PAGE TWO ****F rtiIWWNMMWMMWWW—^w** I * I * M» BAWWMHIIJJmWW.VW.W irg»-g»lim7iH3£re»*S. Wt--r^W^l^>«''.Wi«l|S«*W l rerPOVW<’«»U»''«gL . ftMMWtfMM Rosalie Williams'~:...~ UjjjpgpL I CAROLINIAN ! SOCIETY m£ (iTEMS for this column may L« mailed to 215 E. Lenoir Street or phoned to 3*2404) RALEIGH The big weekend awaited by many Raleighitea has come and gone. Local kappas and AKA’s : can breathe a peaceful sigh of relief and know that they did a good job as hosts to their visiting brothers and sorors- There have been many comments to the effect that • one would have thought that some national body was holding forth, so thorough and elaborate was the plan* | ning And for many, it seemed like homecoming meet- 1 ing friends after such long absences in many cases. They were here from fur and i near and the public program:- of both the Kappas and the AKA'f w icily instructor: a. ho wert liere ; were Miss Marion Gregory now. at Morgan State College and Mo ] Thelma Nelson, who is now libra-; :: un at Virginia -Stale College Li iand Mrs. ,R 1' Daniel wen- in j 'he city also. Also attending me AK A i* gional wis iViis Mary I.vans Brown, foiim-j Jtaieig trite now living ui Salem Virginia. With Mi's Brown were Miss Tahna iitiwe. Mi. and Mr-., Hexford Molden, Mr. and Mrs Watson, Attorney and Mrs George |.aw rence, JVlrs, Ruby Crichton, and j Miss I-'unice Poindexter all of j Roanoke, Virginia. Mrs. Brown and Miss Dow* were house guests of Mrs. Ida i, Washing• ton, sister of the former. Now that the regionals are pa: ?. I j get out the hospitality thin week . for teacher:' The Noith Carolina : (.school inarms ami masters will be | meeting here beginning Thursday ] lof this week. And you might a:. ■ j well keep the mats out for the i following weekend will he Fasten i .rid in addition to the routine j | visits from friends and family the j . 25th Annual Conference ol the Nn tional Association of College Worn- j ■cn will he mewing here Raleigh I is certainly busy these days, isn't ! i it? In the inai! last week was an invitation to the Sigma Gamma Kho sponsored 4th s Annual Debutante Ball to be staged in the Community cm ter of Rocky Mount t nday ev ening. April 4. That is custom arily a pretty affair and Roc ky Mount natives u-ualiy ham their best toot forward in playing host at tin intermis sion and post dance parties. 4/ RALEIGH - -Mi: Mamie Mills jof 327 S Haywood street has is turned from Washington, Ij C„; where- she was visiting liei three i daughters Mrs. Margaret Ethe (ridge, and Mis?; Vernice and Ln ■ wtile Miller. FASTI 1! CAM VI A RALEIGH Tin Shaw Univer- S sity Women;, Choir will present an - Easter Cantata entitled "Calvary” by Harry Wessel on VVV dnesday ; i-vening April y, at 8 o'clock mthe ! University Church IS Tilt SUPERIOR COI MI NORTH CAROLINA : WAKE COUNTY UIIiIAN E STURDIVANT LUCAS . VS HORACE LUCAS THE DEFENDANT Horace I.U j cas, \-"ill take notice' tl *t an s' lion entitled as iia-, been i commenced in the Superior Court: lof Wake County to obtain ari ab ' solute divorce on the grounds of ; two year., reparation as provided jin the Statues of North Carolina; j and that the said defendant will ! further take notice that he is re j quired to appear at the office of ! tin- Clerk of the Superior Court of ! Wake County. North Carolina in j ilie Courthouse in Raleigh on the ' j3id day of May, 1952, qr wiiuinl • twenty dayr thereafter and an-] Iswer oi demur to the complaint !of said action, or the plaintiff will, (apply to the court for the relief ; demanded in said complaint This 2nd day of April, 1952. SARA ALLEN A:.:.!. Clerk Superior Court : F J. CARNAGE, Attorney April a, 12 19 26, May 3. 10 J i ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE ; NORTH CAROLINA ! WAK E, COUNTY j HAVING QUALIFIED a.s Ad- ; ! ministrator of the Mutate of Dr : ; Peter I". Roberts, deceased, late |of Wake County, North Carolina, j • i this is to notify all persons having] J claims against the Estate of said j | deceased to exhibit them to the j undersigned at H 3 E Hargett St . ' j Raleigh or 114 Parrish St., Durham, j North Carolina on or before the) | Ist day of April, 1963, nr this! (notice will be pleaded in bar of j j their recovery All persons indeb ted to the Estate will please make {immediate payment, j This Ist day of Apri', 1952 MECHANICS AND FARM ERS BANK, Administrator (April S, 12, 19, 20. ABOUTTOWN RALEIGH ~~ Hi the-re here we j’rre again with a little chaff' about town Gee, we'w had a I i 1.-Ury weekend, the egi.-nlt) meet- ;I ] tings of ttu A'uha Kappa Aloha ■ • ! Sorority and lvappa l iatetiiity. ( the tenth aruntu: State Conned | ; mooting of the Nt-gro Home Dun [oostraiton Clubs, and 11 >- Seventh j ■ Sr.uth wide Conference ol Baptist ■ : Tin i-lo.'i- ol Student: Why, everyone's still t diking hot: Mhf. - v big, rvi-li',;: On iVhu'ch 23-30. tiie Alpha Ai- ' phii Theta Omega, Gamma Xt. and Beta ftho ! MISS YiltGO ' broad’-. Also on Mai ch 23-30 the Kappa : Alpha Fraternity held their :. egional meeting The main speak - id’s being Dr Herman Carmady And then don't li t us forget the !v. o dance:: arid cocktail hour which all went to make the Con (foreiices the huge success it was ; On Wedin-sda.., March 2(i, 1952. . tile Tenth Annual State (.Ymin.i,: : ivleetiny oj Negro Home Demon (titration Club:, wn? held at the haleiiji Memorial Auditorium. lii tin inoi miilg sesf-iiin V. hie!: ht-g all .it am. tile C UO.t (li.ikei «u>. i>! Ilulnrll i Haft I‘toft :nr of Sotiology Jiiifu t ni\ er-iit i, I Jii-i lniUi, N < . wliom- message was birth inti resting; and euHghtening. i in the afternoon r.e .-non the busincs;. via:, transacted tin read- : L’-r of the ft untile:- leport:, .»! llie’ I Eunut*-, rf-pol!s of the ; loan fund, and the report of the i 4-H Club Foundation plus tire ; install.'!ion of new ofifeet : The State Council Ossie. to ; March 1952 wen-. I're.-ideal. Mis i Irene- Vi:,.re- ; V r it:e-Pi eudt-nl, Mi .-; ] He-rtha Bov.ell; Secretary, Mrs Re- ; ] tha Donneii. and 'i're.'rm >■'<', ivlrs -I M Reeve-. Tin re are ahold 4:( eountie: ilh ; Heine Demonstration Whirl'., win h prove: a i,i ; - help to the County j.wnuent Aj: ; ship el r e at ';? Augustine’;: College; oil -Sunday, March 30, 1952. Two nrunbiuss ot the Fresh.n.riii eta:, .vl" Ruby Canipbc-tl and Mi Wil hr';, u.tit baptised ijy in ' Johnson. On t'hui ■ day St Aug.'s weary amt : priug-ieveu ed Students were printed a much needed vacation IS"'eh 2-1 'at'. V- .: truly being Alii.i: rtior tlii following Monday •a • c tiie group m ready quite happ;, u.oout it. Why it W.l: last : year .since i could ,leej. iate aiid not have to rack my brain to tin or*- out how much fasten light tin ,f-!s than sound and to conj urate those French verbs Wonderful. While we were breathing sight: ,‘J ii lief ove? our ‘racaHon. other ere heard, those ol joy and excitement., uttered by Miss Let- : !' • Hi woo became Mrs, Ar thur Wdson on Tnursday March 2U 1952 at 6 !-• rii. The duilble ) ing Celt-urn. held m Lt Augustine s Chaf.«i was per ' homed ir, the Rt vfci eud J. iiqw ’ui d Thompson at Winston nu[jj;u. .'■« i Chi- bride, charming and attrac ] live m a white satin Cuvvn, v,., hiven in rnarnage by h«i lather X'ne two in lUi .iii.iids dressed in yellow gowns with white accets* btiries were Misses Eudora Ector and Doris Chisholm, The maid of .honor was Miss Dorothy Strachan ! V’ liO was dt'CSiCd Ula White gOWII. The groom, a member of the ! U s Army had as he.; best man, UMSTE AD’S | t TRANSFER COMPANY GROCERV STOKE | t IGHT AND HEAVY HAULING FUU. LINE OF LOCAL AND LONG GROCERIES DISTANCE Your Patronage j Courteous Prompt: Appreciated Efficient —o— ED. UMSTEAD, Manager 602 S. Dawson Street «> Tarboro and Martin Streets DIAL 9476 9212 !__ i 1.1 niL .i.ii.y-.r I ' ' "■"** i*n»—i-wi | -Whore Wise People Meet TV) Eat I SEE YOU anr ME EEE SODA SHOP & GRILL | K. Hargett Street J ! Fail Selertio,, Ot ~~ j —- r —-■ at ftU I JIXiF-S \ 'V, /)f I *wmwwwmbiiw> ; rrsmwr utrirr- V. VD / & ’•*»*»*),«, ; asstwu—i. ** *** * , * lVT ' TO ] t THE CAROLINIAN Mr While Harris The usher;; wore Messrs Artiiur (} :i 111 aid Lloyd l J ;irha/ii. To Ot!l-] e: attendants Welt; Mtsda. Rooney a. id Ingram. Tune]i .cue was furnished by Mi Leon Sinunons. Upon leavin'- the church the newlyweds were shovvefod by wot} wi;h:ei with "torn" of rice. The Dean's list l'ur tin first .se mester of the i95!-52 term o? st • Aucu.-.iKite ■ College was pu.sle'J . ,j:■ t week 4 ft v. as a creditable showiiuT .'irae it wa; made up only of those who obtained quality puml. oi 2UO and above There a■ re 30 liurs, 9 juitihi :i. 9 .-.uphomoi ?ind 22 freshineii. Making a total Eif 70 students Only two : tudenti; made quality points of 3 and they were hull: seniors. The Public Speak'! 1(1 Contest, Group IV, sponsO!ed by the North Carolina tlaukv.- : ii,'ulion wa: hcli! .Marc!, It), 1552 at tsiiaw Uni- Vi rsitv W L G'cene, Executive Secre tary. North Caiolina TeachwAs . tociation presided, Greetings were delivered by President W ?! Strassner of Shaw University The presentation of the ptuvs were made by It. L. Covinuton. vice-president. Wachovia Bank and Tru: t Co., Raleigh, N C. Judge: were Dr. D H. I 'hareMr* Associate Hrofessor of Ag: oiiotu v Stale College Raleigh. N. C Mi s Juli.; Delany, St AusUstine’:. Col j lege, and Mrs ELheifciie fluaua.. ,: Ju. .V Ih'uv» i r.i'.y rf.i;shn' vi - I) t' VI: i i-:;i.-.trai u! St A gustiru-’: College and father of ! yours truly) left Raleigeh, Tuc- - I day night, March for Day lona Be-acli, Florida, as the Col !la fry delegate to tin: 2t)th annua! i unfereni-e ot i nlegiate Deni::' am! Registi'a :ht/iii at Bethuue -Cook - man College He reports liaviiu- a very pruf • liable * ini enjoy able stay in the i land us siUiFp.hine. flowers, fruits • and alligators The sunshine he : says was ■•uuspicuo:!--ly ausent hii ■ uiosl ol the time, sending; in its place tain, mud and chilly wind liiiieh to tin- dr -.a(.ointment u! jtlii'i'i- wtiu had left tiierr 1-ujj ci.-ap; at home- and wi?li the ia>pe ol spurting sari ill: beach suits, hats : ;d white hoes. The orange:; and ii lilts -.veia- there though TJie ho: • ; it‘ lit? and friendliness ol the Bet'-t’oukman Co liege family ! were thing: to emuiate Mr Virgo -.aid he enjoyed the ' trii and had gamed ) and. r'nat. can Os oi :e-e ti- the college nr Also t a klii g allot O. i I rip, e, J. .ties f.ssii I'Ouii- i*t I'-Ijg.r. , vi ho visited her sister, who is lit m Baltimore. \IU Mrs Toole was happy to (inti tier sister improved, .i: itn.g. Mi. and Mrs Wilhe Cnnycr: ot 220 Car vet ,Street over this weekend was Mr and Mrs Leijii McGraph, of H,n lock. Mil ] The .; -: agreed that this old Southern hospitality can t, be heat! It seems that evei o often • v jCm > iiiUfil « v/ilit- I'lijCm-. LU put rag- that': why Messrs Richard : Mm.tin and Melvin Worid;". were gnu about town 111 if. Weekviiif : taking a leave of then .stiidies ’i. i (■; North Carolina Colie/ie in Dei barn, N O h.' that cor reel tel Vle-.s (in elm .Vliii gaii spent he: Spl im; vacation visiting ill New V ork visiting r* la live, and friends In tier words, "Everything was real i razy’ Bet you know what '■» • e-ins, huh? Mr G L West, protesror at St Augustine’s College spent his .-.pi ing vacation in Brooklyn. N V and Connecticut, vniiting old lriends Jutlg (-■; were Dr I) :i < lhainblee birth of little James Mangum ; Manu-J J: 'February L*o 1952 to Mr. Laura Manuel ot Method, L k: ini. little it-llov. . aulit, ;»L lon is Booker called arc! loot ot the nit .1 event Seen about town on Thui ‘day were student'- of Coates High : School oi Seaboard, N C , visit ing point.;; ol interest in the Capi la! r-ity ine: tiding the- various . - choois. Dean R. L Lynch. lon-; lime i resident of Raleigh and teacher at St. Aug spent the weekend in i Norfolk and Newport News, Va visitm:; the high scihooLs of those ( hie: msmft mmtskri. 1 ilAiJilllH Birth .ml'in.icati-' ! ior brYae.*-: burn to the fuilcmmr. |. O.iplt-K w>.-ie i c.".i.' 1 • red m tii' ui ■ i fires of tin. White Cuunty health !repaiumait dining the pint wetk: OBIK ELLIOTT, and Mrs LG' i i’! HORPK ELLJOTT, 32-J Vi .hi > :-i • M.;i:, Timothy Kay, Tebrnai v 70 iii St. Afiuo:; fIo.:.:;ial JAMES LOVE and Mr, I.OVIL LA SANDEItS LOVK. 207 Joe Louis, Avt-nur, ;i air) Lctty in n, Eel', so ary 22 in St Amies Hnsnihil. JNMAL JUDD and Mrs DORO THY CHAVIS JTJDU :v::) Idas" Street, a daaohL'i', (rol. n, JOi) 1 , r;> 2:, Hi St Arne-; Hus;,it.d. JAM J-iS MELVIN SCOT!' and a y iVI A it v HARIiLNTiTON SCOTT, Route 1, Apex, a i aby Bet'. 1 - 1 Vlie F< briim,. 27 ui St. .■• si.-es Hospital WALTER JACKSON, end V!. ■; MARGARET »isOOK£.K JACKS! a ...on, WaStt’i Jr.. Fei.ruam SSI in St A;:ni ‘ H<» pil'd JAMES MANUEL, .!) and Mm L.-iUKA MV ATT MANUEI.. iVh'lr i»d, u son, Jiiiner, Jr, February 20 in St A:;ni ; II .pita 1 JOHN SORRKi.I, amt Mi AiN NIE UUNSTON : MIt.HU .1 R O I Box 13 Method daiif'liter, February 29 in St. Agnes UoMpitaL 4 ti i ,E GARY COTHRAN and Mr-. MILD i! E D STEPHENS i COTHRAN, 422 Montagu- Lane, a son, Richard Anthony. Eehru ■ a'■ v 29 in St A; lies Hospital. WILLIAM HOWARD ESTES are: Mrs LILLIE. JEFFItKYM BS IE. *V ,-.)'.i 1-iji • ! a .ill, Je. e Vi lie !V[ai Mi t ui St Aytie- 11<>:< pit,-d !A|\>l-. : WALKER and Mi ( ORA H i;liK! .1. WALK Elf. K W I'm... street a ~ ill, Linda iFa .ye Mai oil I m St Arne, tin, | pital JOHN THOMAS PARKS and SvP: IHKNDA HiOit PAUi-.S. v, t !■: JS'eet' e Slr.-ef a 'Ml'!. P.iiieiv Lucille. March n a"> '! Acii' : 1 Ho: pita). ' QUINUK Y GI LI. PS' amt Mr:, j LIZ/IK FOVVVLR Oil.(.is Route A Hub ipis, a non, j'jtiie Ivdwurd M U I’t.'h 1...: r> Darnell. March 9 in Si A in* ■ He. pita! LON NK )1• . • ,uJ ?-!:■ ON Ni}-. RitOVv N Ii - IS, in' fan; A I Sti eet, a nu I, a ill il J r ! Me. -', Pi at ! s I'th HANDY A. COLEMAN ami Mr ; ANNA SAW VEK < a u.K .i-..,. Kill : Gdi Hi r> it, ,i eoii, •, mmy 1 . Jr | March t i HENRY (IRKI.N eiut Mr K.A- Yi i ERi Nl. ST \1 J A NC. S f. Hi- BN , iuj N Harrington Street a girl loji.e .'win, ivi.ii'iai 23 JAMES TIiLDERrCK Ff.AGC and iVlr jViiNNtr. J A M K ; FL •-.! IL 22dii i 2 flee in- Aem a rirl, Shirley Ann. iliacra 4 n LI U'l.y Hu:,-.!..! (.1, A PENCE it AV N i.S am! AN.. LOTTIE HIGHER I JAYNES ; • iliiuvv C- at, jMii. iioiie Aim. m fit. .A-'/e-- Hu- j.iita) Maud. JOHN P l- R : i o . i -J Mi ;1’ H ANCES If 1 'PiIN -OH PEtC.ON •fii; WO:e,m Sire- !., ■ iih, ( ’ll: ! i M f l , i !. Aa a Hu. ij,f:il ROP.LP'i THOMAS CASE ami Mi s MARY I !'.'! ii I ' >.»•:i > ' L ’ E 17. T E EJeiitiill f'diaei a -am lie- Perta; Kv.-lyn M if* 12 in St A ■ .SONNY WILI..IAMS and VI. ivil LI,INS WII LIAMS. V 'ln ■ i.allly a riil AI he it lri <■ i Mc.-ch 12 ill St. Ague Uumitai JAMES EDWARD HINTON and i Mi:. LAURA JONES HINTON j Route A. Box 11, Kale:,.;!l, a Sun 'Janii-s Edward, Jr., March ill in St. A. • He: .nai Ai! TOR HINES J- ami Mrs LIT | ( '!.!.t. FREEMAN BINE. 04: t COAL For Every Purpose CORRELL COAL. CO. JOE S. CORRELL, Own. 307 North West DIAL 5567 USED CAR BARGAINS Check Our Prices Before You Buy DIAL 2-1279 K. & W. Motor, Inc. HUDSON SALES AND SERVICE I ; RALEIGH’S CLEANEST USED CARS | 42S S. Wilmington St. —1 IS K, D?vi« St. f } ■ Washington Terrace, a son. Vin , ,ion Jerome, Xvlaici. Li in St. Agnus ! fit •in!;.: MORRIS HOLDEN and Mr.® ' 1 1 I.OKKN! iu MASSENBURG HOI, 1 DEN, Rome Lux ! Yj, Wendell, a daugh tel'. Linda Marie MarelC ■l4 in St Acm a; ) In,: itai. ALEXANDER KINO ami Mi';. ] DOROTHY WAl'SCifi KINO. P • Silt ii ' eiu e ,1)1, t.-a 1' I', fai SO;,. Mi-1 re)l *!» in Si . .iwier. Ho-.nital | il.TLf;v U'.uNARD Ji . and .Mi'-. MARCS i;i., WIU JAMS. Jtt SI, Zebnlim a «nn I.eoriard Wayoe, | March 15 n. st -.'m.. Hcuiiutat li A KOI IJ U nvoou BORIS i SAi ,L. ami iVLu FRANCES 'V AN ■ NADY BIRRS AI, I. PwlideV: i ’Hi i eel, a "i:l, Harriot C-rcha. ivlarci. !(. : in St , ilosiiital r H i‘. O) 1 i it E JOHNSON and Mis. HATTIE JEFr'i- It VS JOHN SON. Wake toi a soil Nin man V 1.-ea 1 1, ~ W' A;.,,-- liw.pUeL: Marc!. 17 WH 1 li. Pit la V- I’d • TON a u li , Vi.-’ VKOL.V M TOY id Ft i:.W i.'.YV'i'uT i-' :V i. Hux i:’. rnija,’ Springs, a mn, Ronald Jacob, March J? in st A, i*c. Hospital MM VPRNS SCOTT, and VP ANNIE JOHNSON .SCOTT ReuL ! P x 189 -‘fix > lidjeii'h, -■: - Bull Y> : . ■ 'V- •. 19 V 'in McCauley Hospital. JOHNNIE EDWARD HARRIS; .m,i Mr: MARTHA KNIGHT i liAiUtJ'--, i a‘iiei'al Dtl.'V ry. Pni: . ; I.l tie. e :-;on, Janie.- Harman, March 79 in St A-no; Hmeit.i) WiLf.i A .Vi .1 /> MES SCOTT tin ! Mir KATIE DUNBAR SCOTT 501 Coleman At IT!, i a j’li'l taiim- Dei! March 20 1 i -\>.fi -• H-c : i ta! PiJ. . ,lEL ALSTOM and Mrs CATHE ft INF.' COVINGTON ALS TON, JIG 1-7 VV Sir el, u girl. Cal.ln riiie, Elaine, March 2! in St, A oh-" Hospital GEORGE MITCHELL and dre DOROTHY CAHPKNTKR NUT OREL! Zehtikin. Hot;ie :i I-,---: Ti a VVaiiai e, Murcli 21 in St Aaie Hc-nital. All. AS T AVI OR RALEIGH Kina) rite- for At iau 'idylor -1 R.i.cii-Ji, Rnote a. c, iii: died Satinitay wcic ciindin.'- , ted from the .lone: Chaiit-l Chliieh .1 Moi’.c.iii: Tee: day a! 2:30 p.m.; to!lowed Ui inlet mi nt in the $405 / 86.4 ] s#|so P«oof JL- Pints laird and company I.yon?, N. Y. Mol lli (..mien?. Va. i ** Siuheyvilli- VJ. ' ;r w r \ | imm \\ RANGES i ot ! ’ BOTTLE GAS al Fhon« J-6661 % I il SUN6ASJ || Personal j | LOANS j| 1 S ! 1 .? up Doctors Bills, i f;. r..xes. Personal l>hts, with I ‘V a Rai> igh Industrial Loan L? \V:> invite you to CiUM in jI TV and talk it, over. The RALEIGH ■T INDUS TRIAL BANK pi” Hargett and Salisbury | LJ Member ot I'cderai Deposit j Inßursnco Corporation - -. - WEEK ENDING SaTT RDAY APRIL S, 19lxg church cemetery. Mils BESSIE ANDER-SON PU«cr.d - arrangements for Mrs ; Sccsip Anderson of Kniuhtdalu i . uli-i died at hon, - Sunday wore! . incomnl. te at CARIOLINiAN time, PERRY BABIES l il.n- .ule »iter fu, tiain liob-l ice !ui Pm Iv, if: 11- - E„ioMi* t' i m 4, .nut Hale 'Vi .-.nne ('• 1.• 1. | vho Hi i c bnr.'iP.-.J ta I J' ;I Is -L* u ! t'ci t,lt-::ttoyod then iionu- at ],'tTi i 'ii'aliiO Stri’id wliilr theii’ ; i- Puttie Beil Pin;:, i-,-a away I •a :I- held a! 111,:. 1 . t Celly 1 ', ' ,/ii 11 ■ ; ft' 1 111/- 1 ’ 1 j MR Hl-RKRT EVANS I:>: -- '1 ) -:: ivi ' ■ fee JVb Hat.-ei i . Evans ui Raleigh Route i. who j lie ti at home on Monday W”! c ■ tv istiai- ' 'nc,' iii a! y1: li'cii,, i. i Wi ili.(•aday, Kcv Alin c,i ol'lu ia| U) ' and t'uini .vi d i,y l.ui’ial iii i,;■ : Ciilii i'h eeii.elecy hah-;-:,;}, 1 | ii- cm in chin m I •MRS. CIIAHIM.I- X! I YN'N '•!•!• vices for Mic- t'eari • j M Lynn of Ai.,cx Route 2; ■h- diet I a. time on Sal mala . i ■.in eondik’ted i1 • >»: ■ t!u- J'Jea.-’ani j Clove Church lit 2.30 Tm wl:i,', the I .! W ivl l ■atii'i'.v: otfii-ialifu. ' a: d follow ad bv biiriai in tliul f in l '.'ii cemet.ei > Ralei-fh I'idler.Hi Hone- w in ' lia 1 •"> ovivin;; are: three coir. i’ll to j J OIL I ’ NEEDS Don’t Wait Until Yourj -■'del oil mins out . . Keep! I ,i iipply ui 'ir'ic testvdl K'nlHikhi fuel on hamt Fwiin Inn Oil Service PHONE 3-5811 | For Prompt Delivery c*tt ...r. wM**-a»PiT.'«‘«t ar.mwndiTß ACME REAITY COMPANY Real Estate Hentala l ire and Automobile insurame l INSURE * YOUR HOME AGAINST Kl RE Consult YOUR LOCAL AGENT BANKERS ' I IRE INSURANCE CO. Put ham, N, C. §||r | | x ti’i) I’Tacim; t \ It < f i it* Wvldt -6i t. POI!IRV ' 2 i - :* l i. SIT I I LUSTS Sr: ni l \ ttjt I SAW tt In ticHi'i lK Bonhu \\ i n* j smtouns ! DIAL 712 l i