SICK YOUTH IMPRISONED FLU EPIDEMIC GRIPS TWO STATES i * id ■ ■'s£M I I -•;: •fig: <<*■>!&.' I ; „ "'“lm '■■ ■" " ; " '*• .V.. O " v ■ .., •■'■■• 't/V^u.' ■■. - M , ««•»# A • 'lf M -. .* . • 4, «4»- ~ smMZmm 1 ,f M «ii 5 :•*■ ■ ■ ■ ttdSKfft >■ ■'.- -n < &4SpP?»dfr * I . ,rf. &*-' - fe:% * I *jE&& *ssbp .?:•; ..*•.?■£■•■ ■ •• > v ' v • •’ '*■' W "' • • •... "STATE TITLE BACK TO NCC I AVI Mi VI! II , N r • fohW B Mi 5 rndo«< ’., SoH h ( irolin j ( f)j|f ,V‘ hash • wftjl Inin proved On nM .tvlnr. Old r|nfniji<M)s nrvrr du v hm' la si tvre.keml, ;r.- Uk Kaffirs cagers racket! up a?> HWwOftS .% point pff ;ya r-1 *“ % V er.-Oi r nj fhrfe tilts Ir> a* In fheii fiiiirth ■ ■*•. •- -• (h r ( -'« SuHl* < a *<>lfna tour ft jj.trhr» < j 4 ,t SaTurrtav nlg-M hplpj; i.fiif> <!if iil<- | ftti J f>f v uMh tn w T i H • i *-OU’5» 1 » <oi «? r»! } i y ( n«r Al - I'P'iniihir ,1 A < J f-'ndiV S;' 4 ’. h Im’ r. ri* V IV!uM . ;i.|f ri? Uirrliv <*i ts i*o(M.)n fiS ,»;?! Saiurr! » * rt i :•: (< ! pj.n mr }ruf,i UVflfrh '■•-•? (hurffs M;«.rrisf??i t thr ;*nw erf'llJ ■■■. rjnibhfd .1 '•>;>?» SuiiUt 107 R.° f « |*» i* n M Q*.M’f -*i V*s hf v ? f Hr rc,i rd ?; points im tlu> Th«*r K-'*.rnf-s, avftra-gius 2r> m.irfc h* 03ch ronh sl \T;« ?.r*u - rry hoop* i <>s jviinfs for < por g.'ifno avf'fa.go of 22 Saw .to’■**• .n <• r:«;* »•*• In |lf;>v \V is !7 point. Hr |ru#Tkftf H » iotui Ol M >rr»| r •., "'llr f ,**.!ror* ‘u s *! |j«* s hr i ??» thf <iM; id* HflMfh If*' « . VOfnt > tpy ;'T"•:■■■ SAM TIIRKW A CURVIN-Aiwl Rodger ace, 3>«n Novenmhe, v, ib « recenjftly signbtf :< S3SS.O'M> 3 f»AS? part with the Rrottklyr Ruma, is sworn In :>* tile New ark Army Induction Outer. "Rookie of the year'’ when he first. came to the Rotifers in 1940 Wrweombe. was one of tint most V' * Ui’Wi IN \ WIN I? n I \\ H\ I'M'SvS,AN S I Wh ! ”> sft-'i v j hi\ it:» (hf c-mpus nf thf* Nof'th < nn*in; » ;i < t ' k inli;»?n h ( I • ' , il *Ti ; r : «|f<! mr>if (Inn Un j of thf !>sn»*d ot* (fir ml | • • v ■:(>.}' i*n> , rjMnpii.-. I ;»»■ sno.v also n*v<slr<{ Ihf hr., oi\ nf sr»!Ttr j ■• : (hr r«>f*??:-. ‘.vhn •, n r < / to ivr .«? ihm srj vrs in sn< h «* ‘ . (hit tli *> S;r S..<f »■•}*?( VOlIlli: hn'*'s < «•*: hi !)/ ns» f oil •n v. in: f|>r rtf ljfoi i*\f\ \ roUPKf rjjn f'f;u»},»n ho *>;■ i 1 h:i *»pr »ir;| lo ? r h 1 '■••!>;; nn (hr* < \rnpr 'f hr N(T. rorrJs |ih*fyirr*| hfrr |. { T ?r' t ;>r}*l rirhf ; i (nhnson. IViit.i-' ;iro| Hroa d.f».a *? f -v?.. ■;!•!£; %, >, | TWO CAROLINAS i THROTTIER BY IFUJ OtITiREAK Ylihl SirKnrs'-.r-, f hi Srlionj I isslihru As T.pnh'nsr Spmifls ! pvi m;:t <n j n,. ~;~ |. U nih v r i j;.>hten.iiu; its qvip I tr?" nf • hools of l*H«b --i •:■• .. ’h• • m «V»:‘ t -nr, of I I(iCfhr: „ r, § no? hnp nil* ini ; i) ofif.illlift! (Hi V:;• f effective moutuismen on the staff f winning twenty games last year. Ncv.inrtihe is a native of New I .Jersey, and just received men tion of another kind when ws a member of the Coionia, New Jersey volunteer firemen, he aided victims of the second 35117- ahath, New Jersey plane crash. Doctor Faces Rap For Tax Evasion m#pi MM# i m i,f@ HP Si ■ ■I . 19S § - ■ 10c Per Copy f ~7 Worth More VOLIiMN Xl KALEK 11, NORTH CAR()LINA \\ '• -R 1 DINO SATURDAY MARCH "sTIO uSbER* HI 5 BABIES DIE IN FIRE TRAGEDY CLAIMS TINY CHILDREN M NO COUNTY lInhuSHISS Sfnkrs Ar;»s Sll r t M Our Similar In «*!fh 5 > ; '.:\:;vn :.: 7r■ •• <s- . v. tho form of r s.on:.: in r. * *'■ ; n# r :• 'in in Thi nil-ft I'nnnfv la .* 'v-f : k md iakin.: tho .Uvos of five . n <ft eShMifn, dll inemfei.":- r, f n :;in:;ic fonuly 11*5'- vie Inn:- ?»r,ed months H *four yor.o .- wet.* 3 .ho rhih ■;i r n o| .Vi R■ -i y l - “ i, ir.-*:, .Tr. vohfti’ tenant .fa'ttft€'i .•> - v n 'T T Tiftvd farm s-oitip ir ■■ d i •;r . from here Both paronh, awfiv from };orn- in : a :•;• '- t*:l#nr I a ~.t W- dfi- r/rw mdniing when tU* fid- o p -y occurred Ihf (n ? , f sports rlly * Hrsf.fl 11 •. f ,njHo oi* in;j had >r a < «< k fl it.. .?(» ! < u'iif ri <ij.sro vr-rpil inalf i?r o t i .nf r nt tin •H j Id* <»> *OJ iihf'V Hff Tor it*', nrjtrfj only « rhftftney *od ir* *; H* hi is rrn?;s.into! Os ‘' ha ’ hir! hr r n thf* Hawkins home l i m««rl »r: S’.irT P*l to lisocHiiON 0 .L'KhN'oBOF.O -- North f.-iV'"'- hha A and T Collet;: U: becaine th- Near.? College in North Carolina to be -vveyhfd into the .NMtona! A’b i.'tji* A' snst'on The : totes rap nt. t full (oetr: bet ",bi o In ’heeoniing a, mr < Or t of (hr JV('.\V ' M.Mf? '* tom nt'if r Member teams <>i *he I'entrai Interenjegiate •'Vtl. Jetie Association. the wot Id’s largest Negro tntereollejfi*f<- conference in the affilis».iin»> Cl.\A teams already affiliated, vith full and ofbet status, ore Howard University, Virginia Union University, Morgan State College and IT muton Institute The aceepetance of A. and T ii-'n the NCAA H.pi'est’nrs anor / v;isot> ‘ toit.!-:.uce in Njtoru-lo.:, itt that ''".'fore teams aita< ' v.-i into 'he Association, member • tcsti-M m tiie locah of the Uvur* usKitu.. admttance tintt pe u. applications. Si nee all nv >' xi ■ teams in the A. ar.t T lot to now a;( 1-. hi‘o, tin indicu! ion !■■ «s<:n Iv,:;t two-f h:‘V; of IJiCT) 'eb H nntinued on Tago K) BROKE U, S I, AW? l i WINSTON S.VUvU Tbs fhU !in what is expected to sene. !of crackdowns hr Federal official} lon "butter and eggs” nuintofH y t : '' 11, >*• t lottery rembioTs took pit. t : here this week when twelve, men were a "rested and charged with ' failure to pay the led era! wa:v.;r jink tax. The arrests fallowed the re turn of a true bill by a federal grand jury sitting at Kecking■ ham. Tl»e indictment lists six | counts, two of which are felo nies. ! The felony charges- are, wilful j failure to register b.s a person who ; engaged in wagering, gambling or ; M : j s N wfe ' ill! ? K ? < J ORI HI f I.M ?'*' I In- ihovr nhntn vv.v. ! .if i ]ll‘ fif'd ill J S*' fV‘ r»l fri if-i ,i*»d tie ♦ r<fx gy. fjp|(f m (h-* ni<n mi ifn.'m • "i,* .ti* i% 1 mrsi?-. » ;isf in h'. h fwn youri.s N* - bfllld tiimifiT of i hits (irfcii hs State In Si ief... .' —n—ruor J •■■■ m'nHMnaceice--^Jt^BgmemmemamsoiaeaafajtKuilnuwni* Mi"iir-zxrniMiwxigwji nm-y .y ■ f >vvo 1 er? firs Hou.*id ( )ve*' HH r H *' ’ 1 ! i Tv'i nun tvho local .• •• *v < i.• • i,-i ■, r pon.-ii !•• i.'ot o nt t.c? rnt ' hich ts» tpped Hu.. .-.-r Hon ; I ate in 1 '.>Mk i• • 1 e been bound over for higher com 1 t).ia! i o.i O W i! : jr hr: t isl >' he fe ]V [r. I'i da V. Ine iwci, ..aui c, have been tho armed pair, who com- : milted at ie;tnf five robberies iocaliy are identified a:; Han y VVhitlark, 2d, and (’harles Melton, 22. Jiulgc Rules With Iron Hand * iKf i'.N;SJ>OI'i() A dispute over who turned in a false alarm was settled by Judge in. iui.rlc Rivei m Mo nieipa! < 'outr here Tumiu.v morning. W»J Im> VVhitwttrlh, 18, ,;aid it n't he. who imnrn it> b.e tint cab at I’o well and ITiuf iVlarkei, i > .(>■ ruaryy 12. "If, w;u; Uaveu.el Chapman.', deciattal Whil ’■•vovth Chap matt, 21. am', '‘Oft, no I didn’t. You did if,' p. at'.eu,-:i r{ \\ b.jf wor* h Judge Cr. •u,. deliberated a moment <nd (old th.- t-w<. nu n In fare Hie eourf. 'i: -th of you l timed m the fire U'ontinuf-ff On fai;c* H} booiiirvil ini', and ’cMni failurt to i Hit: A'frgwtua U,k. Ail of I'l'K! m'*n wfio were ar- j; , ■ :i.»H Tuesday the wagering • '. charge obd earli-T oon.'-icHonf. o:f i epevdfing a t>t>t r. y sea egg.-.": 1 "umber; Um.’iy All iTi'.ldrnt of Wiu^fiSn-3eieo> ! th'-y are: thpih Morgan of UT j f .incoin Boulevard. James VI. Pemi lof mi Gray Avenue. Parnell | : Wade Barn«s of 825 North Clare-: i moot Avenue, Lewis Fleming ofj : 707 North Hfekoi y Avenue, Wbde j i I-arnnkin ol 2iS West Tenth St.. | Pearl Hunter of 1425 Hattie Ave-j I nue, Jess Campbell of 845 Gray ! (.Oonttomed on Page 8j i FEDS NAB NUBERS MEN vtflf f X < ta v m :vh flrivf f in I’M’i thf (*!»}?• ,'«fr.*> , r ,tt*' jh» t •ff ft.-nod. r'iii iif! , IJiyyrl Kyy io<! Trimii v. iJfj ({n it drfrn .* A Morin v s lit r man J T aylor of -Hrigh tlHf < ( of i:»n T am. %v.h<> 1 his *.t *♦ h wrif % rant KINSTON GROUP FILTERS SCHOOL EQUALITY SOU N'l "tV ft II! V A Ci'iy f; of .-ifii.* ti' fr/.m li iicifim OTonif. , iiird finit in I'cHfint micfi i. ! CoWri dit..r.-.,; tfiM*rlniMiaUon in sebii'tl f»< ilifii's p'. rlrfrndsiits in ♦-!>*• action '.irr Mn Kinston R<».nd ni f 'fili ation n-rid tin pf««r*b C»r«Mi'3 btetr IlnyS ol (M«- lien The ycSinn notes N»;tf) children arc not westing- iri mfitance In white schools, which they term superior lo theirs. They are. However, demand ing that the schools in Kins tor. proper be equalised In i’aeili (Continued on Rage 8) •fl < * r(ioi i -• y <h>* f -rsilrfi '•l'V* < nu|f h. adh ; ninr rofusiftS i?t» #*XMV\ (T«* in IV>5??, <lf< ri*(i io ill mi a neat r hearing Th.- (vm* y<if*;>» wen* •>' ? lo (jf ifh in l!<* e,*- f • aft if it ar *: h*'r u o ?-t a * us< Six Nabbed For Burning Cross He fore Home Os N~ C. Negro Candidate i :fa Tr 7 . \ r r v i , ? - .. . i. . . i. . * .. . > tr,<-n been arrested and i barged with bunung ,i cro,v. w. l'>ri- the bom- of a defiant ,vo in,; Negro candici.iif lot public of|ic.-» EVIL EVE MACK cn MJipru t7 ill, i nih M Y A Njr‘VY t -’Tf X V M-i - J ' ! Evr i I ng?n, ?« -J ir n r;r-1 {;• well Con ril y farmer, nr '*.• ith In <Y>rn.-»r}it hr /»Ux"^: f iJy ' r vr n ,*t' ] i tj ! j ’ q yon ft;:; • fain') xhtY hrrr hjxt yO'&.X , is xritfYlulfjcl Lo ;:(‘ orj ’jrh-jui on Mr»r r h !V {< cm|*rMir»? Oft I*atjT H) LAWYER INTERVENES n i f” 8 *! i i Mospitais ruled; Youth Is Jailed R> l.fiV 1101 J-;\T.KIGH The o c pio-,ib|'.- jai* lof proper hcaJth f-mliii' -; in j-j ! C avii:, again d.Ui'.trd d .i-h.-ii '? j IS-ycai old yo-.i.d-, Kr-’Wn ! .- io-',d | itnd rtats dff'cia!: to be tufferlßg | from a highly •.-nTmi p m-. di.HV.e*-, : nt'l it,' o ,nj '>f (>'■ , inp allowed oppdH to f->-eh niedi'-j) treatment r-’cawfey Tl’roUfih initcH civil <i t -li|s Attorney Herman L. Tayloi. however, the youth has Iren released on a writ of ha.beua corpus siicJ returned to the home of relatives in Eastern Carolina. The case first came to light last row H (ft* N t t in, «5 f‘?» -n sniff' Vo. ‘ * I ford, of Ok ft ~! (ofney- I* »• •• oo hnft d appeals ut Superior, State St s r-d --erai Oy.O h * fir*:»Hy two ap f**' -»t ; , f*j. fh* ' x miirt H,; ir.f" . d-- -I - - le 1- 'i-: -■! , ~ . , H.j? it c, . t thooeht >■ the >‘ Imi .mfl o?o. l»t\m ,»n ~ptr fli-t the rrc s-iiiirnir,: incident h is staged in an eft'ut to tool jo ! Hir Candida t.e i<; withdraw ti>-.*ri th- poijtieiH race Tin cio:,;;, : ; -c-’’:.: r l nf the Kii Klux Kien.. which ;; cur rt.r,i!y engineering a rc-ign of tar i- . ''.i -...y;.-1 -t ! fiC/ireilii?;';-, -V:<s follud i■■j;■ r, leel iy ■.'. e, , on -- .- f.-mt Im :. of Or h.-TC.c of ■ ,-f! j oecloi ng fostfion t >-** V- - l rs: ■, • v - !?, of r erri!Ti! , : mnr;'j ■ -;,>■' ; , joon ; - t!"'i r7<rri!if>: » Mfsy pnmpfy The ■ v!■ ■ mc. sro--: ted, fol lo-vjup m1 > mioe of ,-he burn it on(inoi d ‘so Rage Ml ,- v-eni: whc»i -3 T.p'. is h rstJnMvo of R»n i.'i'iio f'ltrtjis, ;> ;e-,idf>rit of i Patflllcn ''coo.-. : old A!-- ,fp"y j Tii .1- ir ! 0.0 !he -- - - (Is -. bcdijp •be Id in Terli «i ihc.on h*.-*; , . ■ ir, | ; j] . ; O': . j pefijori rump t-.i p.-'ofovi -uS'ip- tol : |,- i. i?, p , ir, .ni, i„i -a r'baege ot : Vhtmg ton; n. -v tohefCrti,*!. (mi! !>» i-n arrested in I‘Arnlleo loi failure to t.ahe treatment ' to alleviate his eontlttion When h<- illcgeilfy failed to , seek soeo trearmeni, he was . first tried bv a health•• jo diriai j court In his native county and (Continued on f*age Si ACMTSAHI v * ] i r. l? i yR; f L *■* -• •'< Mn I* 1.l vk *III I * .> , j. -i ft.'.v: ♦vim':- s>*U ,J| ' . "■•.'>■'■ •.: ~ sH& ’ * |)ft * l.t 3V* VI;-- Gm tinmen! Sav> i*I!) Fails 5 ;! To i il, Tax [*eli.ifn.''- I liiw Years RV MV ?vc>> I.OWAV < I<ALF HIT I \; , ,‘. ,4. ; *?*<■} . A f» : o r? x t h is ?*« urn her ’ < , \lt * w»ts<| \Vakf C ouonty physT >-nr* rivi» h'%dt'i\ ?>r .?. SV.-.nlcc fi;s. vi ; -vt Vj.?r{«4't 'Sf>Hr»cr?t --(< «mf*mt?«l on •> *rr &> ( fii.lmnn ■") § |4 y§ «n$ i>' 1 if; 11;; ' 4MDB M-4' 1 i j OGi.'. 1 ION Nrn I}, i uoj l»»a S‘ol!e t <;i' . art- Sions. In yrnir opinion, is Sh«- wholly I .'|»<*r i i Arts insfil'u state investing the tax dol lar wisely in werlotikmg ireparafich *n trades, *«» dir-itne*, and the p*;.4es jieiii; ' •:p •,«. l, GREEN, exfceutfge " •. .'tin hiu Aaso jrisfton, Pale-ip,li • Wi- )!•(; '.l'-timteiv yd.( : T rhr i cmp ; i ■ i m the wrong clitpciteti i W<• h-.iv.; followed the practici ot S eoWSolir:- I; 1 public through --on - , Col of the edaeators and 1 < i.iycc lift*? lender-hip naming to any t» ef>< educators ,v ystr "• P-T-n;:*' '■ - te bmcal ;i-.-trt'UtiQips din, b'-iii -fi inore teachera thsr. ■ny ■ytl ••»• leadership pro :;> This ! j- • hr br e n iu - -(,... le.-jogh f ' : : ' >! * §*. * '■ - X >■ i ■ t! • jn-.t.f -»*i -•• gi ,p. land the prosiw. of I'tghej ed-j.., b,, -."--. h'-'fe ■•' •■; to «- • v.Mi #a (hr rnd j'ij'T n ly Fco *sx iei V'J l*i<: Tl OC plXHOt>- !it Mr: '' 'i 'lt V- ? * 1 V -j i ] ••.••'*.>'-» - a ' I, lon •.• i, re perfor b / N^grr>: . t '.pr f « Vi t; M 1 t {•}£ ~ t p • • j, p It- rd ir< gi n i T sittd pFsti nlnE ihe 'f 1 he.- do r*n ; i-, Tirnin ib/rer, pii.y- Xiriati, t'-.!.ii;h If.) In -i htKhly fe c hnb-al aad , ;);V i efi’r' '-'OMnl' e V/hr-Tt 'V.I • e<; ■ t n.g ; ■ »t* j l ld in g v \ and ■■-' n-oce. * | m ;t c i'n d.c-P r " r ’ d rot IrreMii’ -; ,v vr ’ 'S ~, ejjSH ; ( r» i io '.ne'e %ju£; i »d’ ib 1 of ‘he - open mgs av.-rii ’■ able !#■ M ere tBR, | more m reoentrajL J’X: | i ye:o-s a literal H&^A .®| : eds degree has | 'conic to be regarded ns a baarsl (Continued on Rage Si I

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