'Camden Site Os Squabble A1 friDcn cti iiutm yc* #ll iit HiWCii AL T' ' * S'oiv i H CAKOEINJAN < U,\l .'»! t* ! hi- < '(iiiujji 'Ki.itiim Ribbon i!h i-.u-tal pendant for tiii'i if oriotls -* - vii !• jig '<«rr:i uax ti i t ut!;. ri 11-uni b\ i .ip..tin < i.iuil!- ! t uniii: oi l oui.xbu, s, N. r during cere ninnies in 1.1 a! tilt Medical t ii-lit Service ithnol ! nr! Sit in UiHistna. lit a«. The award i- pinned on b; i\la.(or <M-tn*r.il Joseph I Mai tin .riifiiii command (It Mis .no oi Mrs t'arrh- T YoUiti;, K.'f> lit ins istr i Avi I tii.jisli is t v;, f'apt. So ro ri tyA nd Fra tern ity Plan Raleigh Regionals 9 N ! efe*s f*hoto Service GRfcAT AMERICAN ARRIVES—FwI.-r.-.i .!«««,. SXn ,„ Wurin* ami ltt>. wife. v\h«. «<-re ostracised from bites r native <barb-ston, S. <l, fur rltiUiipionii<i( the tunintitational right** of Ncgr.’ie* on and oft the briti'h, itrrivt’ at Madison Nquare Hard. a in Ww York recently for the gigantic X AAt I* fund t-aKimt show. The judge and his wife, who plan so multi- ji in i* life in Ni si Ymk i 'its. hast been swamped hr lett* rt nf i raid tide tor shelr uni-ompromiving stand from Negroes ail «v«r the *. arid. * ''.-id the Judge: 'Tliurlistim lives in the past true . . . it 1* tit'iie to In-tit* »»ftj t'»»r the Kiitsfer* and In tp the pctfcti tiied,” Attendance At Neu) Low As Students Protest Removal Os School Head DURHAM POLICE PROBE DEATH OF WOMAN, 83 DTiR'iATV’ .... The death cf an a«ed woman wbwc charred uwtv •was f<■ ’'rsct Ivin: in a wx>l of blood ' httec. lust Sunday .vet in notion a oonecfted rob? effort fc® local pclic© ud.o lonteud the oonditum «v* •.« Sa*u» uiu-ioMi* i • !■, ; oomsM%» its page e*c-mt i Voting WU'. {uir-mi'» A.■! m: h* 1 \i* * with .I*l umimia ! ♦ if |Ut,?v. -.S il'i ;Hh Aruiv Hi Kon*u It Aim >• s-ii-mhei' l!i“0 to O-DOu-r r i I in* .t, •;?■(! *> In aHJtliott !o *! 11 * i OlUbat ■ ml f •• •• ■.' Sl.i r \ tMi i- ( }>c. Young'. \ graviu it c t- •'tSk-h* TuDGDciN CoHrjjt*, » .« v 4* {i.*'V iH< . ( ’iij.-t. Yt;«ru; was rottmiK-irxu cl ia ihv Ann;, . < VM'.l iu: a * Vt i.l IJ. \\ ;u !. S iTti'-tl iti l*;H\ iD.! < «< t ma t». ky .fa‘-d:s it noYKIN m u s- Ftl ~'Z Alilfil i i i'TTY - Attendance • 1 in- 8:n. V<:', i'lu’L Mao! , •Ti • I'rOie tfiii’. 50 ernt' ifuia y .1 i.wrt (,;• the pupils: :• IV. V '!!-;! L)..-.! Si’,. j;; plXil pStinfi ! . 1111 t in tiif vi::.ut‘tor: of ’’■c MCh'pni arm a.iv • o tiw'By from i 1 ir ■ ■ ia. x i'j Ucri'.. of the sn>wyr»:'s A rock School liitd lift n prtv icvliriK- Mine the first at this svh««l term appointment of X <*. Perry as principal of the reboot rcp.'tu'ias: J'., Sustßs the pnirons wistsw) to in retained ns grtwitpM fupii/ out in pro-! i.OMIX hill <OS FACE FiHB DEATH IN FIRE PRO ! THE CAROLINIAN !0c Per Copy \ Worth More VOLUMN X! i.ALEKIH, NORTH CAROLINA WEEK ENDIN’!; SATURDAY MARCH „’2. INUMItEK !«• School Head Faces Tough Charge hi lAlli'S li IttiVKIW KLi/ABKTH t iTV l J a-iti!ii.‘- ' ::ik «.'•• ll.t, bitft! iutl-lidl'iH ,■ H : M'lOie. a|]f-u>.*d r.ji-ipiei't of a TV -i’t puiri dist-d v.ith fund': aiU'H ■ • ily i aised by a school faculty un de: <• t ii ; tcm hv tin- principal, fail ’d '0 bni local citizen;; m an: .. .c l tin:; tn .-ettli’ the controversy 111 it* ||, ' Wcdnt -aiav - i;,;ht llic pin if i |ta i intulvetl Is William H Jones, of tin- new 1’ i>.(|Ui)lj)ik i. It- ni c n t a r y School, now in its second year of operation, who was also in vited hut failed to attend a mass meeting In lit- held .u the ALPHA SOBORITYAND KAPPA FRAT MIONALS SLATED MARCH 28-30 Raleigh Chapters In Hostess Role For Alplia Area Meet HALKIGH On March 28-RO. *-• Alpha Theta On ei-a. Gamma X and Beta Him Chapters n{ A-! >-i K.ij.l.a .hi; 5'.,:'.., i'.y Will ;»' hosU-.-M-s to the 20tn South .’•.Mamie He ; 1.1? i,.ii Conference here. Hcijistratiuii and hoadm.artors w ill be a - Shaw University Ad fnm’-1mil: - Thtikmi;'. We:;, Cam .if . ..La. *_li i>. fioia a.hO bhu j.- if,., and bum 9:00-11:110 at M e itaU-ui, .'Vh-.'tiarjHi AOdiioi-ituti Ibi IheiVe es the i u-lfe; eliCt- t.-. iVlakiuK Dernocraii'y Wr-rk A! Heine and Abroad " Tleniaii Whitby. sis! national -lie : oj Alplia Kappa Alplia Soroi :*,-. assistant director of Ms- ' yor - Interracial Committee in the City es I* troit, and instructor at W;vne University, wii. lie ih«* main speakti at a Luncheon to he held on Saturday, March 29. s.l 12.30 pm at the YMCA Edna Ov< , Gi ay past ii.Mmnui is. -ih.' n oi .Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, and instructor in the public schools of Baltimore will deliver the annual me.-.;aae ;.1 the First lla ll: I t'lljj-ch. 1>! O N tlullbck Pastor. Vw, sec. i<! nionihs, Alpha S be!.4 Omega has !«-Cn busy niukiiie dciiibt. plans to a* <timn;odite unximi 2SD dele gates at this Regional Confer i-nre with the hope that it will he one of the most sue eessful in tin- history of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority; there fore. Italeigh has thrown out its mat of welcome through the various organisations for inteetis inment for AK.Vs and friends during this Regional « .inference. Mrs. s V Perry is chairman -V ",ut- Hegiimal *. oiifcreiicc . -■— . .-..fmnff njynirf,im Miri.i rmw.niiiiiiaiaw- - The State-in Brief.., Gate City Gets Housing <IRKENSBORO One. hundred thirty-five apartments are now ready in Greensboro's new 100-unit Negro Hous ing Project, it was announced this week, and first ten.. 1 ants will be able to occupy these units on or about April 39. Already applications have been received from 402 \ I person-- for apartments in the Morningside Homes pro- i ivet, the local housing authority reveals. Projected to go under construction this summer is a play area for the project. r Front Men Take Booze Rap ’ cIiEKNSBORO —Two men, allegedly lieutenants for! tiie ' King*' of the local bootleggers decided to take the I for their chid, the Guilford Superior Court Judge, contend c-a this week as he me red out their •sen- • < OONTUXIIitH ox PAG* EIGHT Odd la'ilHWli Hall Oil ! ale Street I'ytron:: (if 'he sciiaol which llds :-: t c-dimatetl enrollment nt 700. i i.;i c • 11;a i Juno* is nuilty i»t luuiiea auce in his position as ill. ,f the - chon!, pad !• eland they want the charge’’ ll!i„':!:f'i in pubil.. and lilt . in t-p -.arv eurrcetioiis made- In the a. mil'll •! 'at .11 Ilf !he school (liAHI II m I.lS'i’K t> 't he gufvanci-.-- charged against ; li.- piuicii;.! 1 wiiicu school pairmts I'ONTJM lA> ON PAtJI’l KIfJOT j Dr. Herman Canady Amomr Speakers For K appa Observance HALF.ICH Dr. Herman G ; G:.i..id>. p. i'i psycln'iiu-» u.M head 1 t: . DCi>:irtm«nt of P-ACII..I' v at West V.igunu Stale fri’i i; Will be one of the .-peek ■ <!- a si.-sshm of the Middle •- u■ • • : I'l-av.:- , ■ : Kappa Alpha Fi-att-rniry -nated hei- , March •»V _'<»* to. the iC'PHnja} (A»un< il .' if u.'iliiu'i.o-fS MAS vt.ek by tiie H;.h- .sii er. Delta Gam-riJi. ‘ ».*o ( U'OUTMJI .!(i iUtie.uh :\l* I'M .I« > /lt> -tile::::*’ vF»t*'-c! U\.A ‘ ho adures- b\ UN; iif>ted psv- - • ioh.;-i<; will open the three - day V CONTINt T KI> ON PAGE FOl>R \ i \ 5 v h;:': ML. wmmSM m/SSKSmM^k »K. HERMAN CANNABY I>KA 11! LEAP ~ . Marie ni the exact moment when his feel left George Mashing ten Sfridg-X In N,« York, this photo siiows Clarence Sims dropping to his death, the hands «f » priest aid nth. is an- si u th.iH.gii the raiitng us a linat ge..t> tor t!.» falling man. The priest and tour p-iliciiitci trail for 7!f nl-a. UU*k k» tttik SUIkN out tolf Mtii lilt,'. Life Insurance Linn In 53rd Year Os Progress Annual Statement Notes OUR I'AM 1, Ci >t iu;u.*mll* f : uil i b'.c ,f,Yj l l Afi.uial Sb-teMcilt oi tic.' Kuril) C.i: •.i in, Mtii.idt! I.:!'’ fn- Msran;-;- C'oil:bi':\ !!):.” Week. Prcsineut C C Spaulding stated the Company's activities for the voai revealed mosi satisfactory i CMtltS “Th- ultimate 1 of i mu tual life insurance rompaiiy." w it " ••* ? ’ A ! '\ V : I ■ .’ • ••i.’;.”' * *'•<* # '*' \i-»'.v p-ras* Photo s • •. : \i( <* <*BAY LADIES EVERYWHERE—™* 5* **« <■>*** Im * r » Mn « ,imp s,! *" r thP ro<l^I ;v ' ™ d f,,Hi ( * In every mutw mc uriti'ci <« aid the organization which ha« aided often all over the «<»f)d, Ih« w»ik of tt»» ’Red Owns* k never dene, and all-inetmive. aiftwt rafard to fatw, creed r»r rotor. Ked Ortmv. Rruv safliem serve tn ftmptats. o«a«s«, iriwmitions, Red Craw* e«spi,er*;, and ot»e» *c#»m«niry «k<wmi. !f.<y P ut)ent» with o«mipa»Mlfco«B, do errand*, assist in recreation Mtiviih*. five upeoiai lutort*. E *»td ; teach «!»»«!« srsits, la tisis «, gray las* eeads 4j J ; £ fcovjutai >av«cau. • / in said, "is nut only to )».-> vide uni maintain absolute safety and security tor .is po liej- holders and bill. in keeping v.ith the i-ohp era live aspect «>f such organic aliens, it endeavors to render this service at minimum cost ’ J;; rec.-nt years tavurabl. mi!- CONTEXT : El> OX' PACK EIGHT FREAK MISHAP FATAL TO BABY S.WFOjRO A Id tk •*» « * ilrnt Hd-init-tj Slit lift- «»l‘ * * moilili al\\ ini tiU titbi t* »--U h this \\ <‘rk Acuiirdirti; to < 'uUi*j \ t \>i x* jot l)i J. H IVv riy tiillV VVayn?* Si'islJ xox« oi Mr I*iul Mis F ruiik Bus?* w.is drownoal when he tumbieci froru a into a chamber pot vtaminn; beside the bed. ( OMiNI Fb ON IVAGI* FOUR ‘•l. " Ato* l , 1 ' (.‘VI ~ !'((..( - ;(i.li.-i. (. |> h it. • Oii litljn *i| K.tm! ?i« w, \ i Hilri I II! \ il lull, .ti J. ii' * a ill *» .tiMl.ll mrrtm •: *H tliP * 4 viltl"! •. 4 ht'j 1 ililti $ .«V tul f H • 4 »I*4lit*l Hill :i - t'lfctrii dtlf -» «« f)C i ,{‘n! ll>t t riMim at :» ‘Oftfrrrnr#’ tfln* ticlcf in April at tim’hu.iu. Hr was also ti:utl£ti ii< l» ilr to the i! itioii'ii t .illitr < 1 *il> rout;jti at Huston nr\t I'.?M ,t js t» si• • i‘U'< tt‘d \m » j>m*si (irnf of i!‘c group, ir iio I»''? - 3Ef.. , if" * IS £RANTED !N I EYEBALL CASE ".Ml; \. \ A • . of M:-;t*k in;.’ran?, .am ion ant farmer ‘ <h ■ . : ■< 1 m Y.ifov* v ilih's ■> 1i : ft >ti * i» A•■ I ;«Uit at .75 fc.a-t n*ftk« j ’ • -i rv i ; il l j hig” vfttfcf 4 ha . fo> f*o M)J ‘ iai-:,r:1 li.'a !'Ti > vt'in; "V - • .... .- i ! ( ‘ ' ~ ‘ Jo. Vli ‘ ' J l . vi (' (“ , ( t'.f iixhi ;VV v {;i i ’lO *‘M i ( b\ till* Miki V- l.t'.T JunPi’ 0 1 (•!. •’.it l‘ii‘f>. . u ;... Surf!,del i“ i"‘M’S i.- .r. A’ :.-:.;.. v p.ranl- I , j ' :(;<■ 'i'.- :lt ■.>!' mi-trial duo 1 < t Ksi ft Si J id I’ \f.; !»t H ( atohui.xv jg fe S J - ; jj I I vs m |j| f;!|||li« || I ij y iitiillcy QUESTION: What J« you consider i*,;> niar< riageabe age? iVTj S: :n < lifliv.-.oi!. • riicp ; -.ti i- R'i!v i! ti in . . to that qootio): i «rouid tuy that it de i'fiid- t: /i ! ill *I v ujk»!i :ln- individual. i ti' ‘VP th.'it i d.li; of I' ■! (id iiot ><:»-! ' tljjJ.it ht* Jmt OHM? T. ; ip' :: ■■ iJ d> '• I! a i go ‘ ‘.r.d-'iaHl akin 'All!, mar ■ •• j'*- te ' lli: - • 5< toil,; "V<? I * 1 ll,(> y loach tiio ap oi;. >t,i if' ioo by s.ooiir'ty, sitd shuclii by lie rmaits be vented! iii.rn enjoy • i sin- “b!, of a v i t!ii< ri !;:<■ M i :••• AiU-li .McCK'-f'-.iii house v\ iii ’j ‘ ■ jvrr .y ■■.-■ •*.• iai: Vo to day < ‘ ..<![/', tin* iiTiyiuitsiiCt' oi i.'U ill I I ill. '!'((•< If ii* 'I ■?; .-■ fit Id ••vftich >' o ! vi,aide rto i•• iniVjVndo&t I v. !•> i, suofi tijini/u: , rompif-Uni. I ! : ti triiiiuiiif .iionK with a few I year? of «■ -, -ori I an ideal aye- for I marriage, 'it tii.V. i.r::o y our, c wuinii ;i would o* J jh’v to 100 jx-ttor ji’-a.uirtcKf in >'*h!fi:iiiM!:> a iiriato and Itsve seaph* nrr.o to roar family properly A y oung :riu riimially spends a few mole yyirs sn his choseii so".; f.i’C si;,,uJ«!. therefore be three or four wav- oilier tliai! the woman Dogggpj, Smith. ItaJcjgh: Twerdy- Tn <- fin the man and about twerity t“ '; in,- lb, v,-arsun. Ir, tbr e?4fe c&mistxi* ou rAiitb tm%

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