MAN £S SUICIDE IN COURTROOi Carolina ’s Cities Practice Jimcrow Brotherhood MOCKViLLE ONLY TOWN TO NOTE TRUE MEANING Ministers Hxrhaiii't* Pulpits For Sunday Interracial Kvrnt RALEIGH Wink the rt*st ‘if the ration aa - obsei ving na!i on a i Brotherhood Wt ('!•. las! 'ln a notably imbiaj'ftl ntiMiicr, n■ < nia j-'i itv of North Carolina's bir, t|i : i jitiiClOU ta>'! id V, 11 ” t iit- uliM . alive The stili- exception In state wide liiasi-il observance was in the small luwn ol Muckville. where a Negro minister spoke liHuir a v hilt congregation v. hile a white minister ilrliv ri etl j message brfui ,* a Ne (•fit gl'lltip. While Mm kft lie wu" •■■■> I vlnfi ret I lie lilt'll' i> d mr.oi m ; nt i-i •> Ulfi hull ) .ilnl ill*i 1 1 ' n ihl r . L l.i- V. .1 belie' -li i Jl' i , v il;' .. ■ till 1111! n b'i !t OiltiiiltClt nil t* -t ■■ r .1 1 Livingstone bets $ 76,000 Grant SALISBURY. N C A .ft of $76,158.5(1 was turned uvo to Li\in;..stone Oil lege hero last T i ou tlay when the bishir s 1)1 the A M K Zh Chitivn ;. : fiK'i a: off! cei's. mini lei's u.’.J laymen ni* •’ here feu the Cnii] luyoit ol io<>’iD‘> colleetftl Ini tin eolliv.e for Ci under': Hay winch is ceh-urat ed in hiilee ut '.lie luLindei Jiiseoli Chatie.s l're.e, yearly. The church is divided into episcopal districts and each district brings Us report ti> Salisbury tin- lint! cpi-copa! district, preside*! ovei b> Kish uji XV. f Walls turned m t!n largest Mini, the lire! district, led by Bishop J. YV. Mailm had the highest percentage, ‘tiie fejMirl iiiim this district levcaietl its it<Hlta had litni ovrjjidlll til a total “1 lid per 11 ait be! ' Oil 'll.:!: 11 1 full:; bo. I 'be DERIVATION OF NEW OORMSTORY SET AT COLLEGE DURHAM Formal dedication nj North Carolina College's new $750 060 H' ward .1 Chidley Dew in'orv it-' Men "-. ill take place belt- Monday Dr Chidlej New Emdand phil afithrophist who has been associa ted with NCC foi the past 37 year- ml! come from Winchester. Mrs:- U, partieipate in the pro S* am Ihr dedication will follow ttr Chidley's annua! message to tlie NCt Community. He will he the principal speaker at the Monday iortim series ai |2;::0 t ell, 18. Ills talk is ex pected hi follow the forum series' theme lor the term, "Uriplen. enting- Human Rela tions lor a Better Social Or der.'' WOI.'LD-bt BOMB VICTIMS Dr. Urbane F. Bass, prominent practicing physician and sur ge-usi uS' Cairo, Illinois, is shown 4 here with Iris family, all vic tims of the bombing of their home v last week while the ike W Jm y » ' - ' ' ' 'rp ■ W '.w* ss&i * JT ■ 4: ' • Si'l 'KM!; All" I .aura I.ove h,( c, supreme basilotis of H"* Al pha Kappa Alpha sorority Greek letter in guni/.alion of la.OQO wo men, abut*-, was tin principal ■ |.< tf.i-i foi (in* I uiinder's Da\ program at I’n St .loscpli Ail i ( hltreh if IHu ham Sunday at !, , Mm j- ,s gr.idn.itc ol V\ ili.i i tin • i .iiii! ( iiu iin ali l in \i . 1 1 ii .i iit I ir .ti lie i ol Is t 1 isti ,i i ~< r.ti -.f ll <l ic - .il Slow, t*!i, • ill High ' 1 hold .it I iiniiiinli church wt‘l" represented at f'u c!,! l .': ,vii j> a:ioii as;u'ii - • it! .d JO :;u A Ai. ail'! e; tied ' it:: .. ■ I iiitimn-il on l’;i."c 8; N. (. OLYMPIC HOPEFUL— Marine lightheavyw l ight boxing champion is It ig h Point-born .1 c sse Barhei who i - aspiring tor a berth on the 1952 Ameri can Olympic team. Barber boasts several sc! vice championships including the Ail Navy. I Hit Na val District, California AAU, and East and West Coast titles. tor was was away from home on J a call. Left to right in the pie i lure are Mr. Bass, Mrs. Bass holding baby Howard Reginald. 5 mouths old; tlrbane Francis. | ,<i . H; Gloria Maadetle, ft, and | Warner NtuhanitsL 3, iney posed j The Carolinian 10c Per Copy VOLUMN XI Seriously-Burned Woman Refused Admittance To Two NC Hospitals WHITE. NEGRO HOSPITALS REFUSE AID I'm* Hour Hide trom Town To Town Ends \i Raleigh Facility —. j U/\ LEIGH A Fari’ington worn- j .i * j 'V'£* s, finally admitted to St. Ay- ; r.t. N Hosiital in Raleigh late Toes- j • : of last week after she; heen refused admittance at j y :uid I.rreoln Hos; ital in Dur- j ii alUuf'j.'fi sht-' had sustainco j i'lioDs -tfond and third degree iii Durham hnspHais explain- ] .1 here was; no rooin” Victiti'. ot tin- ordeal was- Mrs. | hi:ite Clark, resident of the Far- j I'i Muri i.: .icipahlv near Hills- j .urn who rod, in an ambuiasice j five fuel’s after* '.•.he made a | Pi-l.i ralv • ft.w i to rescue two ol j her - children from their blast- I hnme and was severely burn- j .' :■ :tin left C,i.-ek to the liu-h ! : t iiuliiihed nil Page R* MAN SWALLOWS IODINE AFTER DRAWING TERM Would-Be Suicide Says! People Trying To j Break Up Home Bv CAROLINIAN News Network HERTFORD — While the judge, >:'u ri: and m- vera 1 spectators, and prisons awaiting trial in Perqui idan'.-- Recorder's Court here Tues day looked on. a man just sentenc ed to a road sentence turned up a buttle of poison and drank its contents jn an obvious suicide at- j tempt. ! Clarence (Chirk) Burnett, who had been found guilty of assault on his wife and nine year-old child swallowed half (Continued on Page 81 n front of their elaborate home. :i(K hours after the blast police had placed under arrest Robert 1 Bob) Hogan, white automobile salesman, on charges which im plicated him in the bombing RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA ST. VAI. K N rBN E ■ S HAY MEANS THOUGHTS OF LOVE Bewildered Jimmy Jones ap parcutH doesn't realire that clever Quintia Deboatn, taking advantage ol Leap Year, Ls (iressing tlit issue of Valentines The State-Inßrief.,. | Prep Star Scores ’49 Points CHAPEL HILL Jackie Battle, star of the Lincoln j High School basketball team, scored 49 count, them ; 19 points in a game at the local high school gymnasium | here Monday night as the Lincoln High five handed the I Lutheran Junior Goliege team of Greensboro a 97 to 2(> ! defeat. Man Killed By Sheriff | KINSTON North Carolina law enforcement officials kitted their | fourth victim within three days tiers Monday when County Deputy Sheriff Milton Brown of Snow Hill shut and fatally injured William Deputy Brwn said he shot WiiliSrus when the lattei lunged at him 1 Moore. 27. when be attempted to make an arrest on a drunken driving charge The deputy said he tired once when Williams lunged and fired : twice more when the attack oenHnued. Williams fell mortally wounded lolliMMHi.' the third shot. No date lias been set foi a coroner's inquest. Escapee Held In Roberry ('HARI.oTTK Local police are holding a 21*-year old prison farm escapee here this week in connection with a recent $.4000 jewelery robbery. Otis Ferguson, who escaped a prison farm at Tryon iast year is accused of entering the home of a prominent local couple and taking jewelery including a watch stud ded with M 2 jewels and valued at S2OOO. Prejudice Causes Listed DURHAM A white Baptist Church minister listed ignorance is .the cause of prejudice in a speech before the local Junior Chamber of Commerce hen- Tuesday night. The Rev. Warren Carr, pastor ui the. Watts Street Baptist Church also listed insecurity a.s another of the ■ a uses of prejudice whether racial, religious or otherwise. He said people must leant to ti>'t away from the 'hush-hush' manner : of dealing with prejudices Joe Falks At Raleigh RALEIGH Jersey Joe Walcott, heavyweight box i ing champion of the world, told reporters here Sunday 1 that he would fight any challenger named for his crown ' but that he would rather meet either Rocky Marciano or Ray Matthews because of financial matters. Walcott said he w<V-Jld like to give Ezzard Charles, ! from whom he won the title, a crack at the diadem, but . that he felt that a fight with either Marciano or Mat i thews “would be worth a lot more money.” The champion was in town as featured personality on i u gospel-singing presentation. ‘ * WEEK ENDING SATURDAY FEBRUARY It], 1952 and Hearts. Men, beware. >he mat put ideas in the Sadie s , heads. Quintia is the daughter of Mr ami Mrs. Joshua Dfbnam; and her choice is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jones, both «l Ha ieigli. Nation *s Leading Evangelist Asks For Racial Unity WASHINGTON tANPi Ameri cans .should have greates coni'- df-iice ir; each other -- "race will) "ace, creed with creed, and coloi v- iih color, proclaimed the Rev. Billy Graham last Sunday The North Carolina-native rnini er speaking before an estimated "rowd of 45.000 at the Caoitnl p, ay.a, outhned a five point pro trani essential to n-eace in the world Graham said this country must establish strong military power at any rust: pass stif fer legislation to combat crime; MINISTERS' WIVES MAKE PRESENTATION TO ST AGNES HOSPITAL —A committee from | the Raleigh Ministers’ Wives Au xiliary presented Mr. Poole, ad ministrator of St, Agnes Hospi tal with a cheek in an amount Worth More develop economic stability; and j cultivate moral and spiritual regeneration, "With that prescription. !>•» i said, "l believe the Star;, and ! Stripes will wave- lot genetation« | over tiie land of the free and the ' home of the brave " | Graham'S capital steps, appear jance was supposed to have mark ‘' ea the half-way mark in his srhed •a d month-bin,, revival, but it was announced that the meeting would i<: continued another week, mair iag the total of live weeks of t ligious festivities. sufficient to completely furnish one of the hospital's private rooms with new Simmons hos pital furniture. The presentation was made at St. Agnes Wednes day. February 0 Pictured left to tight we Mr Poole. Mis. if t ! mBeV mm, v 4Vk • : ipp |pkp,r. \ . -y.v - , sea . \. P' - %.: ■ U* : W &>&:■- ... . .>v*W ' ■' ■•: _>...; ' .'--I ,•*/ ■••• j .#• •• %■ '. ~ » SHE’S .\ r U HTI ill \l; J \ x\ entiia Kw i i <»j ihr aos.*l i» 1 • Club at K ’.idlin': ( v»l It y r t* Dill ham. is U»V<l\ N. iVa:* nah lUiSthtfl. Tm!' Sat tdU i •« pit tli,.* ' I j: 1> at N « C t«>i Hat- Alpha Kappa Cliapi.-r .-V hath a j Alpha lVsi 11 as * .rr i : . Iht* atirari atoiifh j lass this v.h'L v. ith app»‘«»|*i iaU- Vult’nlijit' i ri'iiiuhtf . i*tl « h (.aiuiUMait || g g '.<! y - Ijj ip 3J " i .Ji -KJA-i , By Mur B* y ruF. o: no () ' t! • M th' • t i•«i !i ' i it*«* - 11()my, (’iiurcli, ;u ; ’ : h»»• •. whid' <lu '• O', i.‘i >! !;-■! •!: -r ilj .* most 11■!pi ■i t ! '■: ■' i m th;i! , ;u'U r «i.-\ > io, < mi! V '1 in : Sir Cl it.l, / i .!■ I .-i: c.' It. 11,.;. 'li. ■i ' !.l ■ t:;: (i • : Hi ill-.' ; ;• ■ I ;,1 : ! : : n.r ill •(• , ... :• . • i . : ! 11l nii-i I f -> ' vOinbi- i:i, b.. . ■ i : i though? a?id \\ »*d »•. i ■ ■ »i : ’ 'P* - 4 sßt« «• mi. y v Sw/* l Mils ). 11 > •' ’ j ! : ■■ h ‘' b I. ‘ C 1C ! t '-i; it.. - i. I!.. . . : . 'nvlul.uii ' l?u i linn: ~■,<! . ;>■ =‘ ‘ ; i | h.-is b, Ijc.jii i • , if i ■- cl.. 1 ;K ... ;v : i; - . !. • ' .. ■ .' . i. , • , ~ i : Ituvi- ilwi. ...) UC ! \‘ ' iv*: ' "while, I,: MC1,,., • ...ivv'iu:: :■< i!u !i- in • ' ' l.ciil-i .. He. ..a- .d! ;'jti ...:i I '.lie ; ..ii ■ ill ei, .<! c bit. -l.c.i 1 i .ik<- '.'!:l i-I . I i ;i . ■ I !... 11l j, . ... i! I'C.I >( . j , ... lei... ; - ... i'11../ ill. I i M,i Will I F • c ~ c nl ■: i: Ij ; iir : is:.;; eh n... .. i. «•!!(.•) :m.i i !.>• .be! ■■ • .it i !;••'. !hi • '.'■■■• v K'JJ 111! -iU Mr: ,1. . :!».!):».. :•.! : '1:-: I■ e hi c.-b < /intitiui-il ..n I‘j :li) NUMBER i:; t>ahart. sc mid \it pn-.■den* Mrs. O. S. fculloek, ad»i-a-r, Mrs. M. 1_ Tliampsor. Mr.- .) \ E«r < ''s, iretisttri r; anti vtrs VS I' St).issuer, president IF -It. service, viiil he li* M •i n i ,t.» Petti tis<y a at ■'■ sip, m.

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