WEEK ENDING SATURDAY APRIL 5, 1952 Public Speaking Finals End in lie; lai l, Boy Split A&T Site Os Event and Chatham County I Entries Triumph GREENSBORO \ c. liMrv'" • ' * Count v }>n> and a f' 1' ■ i ‘*rri Co :n tv girl tied sos fii s1 on/.*- m the finds of thr tn'evvido high -;chooi pubis • .pc'.tkiiv, contest held here last week it A. and T College Sherman It Hill. Whitcvillf. N a student of lln- Cnliim Inis County Training Srhnol and ;Vliss Vernetl Siler Silrr City, a student ofthe Chatham County Trui ins School, r.vh received J 350. in savings bonds in a split of the first and se cond prizes. Mi's Rebecca Hen ry, Rose Hill, N. C., non the third prize of slo® in savings bonds. The contest .pop-wired by the \Knjth Carolina Bankeis Asona l.ion, included eliminations in 83 counties and tn nine area group;;. Winners from the nine groups who competed for lop prizes Saturday also included: Horace Reid Hert loi'd County; Carol Itoioatch Noittumipton County, Karo; H Bigeiow. Caswell County lima Lomax, Richmond County: Thel ma A- ■ I ■-. iPovaii (,'oiini v and '] honiasina H Wilson, Mecklen burg County. All spoke from tin: subject. Green Pastures - Their F <■ tori Management". James Hishnp, manager of the farm loan department of ibr Rank of Greensboro in presenting the prizes on behalf ot the N. i Rankers Assoeia (ion. paid special commenda tion to the agricultural work eis ill the state for the fine cooperation which they gave in making the public speaking 1 contests siierexsfu! J i! Wheeler, cashier of the Mecuanic:; and Farmer; ftaiik of Durham. piesided erer ttie pro > pram it K Jones, state oxter km. agent. a\o ’oriel* remarks the , pur. ■■ I the late public ~pe <k U'.f: ee:i!e Gl CCting.- <d Wf h 'in ' \\r ic extended the visit"! and compcli: >r ; I I)i K L) Blub- d, president of A. and T. Coliege. Ur. it W. Cninmin.e-, director Os leseaieh. N. C. Statu College, • ]) r’ . wi!li <l nti l in of tlu f.raduale chool at A am) T Coi j eye and ,1 VC G- *dmai.. a. ~e.--- t.ant director of the N. C Exten r .on Service acted ;e judges tor toe finals. tVA.Ms imv TRIAL . Cocke Miller, Youngstown. Ohio, charged with crashing red light, demands fury Iris! hut Ohio supreme court ft*vs he can’t get it —in Ohio jury need not he granted for penalty under Ssfl, I Crucifixion and Resurrection B * .. g * Dramatized on “Greatest Story 4 ’ * H !. ■ " " T-5 M. t sci 1 ; 'V ,ff f -P* I P| " The two traditional Easter season programs, “The Crucifixion" and W “The Resurrection,” will again be dramatized on “The Greatest Story |gjj Ever Told,” radio's most, honored program, on Palm Sunday, April 6, B t and Easter Sunday, April IS- The program will be heard over the S t entire ABC radio network at S:SO p.m. (EST). This is the sixth Easter B SL that these programs are offered to the public, and each year these B Jr] presentations, as well as the regular weekly broadcasts, gain increased jw f listeners and appreciation. ip ilMost unusual among radio programs in many respects, there is no S|t commercial announcement at any time on this program, except for Hi sponsor identification required by law. Neither are actor, divertor, ,V; writer, or music credits ever given, so that the program is entirely in |§f| ' the spirit of a sincere public service. Jt. i*< not. surprising, therefore. H|§' that this sincerity in presenting a radio progtatn has bft)«gh»j.st wove V& honors that; any vtUet i*diu dSffdtittfi.i . . CALVERT SALES BOSSES HOLD CONFAB j j M , ii ii . n-M ninrr n- —bbmw^ |§gf lllg mw JSm • -JHw U „ ..MMBHKy 190810331 ' -■ Jlmm ;;; Jft JHiIBSHHfi ? 'fißHMltt lx if f | WSm ■ 4 . F JN mBKkmHKm Top official* of Calvert Distiller, Corp. met in Chicago recently'to plan Lord'Calvert»*'** oelcN -^H otiT "* for the next three month*. The all-day meeting climaxed by ad 1 n ”? r *}' M*naoer Wdh Mm r« Waiter honor of A, H, Singer of Chicago (third from left). A,.letant General &>!•• v 9 yic* Pr t^ F. Terry. Vice President; Joesph Make’, National Repre*entative. and Tubie Retn.k, fcxecut vs ident, all of New York. North Carolina Has Big Labor Supply Available RALEIGH --North « urolin.-i h; j ri •■; tupaied mirudabk labor nippiy . of 146,266 workers on March 25. a number which is not limited to j those who are uncmplo -ed and i socking job.-, but 'lso othci’; wy.o . ■ arc not now employed at their his he; t skills or who may be re;,, dc to ente' the labor market for thr lirsl time Jin hided in the State wide number arc .fT.hlO skillcfi a* l -;e T fii - skilled m orkrrs and G. r;’(| who are deemed irainahie tor jnhs re piiting ■ kills and arc under >5 yi ars nt age Bm ten down another way hy the f-'-mploymrnt Security Conimia i 'sinus Rurcao of Research ami Statislirs and reported to Chairman Henry ! Kendall. : ?th Conference Os Baptist Students Meet At Shaw U. The Seventh Sou'hwirl" < i ■ 1 once of Baptist rhooiorical Sio drnts. to '.vhirh Shaw ■ u' ;m y ■a as host, was sues; :s-i a:- rot ■ | eluded with t)it fm *1 ■■ - ? " 5 I ii,g held Thut'-'dw evening at >'!>l | ten Memorial Baptist Chiu-h. J'h | K M i'ol-.it. IM-lr, I llig! jshli of the n lei 11 i ;< J I progiam began W* m> -da mm u- I ing when Pv'f Met.'ie.nl i i an I Mercer University, Marem, 1 . ■ ■.. ■ - I spoke in G reunion f A !I dh o riu f u. I U'm, as the l.c- nor, of in. :, u I •The Si:-’.ns <>f iJ< -p- F ■ I u i Edu ration arc for (TuiHians I .. si ! Di?' ui bins." I Tii ei’Uurnc addns-s given K v i'. < v William fl Siras.-nor I oi Shav. University, m the L'm- I : versity Church, with a respnii <• I bv D !. Nichols of t.ie American I • Baptist Seminary Exchange Corn { i inittee. I Work imp discussions inciud § ed topic as follow Baptist and Ihe Lcumenicai Movement." "Faith !■ Action i reject," 'The Chri-- tian Homey and “The F yclv.do • i! Effect of • Prejudice Leaders i ir. there various discussions were Ernest Bradford. Morehouse Cot. 1 lege. Atlanta, Ga ; Prof. Charles Butler, Morehouse College. Mian I7,Bij'> are white males and Mb filh are white females, while are non-white males and 34.3R7 are non-white females Ihe figures are compiled from reports of local pu’lie em ployment of tee managers and iheir staffs. These figiiK ; represent recruit- ; ncio workers that the office man- ; estimate could be recruited for one or more local industries ■ -s hi all nnv Wages and offer work- ; in-; eonditioi c<(ual to oi slisht ly“ bet re that: the pre- ent '.udus- ' t’i iai j.:,tt.nrn of the county Groups from which these v nrkers probatii> could he re el n'tyil include housewives who might jo in the labor force; finer: workers now commut- t <Prof. M< i • - lb van; Pi cit G.’ K Off ;tt. Simmons University i.u .g rille. Ky , .1 W Gi ■>! •. Sun • ninu- Ur.ivci -itv. I,oinsvi!;e, Ky.. I! Ernest Poston, Southe n !’•;*' fi >. Seminal y, I .mu. \ lile Ky i .- i. Si.ai,' . Meo-’dict <‘olh-gi. ; !,.,i . S G . Ihe B- ' Muse-- .N. tel.uics, Shaw Umvei si’ -. Prof C .-i I) Daw.-, Shaw University Sciiooi ul Ecligion. Jesse Ailgood y, Uni - .ci- : dy. Atlauta. Gu .! M. Ku’jland. Amo ian h. i Cor.venison The m :uis add res; in Pullen M<-- !i-o! ml riaptpt Church was deliv < ;-d by I) Edward D McC.ouy . ~| Pc h mon ai Vi; gun a Union Unive.-it>. Richmond. Vu The title < i tils addre.-s was "The 0.-s’in;. a I Man " Dr. K. M f’o'Cat -, as Master of Ceremonies There wore stud'-nl delegates as :vrl! as faculty members it - m the loll.■'>, in- -eiiools: Southern Ha" 1,.: Seminary, l.oui vitle, Ky . Vir- j ;-,i Union Uni - -. ,: ity, Richutond. Va Sliaw Univ'T-ity. Raleigh. Summons Uni' e- sity. Louisville. FDR’S Friends Tell What They Miss Most PEW YORK Two prominent Negro women who were close t>> tat? Pre 1 idem Frank hn D. fio-..;-eveU are among those asked by Look magazine to write hat the ymis smost about FDR Tneh statements and photographs appear in the April 22 issue. Mw. Mary Met cod Betbime. founder of Lethunv - Cookman College and vice - president of : NAACP. speaks of the jurat mag netism of the late President Per sonality. ‘I rots.-, his glowing pres ence .his confident words of wis dom and guidance h's fearless ness. 1 miss Franklin Urdu no Roosevelt's exemplified love for all men.' she says. Mrs. BcUiune was adviser to the President on minorities from I<>s6 to IfMt Also expressing tie thought* about Mr. Roosevelt in Look is Mrs. Kr> in McDuffie, widow of the President's valet and a member of the Roosevelt Tl C Amm , s QUESTION snoilM milk cow,, ■be grazed on rape I ANSWER ; • George H. Wise, head animal nVrttten section. 1 State College, says rape is used ; chiefly as a posture crop for ; i av.-.tut and sheep. I: is also statin* far’or-' for cattle, but there arc, several precautions to observe , if the cows arc milking, they' should l-v i'i !uu'.-'ii from tie, i.tpv i pasture tout or live hours before THE- CAIvOLINIAN ing to other areas; youths ex ported to join the labor tone; | handicapped workers and oth employables not now absorb ed by loca iinduxtries; minor ilv groups; new entrants from agriculture, and other smaller j groups deemed recruitable for industrial employment. Wake County, this report shows. I ha.-; an estimated 5,675 recruitable | workers, including 17a white male.-, 1.-450 whi'cfemales. H 25 non white roairs and 1.12a non-while! f :■■■; ,|; , Os the total number. 875 are classed as .kilted and semi skilled workers, while and esti mated 1.225 arc deemed trainable : lor jobs requiring skills and are | utuler 15 years of ace , H- <• rin Bapii 1 Seminary. A, II .1.. Cl!;.. M" . Dei edict Col li gc, Coiuirihid. S. C . American p, . t .t Seminary. Nashville. U-i ,t - .V’tiicho >e Colic Atlan : (ia; Mercer Ifniversit-. Macon, (.'a; Central Bapt< '■ Seminary. Kan a-• 1 'il.v. Kansa Specpd music tor the occasion va- turn: hed ■ !’i - - but I fill. • a SI ;aw University sopho iroi'- of .New Ben. who sang i, 1 ) i. •!>'■:• s Child That Do 'or - md Delot cs Yoi’iw. opr.mo and a senior of Sb.a ■ I . ;oh wnu offered () J./Oi'd p A', , iiui." Thcv were accom- I. ■-.■ . ii. H i Gi I -So i.v the Di li r"o of M- sic at Sh.nv Univer it%. Craw n Caudle of Raleigh, a : p'l-u iei of the Puller. Memorial Puplift Church choir sang a bass ... "The Lord Is M> Light, ac •npnii ><! oy Dr i'- M. Poteat 11, Ii; v Joe M Conic; Louis v'!!., Ky is executive secrc'ary , ,ii .( the (ienei a! ( on• e■ Cl l .aii 11 i - ; i ••va.. Ronald M Copy household from JT! - . to the Err-ddent's death in FM.>, Mrs. McDuffie says she mis ses most ids laughter and his teasing the v.av he enjoyed the Southern cooking she helped to serve at the Little White House in Warm Springs, and the way his face would light up when she took Ins v i arulehildren in to play w ith him. Mi Roosevelt never made me fed like a servant* or feel like a Negro'." Mrs. McDuffie writes. He had a heart as big as all out* > doors, with room in it for ali of i s. That'.- probably what I miss most, the ever-loving heart of the > man " i Mr.. McDuffie say .-he disc mis. 0.-. her ''serious little talks’ with the president about the prob lems of the Negro people. They would often discuss the Seo'tshoro case und other problems, she says. Rnr/A*. > - tS'-jOE milking to prevent off-flavor of milk. Plenty of salt should be pro vided to check any undue iaxa -1 live effect Finally, to reduce chances of bloat, the animals should be fed dry coarse- feeds, such as hay. before they are put lon the rape pasture, i Dr Wise says it is advisable to 1 chock the animals frequently duf iiu tin- first several ri&yfc u> ( >f*. u-i-i ,mv titouttßd before it Wwlu DISCUSSIONS WILL FEATURE I. CATHOLIC MEET I DURHAM, N. C. One of the most interesting sessions at the j forthcoming Combined Seventh Regional Congress of the Confra ternity of Christian Doctrine and the tsixth Animal State Conven tion of the NC'CIA. scheduled for ; Durham. May 2,3, 4 will be a 'live" demonstration of a religious club in action A group of lay per sons organized ir: Raleigh will discuss for 20 minutes an inter esting religious subject. Father James Suddes, director of the CCD in the Diocese of Springfield, Il linois will give a ten minute talk on “What is a Religious Discus sion Club" preceding the rieinon sttration. Father Suddes has had a great deal of experience m this work in his own dioceses, where, 17.000 men and women are on ;oiled in active discussion clubs The discussion club is not, mere ly for exceptional laymen, experts and college graduates, but for all 1 person* of high school age and over regardless of hteir degree ot formal education. I is for busy i men and women who come toge ; thcr to obtain exact information, i leadiness in expressing it, and lan opportunity to translate it. into, action. This session will ho held on Fri- ; ; day evening at. 8:00 pm , May 2 in the Main Ballroom of the Wash- . ’ itigton Duke Hotel. AH Catholics! !of high school age and over wilt ■ i be welcome to attend this session. \ His Excellency, The Most Rever - end Thomas J McDoncll, DD. : Co-Adjutor Bishop of Wheeling. I West Virginia will preside CANTATA SET GRKFNSBORO. N. C. The tra i ditional Easter Cantata featuring the "Seven laist Words", -vili be presented by the A. and T. Col- ! lege Choii on IGlm Sunday, April I 6 in the Harrison Auditorium at : the College The appearance vhi mark flic first for the choir alter cppiplrti in of it ; current northern 'our. The group is directed bv How ard T Pearsall PLAYERS WILL STAGE DRAMA GREENSBORO. N C The Richard B Hani «n the dran atic group of A and T Col lege. will pi-e-ent the popnbd .t.igc and creen play. The Glass Mena eri<-' i.y Tennessee Williams in two appearances on Thursday and Friday evenings. April 3 and 1 Both performance will e een in ’hr Hani on Auditor; on at the : college. • The east ir,eludes: Geriha Moore ; and Effie Gray .alternating m a . ff'-itured role of Laura: Sarah • Waddell as Amanda. Clarence ' : Coles and William Melver sharing ■> the part of Tom and Earl Um . . tead as Jim The players will do a repeat in a guests performance 1 ~t Morgan Stale College in Batti • mere on April 17 Sy I vox or F Clarke is the direc tor of the Harrison PI avers ! XAVIER COLLEGE CHOIR HEARD M K\7 YORK Choral Music on. ' !he National Broadcasting Com- ; pane's ' Green f ross Song Fcsti- j \a'r‘ program last week was pro ; vided by the a rapelia choir of Xavier ITnjversitv of Nr" Orleans. Tise college choir is conducted by : Norman Bell "The Green Cioss Song Kesta- . val" is j musical program stress- i ing safety or» the highway and >■ | nndei the auspices of (he National j Safety Council. The program pre sents oidstanding choral groups throughout the country. Bernard McCloskey. Commissioner of Pub lic Safety of the city of New Or leans. di. - cussed traffic safety training on last week's program Edward M. Rowley. President of New Orleans' Safety Council, was aim a guest speaker. •IDe Xavier University Choir has born hoard on many radio broad casts and is hailed as one of the t most outstanding college singing groups in the country. The col lege. under the director of the Ca tholic Church, is noted for its yearly operatic productions rs advanced Cage. QUESTION: What are package bees? ANSWER. These are just ordin ary bees put up in packages for | shipment and sold by the pound ; A (jueen bee usually accompanies | the shipment in « separate little ; 1 cage of her own. t W. A. Stephen beekeeping spe- j : realist for State College Extension | Service, says the business of pro i during package bees is confined 1 more or less to the Southern j ! states but its big business. In j ; 1951. some 712.000 pounds of bees ! were shipped. Usually the pack- i ages weigh two pounds and con- 1 tain 7,000 to 8.000 bees. A hen must lay about 130 eggs j just to pay for her feed and up- j keep, say poultry specialists at; State College. The profit is made j !cn the eggs she lays above this number. A short course in grain market ing will be held at N. C. State ! College from April 21 through 25. ; Attendance will he limited to the I first 50 grain Itfutdldrs vetm gftfily- FATHER'S DYING WISH FULFILLED BY SCHOOL GIRLS WHO COMPLETE SAVINGS BANK BOOK FOR DAUGHTER t Washington, D. ("., When Leonard Pinkney, custodian of Kent hearth School tens killed by a ear last January , he lias filling out a Savings Stamp hook so that he could hug a $25.00 Defense Hand as a present for his daughter, Roberta, on her Ssh birthday. Ten fit h grade girls at Kenilworth took it upon themselves to finish buying the bond out of they men savings, so that Mr. Pinkney’s wish would he fulfilled. Lack Stamp Jlay they bought extra stamps which li t re pasted in Roberta's book until toe remaining ' •■'•/•> woith a as pur chased. Then Roberta was taken to Kenilworth School inane the ten gu n pn seated her with the birthday bond. I to R, Judy Crocker . 10; Susan Bennett. II; Leah Cay Darns, It; Dolores Kelly, 10; Mil I went Johnson, 10; Margaret Keans, It; Dreeing Saylor, !■>; Joan Melamb. II; (Daria Crocker, 11; and Beverly Dm is presenting bond to Roberta TORNAOO TOLL— Residents of Fayetteville. Tenn. are still digging themselves ««« «f «»<“ wwr *‘ IS! in°°ea?.. In the top photo, n New York Her! Cross worker lends her to a family harbored «t‘ . Red < ross rest renter during: the reeent storm The bottom photo, taken in 1 a shows « voting couple standing amid the wreckage of their home *"" K me'o st ev to hundreds of other dwellings in the town. Red Cross estimator -lerr> W oketlet. „ ng n sttn . determine the amount of assistance this family will require to rebuild th-.r house. SEVEN STAR | G*W | 90 PROOF ! 1 sEV *a? AR I fflg '**• I II ;<| * ** ,* .**' * | t-s quart s«!i riot j■■ «mt>rat'd#**"*«««w«n* | \ I Wk^Jp- igSps-Sgf- ~l iVV.- wW spirits Httflil »«** P*«- *5 « s!la, t M "*• : ' s > !? 4f ’ A !3> " 1 ituifM tttftli’-t? 4 r*«n «. VA% iWW« «*MI * i un 3,1 % 1 * WORti l?&., flOgtA, lUtHOU PAGE SEVEN

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