N.C. JURY JIMCRO ON THE WAY OUT THE CAROLINIAN rc I ~ mi f 11,, | fTi n*~i ■ 10c Per Copy X ] c Worth More VOI.UMN >;i k.-vlehhi, north Carolina wt:kk ending Saturday march is, 1952 numbhk it State-Wide Polling Confab Set J.,' ** ',. ■ A * a®. miat W* J <W»„. , V ISpSI ? 0 I® AR.MiA: SS iOiUUJI . . in < hi> i’lU'fftt't! Blount, a.ffftU* % iiiTif) was .11 n-Strd tws 10 i*t: tv ?{e fU'Jited he fW£i?d :» 'ovnn hii'i'ii ilkUuftU' ta \ cheek. Has 1 Hubby Too Many, Shoots Him Happy Khmer New Year. ! DO THF.K CROWN Miss Valerie Wilson, queen of last year's Jabberwock presented by Use Alpha '/eta Sigrna chapter of the Delta Sigma Theta So rority. Raleigh., is above btt ‘towtrig the crown denoting the honor upon Miss Suavzviir Har i is, daughter of Raleigh's in IN CURRITUCK Citizens Up In Arms As School Head Is Replaced ' - ! ... ■ AWARDED FELLOWSIffF Dr. John Hope Franklin, Profes sor of History at Howard Uni versity, and formerly at N. C. C'AUefie, has been named a Pres ident's Fellow of Brawn Uni versity. The President's Fellow ships are presented hy Brown University to deserving scholars : in the United states for the general purpose «>t' furthering j scholarship and creative art. The 1 results of their work, must be of sound scholarship and of ia j- 'v'esrr'4* f * 4*k-- .yfcir* ys ’4*-* ;A S — aiw-AOerri' *t/ w f«| RAf.JKIGtf The North C;a tollfij l'ouft‘l'PM. ft* of N. A. i\ V Branches is sponsoring .m ld»H*r£t*iit y Registration and (iet-On 'the Vote one dm < onfer-nre h »• 1 e Saturday March 2,-b at the Marian Street BISHOP’S MOTHER DIES AT 115 Ci } I PKNSBOlB ) i ; n <•. h 1 t-t ’{ v :i‘v.> ;; .• 'm■ .• i ( . ;■ in rc who ciit d .<( tii- 1 -i '•! ' i y* • 1 * a id Up. hoiv.f of her '.-hi lie,hm, M it IVUm'Un r:o he? \\V -• ’ oh-. : ;; i■i .i i . 1.. . ad vanced a..>* b .-..if.- tair :a;« d. ny : Teacher Whips Child, Faces Rap j ami Mrs. Nelson Harris who gained the coveted honor for the current year The crown ing ceremony was a highlight of the Kith annual Jabberwoek staged by the Raleigh group at tlu' Memorial Auditorium lasi Friday night. iiALKIGII Citizens of Curri tuik County v.ure up in arms last \ eekeml when a school princi pal, their obvious choice for the position, was removed from his post The citizens not only raised their voices in protest in the Sawyer's Creek area where their choice of school leader was re moved from the priueipalship and given status as .< teacher, but also allowed their complaints to be sounded in the States hallowed Education Buildup; here before of ficials of the State Board of Edu cation. Principal reason for the alarm and efforts of the Cur rituck dtiuiu was the seem ingly arbitrary removal of Professor l„ E. Suggs as prin cipal upon eousol idatlon of Sawyers Creek School lasi Friday and the appointment of •V t.i, I'trrv to the .post, WtOGItIvSSIVE ADMIN ISTBATOK Professor Suggs, who has been a teacher in Currituck County for 13 year; and who has been prin cipal at the Sawyers Creek School for six of those years, was a pro gressive administrator, it was learned, Dunrvf his six years at Sawyers ( reck. Professor Suggs saw the ■ reversion of the school from a three - teacher "local'' institution to Ha p'VMvnt »ix - teacher and Oil pa{': r If i Baptist Church. Ihc purpose of the < onfer ciiit is to increase registration and voting; eliminate political apathy and to give leaders of Negro Church Labor, Fruiter nal, Civic and Minority group records revealing that Du was bom December 22. 1830 j She leaves 200 living descon-. v dan is, the oldest ot whom is a . ■oil. William Morton of Bruv. n SuiTiiiiitt vviiH.se ado is luted a- t 90 years. ; i She »v a • Dorn a slavn on the DURHAM COUNTY SCHOOL TEACHER i ACCUSED OF BEATING CHILD, IS Id RHA.M (Special) A teacher in a consolidated | Durham County School was scheduled to face trial in j it he local Recorder's Court this week on charges gr< w ing out of his alleged brutal whipping or a student. * John Henry Butler, 2fj-year-o!d instructor at the Merrick-Moort; School has been accused of whipping a 10 year-old gin student, Miss ltobeida Walker with u i leather strap at the school on last Monday. The child's father preferred charges against, the ■ teacher. Ihe olficial complaint charges assault. Carolinian ' l!^€T€|l iiin- || m ii n Bv Shirley; QUESTION: Has modern day electrical kitchen equip ment made any noticeable change in the taste and preparation of food, com pared to Mamma s THE ANSWERS MRS. FANNIE YOUNGBLOOD, ; lb autinan Raleigh: The modem j day electrical appliance has speed- ! t-d cooking to a great extent. Just : Li'amii any type us food can be ! bought Iroiten wiiicli e l.uii incites the task of cleaning a n<i |•£ % preparing. JgxMi m However, this 1 JjaHP- ■■£> 7* method takes a j MM - y - ■■■&% Jot of the taste ' WBm land flavor from | fsC-f fte food; where- Cjr? 0 as our mothers’ i Kgr <3O food was cooked Ik. jt j pared in the old aHaßbfc. m t lashion manner,: .. * von a wood or coal stove. Tills slow process of cooking' preserved a great amount I ot the taste in foods, but did not Ufcr the convenience that the | modern day equipment, does. MRS, ANNE SANDERS, house v, lie and student, Raleigh: There ; n not. enough difference in the ta-te of food prepared in the I modern day manner to compere- I ;-'te for the loss of time and es- j fort used in the method used by j more -•! trie nu-flft ttf.-r-. ; Irit'oi.at value oi Sr < *^" T Ink cooking method. Also the use of | the electric stove and refrigerator j i makes the keeping and preparing ; of food a much cleaner process, 1 ! MRS. SUSIE JORDAN, fountain j i attendant, Raleigh: I ihink the j [ equipment used in the kitchen of j (Continued on page 8} organizations a letter under standing of piiictical political action. Clarence Mitchell, director, Washington Bureau N’l ACP, will tlireat u political work shop to Instruct leaders how BORN V SLAVE plantation of Mom: SiuipeCiu in Caswell County and rnsni'-d the Laic Luke Morton She was th< inothei of 1-1 chil dren. of a. Inch one daughter and :.iio .-.0n.; .survive Mr... ivfeVi'tou vvu.s awarded ,i US HIGH COURT I DECISIONS MAY IEND JURY BIAS Decision To Re-Hear j J Daniels, Speller * Tases Irnlieaiive ; RALEIGH - The recently hand- j cd-down decisions of the United [ • States Supreme Court to review ! j the Raleigh Speller and Daniels j j Cousins cases i.» being widely j ! viewed as indication that trial be-j j lore jimerow jury is on its way j jou in North Carolina. Despite a (tree toils decision j that it would not review the Daniels Cousins ease, the na tion’s highest tribunal last week indicated that it would allow attorneys for the two, opportunity to restate their case in Its presence. Only this week, the Supreme; ! Court again reversed itself in de- ; | cl.-ion to review a North Carolina j ; case when it announced that it I j would also grant review of the I Speller case. ! In both cases, advancement was j | Made to the Supreme Court on i attorney’s contentions that the in-i ihal trials were unfair in that :Negroes were arbitrarily excluded; from the juries hearing them. The Daniels Cousins (Lloyd Kay and Bennie) and Raleigh Speller have been on death row at Central Prison here j since they were sentenced to ; execution for their alleged crimes. The Daniels cousins were convicted of the slaying of a white taxi driver in Green ville. Speller was convicted of rape. Both eases were carried be- i fore and refused review by the Supreme Court in 1950. They look places, rcspeciiveSv, in mg and ’49. In both actions, attorneys .’or the | defendants were Herman Taylor J of Raleigh and O J. Gates of bur- ; ham, through whose efforts the! three have received continued lea- I sos on life HOLLOWAY. **♦*♦*♦#*#*♦)' GIVE NOW ; TO THE RED# CROSS ♦♦♦♦♦*♦♦♦♦♦♦ i i to get the Joh of registration and 1 voting done effectively; how to build effective ward and precinct organizations; the Importance of the Negro Vote, i>i uuiatizing the Records of (Continued on page Hi | prize in 1948 for being trie oldest I living mother in Guilford County. In addition to her daughter and ! three sons, she is survived by 75 ! grandchildren, !K) great-grandchil . drt n. 2tl greal-grcat-grandc-hildi en, and five great-»;reat-grcat-granct itontiuueit on page K) NCCStar To L. A. Rams ? ? " HANDS” WALKICK i j The State-in Brief... ! | Wife-Killer Given “Life” HENDERSON A 45-year-old local man who killed 'his wife even as - his teen-aged daughter sought him not j to, was sentenced to life imprisonment here last week. Drawing the sentence was Plummer Baskerville, who shot his wife following an urgumant in which the aileg 1 eu killer accused the victim of going out with “other men’’. Miss Lucy Baskerville, the daughter stood watching as the father shot the mother despite her pleadings. The sentencing of Baskerville was the second life |term meted in Vance County during its current session, j Ed Moss also was given life. Firemen Mark Anniversary WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. (ANP) Eight Negro fire men the first in Winston-Salem last week celebrat ed their first anniversary as members of the local fire ; department. The eight N »groes and seven white members of the company and city officials reviewed their first year ; of operation ana planned for the future. The men have spent a total of 2,008 man-hours in ; training. The eight firemen were picked from 71 ap-; jplicants. In the past 12 months the company has answered 165 j calls. The Negro personnel of the company are R. L Grier, J. 11. Ford, G W Penn, J R Thomas, J F Meredith ; Jr., K O Black, W J Carter and L E Ervin Jr. (Continued on page 8) i v .y.~ ' •-« . - ■£ - ' i / -v, \ n < t - .I.' • \ v>- v » X N ix ■ A f \ Nj - ~ ' - \ v v yk:. ■ -■ ■ * S’t:w*. FriiLiv. Aei'vice STILL THE TROUPER— Denpilt- the fa<*t (has ilocturs sa> it will t»»- a > <-s.r la-fort* sh; is «uft'i«:irally from thf, at the third Klizabeth. N. t plane » i .tnh to ml ut ,i to the tontii^hib. Mildred Joanne Smith still fimmige% to keep her thin up. f'Vimi her ht«?tpiiul bed Hi-.i buith *Dld a hook of tickets to the recent NAACF “Great Night** show in \tw Vo< u to l>?. fteynin i i umic of the St. I‘B)£<theth Hospital. Tin luveiy and »eree/« t\.*vnriu- war, c«» in-j wuy fYiifuii a & i<j C'uha, when her rtr»t plane trip ended in disaster. ‘Hands’ War lick Sh To Sijiu Pact With Pro Frit! (lliampioiis HICKORY Knw t « i s;.inC■ . Warliek, North Carolina College oil - round athlete, is expected to .-..•n .i profesisonul lv-dUall con tract with the Los A;;;-.el.- Rain;., it was learned here this week Warliek, the von of Mr and Mrs Brice Warliek of Hickory, ha-, during hk tenure at the Durham college, been an outstanding per former not only on the gridiron, hut also at basketball, in which he headed the team in scoring for the past season prior to sustain ining ■< leg injury which benched him as his team won the state colleges basketball championship ai«d appeared as a contender to i Central Intercollegiate Athletic I Association honors last week. A football end, Warliek was a : pivotal man in his teams bid for ; conference honor: He first re ■ lived, athletic training at Ridge way High School here Civicly at Hickory, Warliek was a Senior Patrol Leaden anti reached the rank as Kugle Scout (Continued on page 8) I Girl Scouts, Preparing To Mark 40th Year, Have Fostered Full Democracy NEW YORK Founded in the State of Georgia, the Girl Scout* •< I of America points with pride to < it.s success in fostering democracy as it looks forward to its 40th j S; Anniversary to be observed on . | March 12. throughout the nation.! Perhaps Juliette Gordon how, the , Founder foresaw when she made | hei now famous phone call in Sa- , ; vanrtah, Ga.. shortly after return- ! mg home from England, that her i organization would embrace well over a million and a half young ; . girls of all races, creeds and col i ors in the United States within 1 forty years Slit was a native ot i ! Savannah. Thai telephone vail to a friend began with the words, “S tune right over: I've got something for the girls of ga vamtah, and all America and all the world.” With charac teristic vision she saw the un tapped potential of girls from 7 to 17 as a powerful force for good will and mutual under- ! standing among races and na i turns. i ; The handful of 12 girls who an- : ; | swered Utc first call have grown I ; ! iv. to 1,500,000 of which some 30,- ; j 000 are Negroes located in all!. j parts of the U. S A. Negroes came , | into the organzia-tion about the’, j year 1917. when the first Girth | Scout troop composed of Negro: \ I girls was formed in New Bed- i i i lord. Mass., by the efforts of Mrs. j i I Margaret Dale, Miss Jennie Scar* j r j borough and Mrs. Eldora Willi-; " | runs, with the encouragement and ; assistances of the Rev. D. O. WaJ- i ! ker, Pastor ot Bethel A. M R. j ! Church, lending' the basement of i | his church for the fiwtt meeting.-; ! i Since that .time Negroes, have ! b , I Kinm TS APPROVAL Rep. Carl i. Durham of Cha p»*| Hill, ranking member of the House Armed Services Commit tee predicts rongresHional ap pioval for construction of An lorn- bases at both liaieigh Durham Vlrport and Goldsboro file troop earlier wing at Ka letch Durham would have, a momill', payroll of approximate ly one million dollars,, Durham said: ami the proposed jet light er wing at S« ymour Johnson I leitl, I>«>Uls.,oto, vvotili) InVVe a ntoniiih jiscroll of 5 1,, ‘Sim,oof) and would 1,-i niaiuieil by some 4,5(10 •Vis lone personnel and kttft ci vilians. •■•oread throughout the Girl Scout organization, integrated on a basis of equality in many of the North* (Continued on pujfe 8} WOMAN SHOOTS* DURING FIGHT Much-iliur-ricil High Point Woman Faces Assault, Bigamy Haps RV UN HOLUm'AY STAFF WHITER HIGH POINT "She had one husband too many, so she shot one” i; the gossip that is being spread over bark fences, around pool room- on the buses, in ladies* powder rooms, in drug; - stores and where ver el c local citizens are wont tv> gather here this week. The “she ' refered to is one Mrs. Alice Wright, alias Alice Cald well, alias, alias Alice Lassiter, who. already facing trial for hav ing so many "alias Alices” must now face trial for shooting the man whose name she attaches to “Alice" for tier last alias. It was Monday afternoon when Mrs. Wright - Caldwell- Lassiter took a ,32-20 Spanish - made revolver, aimed it, fin iicrcii the iriirger, and aa~ i Continued on page it ) J

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