WEEK ENDING SGIUT.Da'i FE EKE Air V Ed, 19K In I I §&? - M I WILMINGTON MARCH or dimes soi m i TORS AT HIGH Si HOOt. Vllien tin New i),inover County March of Times Campaign Hos ol Januin :*. 1,1 MM, it was Sl"’-.87 stronger because of the efforts of the twenty five girls wli n conducted a door-to door (am paign in New Hanover Comity This, however, was just one phase ol IVilliston industrial High School's contribution to the campanil, because the contrihu lions of ttie family ind the home room groups swelled the grand total for the school to S’tiP.73 [ For such fine cflorts in iti venship. three students rereix Id prizes given hy Reed's .tew piers I'ii st prize an rnamefed and gold hrooeh. went to Wil belmema Corner., a pinior of Wtlliston lndii.stri.it School See and third prizes went to ( arise House and Uarotliv Di as ton. two sophomores in thi order id contribution-, solicited (lie girls names follow. WilheliTirnia 1 onyers, Cai ii r House, l)oi othy Braxton, Manor •lohnson. lily ’•!< tiers, tlin.i Nel faggy* - f I * • \yj[ MI Nf- I ("IN sponsored !•;* Hie l-'cat b*.- B/VKBFKs 'I ! I ‘O' hi. client' Ihe .iSS.n 'o. above seene was w.dr at the ...•.et. at the (m.mmnitr hoys recent Msi'h of’lJitius ban- •'> ud •**,..(<> ROCKYMOUNT NEWS and VIEWS VANIIAUSH AND OPTUS OI ni V AND. « in/.fr \s ROCKY MOUNT N < ja J d n y i- -i rV ' it 1 ■ r\ rnc 4 o * *■» s h • tension of * tn: * j?c citv’s piiTMic m } room ir» iur basement of the old Rmnd* • Court which has been maintained for colored men ua. !><>-hr ted so Cion inquiry at the ofiun of Ino City Manager Williamson as to the reason we were informed that Ihe reason for the bum ding up was that on several occasions someone Irad gone into the piano and maliciously broken up the toi let equipment, despite the fact that the city bad repeatedly re placed the equipment. Mr. Wil liamson said Im woo'd t.n! replace some unless the ladermen so di rected and nr .omc o-adeis gave assurance mat such would real . happen again We told him 'hi* was impos; C'le to piarantee We reminded the t'liy Manager ol the city's responjibi'cv to l a thousands of Negro am; the facilities arid to drive to pro feel them. Williamson sard (here repeated nets were the only ne’e • of vandalism on ih part of th"' colored people so far noted H‘* mentioned similar act:- noted around the white swimming poo!, however, and in connection with. the breaking of street lights: tor which a youth was convicted. We urge our citizens of all races to respect and protect our public vv d j fPjfSr j||pt ||jjpf - ■ ■' -- -. ..--■■■ ■ • ' " .' ■ '. >■/• ' ' - • ' - ■: • ' -• Si 86 PfrOOf * nvi* GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS • GALLAGHER & BURTON, INC., BRISTOL, PA. •••'.. ' ' ' : - • ■ S -■■ - : : —^ l - t —- > i oil I v : r ieh:: rdsan. Ho' '. , eis 1 atlieriiir dpi."’ r, Bsr lu.i i Pauline Walt el, i.nett! Scni borough. Willie :» 'Villi.i’c.. Eleanor Knox, Ha rt : eott, An till’ .’dg* r. Evelyn Hilt, Rarliyii I’olitc. Peggy Black, Margaret Williams. Rosa Nix, Helen Galloway and Irene Grady. the vomit; ladies were directed y Mesdantes E. William Pur nc* t a i-d Vt. f, Williams, I acuity men hoiand pioneer leaders in March ot Himes efforts in New Hanover Count' Reading from telt to right: Ist i vi. y.at'ara Davis, W'llic Belle a* is i 'iitherinc Spicer. Eleanor Kin; s, William J>. Williams. Ha ,*l Scott. I*,lnin Nelsoiv, Irene ■' .ratty. gild row. Ruby Rogers, Pauline t a.if.e *■ lVithrlr.iiria ( onyers. Margaret Williams Bat tiara Po lite. Ifosa Ice Nix. Hi ten Gallo way ,ird low. Horotiiy Drayton, Car lie House, \miie Align', Peggy ?'.! art*. Henrietta Sea rhoroilgh. . .tiirles i'ii h ied on. Barliata He ! \ K n Hilt, 1 inedirm that Ihe.r b r 'ue : H nuy he enjoyed by all and that nut la:: mi,i , ,- ti.ay r.ut he need!*- ■ y > s pend'-d O! w,i ted Aftci a!!, ’ e j,.,,- t.i .in- • rvvrw and. .houLri enjoy them uni the r.-thm lieud. the edy must ■ i. ,-mii: ; t;,a! regard! l ' s e*t the dauiag.' done by unknown trite .:,,nP; i*. the hounding duty of the city to keep in proper state of repair any and all facilities - i -i the public good. If a maniac ; wreck-- iho train the railroad does : not. stop running trains. It fixes i the track at oriee. So il should b< with our ei:y and its uti 11- uc.., They must he repaired when out of order We in In hat if tin- city will “quip a derojit public toilet, sun pin a w p.h proper janitorial sew and inqneiP police inspection the colored punlic will respond favorably to it. At an rale, it is I tin- (day's obliga'inn to (he pub lic Arid, in view of ih< fact that ibn. 1 . and-, of colored people visit oil’- city each week and spend 'lie .»dr. nl their money not with I Mie Negro merchants bid with the leading businesses hete. our ' .Tv should provide decent rest room aceommodalions for women a« well as men. Ot the 300 minerals found in North Carolina, 70 are in com mercial quantity | • * * | j | j * i .. t • J j • •' { ' X • ' t;..: '•> X. -> ** '• ';•> •>' r'.i‘ C • : $ 'sN ' *>' < , -Si . . - ■s:: , ■> ~,r • - •• • . ■■■■ , TOBACCO Qt S KN . . . Typical of beauties asked to wear crowns on behalf of products and places js Babble Phillips, a North Caro- I lina tobacco queen. WILSON mmi iputc fi ®> NLi uh 1 0 BA ! MI! S HAi IT I .VI :*!'N N “ ■I !'.. vi- ■. ( 1-11 dm ~( Wi: ' 1 ( 1 ;. ii< j h'-hi 'belt i-. .*. 11 . ...i ..itl .uni b, i-k cl I'ii 11 me *■ :I.»v iiigbt .laruinry Z-', tr.l'rp.,; Ill; Sctiooi This .ls- I 'll ■■ ... • ■' !j!orim;s line I lie! .]■ :•:;{• Wi I . ii. - ■ r eb'e!'d ( ' in a lid ;t‘• * ('»('( i »11 (iccti vel v f■' *. Ibe | < .Cl.al: .■ , • .11 til l:»";2. : e ! . e ' 1 1 . !I, j ■. ■■ iim i: iccmei i ( ■ li' re an Mt Veum-h inlrniltiecd i the gtici-f .- pcal;ce of the evening ! . ! !"• n-.M U i'nbi'i I*. b< nl | f.'.,;'e<!| . • i;./ a ' North Omnhnri ;Ci nf Duibini, North Chr" ! imp i AHei hi. ■i !. 511 in i||f men - i .• "i tin (notlinll iiicl basket ] .v. ha.-e. qlroii with the civic;; ; ITie nilri’l t"n former : indents (if oat.a; Ill: 'm ip ml. 1 bit add liar : : and ( '* nip F’li.yri vvb" pat j* e• ir-ate m alb.let >■ ' at Ninth j ... iin a ( die.;" .a vr a fc \v re - , ma rli ■ 1 j !. ■• .p . M. Neil. (' f.A A at 1 -cop - !f. i er.i'e aUd'".".a;-. 1 o a ; *pt ~i . j bill . d( .' idled id iMi h-.m for ■ itbc)' reasons ! ;Sornb"!'. Ih.!' at*' mil !imv> n in tb" pictiiM* tliis iv.in- arc CbavJo.s i .i.iutc.v. Ctrlry of Kccr'sHion Committee; lb .1 B. ftosomona. :;!i;mni;ir, of Community Improve- j I ment; Dr. R. O. Barnes: C W. ! Hines. C L Darden: Dr D. C. ; Vane . Dr I Ii Shade. S P : Artis; .i M Millie C. AV. Foster; O .1. ilavvk if". •; -I I- Cook; J. K , • a . Howard Fitts. BENSON NOTES f J f’NS( t \ M: * ieorgia SliiP re'. Sa'didcr.- and no Miachei arc h'mvmg Bcre-nn rn- they have j been yi-niir.; iicr mother Mrs Aliena Din ale Mrs. Saunders is' ir .'in;; New Vm k <h! x her ,; • -e ;i■ Beuinh Bradshaw of Ben ni* N. C . i ■ leaving for Ncxv York City she will visit her bro ther there'. The Boy Scouts of Benson, N. C... MW theii t ;- ! profit n:n for . the IVew Y■, ,! 1 at the - Fonr Oaks E'.cmcntary School in 'Four Oaks, N. C on February 6 Kcv Willis Williams and hi ginuri from Four Oaks. N. C.. ron- THE C T; C»7 TMT AIT HOMETOWN NEWS !\, v. .;ir: -v Servl. c Photo) ROYALTY AT LIBERIAN INSTlTUTE — l’rcxideut William A. s, Tubman inspects equipment at the newly-opened l.ihorian Institute ( ~r the American Foundation for Tropical Medicine at HnrbH, I.iberia. To lbs righl are: Harxcv N. Firestone, Jr., of Firestone Rubber and V|, President Win. R. Tolbert of T.iberia. The Institute was begun ns n result of an investigntion carried on by the Harvard Medical Scliool olVbildie Health, f unds (or the building nnd equipment wen donated hi Fire-1 -me in memory of the late Harvey S. Firestone THE WEEK IN GOLDSBORO (a >1 ! isia dm Mi i-'lhan ! shire, till V'lie of -vlr i vinos.* eoul Ilf :*.'■■ V• ,V ill U' ‘ ,ll! '- f ’ ! Vo-,pijal Dm ham. N. <.. Mr.- :-.s il'- r k'io.yd. impros ,ii.; nieel- a‘ her home on Green . ;.! S!> Oct after ill dergoilig a m.ajo, niii’i atiori at the Wash' I V;,-ino|-|;: i 1 io: pi's', i yi;- ; [Wad.- .- T o-on las. ><■ ' litioa in :.‘K. A.K-ill St root ••'<•l ! g I on! ua (.! in he'' ■' pi- ' i.-saa is] !i • Oil 'll foi ' *'■ • :ai Vv r s -JVisii f a lb of them a:i si l\ si eovci ’ M and N'i ■ \Y | ‘ iis< i and f iiaiiv spent ba ! ■ fr ); i-d is S i IVt O' 1111 VlS,is ! Vir "•al e, ep's. 1 A i ooviAori, Viee f'omss.iid Divi: or . nepartii •nl .ol a»H! h i :ii >'• "t»( ‘ir;i * • rii-t!) j rirty :n\ d rr | -i !s a itv .;fi*• s'ip, •''l s ': '• ! »* I ro 1 m i '■•.VrIN'V M'UWnr i Jhurtotb. . Ga !"W\ :n sic •'» lbs, an i 1 iatirbu; y j I'f.nim "dei i'iim otot; l ap in' j v cl ... find l! e for ; .vi it k a ltd ' -o' a'( .a I u it; I tie i - o ag - ,cir qvin.: in flu American iw ; slon I’i o. aI a 11“ 01. < to " .as c fp'ilip "f i ,“gi->ri a' :r"v -me \usiiiarv im ! 11 < >-'> J "i KayHi.e !.„■;!!<» on Saturday nigh* Keljiuaiv m Charlotte Sunday nigh' Feb .uarv 3 and Sfatogville februaij' I immediately foi lowing the mem ,ng in chaibolte, Commander Thornton was honored at a dinne; Luncheon by n < suosrs of the Pos* and Auxiliary. The following teachers nUcnded i .he Dramatics fbuh- tieid at Fav «t t evi 11 c State Tenehers (’ni'.-ge on V.r.utrday February 2. Mrs. Gen< va i I ami lion, sirs 7 herc.-isa »V.ue fdi s Ao.' lvee i., Thornton. John nyc D Muidletoi; Jr . Wilfred Kx lim. Mis .lose Honrv and a gre.up u gfudci a, from Dillard High .school. Miss FraneiKindes was tha •veekend .i fsi of ie- parents. :v!s ; and Mi Mammi' iee Bhodes. «t 327 Df vs-n aux Street Mbs Rhodes ;s doin: 1 !s is i'.'ol'k in bn-i --aton. FDWAUDS INI! GOLEV WED ■a !'■ : j IP - igra.-i; a! the St. James Disciple Church Benson. Mrs James Siowart and daurh -1 ;r. Patty from Baltimore Md., arc spending a week with parents. i \l l ;iiid Mi; Zcnn I O'O.V. PC'Vly jr-d couple .vcro (he honored ; S ! : i'n>v er dvc.n a! the Liucnln I iniia. Rerreation (enter Nimda 1 , nigh: I- ebnini y 3 the , .Mii.Htofimr. v-a . decorated with gbidinie A • ■ i 75 guest:, at vn.-ted Th-v tvio HTrived the . ~ t!,Mrs Annie :. Pal! i I; Johnson. The . , . •; ;h' f nme* Mrs. f ill, !■,;| . -id:. • .1. • Isrtf In a Niii ri' -I i ; 11--. br'-sa. Up. ii fared chicken nn<* pirueoiii '-aards ind wore .s,iual ■ a fief sly h\ ■ Mrs. ( hrrr\ Aide, and Miss .Jijll'4 ■ji •! ;nr'. ii punch. Mrs. Nannie Thompson acknowl edged (he sills received. He- I n shn.i ills V. err served dur in;; die ;,;;UPC period {lie C<MlJ>l* i. Sic;.!, in (he Lincoln Homes. Ih i m •! fH-.ATKK INC., rie/ITT IMS IIKIKESN" ,A a :.i pro.-.<*ll* <>n l’s ip ■ i.a 'j pi 'P .!;»onaiy 31 at Dou : ■,| W.-u sow, -oid j IMhdd Hi a :••choo.l Monday night i in ,The i iff!r Theatre, Inc,' ■II (,'•!(! linu.i present ‘ i |:r> Hell-' , ; nhi r.t ai i play by Ruth and ; ' i:’o u:- Cifli’h/ Tpr audience v.a: thrilled by I* i ■ performance of Mr !• L ' Thompson as Sloper Mrs.; Mattie R Jones as Catherine! ! Sloper. mil Wilfred Kxum as Mor- i iris To ar.so iid OUt’! member: of Ihe east ate. , Ms- Kiois: M Larkin, Mrs Mary it Green, Mrs Adelyne G Thorn-; soil. Miss Jos si; Boney. Miss l,e nora Johnson. W L Baker and : Arabia K Bonn Mr JohnnjMJ J ,i Middleton. Jr., director. Miss Lnhe May Robinson of New Vorlt ; ’ Ciiy is visiting her aunt Mr. ana Mi': Alien ],ark in at 518 Beal >1 ' Basket Ball hot into full swing : i,i -i'ii c: liv pa 1 week. on Tuesday ripa;': ; v incise v ■ present at ■ Ihe Hotnvfi.il oc; Kvrn! 11l see the ni.cii Mi-_-.fi School Blue Jackets on: :;,i i tU feat, the Richard Hs: i r ot: Mich f’hooi of Sel- j BP.c fiii ri »v the score. Con- , ' ~1 c.ivh' .1): Seima. !•". Boys Cen- ! Mini 49. Selina 27 On Wednesday i> •!>». iln Pikeville Training Sciipi.il Tc-C'! .; i I Pikeville lost a double bill to Adkin High School i., ! io iJcvil- of Kinston, by the : J. V : KlltSlPll 58. PIKCVIUe ‘ j 1 Jersey Joe Walcott Is Widely Heralded In N, C. j IfOCKY MOUNT, N C teatured altr.ic'u.n in this city last week was the pergonal ap ('(Kirance hi re of world iicavv weigtd rhicnpion "Jersey Jo r :" Walcott xvhn appeared here tn i onnect uni wtlll two xx e'l-known ;.i.ii tetts ,ii the local Cominunity ( .-iiit February 9 under the , ponsorshlp of a local protnolei. I fund reds nf eager fan crowded ; [lp Center to ,gc-t a peep at U'* ■praying fighter" who waited twenty years tr. ascend the hoavy -1 '.might timme and receive tnw i pioudils of niillions of ad'inlrera. Stopping carjicr last week in Winston-Salem, Walcott said he Mas "df fending I*l* crown everyday" by lecturing to the youth of the nation aln.it decent living. Walcott further stated lie bad “worn nut three automobiles' 'since lie became champion as he travelled over the country at a financial loss to himself. “Expressing great adtnlriation for old people because his own parents died before he reached success, Walcott got joy out of his THANKS TO GOD for answering his pray- Rocky Mount Adventists Observe Day Os Prayer RCC'KY MOUNT, N C The . local Seventh Day Ad veil /l - j church joined with 10.000 other ( i i ongi'c.gations ot the faiTn in ob ! ,-ervim! World Prayer Day Jan- . Diary 12 under the direction of ! fc'.fder F‘. H Hill, pastor and lo ; ..-al older J. W. Warren. Jr., Mrs. i Zonobia H Thomas, secretary, also ;:s directing officer of the local ' i church. Mrs. Thomas reports that Spec- . ;al prayers for Christian people . ,n areas where r( ligion has been i ci'i'tailcd were offered." Prayers ;or safety of our military person ci) and an early and lasting : peace were also given, it is said. Other church officers include lay elder J W. Richardson; Mrs. 1 ; Clyde Buddie. S. S. superintendent : Mrs. Thomas, mission leader; Mrs. . ! Janie Logan, welfare leaded; Mrs. ! Esther O. Pride. M. U leader; Mrs. ; Nina Mitchell, choir leader and S Mrs. Sallie Kirby, choir direct ness. Mi's Florence Parks heads the cottage prayer band which ; meets each Monday at 7:30 P. M ; Mrs Bettie Hinton is church treas -1 mer. Deacons are J. \V Richard- J ‘ son and Clinton White. Deacon-j ! esses are Madams Mary T Smith, \ 1400 Attend Hampton Founder’s Day Program HAMILTON. Va ' De-pcr ; s.onali/.ation" (treating people as loss than human beings) and the fend to ‘expediency" in politics (as opposed Jo living by demo cratic principles), these were two j modern evils attacked by Hamp ; ton Institute's Founder s Day .speakers on Sunday, February 3. | The Rev George Williams Web-i 'her, dean of spidnets at Union! ; Theological Seminary snbsUtuting i for the ailing Union president, i j Dr. Henry P. Van Du.scn, deliver- I ■ d the evening address in Ogden; .Hall before 1100 staff members.! . students and visitors It xvas he j who attacked present-day "dr- : personalization " Webber, known tor his work! *. 1 1h tee!' -agers in the slums of j 'Harlem, hated three ways in winch j i people react to being treated as i ; less than persons: "escapism (such j : narcotics addiction), rebellion | j (such as Communismi, ai d apathy J or self-cmieredness." The only way to save out pres- I. jent-day society. declared the j ‘speaker is through a fuller appli- i [cation of the gospel of Jesus. j i "It is part, of being a human j i being," he said, “to look at the j. j world from behind walls of sell- j. concern; it is the gospel of Christ j alone which can break down the j Avails." Other highlights were numbers! ion both the morning and evening j 1 ! programs by the Hampton Ipsti- j' : lute Choir, directed by Dr. Henry] N. Switlen, and induction of four nw members of the Quarter-Cen- : ‘ SiITHFIELD NEWS NOTES : SMITHFIELD N. C jj' The Rev. A. R. Smith former pastor of the First Baptist Church . Smithfield. N. C., will render service the third Sunday at 11 o'clock at the Green Chapel Ban- Mist Church, the public is cordial lly invited to attend. Mrs. Jim Smith has returned i from the hospital and recuperating ! fine. ; Mr. and Mrs. Willie Mitchell, iand family, Mr. Fred Tomlinson visited in Raleigh. N C . ai the ; home of Mr. and Mrs. John Tom linson and family of South Tar j boro St. Mr. Fred Tomlinson is •an agent of the Carolinian for ! Smithfield. The Spiritual Chorus of the ; First Baptist Church will render •it program at Saint Peter De- \ \ seiple Church at 3 o'clock 19. Boys Kinston 43, Pikeville 39. j |On Friday night Pike split a dou- ! 1 ble bill with Dillard High School Tigers by. the score J V"s Dillard 46. Pikeville 26. Varsity, Pikeville; 54 Dillard 53, rrs to heroine champion. Im**r of the heavyweights. ROSA DANC Y PASSES Hn«! rites were said last week 1 foi Mis, Rosa Dancy of Soutti i. Church Street, tins city, who pu»- sec! at (hr am 1 of 51 A native of Martin County Mrs Dancy was 1 the sister of Chester. Don, tcrr.i- Alphons) and Hov ey Williams and do wife William Dancy p VITIM! NAAt T BOARD MI.KI e.n lie .tones, local MAA ’l’ , i |.e , xy, .1 II Richardson and .1 ft I In en attended the Charlotte 'meeting of tin Stale NAACP j: ■ >ard ,oted ! o hold the 1955 ; Slate NAACP Conference ai High | Point during the inonMi of Sep- I teiTiber oi October. A committee ; 'ii! decide the date later lii Winston-Salem last week or, I tawin' J. P> H oren and W. 11 ISaxoxn were quests in the home |of 'Mrs Emma Wellman and Mr i and Mrs. Shedclic O. White In Greensboro we visited Mrs ] Ortney Foster, mother of Mrs ; Fannie P .Jackson of Greenville. N C We also saw Mrs. Josephine ■ j Johnston Williams, a relative, in Winston. Janie l.ogan. Minnie Fletcher. Kb' a both Pitt. Hattie Roberts, lv Mr- Cutrhin. Florence Parks and Lucy Vaughan These officers were un animously elected by the body for 1952. OVER SSOO TO MISSIONS During 1951 the local Adventist nave Sfkt.fM) to foreign missions. And. s49] is the local church goal of the expected $515,000 to be collected throughout North Ameri ca this year. $50,000 of this amount ; ; to go toward erection of a hos pital ward at Monternarbo, Mexico. It is said that 1509 patients have been treated during the four years |of the hospital's operation and some .50.000 outpatients treated 'thru the facilities. The hospital said to serve : remote villages within a radius iof 501) miles and has greatly in fluenced health standards in Mexi co. The Adventists lay claim to : four hospitals, eleven clinics, a medical launch and a weekly i' Home and Health'’ program serv ing thousands. A new 75-bed (a- L’iiity is to open in Puerto Rico iin 195. i. fury Club of Hampton liiiJilutc . employees. The Choir's contributions to ibe Vespers program were 'Salvai/r. Is Created." by Tcbesnokoff. and Soon-ah Will be Done," a spiri tual arranged by Dawson Thomas E. Hawkins, cleat: *‘l | men and president of the Arm strong League, welcomed the evr ! rung assembly and Robert Agden - ; Furvcs, vico-ehairman of the I | Board of Trustee* and acting pn ~i- : jctei.it, inducted the Quarter-Cen-j i tury Club members. The honored emp*.«yce> were i ! Miss Marion C Deane, who heads I the Records and Placemen! Of-j 1 fire; Lester T. Perisho, who teach-' jos weaving in the Art Department.! j Mrs. Flossie Parker, laundry su-I I pu-iutvudent: and Mrs. Alberta j j tone", also of the laundry staff i Okher program participants in-J | eluded Chaplain Edward R. Mil- 1 I! rr and Miss Edythe R Grady. | | organist I Dr Bull G. Gallagher of the I F S. A., former Talladega presi-j deni, was the. other speaker. Dr. Gallagher, in his Founder's Day sermon Sunday morning in j the Memorial Church, "Ideals Are; More than Weapons.” analyzed • the reasons for the fall of the j world's '’first great democracy," j ancient Athens. Confronted by Sparta, which the speaker described as “the perfect, prototype of the totalitarian state,” j Athens fell, he said, because she j was “unwilling to put democracy j fully into effect.” Athens at one time, decl ed Dr. Gallagher, was “the citadel of free inquiry and of democratic citi zens with enthusiasm, tore," but latei "expediency re plac'd morality in making the de risions of State.” Once able to boast, of her "solicitude for the weak and defenseless,” Athens now found that these ideals no longer were received by her eit.i- Let’s Lick V. D. y ALLAN MIMS, INC. FORD SALES AND | SERVICE 225 Tarboro St. TELEPHONES 2-2191 5426 PAGE FIVE ABERDEEN NEWS NOTES Mi Willi* 11 nidi ieli mil brother m la v motored down from Conn, M o Mr .fame.. English and \ife 'tore.| f| urn New York p, at,- ti od their melt' funeral. Mr Wil ls- Minlo Mr and M* .lane: Fcrgu.-on ho tin' proud parents of a little baby del. . ’Ti .- !•' *' Pi rry and father hive mmed on Thomas Street Theie i. ."i" ice at the Sand Hill Chiiit lao Church and St. Jo.-i-ph Methodist Church every ..ccoii'l Sunday .it eleven o’clock A ll m viiii »o attend those ■:cr ice, I AI M.AM) NOTES Mi u l Mi Son Gi aham had their third wedding anniversary recently. Little Cecil Duprei celebrated to" birthday February 11, Mrs Sadie Randolph, Gilds P "tim and (’liirlm H Wooten ■ i il.iii-j W.I liington, I > C , )e : : 1 nlly P' nli monthly meeting was ’a Id a 1 S' John Baptist Chui'en !'< b Hi. Rev I' Shivers. Qn.-n O'rlv meeting set vires will 1 c held at Tyson Creek Baptist j 1 "lm: nh ’i'’eh 29 21 Elder U. Parker pas or. Those mi sick list include; Mr.-) Nan Cooper Mrs. Mary Pitt, Mrs. Sarah Parkei and Mr Sim Gra ' ham Miss Roby |. Williams made ' bri< i trip to Washington, D C iliglusi radio transmitter in the JF. s tern I) S. is WMIT in North 'arolma rising (1.775 feet on ! f'iuigman’s Peak near the Blue I Ridge Parkway j Over 1,(100 varieties of plant lifu i .re found in North Carolina, rang j uig from subtropical to species i common to northern Canada. j Id’s Kick V. D. I fhs Straight Whiskeys in this gra* f | yd or® 2 y#m at msr* «ii- | I 30% Straight Whiskey, 10% Sr«ia | * k’lMtrsi Spi'ift; 20% Straight Whit- | 1 Stay 2 y»s« old, % % Straight Whhkty § | 4 y®ori old, 5% Straight Wh«k#y I J i y*an eld. 84 proa* ! AustinajNichols i * » SColffl* fryt- ft P t£«XO '’**• YAItS $ FOR THE BEST VALUES Cash or Credit SOUTHERLAND FURNITURE CO, 207 N. John str»«t Pfaon* 1055 « GARRIS DRY CLEANERS AND HATTERS "ONE OAV SERVICE ’ 'Mih N. Center Goldshoro yiiinn-Miiler ggj | - 0m Furniture A’J |A KINSI ON ;; _ bell-stuart | Furniture Company duality Furniture, Rea«cm*Jbt' f Price* 227-28 N. John Street ; Goldsboro, N. <., Phone 1760-J « ’ aur Credit 1* Good A* FURNITURE 115-117 East Walnut S' GOLDSBORO

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