HATKMMED G.L SHOOTS nn North Carolina's !<>i PLR COPY Leading Weekly Worth More! VOU MN XI Death Claims Bishop Gordon, Noted AMI'IZ Prelate MASS RAPE TRIAL BEGINS Tiny di Id Among Six Hurt When White G. I. Runs Wild 0 I hr ;■* ■ ' V 1t / i u i !’■<>' cut ! y. > j THEIR PEIGHT SETTLED The futures of Patrolmen Joseph Winters, left, and Norman Al tis, rigtit, arc settled as f-ir as the UalciEh Poltce Depart" ment is concerned, Offierr Win ters is lo return to diitj with {he Department this week u the conclusion of air. day suspension Officer Artis was given a llt-das suspension Mon day following a civil service Citizens Affirm '£ Soi Faith In Accused ii Police Officers ? i;»n RALEIGH - A number of noted resident:, of ♦!■»• area ap teared a;, character vitun.on behalf of Raleigh .ml ice Patrol man Morn:an Arte, ’mi tr>g Mon day hearini' in which Arti airing with two ■ hiln rnemi-.P: ; of the local polite -foi e- v,. . given heal . imr in a ease in which ?h> of ficers were charged with nitfei ing goods from a business <s tablishinetu they vn.- supposedly •protectin'.' At She hearing staged be fore a commission handling mvßiripil civil service em ployee issues. speaking m Ar ils’ behalf were Hr. Catherine Middleton, local physician; A. Final Rites For \ Prelate A re / leld RAEEIUI COULEE CHOIR Si HEIM I.ES NATIONAL AIR SHOW RALEIGH - - Ihe st ,\u gusOne's < oilcge choir, tin fti j the direction of I,eon Simmons, will hr heard on the l nils'll Negro College J'timf broadcast February 2. These broadcasts of college choirs arc heard every Nun day over the American Broadcasting (ompam net - work, featuring choirs of member colleges and univer sities aided by the f und The Choir scries, now in its second year, is heard in Raleigh on Station WXAO, 10:30 —1! A. M KST each Sunday. This program is car ried by 176 stations of the cross-country ABC network, and ip Canada through the facilities of the Canadian Broadcasting Company. commission hearing. Artis was charged with pilfering in <nu ™ . hi i tion with investigation ot RI the reason a I usiness establish jy incut was oj cu altci hours Win P-rs, who was with Artis a* rift two white Officers who weir demoted in rank and mis (Lr pended this week also, was placed on inactive duty for fail in E to report the incident (SEE aft s i on vi Hi- 1 Brown, manager of the (n Ivich District office. North Carolina Mutual Life Insur anrr f nmram, C \ ll,>y - "eoii, In'il funeral dir'ctor; * l . R n lord executive serre Icy, Blondworth Sire t y yj f A Hr. Thomas Hamlin, i pharmacist • and operator of Community Drug Store, and Charles I Williams. Post Of fice Department employe HHA CHARGED Patrolman Artis, alone with Po lice 1 ,!i'ii‘.otirm! It. T Bailey and Acting Sergeant. A. O Coates was originally charged with pilfering commodities seisi from the (Continued on page 81 IV Staff Writer CMAK'.IHTK l:i);-i<'.ssive j f'J'n". ;< ■ i lb- - ' it)! many nigiu- j •alii:, of the African Methodist I'.l isi ■ 'pa! Zi'iii Clmrch in attend jf " :i <ice w"i c held iinin Lillie Rock j AML Clin; eh here Tuesday foe ■ flish'-'l? .Ceilin’ K Gordtin vln ' s'lccu-•iii'.crl to -i short illness at: ! i local hospital SiHii'fl;,', at ilm ’ «Ke of ,:d i'll ■ urit-aecd pn'laie Bishop o! the 7th K|:-i>:eop'il Districi which embraces the Alal>im.i * ’.inference : ii>" t.'enl-i al Amilvuim) (.’'inference,! Ihe C.'ii i ii,;i Conference .and the W«-si Alabama Conference, A native of Pulaski. Teun., Bisho,: Gordon received ills A B. from Fisk University, fC.shville, Twin., and his B. D. : degree from Yale University. He i receive;! a Master of Arts degree i from the University of Chicago, I and a D D. degree was conferred ! on him by Livingstone College. ! Salisbury. N. C. i Active in church, civic and ed- a ; ucational circles, Bishop Gordon a . v .as a member of the executive ti (Continued on page 8; RALKK. 11, NORTH CAROLINA )fi!JRCK SOERS mi werws Plusrl Soldirr I m-s \asT*l\ oi I' { Moljl’i.in News Network i KM MII A «•!•«>* *.< • 1 ■'|; ; jt, k iri h;»1i 1 :•/( I \ >rth Carol: i;■ i - >1 n an.i 11 rr«ri while m,in, tew. in , C.'nil• n Shite.- An:.;. I •••,..; Il!tl|)!f >i: 11 .;.• here •; :f How inn i Sonia i >m«i <*f •• r r in v> hu-li the oldiei , 1 11;r !•'.■ ri V Negro :• i ;.• t:t . of I’ll ; am;, xt wit !■. c el .-in-..;>i|. .iti 1 ! tln-n ill", :i shotgun Znb W e | ! ■•! ... ly haired '.'7-,v ■if -ill ; n.llv.- if >olH- .Va . give., I, -.it. in re nters Court . . ; ■ . .■- >t fli t’ - Willie lii hi - -.1 ivn • v !:!:•>',!! licen ■■ iiit aiifi-i m n o. i:»t» ■:■ ■ ii Sing I! W. e'. e 1>; "pel ’. \ 'h i .', i! ri ■■ v, I, 1, .;. i' .'•os it.flint.el. in < H": ***• j; t }) o.;i ii fl N. »* (; j i ;iri ,f :< !'* ire in < ontiMiH'ci on ji iifo Hi «FLIGHT IHORT-UVED illi'Kf>n , lee than -• n :tc-r -I: -it Fr> r '.van alb peril . licM ' i Millet furl' i.!k t■' Hi l'’a .-t ickorv at the point of a holism i-t i ol.t - / of in ■ :K I .on | ,oy. I. ?,?, ev 1 ■ 1 .1:1 man of <Vm ’ll y:; - ; j in'. -a: lakf i, ivto cog • ■civ a- iie v,;.Jl.e! along Out atlthvl i! Had' a v ! I :,I k•: iv .i ■i>v. Police l.i W ! . Ri.nibarnr r ...iri iiyd <-■•'.f• .< ri fa the holt hap and taf In- w;i: identified by Fryr t» s assailant. I.oyd, who Is quoted as asking fieri;: it they thought he would electrocuted, .yp.ivt d hearing it» nkorv Mimiciinil Court later and ■uid was set at SI,OOO. « WHAT HAVE ATE HERE?? The eyes of these white students at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville seem to be asking the question "What have we i / pi v: % lljlfi w V, I VIII i;it - Merlin .? t.irn-s t, < il»> !l. <om h ;<"! for mu f‘rr in 2 5>4:» .mil sontonm! to *«i< in FJf-ilil.iS Hrotrii* rtiair or, Finoary vv-s ? <-«>r j< vet! !>> I lot jilt's fiov<rn<>t Fuller rrn on tl*r cv< oi tin- i»lci (n» cution. Icf:d?y '»v«.s reprieved uiu*n he related a story t> JM’isrm offitiuls and to J.;:V ('mtuly’s SJu-rM? >tr< .*is ih;u in iN.ifi iiv< i -vimiml two =namsec? \ : <'frtn iTtpisls plot «in <"rapr <*■ tri|vt which <O4 one of r.t?rm hr life. Shei iii Mrl’all shot Sarnu ! fa! to <!<• tfh .ir»-l < moij .I : wnonrlcil U '‘l' l ta r Irvin »vhih- «!{**><<}<• (.«> a hrar on it motion !<» rh.mgr the ‘-mie of th ’ir s* < oml trial foi <h<- i a jn- for whieh thrv \.cr«* idii'Mi guilty »*»fl scnU*u red to (lie. HUM m\\ m:si ii i\ MW'S I.OSfM, IcVK VVARREN'TON A crap gaimi c ndc • i ;il ly Vl.in.lay ice k of r , - ,\;ie. ::i . ■ .utheast War icn’i;;; when a dispute over the t>.i cn.r.ted in the .-hoiguu vlioot* ii.v. of Willie i.yonr.. -S'* i-'.eriif- I’.diner iv being held m << itiitiiuicd on page Si here" as they watch 22-year-old Gene Mitchell Gray go about his chores as first Negro stu dent at the university. Gray a bellhop in a Knoxville hotel, ; was admitted to the university WKKK R N 111 Nf; SATURDAY JANUARY 2(i, lIkVJ Three Men Face \ Trial For Rape Os Young Mother Assailants May 15c Father Os ( hil<l F.speeled iiy Victim, It* (' • |,"H I \l ,! . .r>; N i Th. ■ , . 11 •Vi ■.-i 11 .. I . 1,11 !'•..■ Wcdro.r! •• iiu.riuog i'' M..<.!■■ ('ni.nt;' Slip' • ii• ■' (v•• in < .’. : Ir,M! !.;i! cluil'g.- ■.f ' - ! i.g N ■ ; 1 11 > wen.in, w't '"\ nf Piero c!i | iff i C-I, A ! 1 .: >.l: ': ! all ; -tin!'. a ;:! 1 ' !<i 11• ■:11 ttic .a- being .■. !<• •■ted. Os the ,ix re r. origin 'I ly cl',urged .Mill <•iI! 1 1 i TI. •11 V 'dial'!' ■ All 1 .':■:. VI:. < A: I ' lo t A gn-l r, th.f three ,! see. wh.-m I'Ve till:. ilf lllfllc! |oen ! W el, ; tno.e ; donfiav. ~!lcgeti; . |.|;iycd i; .■ |or i. 11, the infamol'.u UlUi'T! t. I ,i . 1:,.-,-- m -Mo n»-d : v ■ to fare (rial m Hu (' e aft<-i Aiiuy and civilian intclligueco of a ec'liui; t rack me. tie The State-in Brief... (.ranviiir Son Shoots **«p I>l ill) A,M ' Gi:< u ' ill' Count . !.< i i 111 I'ii ■ uiKl'' ' 't •' In: al lio.-liil 1 i ini" tW-“k lullin'!:!' t; i:, in'illig i"'"U ’> ■' ■' ‘ ( . •mi i* i'li'ii i<y !ii. hi f *l”.llk linf'i Jr. t. ill i'll, "itM fi u I linnil I'll !' It"' mi'i'iiliM "t .Hi,- condition «•' hi , l':iMici ivlimn !he > •*!ilia ,, t I" 't> " t !J ■ t! '• " ,! i olio--- in;: ill ,i nvuitent • rowing out of v. ho ■' ■ *<i < ll v - •""! ! iii - imi ly linur I'ne .'luy, I iuul. ilurii., i., Mi.- v it' 11' i < - !•->. t 1 --' ‘ " ■"!' 1 " . .!, i-c:.iiit of < .ilibru riilt' wound, it' tin 1.-u I. -s>«•* u tit Urges South lo (*o (, h'KK.VSIIOKO, N < Gov Thend'iiv M- K< iilin "i Miryl-n-l called niton f lu* Solir] SonU\ last Satunl ; , n> join wiMi Ho 5C*• jni;vi t can l'»rty in tin- Tntnmn Ajlsiiinis? "at sou trom 1 1 1 ► • \\ ! ; 1 lon.s«‘. The i ;Of» t iovf ruor said m a sUM»..».p!aro <Unn lor- H»;.l Truman must • li;irheavily in tlm blame .foi m n ii!<lui ' rviij* urr m graft. conniption anti immorality in uovn TiiiH'h*. ‘ which has- an enrollment of 5,000 when an appeal to the 11. S, Supreme, Court, was with drawn Last Friday on the pledge of officials that Negro students ’ 1 would bo admitted immediately ~J, , . , (i 4 . r . ( ;? Mi w - I i Am-;. f. ]i . A ,r i. fal* fi lo fiHb 0 ... oil Ik h* - AW( !. r,.-l. I I!,! C'-mipbei! T vim •i. : d;.":; ~ .1 , !,•!-.■ Or. 1 dm! Soutuern pm alic'W'M. | M A-o;, win. ■. rettiruing Iron. cum ••■ in tlm cnl!’jiatl\ ol tc< U ■• V"I -oUt ■ - (J1 tmb 1 • .so oil ■■’ll ,' i i!11 ■ I ,1 truck whet.!:, tile vv: "Ih:: took pi: Cl l'i;l| f) lit AII AC K < sill D 'the milt n|ioi ledi-i made overture', lo all I k the ' ighi year add child. Their eiforts. however, were stymied when the child !' it I rum the truck and made good an escape ,hc teen aged youth was (Continued on li'ige R) . tfsfffKfStiiiSSßSeSaßZtSßmßs .. . uvmttTO*'. 4 to the law and graduate schools. •; t. Gary Is married and the father , 1 of two small children. He is a graduate of Knoxville College ! T and Swift College. jit i Vi< TIAI Ol ASS Al if Mrs I nla Mae Artis. 19-year-old mother of tiiree children and wife of a soldier serving with Armed lonics in Korea, was the victim of an August 13 crim inal assault for which three white paratroopers w« "t on trial Ho m e Fo u n d Fo r * . . .j t Tot Abandoned In Tenant Shack tv >*,..! < i*• : \i E v A' e.p el i :i. .: .ter touch It;.-. : hoy of .111 abac o.nrd f.iie-y'-,r-oiH lo* -*-'ho ~ , f,allel r > a cm!'l I ‘ k on 1 1. 17 C.I V. niti I! hero !m .’ I . . |..,m ■ f • '■ . . if' laid . ti'.’ -v , t<-i ■ ,■ ■ . •.i. 'i from I•• r ~,e. , ,• ,J to I lIC I M a 1 ~, . ~|. I;, u'.itmotiaa 'I h- o.otiu i . ,i. cril.e i by v.-el far. aoti'mitiev , .. m.oiilaliy ul< ompeten!. also will i livr m i'li th- grandmorho'.. And the husband, separated from tns i vvio will on'ributo to the - Twin City Minister Is Killed, Another Man 11art In Sunday Wreck W iNST< >N• SAI.!•.M A mini w,is Mik'd and C.vu -ither p« i - : ont: injured here Sunday when a ear crashed into another turn ing it "Vci n nthr- occu The Hot John -Jackson J*f», of us Winston-Salem, diet al 020 p n: Sunday several hours after he f iC.-ii to a local iuispila! with a fractured skull The drive) ot the coo , <•! tiiiie a lOi uoblh- ill vhii-h la- \V),. i uli’rjK. Luther Car ter. 45. of Win.--ton ■ Salem. v:i listed ii: serious condition at ,< local ivrpiKsl Monday. r';n " r i-erotved internal injuries and a jiossihlr fi.ictured hack. r. .11 -f o\l< ret driver of the ear origiriallj charged '.di!i !'•. li■ if to o'. -• tOj, was tn titcri ii : minor inj r.e. ■id >(■!: :'■ ! freui the hospital. RALEIGH YWCA STARTS DRIVE FOR MEMBERS h’ALKIGH The Annual V W. C. A membership campaign be. in ii< re January 22 with the an nual All-Association meeting at. Central YWCA on Salisbury St The n o Kick-Off meeting for So.ioumei Truth Branch YWCA v- ill ii" her! Sunday night, Jan, 27 at the Fayetteville Street Bap tist Church. A special program will i<( of fered Assisting Mrs. Nelson Harris Mrs. Harry James, Mrs Wil- . this year as captains are- Siam Hurdle. Mrs M. M, Crock ett, Mrs. James P. Mann, Mrs. Patti Smith. Mrs. Addle Logan, Mrs. Roseiia Judkins, Mrs. V?c (Continued on page 8) 1 in l arthaeo ttiis «• ek \ * id iug t'i iht’ti.il repo’ts. '-ir tis was raped by • s<-f ..-cmeti in the ('litrti.'ige -fre.t <t .rim; Ih. recent <t; ..ation u.uth. i.i Pines. t'urolinian I'hot*. t’y Shirley (SEE STOE '/) l-'"C "! T" child ’pH i • •• i 111 i f«- ' 1 ■' « • writ ter. n; Jm.!:.;e '-.a !: fnvu us .Invein!• < ‘ourl. la •! Fi "ay l babe, who had be ■ ho ! it.ill " ’. ... , . IV " at Iho , u: • • !..! The one rdd alrl \\\V. found :.... '(iiln .iled ..hack i*l I C* 1, ; • i *'v Creek vertion bj vcUce ;iiil h' iM' i'' I ioi I / : on ■> , :,vi :h* h.’fi and '■'■-! taken to ju», |ii'a! I>a owe' gone ; Ireatmenl. According !" <>ffinals the :;d outs nf the baty “gave'' the child (Continued on page 8> \. <;. soi.om i \ns IN Tin TO “MOV! NATION'S 1 \l*ll Sjiefia 1 to < .itiilmun WASHINGTON C -> • < "" llna's junior Senaini. V*/litis Suiith of Hah i:;li, re ci"b'-''!" v It: his attf-’np' to si::': Bio fiiyio. beck'd Hi.-"lie of Colipe!-,:.! home i uie bill baelc to i trn niittee. The bilk v'dch pe • by Voter vote. ' IPS Ov IH m a,minut’d i'ii ii.'-t.*. t'j , i• y i. . i* *i . ■’ -I»ii .. i r lias.- I.- i* ' * 5! ms (ou;i mm. iIIAIIIKSIIN <XN: .Mississippi’s fieri ‘ h : «*l. Representative John ftankoi, rallep in <.'nngres.si«n,il >«J --ch-: "The latte r!,. BlMt'f li as on I ci".ila v lined '■'.•’!> i !3 <J mill 1 rn Is in I. ee iii'lli: i s < «ilirt tirn- foi rreklrss dr»v iug ihe Mis-Jssippian ple ided mi runeovi Oiolo eonfi inlerei thrniißli ciiuusef on the charge prefer i''d against turn hy * Nor ll« 1 iroiina .State H’t;n i>.iv I’afrolrnm who says Uml hr trailed Rankin's < u s'i«! 17 mile. The (Alrnlman -.ays he noted the sol oil's vehicle i*'*s situ; others on hills ami corves in a snow storm at » great rate of speed. Rankin was not p'e-.erit at the hearing. He was in Washington bnl » nthe Washington home rule, stering Southern opposition till which was passed this week.

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