PAGE EIGHT Athletic Policy Report Ta Be Given Cl A A Look-See BA' .TIMOfCE President r</ member colleges of the ConUnt lnteri o!legi a'e Aihletii: AI,1 *; on v ill meet at 110. urd University On April ID l.n disci i;:-, I}; (-■ rO'.'"nt athletic policy report of (he Anti >■ Iran t'ounci! on Education fhr meeting, railed jointly by Or. Martin O Jenkins of Morgan State College. and Or. John IV. Davis of IVest Vir ginia State College, will also cwnrrrn itself with other pent* Sent), of Intercollegiate ufhir tics in tile CIA \ A special commitlc-. on puiie'ie tuiii-.y of the Anv .in i.iemeU on Education repotted last mouth that ■in intetcoil* emu y'!,n ■■>■■■ as v 'lon'ineted. despite ti'u id hem nee by inany iiistltufifio;; in the flight'd standard: ..e t ion vio lations. icd utile of :> did ecKii. tional i oliriebid ad..;. ■ t aid mqrai conduct, are n i ;• fait u,,. I'oniltion. 1 In suggesting r» no dir ;, (hr committee listed four ohje. tiers, limi.'lj (I) to n |(rve es ptevsines, C’i to insure institutional control, -d’-i to sin: S'-'-l. genei it stand irds of t < erptahic praetiee and ilj to invoke m ■ 'ire , oi rnfon *• went that v Ji guide ftie great AGGIES VERSUS HOWARD NINE OH APR,. 18 f :hei NSRot > r tho a and 1 College .seh.ill team, de fending CIAA champions "ii! fare on the siioiig ;i.»u ard Urn ’•X’J'sil at (1 rcei 1 . btU' Stadium m Thursday, April ' ! Tim encmin ter ■ ill mark tin d conference scrap foe the I<.ih , Bolstered by the addition of rv era! vuomising freshmen .'.'no have rapidly developed into hum. Coach Fries Hand;; reloctahl!.'’ ad mi fled fin;- ■■ C ! ; Th" se mi:'!lit have • to v*- peat as champion l 1.1 pun m spi'e of the Hum hai! play- Cl'; WC Will have' In .1 j a. 1 : - BOXING CLUB EXEC LAUDS NEWS ARTICLE CHICAGO AM pi Tenioan T, Gibson. ,Ti . ,rc retarv of tin Jnp t national K*sxins; Cluh last is re If P:...! y.d 1 -;juris column hi • Wen dei.l E Smi'h indicating tl:;<t 1 aria I angle may lx involved m the federal government s anti-ti nut against the IBi" Smith, the only Negro sports writer employed hy Chicago daily nr "paper, told reader. in his weekly colnmn for the Pittsburgh Courier that if is odd that the first sport the government cited for action was tontine where the IRC uiiii/es employees in ait phases of its activities, regard less of rare, creed or roior. Gibson, in commenting on .he column said; Wendedi Smith *:x presse,., m.i sentiment." ” All in the Game: TJ A! PH BRANCA wilt he trying to make the fans forger the home ran hail he served Bobby Thomson last October when the Giants took the pennant away from the Dodgers . . . last year the Red Roy were stronger on paper than the Tanks, This year the Indians are stronger •» paper, Bnt Casev Stengel says. “We are not going to fight tor this pennant on ropy paper. We arp going to battle on * field.’' . , . Casey always sets his sights on * percentage that will hardy wi•■>— in IMP he won with .839, in 1950 with .036. That’s pretty fair guessing . . . Ton Boudreau's Red Sox will need a lot of rookie help this year with Williams and Doerr gone , , . Ted Williams will be 34 in October, and if the military keeps him two years, his career will just about be over • . • The average big league salary is , . . The average length of playing time is 19 years . . , Aboni 39 per cent of those who adopt box fng for a profession barely make a living . . Pro footballers get from $*.9(10 to 520.006 a year . . . Yogi Berr* is now 27. Althea Gibson, Florida A and M. College net star, i.- the only Nofiero woman playei ranked by the IJSLTA, She is number II 1 The 1352 Famcei: football team 'will open the season Sop! cm her 20 against tlie Texas College Steers in Jacksonville’s Gator Bowl. —™—~—.— "— -f"' _— —ri 1 ..... ijfafcvnf —'—l -6. and Ml TAILORING A I.TER AT IONS OF All KINDS - SUITS MADE TO MEASURE LAUNDRY ~ DRY CLEANING JOE MILLER, Prop. 106 £„ Hargett Si. Phone 35332 ' majority of m.-.llk/tifms I I i, wii ■ f.( ' otouiurided eMum! 0 1 ): * re Uiir'i;.'."'. th.ii v.lj nr lu- ia; aid ' |e. any -.tvt'rnt. in nr.ney o: in kind. > :"f pi tb.d 1 ho-il 1 : I'll nth 1 - I ■ .11 f.iisni i ■ admin r. tered h • (hi in:f iCd ■ .Vn" .nd (I'll " iti‘. ii le.- ! .udiilll. s :*•...i... ‘’Sl 11.1 01 gra:ds-in u'i oinmid tie rer.| ! .in"d 1 In inert tie ;.:rr:;• ‘anrirird*. nl urn Wtvs Pr j ‘s- Photo Servif p MAN OF STEEL--' icirge i'.ivne, "Mr, New Vork Slate” 11 nil mefro poiitnn champion, from (he Apollo Barbell Club of (he Harlem YM( A. nsteiiodeii wmc K.oott patron, at (he Olympic Sport < trimul (Madison 'Qii~• .nrdrnl with hi" plnabisie. The Harlem Adonis took part in the phvyique demonstration, which iva« n p*rt of stellar track end field events tcld to raise funds for Ihe t nited "fates Olympic teams. AA mi l's champion heavyweight weight litter John Davis who h»s not been defeated since 105,d w»* another highligiit of the "jiorts carnival. Famed Track Club May Be Out of the Red In Future BY \i WHITE NKW YORK l AN Pi if the. ; plans of the N'e-.v York Bot.lle arid ('ii! ■- Clo ra ii ' I !'i Itv 1 1 , 1 .-jiuial problem' of the frmiuu; Piore-"; At hie: i: C hib nf this city Will be ■: nded. According to Cvni H n • per ■ . ! ident of the Bottle and Cork Club. . that outfit, composed of Uquor,, beet and ocverage salesman wdl j raise sufficient fond." this year, next >eai and Hirnugh ti.e year. :In fiirr.i-. In send Pi on )!(.:;• repre ■ Kcntativos to any mrct-; meet in 1 the country. 1 Right Hp '"tv and his v i £, nee devising aia> s .srid I i Geo. Araujo Meets Riley jln St. Nick Arena April 4 | Cie'-.fc Aiaujo. Ihe 20 ycar-oM . PtO’' :fp. t;■ »\ K 11 i gilt tvem ht l i. Kit-ion who is r*‘?iny to challenge for the title, niiike:, ius t>r..i Now York appenr;i':< - t in „ :, im; after hi • ■ 2(1'; strai'.'.iit vidory when ho fat ' \ '■ ’'h,vl<'- Ril y 1 ri;> r ( n’tyv't'r ; from St liOiii.', Mo. iu the hn rn ind r > r> - vent at the Sy Nicho las ;-''■ 11;i on Krtday, April 4th ! i : H - tt 1 r. n t.i ; ; > j Bill;, Blown lit: . ' ; .to’.i-jyv K imffr Livir..; .tori, N. ,)., lightAveicht. again**) Tony De Mar (irmic ivei't'oruiarr.i ail'd 1 '-opmim: i :r. ed -c. are 'ronmnid ti "li otiujT ! re rip" m '' H.c •- * v. .’i.-.l oihh fir eon ! f*• ■ oners ; i.■ • ' n c c'l ! < p ad'H'l 1 I tie rj.iiie ponei al (voiti; 1 ' -,. Frcsi-! ’• rd Jriikir. and !)}’ ■;. have | c nlr.ii liif'ii feiiow j •rr'-'ident:; to- j • •’! ihe 1 !•> arrive r.i, ..oinr definite ( : dot r'io;: means of getting Joe Yanrcy" ■' boy" to San E'l.'neireo to compete , in the Olympic tryouts there Until the BufUe and Cdik took , 'an interest in the financial sirup !' . ;je. if the Pioneer Glub, Yancey j j it ui (m depci id on what Im rould ' e; .pv rip, what the YAiJ could , |a 1 locale and what the boy of i ,ye:';tcrycar, Bob Dourja • and oth- j ■ I ers generous enough to donate. : v ould give, H.u vey and l,>> * »pH hand man i I,co Ban field iiu hit or mi--.- ' urogram -.vill 1 i;d. snu Joe ran ' • onnt 'i.n if !> , i ,i in -i egg ol : -»if> to >:: (my Uis.j'mh co. youthful Poston prosper!,, in j the oight-founo -omi-final. -A' aujo’>; dtt’uf here has been t"..y ijwaite.l. The Provide nee. puncher, who hi;at Sandy Saddler 1 n. Boston ■ arli 'i this ye.-y, has; oren the rave of New England I and has autchawn even Rocky 1 ’.lni run in Providence. One of 1! children, this well built youth : i s .shown evety thing needed for, a championship shot. He is a; crowd ■ pie., ir.n puncher and he i can box who n 'nersoss.-.ry. But mostly, he likes to punch it out. He has won 41 of 42 bouts, holding both the New England feather weight. ami lightweight titles. He was amateui featherweight chum .ion in England before turning pro. He is now under the manage m.-nt of Angelo Pucci, who •a ought Tippy tonkin to fame and i a!roost a title, Araujo has beaten I 1 Be! Flanagan, kayoed Eddie Bur- 1 ain and topped Riley in a ten oi l Deembcr 17th. 195 i His only j loss was to Doc Blanchard on Sep- 1 umber Pi. 1949. He n.-turned cm j . C’t rob«:r 21th. 1949, to knock out • . Bianehard in eight rounds. George | , has scored 28 knockouts. The more experienced Riley has j h knock lor upsetting top fighters; ' and is always dangerous because I of a terrific punch iri either hand. While winning 59 of 77 bouts, Hi- j ley has kayued Percy Bassett, 1 'beaten Del Flanagan and Ellis j Ask. among others He has had;: one draw, tost 21, mostly to lead- 1 ] a * / i f' wfmmn, %>;v? Phntn S^rvic* TOO CLOSE. JACKIE Min 111** ahovf* photo thtil nro Oronklyn Oodgof tvorofu! ho«omnr) •Irirhio H in “pf^.v *n* it rloksD,” \i thp Bijitts \ <-rn I’tufJi tfntping <■ *?np, *farhio rpror<|* for pfivtoritv, sh* JH h'u of Ursf lum: nmi <»il Mods''** »ml rfiptoit* B*m« Wr> !?"■■■ •' tj’f- t1 f > .ip I Llilnt' \ntl> I’nfh' Hftti Duko 1 hr, \\p iiopo .lark dkittU forget Mi'* film. Two Vet Moundsmcn Sign Pacts With Naplown Nine TAHRVTOWN. ei. V T• <» Vein ail TlUiULcb.loril, ru llitp'ui ri r.iv oriel .1 brand new a ■■i ■■ f?!nt ill (!■.• evui : M|V.I ;i liutg ’ln! a 1 iiuuMuhir ci.'Oirdiati, have 1 coent !y ie ip> ;I dgrird rqistne k, to dr hi'toe tiffiep of the turn time E : tern lie i-.ion v > .ujfri.., the In dianap'iiis Gliiwtu of ?li< Negro Aun:' lean t.c >2'K*. V>’illn < filp) < ‘oili 1 . . a I jVHtnd ri ithandrr, he. won 7 uxi i>. ;; for the I’luH’ir IhH ,-ear, re |imt.. tha 1 he i.; in top chape and c\px.i . the ‘.V’ viioii) to he one of hi; be I on the tnoitnri. ii) is ! ;iirl 1 Tied i ;id i.hie ->1 ft■ d e gee In ‘;td'( , mid eame to the (down; tiie Hi r i n in;-iixu. Blai-k I.!o, one. '„et sea;.on lie-, hurled a I•! Ks-imnr," tie -i;.t;tin.-.t ti.e Philadelphia Stars. Flank Carswell, u native of Buffalo, N Y.. is the either vet-j cian Purler to ret urn his con tract.. He i- 2 ( k single at id com piled a -I I NAi.,record with the • Funmakcrs after iicit'," acquired f r o m the Chicago American Chants 1 ,ane Aupustu." Owens, 'll, l.’Vi NCC Baseball I earn Slates Season; Flayers In Shape DURHAM N G North fxro i.rvi Golicae If) odd baseball hopefuls wi re -ch"Huled 1. round of; Hu intensive five week drill .■(" ■ion with an c-:hi'.>l’i'>n run**’ J v. i’h Sb.ov Un, . i is.ity issi fiatm d,,y The I'm:";- ar- m.sni ulativi; rookie - laden -quad this seasou with on 1 y sos )• l-.irnin ! b ■ men. and four of them pitchers The mound corps, much the better staffed from point of experience, has veteran In trier" Bobby Sutton, Bdlv Johnson. Linwo"d .luhnson and Art Paine fri addition, coach Ben Whaley has bestowed abun daut iiraise on the pradice work of newcomers Genree McQuct’'. Cleiis Darden and Duke James McQueen, a basketball s'ar, 1 a port-sided flinver who rorti Whaley hopes will In it; give much needed left-handed dance to the staff jMttiOUfv H M' Yn>k *2f* ■ ior. till' is his fust year of *-ligi bilily for varsity conu ctition. Darden, a freshman righlhander, has a boppiuij fa -t hard one. He -;sso) iisoi 1,.,, if, sH'iics, also r has been short of •rnsational it. an upperclassman who is making iv - debut > ith the diamondmen, ir-s .ood control. All- leaving the p'ti-.hing staff ■ iid% "rsMi'id baseinni lur Baum the oil 1 look is not nearly so bright and shortstop Jimmy Brown are Small Group Sees DeeCee Boxer Score Big KO Win BY AIM i; A. IH'NNKjiAN WASHINGTON 1 \NP) - Julian K 1 ' o r u , Wa^hmuton's favorite WALTER'MIKES TO PLAY WITIi !\:\l :> ! CHICAGO f ANP) Walter Dukes; the great All American 'mn tot of Scton Hall college, will: l play basketball Sunday, April 6 in Chicago with the ChiOr.n Com ets local AAU approved squad coached by AJ Vinson, former’ Chicago area cage star. The Comets reached the quartet finals in the Chicago AAU meet, j but lost by default because of a ; mixtip in playing dates for the semis. According to Coach Vinson, j Dukes will play with the Comets | in. three post-season games. April jB. 13. and 20. The final game will; ;he a benefit performance. In Chicago, th<- Comets' home j bare is St, Anselm's new gyrnna jslunt. During the season they to:, 1 .; i only two games including their! ; AAU default. Operating on an interracial b»* : ; the team ha;, defeated such i teams as the Cool Vents, the i | O'rith; Youth organization : meat, and Tennessee State’s Ti- f goes, winners of the national Me- ; gXO college championship. ing fighters in close fights, and ! has flattened 29 j .. THE CAROLINIAN f>o ■ v . .i'J ', feet p, iiirhr .. v.lso hul from Bi: hop. v'a i, the i|( ,p ml udder ■ ripped. O'CP. *■ in;u - i ir-'.i, hi:. I■' i chikiipu aad was fold in. tain for the Bishop Sta’r • f. -r Hii'.’" "isons. IK* wa.s hi-'iih rerwruncndcH I" Owner i i'oilf.tSi of liif Kuinii-ikeia "I hf* no ' r-a tiHiiilie cumpfii.i'i i* I'ledihr Fm tii ton of Dali Ah I'( ■■ a t?»-tI(i| l,i'. i'.vii ,i.. King Tut, .1r to fails Ihtoitoboat T"x«)r and j|(!>homa aho ha'*’ enjoyed In na ' ball mid comedy •. [hr pash I a ringfon ■ r.,. ■is i. i iff id urove an jit’, it iauie aid '■ t iI. »■ o:I S' 0.1 ! K 111 fS' !' ' ill-111- ickina tin' fans who turn ■>•;! and loon ihe Clownis diamond fun hoi-' *n eitaiTinu-'ni. Switching to a new training .IB’ at Winston - Salem, N. C. this - o on. tin.* Clown**, open th"ir .wh son again t tin' Philadelphia Sima, a Danville*. Va. <>n Easter Satin' • v night. April Kb and again on ■ KasWr S;:nriav afternoon at (rroentshovo. N. With Easter Monday afternoon at Newton, N. ' and night at Kannapolis, N C ito follow 'n !■ the '']ul> in hatting and Lniun ; leth nettle and ;,i !dm;i las' -<a on, incidentally. Rili i’iidl"; >•••■■■ ; to have the it .id . tr.--.-U , u tin- firr.t ba.-ui Lot. b-.t In- 'viii probably i t replaced liti'ii '■'< time l\y Charley Bar in!-, ('inn 1, r ?i 1 r, t io j) i, the ..iito.iriri lot the third ; . .; • j.‘a • in.. „iv- n com. ,*;ii >: ;; i •» 11 Sam Junta. Fred S-mcd and Eddie Hanes tjioi ;h Do 10 of the OiJSeld pi ijion liavr I een docketed, Jc . imp F.- an a i- the outstanding •uidida M ii c h action will to'ibiies he -eon from Waller Green, Kenny Breton and Reside Bruton Comh Walej .--aid the catching citores "• til be divided among Na than Thomas. Lin wood Smith and At home the Eagles will t ike on Atte Phimmcr the follow ins o;'l'torscn 1 :■ Payette volte Teachers College. April .1; Mine. April 10 Ii ■ ,t j April LI. IXTaware. Ain! da. Wii. ton t.i !. m. Api il 29; tili/.abrth City Teacher;-. May 19; sold A and T, May :’1 On enemy -- •! the NCC dia mondrnen play Witufon Salem. April !7. Sha->v. Raleiah, April 26 A and '1 Giecnsiioio Apiil JO. JViawfu, Dove: May 12. How - an, Wa bington. May J. and We;,! Virginia, Insiii.ute, May 17 and 19 j Itcht-heavy weight. scored a.n Vhei ed o-ut Herman Harris in 2:19 of victory lasi week when he knock the furth round of a scheduled IU round bout.. Although the 171-lb lean, fighter was at his best the fight was only 783 ix’isons attend ed, , Keene shewed ail of his usual ' cleverness plu> speed and sharp ness. He also displayed the ability to take punches from his 172 I-l pound slugging foe Harris was down earlier in the fourth before Keene's wms'lmg left book sent him sprawling to the canvas where he lay unmov ed for several minutes, after ref jeree Eddie La Fond finished the count. Dr H.dstead kept Harris under serveillance for at least, five min -1 u’es after he regained conscious ; ness, before allowing him to re- I yun his feet and leave the ring, j , CLOWN SIGN NEW COMICAL PLAYER INDIAN.- S POLLS Humor again wHI be a feature of the famed In iianaoolis Clowns during the 1952 baseball season Last week the Olcwnst signed up an assistant to their star comedian and panto mine artist, King Tut. The new man is -Freddie Farrington of Dal las. Tex. Farrington has been dub- ' bed King Tut, Jr. Davey Clips Ike Williams v ii What May Be A Swan Song At The Ring bide ,:*t) top si I ; ns: <;i; a/iano nih’Wi. Chicago boxing tali ai ■ -id art* bo,".inning to tali; and third, omul, tin' cornin' 1 tr.iddh'weii.di'f, iian omnstoiri hoot between Ha fS ■- gari Robinson. th** • ( and Rocky Oratuano, ‘ftp irla;iUcrti. bini'seif a fotrnm champ As you .know, th- lug iacid i Ami! tr; pt t!ic Che o .St::(l;n:>', Th< International Box in; Huh lr‘- annoon ed a toil p* of ".* for i m,gsid'* tj■ !-.*'t . and mi!n mr/ famm* scats Next i.'n. if SM) ! which cover:; flu* baUov" of the n'' /;amni" .Sea*.a in the puts <■ fn.-r h. ".ill in f1.7.' n and m the "rend balcony, $5, According In lui'inn K (.ill '.nil, secretary of tin JIM t.i: office rilmrti tin in pup?" reflented di-ina 0(1 fm tickets Hr said. "Ms nv out of town people havr vent suhs! infill (looks, i! (pirsting that the, f<■ (|i plirrl fn V'Cil tickets not knowing or caring w the prices will tic ." Thi, bout will b" bro:*rb. nsl t h I’C'i: if la <: " the na'inp, and j! v-dt] hr fp| r> ( i:. i o v("'y’.v i " r "•(" in fiio Chicago m* i. Ac iaolira to the Columbia Btn.-)di'"'.l.ip' S% :■ to, the Chicago amo had been "TuY cd out i r("Mills the ii"'"r 'ricn sit' ;1 is arl" had due . u j u in the Windy < u ■ f: = “••• boot ‘ 'i" v After scoring a enupi" *u time u j,.i \or -f; i ,i.' isia 1; . p's siricd back to ri-ii i'ju tu omadetc Ids ‘, lining fm t Si* ft > i; > -n i: .* .cl Siicm ft-i i . in 1 1 mum : t’.unp on t ikr: I'i .! OR. POWEL! IS RfKANEI? !0 EOXiNO BOARD NEW YOtvK .' Nf’i ii u f1) land B T’cnvclt. die; of the An sii idam r-.Y . o| ;i-.i city, ; a . -inanimousiy renamed to the Now , York State Athletic Commission last week when his confirmation i. before the fate senate Tlic post pays no sniai >. imt !)r r*fiv.ell receives $/;> per meetiiig f'" earii one he a’fends «, * HCm S I VIRS ' JM White Seal .IBM BLBNDIii) WHISKEY ... _ 4/,ui. , | ULiNDKO WHISVff i ] I t ’;r,',.r„ - ' ( '"ki' ! 1 * I * ■* v * * ' ttRSTAIRS BROS. DISTILLING CO, INC, NEW YORK, N. Y. * BLENDED WHISKEY, 8$ PftOCf, 72% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS Wi:TK ENDING SriTI.TiDAI APRIL b. 1902 r,> ij tx vittf .if ov i ftftf ' rifC AGO -. Alffi Clmek Da ■ •my. biiihdht. ,f ft - hanried fiii’in:: , cf'.’occ from master'.; degt e<* m : last week hover! fko Wit • *. .An (iObtfltv! J Os; ti>t i yeat ■■ ■ t 1 1 ■' ■ , iiislic world was hrnlftj;.' Hip liriit neiabt champion of the world th' fightei' of !i;" ye tr for bitu (v.rn the men ion of la., tianii .•truck terror in the hearts * f hi-' virioii- Ipound •• haj-Jvngers. mri ('.■cl! sounded a rvitr of tear ip the riiinds of mest weltorAeidhU. This vv< ek, boxing fans and fighters ai" -.n! riikitv: abntP tin . iiio h" s' r But t.eda> . tliis talk r nvjcle ei i"'(* tone ri-'r' l an" sayin:; things the • hate to Pa .i',a i. .t f. ti; uav The fighßr is th" on re pie at Ike 'Vdiiairi'. The gossip indicate." that ■ e is tte-v.'.h like, himself, how ever, rioes rue ednsiriei liini-elf *f "a■ii, II" no' fii.lit again and ; ■ n u do.',; «: I mis i> ■ d ■. I lies !'.(•. proved a fill line lit . .i wlie n a call* l( a inert situiiip.Mv from Mielnrsin State raiiti'Cc :;.i\r lk< it puttehins s ari tins ins lesson at the • hi < ign stariinm In fart, his I'oursi’ was so complete tiuif ii'l'i’ifi' Bill Doty was forced to hall the massacre and a u slat the teacher, Chuck Da icv, a fit tit round kavo. In )fiIP w hipped Kid (, ivilan, tin pmsrni t iiaiTipioii. arid iiroke Johnnj Bra*- . j.r. Wh* a Ik did ibi ■ In* a light WPight. At I sis pound; agamut Dav-y. WilliMi'is hardly landed a punch ai; eight The fight was not even Aft.'-i tin* f edit, as th" ■<d p> o ■ «. o iiui of boxuig tan:- filed into i'.a s . j!' 'sa s:: ] - mie you nualcf tell tili'V iui'o'f to "" (lie hrillk th-s’ i iCiTipini ri of him Tla .v vvei o"ochless iiai'din km '■ just ! how to approach Ik*' i .a>'" .at'% ! when the; f" net out >n planned Ito fi dit son:*' more. Be presented tar ante idib;-. j I -ivy (I! do when they irr.e the somethi ig that mad" ttiem g.*'at "t jiis! (oniri.ri't -* i a " ted. t I coiildn 1 "'I Out "f tin' wav d dt'iOO 'h f ~u hi . pooch* , . unili'i, ' I ktn-'v. '.bat to do. but f just couldn't Need this nag.,ider t..<y more? ,■ Guodbvc. He ABOI I IIAVKV. i Hl* I lls PKP. KIC .!■, •* hove good i" Ohm k Da', cy * : he a*, great as he looked against g ike. or i*. Ike really just washed (Continued ‘>ti paßr Gl liams, forme r eham pi.oi! of the .'o.rid. on" mu'e step sown n i <(i<'icj f'i otifivion Tiavey ored an nttful. one sid ed ii. hint ' khocliot'f of Ike in ;i i a (i" fit 1 ., round nl a 'll ‘I a ,mu u .. I at the Chi ifsg'j 'sbnrfiuj<•. r. <*r i,is:, including a ■ fi• ei» • . ■. ( lion from rev a in;-* mater ..Michigan Sta’c <' >li' jvi'l :':-la lie* K gros <■>' 'Sk } ■ t(i ■(■'*• I>i 'C V f' -1 Ht* (t s liin: "11 a a ma: to watch tn <n. . gu'd . * It* ,", * iglit division !’•"!, , ,"ii - eigliort 145 aoand.- fk". a i a u|>e,u'( *1 to he only i s'n’U of fa-, formin' -elf, as Da i 1 : hat'."." of <" cry t cumet /.’ii.tiain ■ rmxly Umdod a Wow :i* i(a ■ .in s't the balUt" ■a * ping (in (tu- inmve at i*ft times, Dnvpv kept j rijht lab in tVitbiiri. face llmjWl'hO i Ut Hie Mis**! ivitt* the po tent < iltf intis amt hooks were v < r*. efte' lii e ti ll * i'issc*. to Its* head in'! trii'li In. tfie fa ll) liltfi, l);ivev applie*) a l*ru fat left li, Ik's stomach to * ■-*-■*( trim reeling aeios. the light |i*'l|ri*-*,*lh Shnrtty aftrr * s, (teieree Bill I lot v nirr ( ii f nit v stapfiert tin fight. •\lth- : ■ tin* anspoken glomn I it: his dr, sin j; ,d iea 'cd til a* a I ihed. bt'.iody Ik* -hould retire, he ! am!te|-irid tha! he would continue i lighting !h ei edited Davev with being a min' to fear among F i *s*T' !!'■ ai , ijirti' ated that fov Ihr pi c. "lit In ha. :; i•* •11 up ideas to it'Evim in lichTweuMl tffc'vn Hi in.ii. ■•■*. nti.'i' f ’alenun. s!u* ,'*". ; --*•-( |coin hi- cornet' by th* filii'.c; :-;i,n,. A t bile tic ( 'o*iu IIIJ - *»(*!*. did mu ,I 1 lie talking fa i‘" lie aid Ike was i tishte: and IKI WIJ.MAMs a great champion, fie met and licked then! ah Kighi mm. «e (ion! know whit he's gopna do \V** plan to mite him on a four. ;<t him in shape with a inuple of fights to see wha* he can rin \'o. he's not the fighter he n'-ert to tie "Dave, is the best southpa v’ u-e evi'i faced, ike couldn't get away from him If eoa’dn’t get started * ith he own blows. Davey throws good combinations tie will give an. v (dterweight trouble He has ar. unusual style.

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