currcd. | Police Chief Paul M. Shore sajifflH investigation has teen made u|ii j unconfirmed reports that a thtriHa : person who had been riding" in i auto escaped just before the crushHH j The victims were reported to ha \ draw been on their way to work jfcjri si vn: urn u\s 1 HAMPTON POST j HAMPTON, Va. Miss Cl> 9* deile E. Green, of Raleigh, N. CHH is treasurer of the Hampton In-w|| 5 | stitute senior class. i'M : A senior majoring in busiues'ffig||| education, she is the daughter oflBS Rev. and Mrs. James E. Ocean 410 Denmark St. Goldsboro, i.'-’t.-; -*9 NUMBER 9*

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